Why I WILL be voting for D Double...

Dagger was referring to what Coco and Crock would do, not what Tasty has done.

No he wasn't, or at least, if he was then he is woefully inarticulate. The quote a posted was a direct response to something Tasty said, the second half was directly referencing an accusation he levelled at Tasty earlier in the same post.

He called Tasty a liar, and that's not on.
Don't forget this gem:

These accusations disgust me. Coco and The Crock will just be more of the same if you elect them. Deliberately posting lies about someone that they don't even know, just because it's the "cool" thing to do. Personal matters need to be dealt with in private messages. Not by creating drama in The Bar Room. That is NOT how a moderator should behave like.
He knows enough about how a mod should behave to use Tasty's post as an example of how a mod SHOULDN'T behave. As if he's in any position to make that assertion about Tasty, one of the classiest guys on the forum.

And that's the guy who's taking the high rode? Lulz.
What's this myth about people not liking trolls? I trolled my way through most of the NXT competition, JGlass trolls harder than most when he so desires; and as mentioned before, Sly's ability reaches legendary status.

I'd say trolling is practically a required learning before becoming a staff member, there's not one guy in the boardroom who couldn't work over this whole forum on the drop of a dime.
I don't know much about Dagger, but I do know that mods need to be thick skinned. If he's that sensitive then I don't see a potential mod tenure working out well.
I'm more interested in why he called him "D Double" when there's a perfect opportunity for "Double D"

Because Dagger has tits.

Because he's a woman
In the UK potential Conservative leader David Davis already tried that one - he even had large chested women accompany him bearing the slogan "I'd for Double D". It didn't work.
A few things:

1: People are taking this way too personally.

Lulz. Just as funny as the idiot who claimed that this has become some people mission in life or something. Good stuff. Like I've never seen an argument on the internet end with the losing party accusing the better man of simply having no life or of taking things too seriously.

2: Coco will get modded anyway, so vote Dagger.

This is absurd. Whatever guy in your private forums is telling you to forward this talking point needs to be drawn and quartered. Yes, yes, let's just go out there and admit that without this election our guy stands no chance of ever being mod, and we should bank on people being sympathetic to that.

3: Flame wars

Snakey baby, I'm sorry, but you are being an idiot about this. I get that maybe you don't hang around those parts much often on account of being called out as a twat, but these frequent "flame wars" you talk about just don't happen. Having been a member for a little while now, I can safely say that the spam zones don't see half the flame threads that it used to back in the days of Jenks and Furyof5. This is a big talking point of Dagger's too, and it's just flat out inaccurate. Don't worry, though; I won't tell anyone that the supposed nice guy is willing to exaggerate and lie about forum events to spin things in his favor. At least, not yet.

4: Dagger, the nice guy

So Monkey makes two posts in one thread about Dagger, and he blows up over it. You guys claim it was also over Monkey saying the same thing SIX MONTHS PRIOR, and you expect us to see that as somehow a good thing? Like, I'm supposed to be impressed that he held on to his butt hurt over half a year before blowing up about it?

And then there's the Tasty thing. Sorry, but I'm much more inclined to believe the words of someone like Tasty over Dagger. Especially when I read Dagger exaggerating other situations to suit his needs.

5: Accountability

Oh, here comes the big one.

In my life, both online and in person, I have come to know a handful of people who always have the same stories.

"My crazy boss fucked me over..."

"S/He had it out for me..."

"They're just always in my way because they hate me..."

Coincidentally, these comments always seem to come from people who have difficulty holding down jobs. You will never hear them talk about lessons they learned from a job and what they could have done better. You will never hear them talk about the ways they've improved themselves since then. You will ONLY ever hear them moan about how it wasn't their fault, and that it was someone else out to get them.

I see people like this and it's hard for me to have much respect for them. Having been an employee and an employer and manager in the many jobs I've held, I can say that there really aren't "crazy bosses out to fuck you over" out there as often as people will cry about them. What there are is incompetent bosses, sure. And lazy ones...ok, I'll buy that. But you know when a manager has decided they don't like you...when they start to focus on you alone? It's not because they are evil and are just out to fuck you over at random. It's usually because of you. It's because you are lazy, lackadaisical, and slow. Or maybe it's because you have an attitude problem, whether you know it or not.

Dagger is another person like this; he won't take much responsibility for his actions. It's always someone else's fault. That is not the type of person I want to vote for.
Damn sleep and work! I've responded to everyone that I feel was addressing myself, unless they have already been covered by a fellow supporter. Thanks for all the considered responses, it been enjoyable to engage with y'all:worship:

Did you see the way he responded to people who didn't like his game?

I like him but the man does not take criticism well

I have seen this highlighted many times but I am unaware of anyone illustrating any real record of him having a noted history of unfavorable reaction to things not of his own creation (ie people disagreeing with his opinions). Would God have taken it well if Budda, Zeus and Odin had laughed at man (":lmao: What's that useless piece of flesh meant to do? :lmao:") or would a parent react well to laughter at their offspring?

WrestleZone isn't his creation so what would he have to take as an attack of something that is his?

Do you think it's a coincidence that the majority of his detractors are members with longer tenures and staff experience, while the majority of his supporters are the opposite?

About as big a coincidence of those detractors being friends and supporters of Coco.

FF4L, as usual you raise good points. However, I must disagree that voting for Coco would prevent the vote from "meaning something". Sometimes, the key to getting on staff is letting people know that there is, in fact, a need, and you are the best [or only] person to fill that need. I became Graphics Mod after demonstrating that there was in fact a need for one, through my reported posts and posts in the section. Previously, there hadn't been a Graphics Mod for quite some time. Now, we can obviously make good arguments about me annoying my way to the position, but the fact remains that I showed there was a need and I was chosen to fill it.

Now, this shows that just because the need for a Spam Mod hasn't been filled or previously brought to light, does not mean it doesn't exist. This election has just made it clear. What need would Dagger or Crock fill that the current WWE team does not already? We have Jack-Hammer for discussion, and Nate and Nick for cleanup. Since you are supporting him, what can Dagger bring to the table?

Thanks, Doc and you make a compelling argument. However, you answer your own question. Asides from his own formidable ability to lobby for the post, he is supported by current mods. Unless there is something that I am not aware of with the G-Mods, he should have absolutely getting the position, which would mean that the voters would be performing a job that is unnecessary.

The WWe is, by far, the biggest section (four sub-sections) and receives the largest amount of non-spam traffic. Nick and Nate have seniority, so in a team game, I'd give one of them the option of joining my old buddy Jack as a discussion driver. Dagger would then take his place under the wing of the member who remains in clean up and learns the ropes.

The "Why I won't vote for Dagger" thread was posted on the 3rd. This was made on the 5th. That should be indicative of Dagger's support, no?

Ah, the impulsive nature of youth. Asides from the fact that Dias supporters have posted regularly in the anti-Dagger thread, I was waiting until I saw some criticisms before performing a positive rebuttal thread.

So... have I got this right?

You concede that Coco is qualified enough to become mod based on his own merits alone, and that Dagger is not... and you are using this as a pretext to vote for Dagger?

The WrestleZone Forums Administration is proud to bring the community the very first WrestleZone Elections! Over the years of this forum's re-birth from the crash of '06, WZ has seen many members come and go, some doing so garnering respect and Staff positions, some seeing Prison time, but many others just living in the world of the forums. It's been those who have garnered respect and been awarded Staff positions which have traditionally held some of the most controversial debates, with regular community members claiming being on Staff is purely a popularity contest, a charge which has been denied and debunked on numerous occasions. After all, Lord Sidious was a Moderator and nobody liked him.

However, all of that is about to change because now, for the first time, a Staff member will be chosen completely on the grounds of popularity! It will not, however, be the popularity of a poster with the current members of the Staff, but based on popularity with the members of WZ. That's right, every member on the WrestleZone Forums will have their chance to vote for the newest member to the WZ Staff. How will all of this work, you might ask? Read on for the Election rules.

Of course Coco is qualified to be spam mod, he ticks all the boxes in Sly's first paragraph but, as this also indicates, he doesn't require this election to attain this position. The ABC was straightforward in dedicating itself to electing a non-spam mod and the bolded part shows why we are fully supported in the spirit of this exercise to want someone who doesn't tick the previous paragraph's boxes. My idea of this election is to elect the underdog, the guy who mightn't otherwise be considered for quite some time but that the members of the forum do believe deserves that chance. Dagger aced our party, so he is our embodiment of this ideal.

So what your entire post essentially boils down to is that you're voting for Dagger out of party loyalty and that since I'm already worthy of my getting my mod spot on merit alone, everyone should vote for a charity case like Dagger who has no chance of making mod but this?

Interesting strategy. You used the term "forward thinking" to describe ABC Party members. Would you be willing to define that for me?

I believe I have addressed your first paragraph in reply to Mr Gelgarin, sir but if you do not believe so, I'd be more than happy to clarify.

In response to the "forward thinking", first and foremost (and we have had this called into question) we wanted to place forward a less established but quality candidate. We also didn't narrow our vision as a party, we didn't say "You can't be in our party, we're not interested in the Video Game section". We simply wanted non-spam candidates (another party was already championing this cause quite well). As I stated in my original post, I brow beat JWG into putting his name forward and I also asked Notorious as I felt both these guys are relatively new and could bring a younger eye to the forum. Dagger won through the elections, so it is his responsibility to carry forward this ideal. I'm not suggesting anarchy in the WZ, just that someone outside of the guys with the biggest reps might, just might, bring in new ideas that could be to the benefit to our little piece of the IWC.

I'm not ignoring your post J, but LSN has addressed it. I do apologize for the typo, just put it down to my advanced years.

So the arguments for Dagger are "he is in my party" (so what?) and "he appears to be learning" (cool, but does that make a good mod?)? That's not enough for me.

If a party has a mandate that they all believe in, is it not weak willed to bail the first time something doesn't go your way? "Oh no, I didn't get Habs through! Sod this, I'm going to join DFP!" Yup, I'd feel really good about myself wouldn't you, or is jumping ship a quality in your world?

Where did I say "He appears to be learning"? You really shouldn't use quote marks when you are not quoting. However, when he is accused of being incapable of learning and there is evidence to the contrary, should the accusation not be debunked? No matter who wins this election, they will have to 'learn' to be mods - that makes learning a valid skill, yes?

Nate and JGlass have brought up the need for a spam mod multiple times, errybody stop deying it. I still don't know why there is such a fuss about this though. Coco is a good poster, Dagger is not a good poster. Simple as that.

Erm, think my main point was that Coco does not require to win to become spam mod and, as such, does not need this election. Once again, you join the list of detractors providing evidence to support this claim. As for Dagger's quality, Coco provided an average post to show his lack of quality. Is everyone of your posts A* quality, is anybodies (well, maybe Sly's;))?

I don't know much about Dagger, but I do know that mods need to be thick skinned. If he's that sensitive then I don't see a potential mod tenure working out well.

He reacted to a personal creation being criticized. He hasn't, however, been attacked for reacting bad to any other circumstance. One swallow does not a Summer make.

This thread... I like it.

Expound, please?

Tommy "Two-Times" Mozzarella;3627909 said:
I'm more interested in why he called him "D Double" when there's a perfect opportunity for "Double D"

Because Dagger has tits.

Because he's a woman

Thought I'd avoid someone embarrassing themselves by making obvious sexual innuendos or hermaphrodite slurs, guess you don't blush easy.

In the UK potential Conservative leader David Davis already tried that one - he even had large chested women accompany him bearing the slogan "I'd for Double D". It didn't work.

Example of classy use of the pun, didn't need to make an obvious personal attack. Instead, uses history to create a subtle insinuation that the candidate is doomed. Not the case, but still very classy.
About as big a coincidence of those detractors being friends and supporters of Coco.

You're either missing or evading the point. Why are the posters with the most experience and respect on the forums supporting Coco - or, more accurately, not supporting Dagger?
The WWe is, by far, the biggest section (four sub-sections) and receives the largest amount of non-spam traffic. Nick and Nate have seniority, so in a team game, I'd give one of them the option of joining my old buddy Jack as a discussion driver. Dagger would then take his place under the wing of the member who remains in clean up and learns the ropes.
Sounds like you're refining Dagger's position on the fly to fit your argument because Dagger's actual intention of driving discussion has been exposed as severely flawed considering he isn't capable of that. You're living in a fantasy land.

Ah, the impulsive nature of youth. Asides from the fact that Dias supporters have posted regularly in the anti-Dagger thread, I was waiting until I saw some criticisms before performing a positive rebuttal thread.
See, this IS a rebuttal thread. Now where are the actual reasons I should vote FOR Dagger.

My idea of this election is to elect the underdog, the guy who mightn't otherwise be considered for quite some time but that the members of the forum do believe deserves that chance. Dagger aced our party, so he is our embodiment of this ideal.
Dagger's an idiot who never has a chance of becoming mod through conventional means. You've essential said that your entire party holds the ideal that electing someone of that ilk is a good thing. I think that answers any questions people had about Dagger making a mockery of the process.

In response to the "forward thinking", first and foremost (and we have had this called into question) we wanted to place forward a less established but quality candidate. We also didn't narrow our vision as a party, we didn't say "You can't be in our party, we're not interested in the Video Game section". We simply wanted non-spam candidates (another party was already championing this cause quite well). As I stated in my original post, I brow beat JWG into putting his name forward and I also asked Notorious as I felt both these guys are relatively new and could bring a younger eye to the forum. Dagger won through the elections, so it is his responsibility to carry forward this ideal. I'm not suggesting anarchy in the WZ, just that someone outside of the guys with the biggest reps might, just might, bring in new ideas that could be to the benefit to our little piece of the IWC.
So this isn't about Dagger being good enough for the spot, this is a vote of protest against the evil establishment. Nice to know you're in this for the right reasons.

If a party has a mandate that they all believe in, is it not weak willed to bail the first time something doesn't go your way? "Oh no, I didn't get Habs through! Sod this, I'm going to join DFP!" Yup, I'd feel really good about myself wouldn't you, or is jumping ship a quality in your world?
This isn't about mindless flag-waving or loyalty. A party isn't getting elected. A mod is. Dagger won't make for a good mod as much as the ABC is obsessed with victory at the expense of the good of the forum.

Erm, think my main point was that Coco does not require to win to become spam mod and, as such, does not need this election. Once again, you join the list of detractors providing evidence to support this claim. As for Dagger's quality, Coco provided an average post to show his lack of quality. Is everyone of your posts A* quality, is anybodies (well, maybe Sly's;))?
None of Dagger's posts ever creep above a C-. My posts don't have to be consistently in the A+ range to top Dagger.

Also, "Coco deserves it the most" is still a terrible argument. But please do continue saying it as I love hearing nice things about myself.

Expound, please?
That's a request, not a question.

Looks like more of the same from the ABC Party. Everyone who doesn't jump off that ship at this point is really showing what they're made of intellectually.
You're either missing or evading the point. Why are the posters with the most experience and respect on the forums supporting Coco - or, more accurately, not supporting Dagger?

These posters with the most experience and respect on the forums were supporting Coco regardless of his opponent. I'm quite sure if KJ or myself had advanced, they would have supported Coco over us too. Hell, long before we identified our candidate, when there were numerous other options, many of whom are also experienced and respected, these guys were backing Coco. And that's perfectly fine, their prerogative. The fact that these experienced and respected posters back Coco doesn't automatically mean they're correct, it simply reflects their opinions. And as a classy guy like Tastycles suggested, his opinion does not nor should not count for any more than anyone else.

But if we want to go down this road, there are plenty of well respected and experienced guys in the ABC Party. Mustang Sally. Jack-Hammer. LSN. Falkon. Mitch Henessey. Big Sexy. Shattered Dreams. Theo. And many many more. The suggestion that Coco is supported by the only guys that matter around here, and the only supporters of the ABC Party are nameless nobodies, is wrong on all accounts.
That's enough of that. I commend my crew for having good judgement high enough standards to jump on the only ship they knew was worth riding to the Board Room. Look at you ABC Party guys: Waxing on about loyalty. From day one, you knew you'd open your legs for whoever won your party's nomination. And there were a lot of candidates in the running. But you guys are so easy that you'd slob any of their knobs. Pretty promiscuous stuff. It makes my skin crawl to imagine your mother setting that example for you.
If a party has a mandate that they all believe in, is it not weak willed to bail the first time something doesn't go your way? "Oh no, I didn't get Habs through! Sod this, I'm going to join DFP!" Yup, I'd feel really good about myself wouldn't you, or is jumping ship a quality in your world?
Is this election about victory for a party or getting a good mod for the forums? I don't see ships in this thing, I see candidates who would be better or worse for these forums.

If you vote for him because he would've voted for you if you won the primaries, isn't your vote about selfish status enhancement and not about what's best for WZ's quality then?

Where did I say "He appears to be learning"? You really shouldn't use quote marks when you are not quoting. However, when he is accused of being incapable of learning and there is evidence to the contrary, should the accusation not be debunked? No matter who wins this election, they will have to 'learn' to be mods - that makes learning a valid skill, yes?
Well, you wrote:

He loses his temper and takes things to personally. As just stated, it appears that he is learning to take a deep breath and not just rush in.
Wouldn't it be better if we could be sure of this quality? The other candidates appear to be much more cool-headed. This is more of a one-way road - either you stay calm or you prove (or at least suggest) to be a hothead, which Dagger did. It's a character trait and not likely to go away with time.

Do we know if the winner learns to be a good mod? We can't be sure, but that goes for either candidate. I don't see where Dagger showed a superior learning ability compared to Crock or Coco. But you already stated that Coco is a good candidate and Dagger may not have a chance after the election. Well, if he's out of question, maybe there are reasons for it?

I for one will be voting for who I think would make the best mod, and that's Coco.
Well form what I've seen form this Dagger dude, I can say that he is probably not a good one for Wrestling mod, as most of his wrestling posts are long and boring, and from reading the debates I can tell that his plans for the section isn't gonna turn into anything worthy.

The other two strike me as a type of poster that I do not exactly care for. I mean I'm not an active member at all and I usually only read what other people have to say (write) ,And If I'm not making a mistake these two guys sometimes fill threads with a lot of personal stuff which doesn't interest me because I see this forum as somewhat of a public place, not some place to buddy up and chitchat, so I don't want them as a mod too.

But If had to choose one, I'd go with Coco, as he will be in a section that a mod won't mean shit.
Sounds like you're refining Dagger's position on the fly to fit your argument because Dagger's actual intention of driving discussion has been exposed as severely flawed considering he isn't capable of that. You're living in a fantasy land.

Refined what? Doc asked me how I would use DD, I come from a generation that respected their superiors and strove to learn from them. Mayhaps you think I should have said that he should walk straight in as head of the section?

See, this IS a rebuttal thread. Now where are the actual reasons I should vote FOR Dagger.

Nope, but if I hadn't addressed the issues that JGlass's thread was raising, I'd have been called on that.

Dagger's an idiot who never has a chance of becoming mod through conventional means. You've essential said that your entire party holds the ideal that electing someone of that ilk is a good thing. I think that answers any questions people had about Dagger making a mockery of the process.

So you don't respect any of my party? Fair enough, say what you will but we operated an open honest and democratic election, were there was doubt as to who would win through and a number of viable candidates. Rather than a party and ethos built around one guy.

So this isn't about Dagger being good enough for the spot, this is a vote of protest against the evil establishment. Nice to know you're in this for the right reasons.

Hmmm, stop reading between the lines - I may be a white man but I sure don't speak with forked tongue. I respect the establishment here and I have went on the record on many occasions to that effect. Is it sacrilege to suggest that a newbie might have good ideas? Dagger won a contested election in the largest party of this election, I'd say he has the ability.

This isn't about mindless flag-waving or loyalty. A party isn't getting elected. A mod is. Dagger won't make for a good mod as much as the ABC is obsessed with victory at the expense of the good of the forum.

So every member of the DFP isn't voting Coco? :lmao: Please! Yes, a mod is being elected and as much as you like to play Nostradamus, you cannot state he will not be a good mod.

None of Dagger's posts ever creep above a C-. My posts don't have to be consistently in the A+ range to top Dagger.

Your opinion, my main experience with Dias was in the Superhero Tournament were my love of Marvel collided with his love of computer game characters. His posts were uniformly excellent, well informed and (whisper it) calm - despite my dogged insistence that he was wrong and my character would win.

Also, "Coco deserves it the most" is still a terrible argument. But please do continue saying it as I love hearing nice things about myself.

I've no issue saying you are deserving of being spam mod. I don't think you deserve to win this election. I'll say it again: with your backers, you'd have no problem getting the post anyway which makes the election mute asides from a possible ego buffing exercise. Plus, your party and supporters have ran a very dirty campaign were your name doesn't get mentioned at all in many threads by BFPers and they exist just to slander and that even predates Dagger's election.

That's a request, not a question.

Damn it! C- for me, then.

Looks like more of the same from the ABC Party. Everyone who doesn't jump off that ship at this point is really showing what they're made of intellectually.

Sterner stuff than your smear campaign can affect?

That's enough of that. I commend my crew for having good judgement high enough standards to jump on the only ship they knew was worth riding to the Board Room. Look at you ABC Party guys: Waxing on about loyalty. From day one, you knew you'd open your legs for whoever won your party's nomination. And there were a lot of candidates in the running. But you guys are so easy that you'd slob any of their knobs. Pretty promiscuous stuff. It makes my skin crawl to imagine your mother setting that example for you.

Your right, every single member of the DFP wanting to ******e (using your analogy) is a much better example. Please don't bring my mum into it because we both know you have me at a disadvantage, it's impossible for me to insult a lady that neither of us know.

Is this election about victory for a party or getting a good mod for the forums? I don't see ships in this thing, I see candidates who would be better or worse for these forums.

If you vote for him because he would've voted for you if you won the primaries, isn't your vote about selfish status enhancement and not about what's best for WZ's quality then?

If a party has strong foundations and has great supporters like LSN, Sally and Mitch (to name three), why is supporting the candidate who fairly earns the right to represent us selfish status enhancement - surely that would be more the case if you created a party in your own image?

Wouldn't it be better if we could be sure of this quality? The other candidates appear to be much more cool-headed. This is more of a one-way road - either you stay calm or you prove (or at least suggest) to be a hothead, which Dagger did. It's a character trait and not likely to go away with time.

Outside of the infamous 'game' thread, I still haven't seen any evidence of this being a character trait. Please provide me with the trail of all his ranting and raving.

Do we know if the winner learns to be a good mod? We can't be sure, but that goes for either candidate. I don't see where Dagger showed a superior learning ability compared to Crock or Coco. But you already stated that Coco is a good candidate and Dagger may not have a chance after the election. Well, if he's out of question, maybe there are reasons for it?

Actually, I think he would make a good mod but I don't think he makes a good candidate. Two different things. Coco is actually a terrible candidate because he would have been a mod in waiting without the election and the idea behind this election is to chose someone who the Board might not have considered AT THIS MOMENT (for all of the guys who keep misinterpreting what I'm saying as DD would never become a mod if he lost this election).

I for one will be voting for who I think would make the best mod, and that's Coco.

Feel free, nice to see that he's getting some love from the demographic his party went out of their way to insult;)!

Well form what I've seen form this Dagger dude, I can say that he is probably not a good one for Wrestling mod, as most of his wrestling posts are long and boring, and from reading the debates I can tell that his plans for the section isn't gonna turn into anything worthy.

The other two strike me as a type of poster that I do not exactly care for. I mean I'm not an active member at all and I usually only read what other people have to say (write) ,And If I'm not making a mistake these two guys sometimes fill threads with a lot of personal stuff which doesn't interest me because I see this forum as somewhat of a public place, not some place to buddy up and chitchat, so I don't want them as a mod too.

But If had to choose one, I'd go with Coco, as he will be in a section that a mod won't mean shit.

Brilliant, another guy from the apparent 'ABC cast' who is voting DFP... maybe Dagger forgot to rep them to get them onside :rolleyes:

I forgot I was a part of the ABC Party.

Don't worry, we haven't forgotten you prodigal. Come back to the fold, Little Black Sheep - the fatted calf is prepped and primed!
Outside of the infamous 'game' thread, I still haven't seen any evidence of this being a character trait. Please provide me with the trail of all his ranting and raving.
Besides the game thread there was that ****** thing, a lot of reporting of posts that weren't against the rules (I guess personal dislike was the reason, or misunderstanding of the rules which wouldn't be better) and generally getting too worked up over critique (not going to search trough 5,000 posts now). I have no personal problem with him. But I can just judge from what I've seen and I have the impression that certain things get too much under his skin, especially compared to the other candidates.

Feel free, nice to see that he's getting some love from the demographic his party went out of their way to insult;)!
What do you mean?
Besides the game thread there was that ****** thing, a lot of reporting of posts that weren't against the rules (I guess personal dislike was the reason, or misunderstanding of the rules which wouldn't be better) and generally getting too worked up over critique (not going to search trough 5,000 posts now). I have no personal problem with him. But I can just judge from what I've seen and I have the impression that certain things get too much under his skin, especially compared to the other candidates.

What is the '****** thing'? I've seen Coco's sig but there is no context, I would be interested inreading the thread if you can provide a link. As for the reporting argument, he has addressed this and the background. It seems a, more than, adequate explanation and I haven't witnessed any of the mods namechecked calling "BS!"

What do you mean?

Coco's feelings about new posters (from his election debate response; he's much less subtle in JGlass's thread):

My biggest weakness is that I don't suck dick. I know a lot of people on here seem to like Dagger's proclivity for using ******io to encourage little boys new posters to stay active on the board, but I just don't swing that way.
I'm going from memory so don't expect accurate quotations, but with regards to the '******' thing; Dagger made a rather controversial posts where he stated that, in his eyes, those males who raise homosexual children have failed as parents and as men. He stated that he believes homosexuality to be a lifestyle choice, and one that he would not tolerate in his house.

In other words the all round nice guy is openly homophobic.

I don't have the link on hand, but it's there in Coco's sig if you feel compelled to check it out.
How is that any more homophobic than Coco and others making jokes about Dagger sucking dick, calling him a f**gger, or any of that? it is entirely hypocritical to attack Dagger as being homophobic all the while using gay slurs and insinuating that Dagger takes things up the ass, etc. Pot, say hello to the fucking kettle.

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