Why hate Roman for his push?

I don't hate Roman for his push. I hate Vince for refusing to give up on forcing the Roman push. The fans will never accept this guy as the top star of the company because he has been forced into the role. You'd think that after FOUR YEARS they would try something else. Guys like Seth Rollins and Strowman are popular enough to try giving a shot. That may be becoming the case with Strowman, who has had a good year so far with winning the Greatest Royal Rumble and becoming the Monster In The Bank. Roman was the least interesting member of The Shield and even back then I was concerned he would get a big push over Seth and Dean. So, no, it's not a case of Roman suddenly becoming "not cool" because he's not in The Shield anymore. It's also not a case of him being hated for being Vince's pick the way Cena was. Not for me anyway. I always liked Cena and he was one of my favorites his entire career. People shouldn't generalize the fans and think all Roman haters were Cena haters for the same reason they dislike Roman. Regardless, hate is a strong word. I don't hate Roman. I dislike Roman more than the majority of the roster. What I do hate, and I mean hate, is how much the product on Raw has suffered due to the never ending refusal to stop trying to force Roman into that top spot. Thank goodness for Smackdown and NXT.
The problem with Reigns is that even though he can be turned a heel or stay a face it’s the fans that have to support that. Vince can’t tell the fans who they have to cheer or boo, that’s their choice. So turn Reigns heel so people will cheer him? That’s not how a heel is suppose to be treated by the fans and it just makes him a face again.
No one hates Roman Reigns. People hate his push and the creative team for his push. However the creative team isn't on-screen, so Roman gets the hate instead. It's truly a shame. Roman could have been the face of the company and beloved by all fans, but because of booking and booking alone, he's hated. And honestly I don't blame fans for one second.
Not to play the devil's advocate here, but how long will it take before the fans who hates reigns decide to turn on strowman who's is clearly the new vince's McMahon pet project.

The fact is, right now, Vince seem to be pushing harder on strowman then reigns, first by feeding him reigns during their feud, then maintaining is momentum throughout the rest of the year. Giving the tag belt at mania, then having him win the greatest royal rumble and finally winning the money in the bank briefcase which pretty much guarantees that he's the next universal champ. And he did that all in a shorter length of time then Roman. So he if strowman shows every signs of a Vince pet project so I'm thinking that sooner or later, the fans will turn on him just like they did with cena and reigns.

Strowman has been Vince's project from day one, and fans have always loved him.
I kinda disagree with you on one thing, Ambrose didn't really develop a new persona as it was pretty much the same thing he was when he was in the shield but with a new costume and a face attitude. Reigns, I agree, he got stuck at first but he got a chance over the years to evolve his tough guy character and he finally became comfortable with what his character is supposed to be. The same can't be say for Ambrose who's as been the same crappy character like what it seem like forever now and he's pretty much coasting on that character and really look like he's going through the motion.

Oh I think Ambrose went more over to his crazy side when the Shield broke up. At least much more than when they were together. May be crappy but it's interesting.

You say Reigns developed his character, I'm sorry but still a little confused just as to what that character is. What I see coming down the ramp he's still the third member of the Shield. No costume, no music change and only in the last year or so he stopped coming through the crowd. Besides you don't hear Lesnar or any other of the tough guys complaining that they are getting screwed over by the company, that seems to be all Reigns does. Might be just me but I'm missing the tough guy think you speak of.

Listen I doubt that it's all Reigns fault, a lot of it has to do with the WWE themselves, but he hasn't helped himself much. He can hear how the crowd reacts, he can hear the boo's, he reads the dirt sheets and sees after all the effort he's still not over with the crowd. Considering how much merchandise he supposedly sells and coupled with the fact he's still in the main event picture, you'd think he'd go to McMahon and ask for a change. Unless he's a glutton for punishment he'd not be the first to request a change in character. There has to be a reason why it hasn't happened yet. I have no idea what that reason is, but there has to be one.
I don't hate Roman for his push. I hate Vince for refusing to give up on forcing the Roman push. The fans will never accept this guy as the top star of the company because he has been forced into the role. You'd think that after FOUR YEARS they would try something else. Guys like Seth Rollins and Strowman are popular enough to try giving a shot. That may be becoming the case with Strowman, who has had a good year so far with winning the Greatest Royal Rumble and becoming the Monster In The Bank. Roman was the least interesting member of The Shield and even back then I was concerned he would get a big push over Seth and Dean. So, no, it's not a case of Roman suddenly becoming "not cool" because he's not in The Shield anymore. It's also not a case of him being hated for being Vince's pick the way Cena was. Not for me anyway. I always liked Cena and he was one of my favorites his entire career. People shouldn't generalize the fans and think all Roman haters were Cena haters for the same reason they dislike Roman. Regardless, hate is a strong word. I don't hate Roman. I dislike Roman more than the majority of the roster. What I do hate, and I mean hate, is how much the product on Raw has suffered due to the never ending refusal to stop trying to force Roman into that top spot. Thank goodness for Smackdown and NXT.

The only reason Lesnar still has the title is because he can't get accepted by the audience, it's completely ruined Raw for me, I dont even watch it anyore and haven't since Mania. He should have beaten Lesnar at Mania and been done with it, now we have to wait til Summerslam but what happens if he still can't be accepted by then, are we going to have to wait for Mania next year?
Reigns push is pretty much done right now because they finally got what they wanted out of the character and it's a cena type character. By that I mean that they wanted a grey area type of guy where the smart fans don't accept him while the rest of the fans do and that's exactly what they have with reigns. He's a tweener in the pure sense of the world and Vince moved on to his new pet project which is strowman so don't be surprise if reigns win the belt at summerslam and braun use the briefcase after to win the belt from Roman.
Reigns push is pretty much done right now because they finally got what they wanted out of the character and it's a cena type character. By that I mean that they wanted a grey area type of guy where the smart fans don't accept him while the rest of the fans do and that's exactly what they have with reigns. He's a tweener in the pure sense of the world and Vince moved on to his new pet project which is strowman so don't be surprise if reigns win the belt at summerslam and braun use the briefcase after to win the belt from Roman.

Do you really think WWE intended Reigns to loudly booed by half the crowd everywhere they go?
The only reason Lesnar still has the title is because he can't get accepted by the audience, it's completely ruined Raw for me, I dont even watch it anyore and haven't since Mania. He should have beaten Lesnar at Mania and been done with it, now we have to wait til Summerslam but what happens if he still can't be accepted by then, are we going to have to wait for Mania next year?

I honestly think this is why Reigns hasn't beaten Lesnar yet. WWE is waiting for Reigns to get cheered. Well the obvious problem with that is Reigns will never be cheered by the entire crowd. WWE is trying so hard to get Reigns over, but what they don't realize is that the more they try the more fans will boo him.

Their booking of Reigns has been horrible since the Shield split. I don't need to go over that again, but look at what they've done since WrestleMania.

Roman is capable of having great matches? Have his match with Samoa Joe be 50% headlocks and then feud with Jinder.

Roman's getting better on the mic? Have him constantly whine and complain about the "special treatment" Lesnar gets. Ignoring the fact that Reigns is the most pushed wrestler in WWE history. Also he can shorten Bobby Lashley's name and say "bitch". He's gonnna be so over!

Roman needs a reason to challenge Lesnar again? Well he's a full time wrestler! Ignoring the fact that 90% of the roster is...

Now to most people, it would seem pretty obvious why Reigns is booed, but it seems like WWE genuinely has no idea. It's sad. Reigns had a ton of potential, but WWE has squandered most of it.
A bit of an outside the box and “anti PG” way I think they could help get RR over.
Brock vs Roman at Summerslam. No way the referee can get it wrong. And incorporate the one thing that’s made a majority of Brock matches unique since his return.

WWE Universal Championship
Brock Lesnar (c) vs Roman Reigns


You can sell that there hasn’t been one in over 10 years, so brutal they can’t do it on tv and Roman can pay Brock back for he “hard way” at Wrestlemania.

Use a barbed wire wrapped Superman Punch for the finish. We know if he drops the title it will be his last match until next Mania at the absolute earliest. This would pay off that like 3/4 of his matches have featured blood since 2012.
I feel like the point of this push was always to get the 50/50 type reaction that cena has been getting for years and in that aspect, they succeed at it. He's as polarizing as John cena was and making a lot of money while doing it. The way the fans reacted to reigns at extreme rules and for the past few weeks now is exactly what WWE wanted for reigns

The fact that they actually we're able to get a let's go Roman, Roman sucks chant going in Pittsburgh of all place made me smile since that crowd was one of the worst crowd I ever seen for a wrestling show. So to get the reaction they wanted out of that crowd was a miracle.

Anyway, reigns will never get 100% of the crowd behind him and WWE knows that so they book him the same way they booked cena because it makes money and in the end if they get that tweener reaction so be it, that's the mentality of Vince and HHH and pretty much everybody working for the company. The whole freedom of speech thing is WWE new motto and they don't care if you love or hate somebody, all they care about is that fans react to something because that makes them money.

Fans that goes to a WWE event just to hijack a event are the dumbest fans in the world because you will pay a lot of money just to bitch and moan for 3 or 4 hours. So do you think that WWE cares about thoses reactions? No because they already got your money so they're just sitting backstage and moving forward with the plans they have and that's include reigns push. If fans truly want to stick it to WWE, stop going to events, stop watching the shows, stop buying merchandise or any of the products that sponsors WWE. If the IWC wants thing to change within WWE, they need to it them where it hurts and that's in the pocket book. The less money they make, the less money the sponsors makes the more likely that they will change the product. If you continue to support the product just to show your disapproval at the current product, nothing will change because they are still making money and so are the sponsors.

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