Why Has Drew McIntyre Been Pushed So Far Down The Roster?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Ever since Drew McIntyre lost the InterContinental title he has been pushed down to the bottom of the roster. When he first McMahon introduced him as a future world champion, a golden child ready for greatness. For the past year and a half he has done nothing he had that horrible angle with that girl I can't remember who she was. Since that angle he hasn't done anything I was for sure this Drew and Sheamus would dominate around the same time but Drew hasn't done much of anything he had the tag title with Cody Rhodes last year but that's really been it. I think Drew is great in the ring and a great heel if you ask me dolph ziggler's spot should of have been given to Drew because right now if it was Drew would have held everytitle but the WWE title if he had Dolph's spot. I don't want too see Drew go back down any further than he is. I made this thread because I wanna know what you guys first thought of Drew when he came his abilities in the ring and on the mic and as of right now where he is heading. What you think his potential can be???
Im a fan of drew ive been waiting and waiting for him to be pushed. I remember he was suppose to get a face push when theys tarted that angle with his real life wife tiffany but she was let go n he was dropped. Had a no point tag title run and then been buried on Raw since the draft. i hope they move him back to smackdown after mania or something and give him some type of run with somethnig. or if he stays on Raw once dolph drops the US title to a face maybe drew can step up as the hell to go after it.
complete bitch of a wife got wwe bad publicity by hitting a randon fan that slagged drew, vince was pissed and released her, vince also punished drew cause of this, drew know getting divorced to tiffany so maybe vince will forgive him and he will get a deserved pushed. thats my theory anyway
I have no idea. Maybe they're making him "pay his dues". Maybe they just don't like him. Maybe he's being punished for the crap with Tiffany. Maybe they have plans for him, maybe they're just running his contract down. Who knows?

I don't know why he's been reduced to a huge losing streak on Superstars but I will say, I do hope he has a future. Future World Champion? I'm a bit sceptical on that idea but I see him as a great Upper-midcarder pushing the ME in the future. He IS only 26 so I'd understand if he was just gaining experience away from the spotlight. But I think he should be used soon. He plays the cold, aggressive heel so well. All I noticed in the SD! Elimination Chamber was this pissed Scotsman looking like he physically wanted to tear people limb from limb. He conveys aggression really well.

What I will say against him though, is that he really wasn't over during his original Chosen One IC champ push. No-one seemed to care, to be brutally honest. He needs to change it up if he's to become a regular on TV again. I don't think he'd make an impact were he to be introduced on RAW - the term "lost in the shuffle" seems to apply to Drew, quite why he was drafted to RAW on current evidence I'll never know - so I'd draft him to SmackDown.

I hope and think he does have a future as a major superstar in WWE but quite how it will happen, I don't know.
Now for starters I don't see the big deal in Drew McIntyre. I have seen a couple of his matches and I have not been that impressed. He is talented but unfortunately for him what he lacks in talent he doesn't make up in charisma, i.e John Cena. I don't see him now as he is as being anymore than a midcard/enhancement talent up until he probably gets future endeavored. Now to your point though.

Drew has suffered the same fate as John Morrison; all the chance, the look, but has let his personal life interfere with his career. He married one of the hottest Divas around at the time in Tiffany and he continued to get pushed until he had that fight with her in that hotel room that the cops had to eventually be called in to stop. She got pulled off TV and then released and with Drew, they just stopped pushing him because of it, same as Morrison with Melina. They gave him a tag title run with Rhodes but that only seemed to have helped Cody because he got over and picked up steam off of that while Drew lost the little steam he had. And even then Vince and the writers still had enough confidence in him to put him in the Elimination Chamber match and he performed rather well in that. The persona he had during that match though, he didn't carry it, so he lost momentum again. The dagger in the coffin for Drew was when he was drafted to RAW. Ever since then he has been on TV less than Zack Ryder in the last year. Its not completely his fault though because Vince and his staff change their minds more than a girl changes clothes and they can be behind a guy one week and the next he's faded into oblivion, i.e Alex Riley. Now about 2 years after his re-debut he has lost that it factor that made Vince McMahon notice him in the first place and he's fallen down even further than midcard status. He's also lost his wife Taryn Tarrel who filed for divorce and is going nowhere in his career. Another of those who screws over his career for some girl.
Ever since Drew McIntyre lost the InterContinental title he has been pushed down to the bottom of the roster. When he first McMahon introduced him as a future world champion, a golden child ready for greatness. For the past year and a half he has done nothing he had that horrible angle with that girl I can't remember who she was. Since that angle he hasn't done anything I was for sure this Drew and Sheamus would dominate around the same time but Drew hasn't done much of anything he had the tag title with Cody Rhodes last year but that's really been it. I think Drew is great in the ring and a great heel if you ask me dolph ziggler's spot should of have been given to Drew because right now if it was Drew would have held everytitle but the WWE title if he had Dolph's spot. I don't want too see Drew go back down any further than he is. I made this thread because I wanna know what you guys first thought of Drew when he came his abilities in the ring and on the mic and as of right now where he is heading. What you think his potential can be???

During the horrible angle, Drew was caught up in an incident with his real life wife Tiffany which resulted in her being released and since then Drew has been pushed further and further down. Basically that is the reason, punishment but a good one at that in the sense he wasn't released so they do see something in him to keep him on the books.
McIntyre married Tiffany who cause some trouble. She was released but he wasn't and never received much air time since. Same thing is happening with John Morrison. His girl Melina was released recently and his push has his a brick wall. Although his statements didn't help regarding Trish at Wrestlemania.

These are all rumours but they make sense. I hope Drew gets a push soon. It would be nice to see a 'fresh' face on RAW these days.
not sure whats up with drew, all the above rumors seem possible...from a wwe fan perspective i think his character flatlined, tanked...his character and wade barretts characters are almost identical and both are not going anywhere.
I think it's enough punishment on Drew and Morrison's careers. Vince has made his point. I think both of these guys can draw big if used properly. Enough with sinking their careers. I'm so tired of seeing Morrison lose, usually in the opening match of Raw, and I hardly even see Drew. Maybe Vince can give them a break and let them rise to their full potential. I could see Morrison and Drew start a tag team sort of like Miz and Truth, only their beef and conspiracy theories would be true, and sometimes the TRUTH is the best way to go.
I've always liked Drew. When he was on Smackdown as the IC champion, I thought he was doing pretty well with what he was given. His in ring work is pretty good and although he was never the best on the mic, he didn't trip over his words and could at the very least, keep me interested with the little that he said. It's unfortunate but like many have said, this seems to have been caused by Tiffani and her actions with him being caught in the crossfire. It seems like WWE is starting to try and build Barrett again but I hope that once they're done re-establishing Barrett, they try to capitalize on the talent that is Drew McIntyre.
real simple, Drew Mac has been punished for the actions of him and his wife Tiffany. They trashed a hotel room, had the cops called on them and it became a nice mess....Tiffany got fired, Mac got buried.

See Morrison, John for a like example of a woman dragging her significant other down
the answer is obvious: he's just not very good. Guys like him and Chris Masters need to do what Ryder did and find a way to make themselves stand out.
the answer is obvious: he's just not very good. Guys like him and Chris Masters need to do what Ryder did and find a way to make themselves stand out.
and what, make a stupid internet video show? They'll just say he is copying ryder, and they wont go anywhere. An internet show isn't the answer, and it should never be.

And why should someone get punished for what his girl did? Has nothing to do with him
I'll say this...I love his music and entrance. He has one of the better ring entrances that I've heard in some time. Even my brother (who doesn't watch wrestling anymore) perked up when he heard Drews music hit. He was all "thats a cool song". We all know the punishment that WWE brings, but I think theres still a future for the "Chosen One"
Either way, its a great way for Drew to get some experience while he's young, even if he's not on TV.

He's 26 I'm sure if he's real interested in sticking around in the WWE he's brushing up on his Mic and In-ring skills while he's not being utilized on TV right now--which will help him in the future.
Personally I think it's stupid to punish him when they already suspended and then released Tiffany over the issue since it was all caused by her to begin with. Supposedly she assaulted him while she was intoxicated or something like that. Drew has been punished enough for something that he didn't do he was a victim in that ordeal and they stopped his push and then when it started to change with a possible face turn Tiffany complains that she was supposed have that angle with Drew and since then he's been buried on tv,rarely used and to top it off Tiffany and him have separated can't they cut the guy some slack? He hasn't been bitter about any of it and continues to perform whenever he's told and doesn't complain how they've used him recently.
the answer is obvious: he's just not very good. Guys like him and Chris Masters need to do what Ryder did and find a way to make themselves stand out.

You must not have watched his match with Randy Orton a few weeks ago on Raw. Obviously, Raw has been focusing more and more on actual in-ring action, and I love being able to judge a guy based on his in-ring work. The fact that you said Drew McIntyre isn't very good tells me you don't appreciate a good worker. Granted, he was working with Randy Orton that night, who is exceptional, but it had a fantastic back and forth and Drew held his own. I thought the guy took the ball and ran with it that night. I'd love to see him in the ring more often. Guys like him, Cody Rhodes, Dolph Ziggler, Randy Orton, etc need to showcase their in ring skills more often. Drew has the goods.
There's no real place for him anymore, because he doesn't stand out. Do you really see any room for him on Raw or SD? Ziggler is doing everything that McIntyre could do, and at least equally as good as Drew. I like Drew a lot, I really do, but I don't see much of a reason to push him instead of Ziggler. The spots below Ziggler are being occupied equally effectively - Swagger, and the SmackDown guys now that they come over all the time.

Equally, on SmackDown, Rhodes is doing better as IC Champion than Drew ever did, and the rest of the midcard spots are occupied well. The basic theme here is this - McIntyre could fill any spot you like in the midcard (other than Rhodes's) but why bother, when they're all already taken by people who do at least as good a job as he can?

So he'll bide his time on Superstars. Probably in the next draft, things will get changed around, and he'll land on his feet in SD. For now, Superstars duty is all he's really worth.
McIntyre married Tiffany who cause some trouble. She was released but he wasn't and never received much air time since. Same thing is happening with John Morrison. His girl Melina was released recently and his push has his a brick wall. Although his statements didn't help regarding Trish at Wrestlemania.

These are all rumours but they make sense. I hope Drew gets a push soon. It would be nice to see a 'fresh' face on RAW these days.


I think Vince needs to stop being petty so much and finding reasons to de-push people.

Drew is ultimately not responsible for Tiffany's actions, nor is John Morrison responsible for Melina's actions. Those women are the only ones who should be punished. The men shouldn't be punished for loving them.

Also, wasn't Drew physically attacked by Tiffany? So, Vince punishes a guy who suffered spousal abuse. If the roles were reversed, would he have punished Tiffany, if she were the victim. But then the fact that WWE released Debra gives you the answer to that question.

Vince seems to find the tiniest things to de-push people. He seems to worried about mainstream perceptions. You know what, Vince, the mainstream will never give a crap about wrestling, so forget them. Focus on those who do love the WWE for what it is, and make no apologies for how you run things (within the law and within reason).

Or maybe the real reason is that the writers just can't think of anything to do with Drew or John Morrison. So Vince uses their women's behaviour as an excuse to not use them, to cover the lack of imagination by his "TV and soapie" writers.
I have no idea. Maybe they're making him "pay his dues". Maybe they just don't like him. Maybe he's being punished for the crap with Tiffany. Maybe they have plans for him, maybe they're just running his contract down. Who knows?

I don't know why he's been reduced to a huge losing streak on Superstars but I will say, I do hope he has a future. Future World Champion? I'm a bit sceptical on that idea but I see him as a great Upper-midcarder pushing the ME in the future. He IS only 26 so I'd understand if he was just gaining experience away from the spotlight. But I think he should be used soon. He plays the cold, aggressive heel so well. All I noticed in the SD! Elimination Chamber was this pissed Scotsman looking like he physically wanted to tear people limb from limb. He conveys aggression really well.

What I will say against him though, is that he really wasn't over during his original Chosen One IC champ push. No-one seemed to care, to be brutally honest. He needs to change it up if he's to become a regular on TV again. I don't think he'd make an impact were he to be introduced on RAW - the term "lost in the shuffle" seems to apply to Drew, quite why he was drafted to RAW on current evidence I'll never know - so I'd draft him to SmackDown.

I hope and think he does have a future as a major superstar in WWE but quite how it will happen, I don't know.


I found what you said about Drew going to "Smackdown" and how you described him, very interesting. It gave me an idea of how Drew could be used on "Smackdown".

You spoke like Drew McIntyre used to be angry, and wanted to hurt people. That reminds me of how Randy Orton used to be. Maybe Drew should show up on "Smackdown", and beat down Orton. He then tells Orton that he did it, because Orton used to be aggressive once, but has now become soft, travelling around with his family and kowtowing to fans. Drew should feud and Orton, and eventually bring out Orton's agressive side, maybe by Drew threatening Orton's wife and kids.

I think a feud like this could push Drew back near the top, and he can be one of "Smackdown's" top heels, and feud with Orton and Sheamus.
It is really simple. Rotation of superstars. Everyone besides the Cenas and Ortons are rotated in and out of the spotlight to keep either the wrestler fresh in the mind of the fans or to give the wrestler more time to recover from fatigue. Sometimes when wrestlers fail to win back fans after being away from the spotlight during their 'off season', they get released, repackaged or hope for a big storyline to give them a chance to shine again.

You cannot push everyone at the same time, same as you cannot depush everyone at the same time. What was Truth, Mark Henry or Ryder doing this time last year? Anyone thought Santino, Morrison or Daniel Bryan would struggle for airtime 12 months on from the same period?
You must not have watched his match with Randy Orton a few weeks ago on Raw. Obviously, Raw has been focusing more and more on actual in-ring action, and I love being able to judge a guy based on his in-ring work. The fact that you said Drew McIntyre isn't very good tells me you don't appreciate a good worker. Granted, he was working with Randy Orton that night, who is exceptional, but it had a fantastic back and forth and Drew held his own. I thought the guy took the ball and ran with it that night. I'd love to see him in the ring more often. Guys like him, Cody Rhodes, Dolph Ziggler, Randy Orton, etc need to showcase their in ring skills more often. Drew has the goods.

I love good workers; but WWE doesn't.what makes Drew any better than Tyson Kidd (Who's a MUCH better worker) or Zach Ryder (Who's a much better gimmick)? Nothing. Guys like Drew McIntyre can only get over in the WWE if the WWE pushes them; and that's his problem. Drew's nowhere near the level of Rhodes, Ziggler, and esp not Orton; he's good in the ring (decent in the ring) but doesn't do ANYTHING special nor does he have ANY major selling points. I'm sure he'll get better, but a lot of ppl expected him to shoot straight to the top just bc VKM supposedly loved him.

Who's spot can Drew even take? Jinder Mahal's?
There's no real place for him anymore, because he doesn't stand out.

Honestly, that's how I feel about Cody Rhodes; there's nothing in his persona or presence that makes him more worthy of the attention the company has been giving him than McIntyre. Maybe it's the family name, or Dusty himself.

Still, Cody is a good example that it's all in the program that Creative comes up with. In a relativity short period of time, Cody has had three major programs written for him. He's done well with them, but my feeling is that a lot of people could have run them equally well.

If Creative could give Drew the right program and push, it might happen for him, too. The "Chosen One" thing was apparently doomed to fail from the beginning because rumors suggested that Andrew Galloway believed the hype too much and acted badly in the locker room. Since then, I'd wager he's learned a lot.

Then, the program with Kelly Kelly might have taken wing, but the company suddenly discarded it and "gave" Kelly to Edge.....then, launched her on a push of her own. Yes, all of that happened around the time Drew and his ex-wife got into trouble, and that may have been the cause of Drew's present problems. But jeez, how long are they gonna hold that against him?

But, one way or the other, I'd love to know what the real story is. Does WWE not want Drew anymore? Does he have a contract that requires they pay him until it ends, causing them to keep him around? Do they see him as a young performer with a future in the company? Are they currently looking for a program to build around him?

Even if WWE plans to release him, at this point, I'd just like to know what they think.....so I can stop hoping for the push I feel he deserves.:sad:
Its really easy, hes not very good.

His mic work is ok, his in ring work is ok, his look is ok. Nothing really stands out about him. The crowd doesn't care about him, and that was clear when he was already in the ring, when he faced Orton a few weeks back.

His batshit crazy (ex?)wife got him pushed into the shit pile backstage, and no because of her his career is suffering. Domestic issues got her fired, and helped bury him. But lets be serious he wasn't really on the rise when all that happened.

He was just on Raw a few weeks back, and lost to Orton. He'll make for a nice enhancement talent, because lets be honest he's not all that great.
Drew's grown one me. He's really good and all.. But giving him Ziggler's spot would have been bullshit.

This is coming out of a Drew McIntyre fan, he has done absolutely nothing to get a good taste of the main event. Ziggler has worked hard for years and he finally got a world title feud with Edge where they put on a great match at the Royal Rumble.

But let's take about Drew McIntyre, he's only 26 years old. He has all the time to build himself up. To be honest right now all Drew should be is a midcarder. Right now the Raw midcard scene is lacking heels. You got Mason Ryan, Zack Ryder, and John Morrison as the faces. I say bring up McIntyre and put him in Vickie's stable. That's exactly what he needs right now to start building himself up again. I remember him teaming with Swagger sometime this year and they did pretty good so I would love to see them feud with AirBoom for the tag titled while Ziggler holds the US title.

Drew McIntyre is great and all, but like I said, all he should be given right now is a decent spot in the midcard like being in Vickie's stable or like Mustang Sally is hoping for, restart the program he had with Kelly Kelly. The IWC overrate him too much sometimes. Seriously, Drew has done nothing to deserve a spot in the main event scene right now. Again, this is coming from a fan of his.

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