Why Edge should never return to WWE TV


Championship Contender
This is not an Edge hate post, I did dislike him for the damage he did to the spear but that is not my issue with him.

I know it is very late but when Edge appeared on WWE TV a few weeks ago HHH was able to verbally abuse him, attack his friends and challenge his manhood, this would not have been a problem if he was able to get some revenge however due to the severity of his neck injury he cannot get physically involved which means a heel can insult the hell out of him and Edge can do nothing in return. Atleast when Bret Hart appeared he was able to fight back.

As a result I think Edge should never return to WWE TV as a heel can say anything he wants, make Edge look weak and Edge cant do anything for himself.
If Edge's physical confrontations were anything like Bret Hart's upon his return it's probably for the best.

You basically don't like Edge so you never want him to appear on WWE TV again. That's what I got from that.

I don't mind Edge if he appears once a year. That's fine by me, even if The Cutting Edge is a lame wrestling talk show like almost every one before it.
Edge is a Hall of Famer who is still popular with the fans. He has friends on the roster who could assist him if a heel attacks him, Christian comes to mind immediately. The fans like Edge and it helps Edge's show Haven get more viewers if he comes to promote it on Raw or Smackdown. I honestly see no problem coming from Edge making appearances every now and then. It promotes his tv show and it can add more to an ongoing push for Christian or whichever faces helps him out if a heel gives him a tough time. So what if he can't defend himself by working a match? Edge is a retired 11 time World Champion. He has nothing to prove.
Edge using help further emphasizes my point that he is being made to look weak. I think Edge returning to promote TV shows should not be a reason for return because it already seems like Raw is more adverts than wrestling but as WWE gets money they will keep doing it. I think the cutting Edge is a good show and is far better than Miz TV but if he a heel gets in his face and insults him the fact that Edge can do nothing about it annoys me as a fan. It makes him look weak and that is not how you should be treating a legend. Bret Hart getting physically involved was just as good as Cole vs King but if someone threaten or insulted him he was atleast physically able to do something about it
It's different from being made to look weak when he physically cannot compete. Edge can also talk a shut down most heels pretty easily he's an 11 time world champion, hall of famer, and accomplished a shit ton in this business. If he can't fight and has his best bud help him out that doesn't make him look weak because he is weak he gave his body for us and can't do it anymore. That by itself should be enough to look like one of the strongest there was.
It's not about Edge looking strong anymore if and when he does make appearances.

It's about using him to further a storyline and put others over.

In his last appearance, he succeeded in putting over HHH's evil CEO character, because he did stand up to him, and forced HHH to be such a dick to him publicly. That in turn helps put over Daniel Bryan as the main protagonist against that character, since it pulled back HHH's mask to show his true agenda in the 'best for business' storyline.

Edge can't compete. He doesn't need to be kept strong anymore, and as long as they're not shitting all over his legacy (and they didn't) and using him properly to illicit that sympathy, then he's valuable to use from time to time.
Edge using help further emphasizes my point that he is being made to look weak.

Triple H looked strong though. That's what the entire segment was about. To draw sympathy for the face characters while garnishing hatred for the heels. Edge didn't lose anything in that confrontation and helped sell tickets for the next pay per view.

I think Edge returning to promote TV shows should not be a reason for return because it already seems like Raw is more adverts than wrestling but as WWE gets money they will keep doing it.

And yet I haven't seen one thread on here bashing their old YJStinger or Stacker 2 commercials.

I think the cutting Edge is a good show and is far better than Miz TV but if he a heel gets in his face and insults him the fact that Edge can do nothing about it annoys me as a fan. It makes him look weak and that is not how you should be treating a legend. Bret Hart getting physically involved was just as good as Cole vs King but if someone threaten or insulted him he was atleast physically able to do something about it

So you're upset that the heel character picked on someone who couldn't do anything about it?

I don't quite understand the thread. Edge came back to promote his show like he does now and then and helped push interest for the Orton and Bryan feud. Triple H came out and became a bigger heel than what he already was, and the next time Edge pops in, the fans will go through the roof like they always do.

I don't really see a problem.
I'm a big, big fan of Edge and I agree with that statement to a degree. Let me explain - obviously I love to see Edge return, not only me but the crowd, and I don't think that he should never return, but I do think that his returns should be for something more special, and something that fits his condition. And it has always been like that, just his personality adds to an angle or at least helps further develop stories and he's entertaining so, using him is GREAT.

However the OP touched a good point - when Stone Cold returns, we never see another heel push him into a fight, and if they do, Austin hits the Stunner and that's it, a feel good moment for the fans and I enjoy that. But if Edge returns, I don't know if he's capable to deliver a "Spear" and walkout as good as he once were - so, his role should be different, more of a motivational speaker, maybe Special General Manager that can punish a heel for going out of line by putting him in a match against a strong babyface, I don't know, but his latest return truly showed how useless he is and really buried him - obviously for the greater good, since HHH won a lot of heat out of that, but still if it was Fandango pushing Edge around, what could have Edge done?

As I said I'm a big Edge fan and his promo return with John Cena in 2012 was simply fantastic, probably one of the best of his career and that is one right way to use him.
Edge is a great name in the company and he can easily be part of the WWE. Yes, he can't take bumps but that isn't a reason for him not to be on tv.

Does he look weak? Perhaps but he is an eleven time World Champion so that doesn't count for much. If you don't want Edge to be on TV to protect his manhood than that is an awful reason. He is very capable on the mic and is popular. He can still be a part of the WWE on a part-time basis.
Edge is much like Austin, Flair, Hogan, Piper, he may no longer be able to wrestle a full match (he actually cant take bumps at all, much like Austin) but he is charismatic, well connected with the audience, and with the right storyline can be a very effective player as a non wrestler on TV.
One thing I picked up from the documentary portion of Edge's most recent DVD/Blu-Ray set (You Think You Know Me) is Edge is genuinely happy being retired. In fact, I got the sense Edge was relieved to be done with pro wrestling. I have to believe Edge is more than content with his current role (or lack there of), and more importantly, you never have to worry about Edge hogging the spotlight, and disrupting or clogging up major storylines during his returns.

Edge is still able to draw some good pops out of a live crow during his sporadic returns/appearances, the fans still love him, so there's no logical reason for Edge to stay away from WWE programming for the rest of his life.
Let's look at something then decide, shall we?


A non-wrestler, with no threat of physical confrontation, cut one of the best promos of the year here, easy. Tell me again why Edge shouldn't appear on WWE TV anymore? This is exactly the way Edge should be used. Goading, motivating, making crucial points that hammer home the important elements of feuds.

Physical contact or no, there are few better at doing so. Moreso, Edge is a special attraction. He appears once in awhile, generates great pops, and is able to help sell feuds. The entire idea behind HHH and the Shield bullying and threatening Edge was to put more heat on them, and it worked. The boos in the arena when HHH had Edge leave were deafening.

When he's willing, one of the best promo men in the business is at the disposal of WWE. Last time I checked, one doesn't have to get physical to talk. And when it comes to the mic, there are few better than Edge. It's disappointing that his career is over, and he can no longer wrestle or take a bump. But as we all know well, the wrestling isn't the only part of this form of entertainment. Further, Edge seems happy in retirement, and to be called upon sporadically. According to Edge himself, his retirement was in the works within the next year of two anyways, so Edge wouldn't have been taking bumps for much longer anyways. His unfortunate neck problems only accelerated the timeline.

But that doesn't mean that the thing that was his biggest strength during his main event run, his promo work, can't be used to enhance feuds from time-to-time. All it takes is WWE building him into storylines where the threat of physical contact isn't imminent. And should such a situation arise, all that's needed is a babyface to save Edge. Simple as that.

I'm confident they can find a way. ;)
I am fine with him making once in a blue moon showings. However if he ever felt the need to return to the company for a longer stint ( all signs point to no on this since he has made it very clear he is happy being retired and able to do his own thing) then he could be a good heel manager. I could see it now him being able to distract a ref or do something to cost a guy a match with him waving a contract he signed in their face saying any WWE superstar lays their hands on him will be fired. But this is very unlikely to happen as i think he was of the mind set when the time came he would step away fully only to make a few showings once a year or so.
Edge is great to have around for a number of reasons.

He's a very good talker and can do promos in any storyline or can simply promote WWE's various movies, merchandise, video games, charities, etc.
In that regard, he could also be a commentator as he's a great talker and knows the business extremely well.

He would be a great manager for a younger wrestler and wouldn't necessarily have to take a beating to be able to do it. Edge was never the biggest guy on the roster but he a little bit of everything and that's what go him so over.

Finally, in terms of looking, weak, it's a stupid reason to say "let's never have him on TV again." He's simply too valuable. Nobody thinks he's weak. He's a decorated WWE HOF who did it all from winning the Royal Rumble, to winning every virtually every belt to fighting the Undertaker at Wrestlemania. Edge should, and will be around WWE for years to come.
Edge might not be able to wrestle anymore but he can cut one hell of a promo... better than most people on the roster, and considering the lackluster promos from Cena and Orton that we can't seem to escape, having edge come back cutting some witty and entertaining promos would be great...
Also as many people have said he has multiple championships and is in the HOF we know he can wrestle he doesn't need to show us that, besides he would give skilled mic artists (Ambrose, ziggler etc) someone to face off against verbally and we could have cool backstage segments like we had several years ago
It's not about Edge looking strong anymore if and when he does make appearances.

It's about using him to further a storyline and put others over.

Yes, that and giving us a look at someone who was popular with so many for so long. When someone has had the amount of success Adam Copeland did, it's hard to see them fade away and never appear on our TV screens again, a la Ultimate Warrior or (until recently) Bruno Sammartino.

For the same reasons as those two men, it's sad to think of the retired performer being angry with WWE, as we've read with Edge. I don't know what negotiations between he and the company were like after it was clear he could no longer wrestle, but when his contract expired, he seemed to have harsh words for his former employer, making me wonder exactly what type of role he had in mind for himself in the future, as opposed to how the company saw it.

For that reason, I think occasional appearances are all that's warranted for Edge. They can't build storylines around him; not if it's known he can't be touched by a pissed off wrestler. At the same time, I don't like the idea of not seeing him anymore.
With that idea lest get rid of all managers who cant take a bump. Get rid of the announcers since they never hit back, get rid of the people who do interview and dont get in the action. Lets not let Foley come back, no HBK, no more Triple H, no more Stone Cold and I could list more.
YOu just hate Edge, and thats fine. But if he wants to come back to give some hype to something let it be.
With that idea lest get rid of all managers who cant take a bump. Get rid of the announcers since they never hit back, get rid of the people who do interview and dont get in the action. Lets not let Foley come back, no HBK, no more Triple H, no more Stone Cold and I could list more.
YOu just hate Edge, and thats fine. But if he wants to come back to give some hype to something let it be.

Managers take hits - Heyman has taken cane shots and a GTS, Colter has taken a gore by Torito(it may be weak but he can get physical), Summer Rae, Funkadactals and Tamina have matches. So all active manager can get physical

Announcers - Cole and King have had a feud and matches aswell as taking a Nexus beatdown so they can get physical. JBL can still hit the clothesline from hell on someone like he did slater at Raw 1000. They can get physical

Foley took a Shield beatdown, HBK can still hit the Superkick, HHH still has matches and Stone Cold can still get physical

Edge cannot. Edge has suffered a serious injury that means he may not even be able to do his signature move. If you can not have any physical interactions I don't feel you should be on TV where you can take tons of insults from heels and have nothing you can do about it. All your argument did was further add to my point. I am not a huge Edge fan but I am not a hater and I want to keep him off WWE TV because when he last return HHH made him look so weak during there promos and Edge couldn't do a thing about it
I've never liked Edge terribly much. I found his promos to be over the top and stupid. His in ring work bored me to tears 95% of the time, and his acting was abysmal (especially when he was "mad").

Having said all that, the people in general seem to still really dig it when he comes back. They pop well and he can help further a storyline.

You got to give the people - Give the people what they want!

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