Why do they do this to KANE

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Dark Match Winner
Does anyone else seem to notice, ANY time a storyline starts with kane it seems like the WWE is going to have him involved in something really big, then a few weeks later the storyline just fizzles out, and kane gets less and less screen time, Its really annoying. Kane deserves a little better than to be dicked around. Is Glen Jacobs just to much of an easy going nice guy backstage to stand up for himself?

Does anyone else seem to notice this trend in how Kanes storylines go?
and does anyone think he deserves to be farther up the card,

Hes one of the only wrestlers who genuinely entertain me everytime they enter the sqaured circle, and its sad to see him be a Unstoppable Monster Jobber instead of just an Unstoppable Monster
Well honestly, I see the angle continuing. Mike Adamle said he was going to force Kane to reveal what is in the bag next week on Raw, or he'll make him. So I see Kane getting pissed off and going apeshit on everyone. Then whatever is in the bag will be a factor in the storyline. I think this is just a way of prolonging it even more, without it becoming tired. Kane destroying someone every week, and then staring at his bag was getting old, so they threw a twist in. Trust me, everything will turn out in the end.
Kane's current storyline hasn't fizzled out. They said on Raw that they would force Kane to show us what was in the bag.
I understand your point, but its not all the time. For example, his feud with MVP on Smackdown didn't fizzle out. They had a Street fight, an inferno match, and a lot of other matches.
Kane is getting slower as he is ageing, and he ca't perform as well as he used to. I don't think he should be moved up to the main event level, i think he is fine where he is right now. He hasn't exactly een a jobber in recent weeks, he's been more like a psychopath.
Everything you're saying was true but i think that Kanes position is changing.
The WWE in general has been getting better recently, Letting Different guys have the spotlight for once which is a breath of fresh air, I like what they are doing with kane, but even in this storyline,

He was basically unstoppable the first week, then he just kept losing, now he beats up people that dont matter, He was fighting maineventers a few raws ago now he is just beating up matt stryker and was on screen for like 30 seconds,

Im not one for sqaush matches, they dont prove anything, Kane should have some legitimate opponents, not that there really are any on RAW everyones pretty busy with other fueds.
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