Why do so many people hate the Miz?


Mid-Card Championship Winner
The Miz is a bad guy, so he's supposed to get booed. But at least on the internet, fans seem to legitimately dislike him- in contrast to Rollins, who is well respected despite being the evil heel. Hell, even audiences sometimes seem thoroughly disinterested in him. When he made his return, fans seemed unsure whether to boo or cheer him until he started speaking- where it was revealed he was going to play the villain.

Admittedly this might be because before he vanished (around wrestlemania 30) he had just started to be the bad guy once more. As a face, he had completely run out of steam. But it seems like whenever the Miz is brought up, someone is going to say something bad about him.


He isn't the greatest technical wrestler out there, but he's hardly the worst. Maybe it's because he keeps being sold as a technical wrestler despite his limited abilities? Is it because he got a push based on being a star of a reality TV show? If that's the case, isn't time people got over that? The Big Show debuted in WcW as an automatic championship contender, but few people seem to care about that these days.

The Miz is also probably one of the best talkers out there. I've heard that he used to be pretty bad, but since he has improved so much, why would people still hold that against him?

So do you hate the Miz? If so, why? Personally, I think he's perfect upper-midcard material. I'm not always interested in his matches or feuds, but his promosand personality usually entertain me, making him the opposite of Ziggler (whose matches are fun, but his character and promos tend to be very blant...imo).
I don't hate the guy. My opinion of him is that he should have never been given the WWE title. He is a upper-midcarder at his best. He is decent on the mic and in the ring but nothing more than that. Giving him the WWE title and a main event at WM was a huge mistake when there were much better guys in line for that.
I don't hate him either. As a matter of fact I don't hate any wrestler, I don't know any of them personally to say that I hate them.

His character is one that you're not supposed to like, he's a heel, and to tell the truth he does come off as being very obnoxious. Probably more so than anyone else on the roster. I have no idea if it's an act or not, but he does it well.

I saw him on an episode of Ghosthunters a couple of years ago, he and another wrestler went out with the team. He was fine on that show if I remember correctly. Seemed to get along well with everyone, and not the guy you see in the WWE ring. So don't really know how much of what he does is natural or an act. It might be a little from column A and a little from column B.
I don't hate the guy. My opinion of him is that he should have never been given the WWE title. He is a upper-midcarder at his best. He is decent on the mic and in the ring but nothing more than that. Giving him the WWE title and a main event at WM was a huge mistake when there were much better guys in line for that.
That's it in a nutshell. It left a very bad taste in the mouths of the fans. It made both the championship and WrestleMania main event look like an afterthought. A black mark on the sport that cannot be undone.
I'm gonna stand up for The Miz here.

Granted he's not the most technical of wrestlers, his biggest strength has always been his mic skills. Around the time he won the MITB he was on an awesome run - he was an absolute heat magnet. His promos in particular where what I and many others were tuning in for every week.

The promo that stands out in particular was when he started backstage, as US champion, and spoke about getting kicked out of the locker room.


He absolutely deserved his push to the top because he was golden. His MITB cash in was a genuine mark-out moment, especially because it looked like he would be the first unsuccessful MITB winner.

What derailed Miz was that he became a subplot to his own Wrestlemania moment (after another awesome pre-match promo/video package). Everything became about Rocky and Cena, when that could have waited for Raw the next night. Miz totally deserved his place at Mania because he'd been on fire for a long, long time.

WWE dropped the ball with Miz at Wrestlemania, and he hasn't recovered from that since. He was used to put over Riley, which then became irrelevant after backstage politics put an end to him. His face turn was ill-advised, and whilst I enjoyed the Awesome Truth stuff he shouldn't have been involved. Truth was great around that time but the whole conspiracy thing got completely lost in the clusterfuck of Trips, Nash, Punk, Cena, Del Rio, Rocky and Laurinaitis.

When Miz first came in, he was absolutely awful. His Diva Search stuff was painful, but his sheer determination and passion for the business made him into a legit superstar over time. He's improved arguably more than anybody else has before him. The tag team with JoMo was good (and their falls count anywhere match was great), and now the Miz/Mizdow stuff is one of the best segments on the show. He works harder than just about anyone else too (barring Cena) with his public appearances.

Plus if that doesn't do it, he's married Maryse so the longer he hangs around the more chance we've got of seeing her again...
I simply don't buy the guy or find him entertaining. I think looks pathetic in the ring, and sounds unconvincing on the mic. Oh, and I don't like wrestlers to look like people I myself could destroy.

Someone somewhere thought it would be a good idea to give him the WWE title and the main event of WrestleMania because he likes to talk and is willing to do PR. One of the most hideous miscalculations of recent memory.
The Miz has several factors working against him.

For starters, as you mentioned, he is nothing special in the ring. He may be a lot better than most people give him credit for, but in the day and age of the Daniel Bryans, Dolph Zigglers, CM Punks, etc. he just doesn't stand out.

Wrestlemania XXVII. Boy do a lot of people hold that one against him. 2010 was a great year for the Miz. He transitioned from a dork jobber nobody noticed or cared about to the best talker on the roster. He got a big push and everyone was fine with it. For months he walked around and sold the fact that he was Mr. Money in the Bank better than anybody before or since. That was great, too. But then he suddenly became champion and made a beeline towards the main event of Wrestlemania. And everybody went: "Whoa, whoa, back up! Too much too soon." Another example of the WWE hotshotting things. Yes, he was a big deal at the time, but THE deal? That stew needed to brew a year or so longer to be ready. On the long run it did the Miz more damage than good.

His roots. Some say the only reason he ever enjoyed any success in the WWE is because he used to be a reality TV star. Well, that's rubbish. A factor like having been on TV previously can be your foot into the door to get in the WWE, but it does in no way put you on the fast track to headlining Wrestlemania as the champ. Anyone who says otherwise is talking out of his ass.

And the biggest reason so many fans reject the Miz:
His face. There, I said it. What a total babyface (and I'm not talking wrestling lingo here)! Nothing about his face says 'tough guy', 'bad ass', 'superstar', 'grizzled veteran', 'charisma', 'dangerous' or anything else that a WWE champion's face should reflect. I see his face and I feel an urge to take his milk money (mind you I was never a bully at school). Simply put: His face says 'Wuss.' And who buys a wuss as champion? He's unconvincing.

Last, but not least, the last couple of years have seen the Miz booked into oblivion. I won't say damaged beyond repair (if Mark Henry wasn't after 15 years of jobbing, no one ever really is), but at this point I don't see how the Miz could re-enter the main event scene.

Put all this together and I can totally see why a lot of people figure he is crap. Myself, I consider myself still a fan, even as my general interest in the WWE currently is at a very low point.
"I've watched Gran Torino 15 times. Bad ass sells, not Men's fitness in trunks. WWE told the world that their shit is a work with The Miz as champ." - Kevin Nash

I don't like guys who are not believable. I don't like guys who become the professional wrestling HEAVYWEIGHT Champion of the World, when I am not intimidated by them. I want to suspend my disbelief & The Miz isn't convincing enough for me to do that. I think when guys like The Miz reach the pinnacle of the industry it damages the credibility of the business more so than it already is. The Miz is a poser not a tough guy, he is not larger than life & at best he I a midcard comedy heel. For me he's always generated change the channel heat not heel heat.

Im a fan of guys who carry themselves like stars & look like stars. I like guys who have a certain presence – an aura of legitimacy. Guys like this:




Even moreso than Bam Bam Bigelow Vs a football player?

So just because they booked a horrible main event 20 years ago absolves any mistake they make after that?

"Well, this is a shit idea...but at least it's not as bad as main event of Wrestlemania 11...so we should be good!"

"I've watched Gran Torino 15 times. Bad ass sells, not Men's fitness in trunks. WWE told the world that their shit is a work with The Miz as champ." - Kevin Nash

I don't like guys who are not believable. I don't like guys who become the professional wrestling HEAVYWEIGHT Champion of the World, when I am not intimidated by them. I want to suspend my disbelief & The Miz isn't convincing enough for me to do that. I think when guys like The Miz reach the pinnacle of the industry it damages the credibility of the business more so than it already is. The Miz is a poser not a tough guy, he is not larger than life & at best he I a midcard comedy heel. For me he's always generated change the channel heat not heel heat.

Im a fan of guys who carry themselves like stars & look like stars. I like guys who have a certain presence – an aura of legitimacy. Guys like this:





The problem with Nash's comments is not only are they inaccurate, they're outdated, contradictory and insulting to anyone with a shred of intelligence. Nash is about 6'11" and 310 lbs, he's a big guy no doubt, but say he got into a fight with Anderson Silva, who's 9 inches shorter and 125 pounds lighter, my money would definitely be on the latter. Just because you don't look like a badass doesn't mean you aren't just as surely as looking like one doesn't mean that you are.

Pro wrestling is a work, anyone with any sense knows that and pretending otherwise just simply doesn't work in this day and age. Fans are willing to suspend disbelief to varying degrees, otherwise pro wrestling has no audience. They don't need WWE to tell everyone their shit's a work, they knew it long before The Miz came along. Miz isn't a badass, he's never put himself out there as a badass, WWE's never promoted him as a badass. If it all came down to guys who "look" like badasses getting pushed, then Big Show & Mark Henry would've been running WWE for the past 15 years. Pro wrestling has changed in that fans are no longer awed by "giants" like Nash & Big Show or powerhouses like Mark Henry or guys who look like they're chiseled out of stone like Ryback. If all you have is a look, they're not gonna embrace you. Just look at the response fans gave to Big Show's last WWE Championship program against Randy Orton or Batista winning the Royal Rumble for all the proof you need on that.

As far as a wrestler with presence, that's all well and good but, personally, it doesn't mean shit to me if you can't make me interested in what you've got to say or do inside the ring. If I have to choose between guys like Batista, who have a very strong presence, but not too much of anything else, and someone like Seth Rollins, I'll happily pick Seth Rollins any ol' day of the week and twice on Sunday over 10 Batistas. Just because a guy has muscles, height, intimidation and all that doesn't equate to him being able to get inside the ring and cut great promos or put on good matches.
The problem with Nash's comments is not only are they inaccurate, they're outdated, contradictory and insulting to anyone with a shred of intelligence. Nash is about 6'11" and 310 lbs, he's a big guy no doubt, but say he got into a fight with Anderson Silva, who's 9 inches shorter and 125 pounds lighter, my money would definitely be on the latter. Just because you don't look like a badass doesn't mean you aren't just as surely as looking like one doesn't mean that you are.

Pro wrestling is a work, anyone with any sense knows that and pretending otherwise just simply doesn't work in this day and age. Fans are willing to suspend disbelief to varying degrees, otherwise pro wrestling has no audience. They don't need WWE to tell everyone their shit's a work, they knew it long before The Miz came along. Miz isn't a badass, he's never put himself out there as a badass, WWE's never promoted him as a badass. If it all came down to guys who "look" like badasses getting pushed, then Big Show & Mark Henry would've been running WWE for the past 15 years. Pro wrestling has changed in that fans are no longer awed by "giants" like Nash & Big Show or powerhouses like Mark Henry or guys who look like they're chiseled out of stone like Ryback. If all you have is a look, they're not gonna embrace you. Just look at the response fans gave to Big Show's last WWE Championship program against Randy Orton or Batista winning the Royal Rumble for all the proof you need on that.

As far as a wrestler with presence, that's all well and good but, personally, it doesn't mean shit to me if you can't make me interested in what you've got to say or do inside the ring. If I have to choose between guys like Batista, who have a very strong presence, but not too much of anything else, and someone like Seth Rollins, I'll happily pick Seth Rollins any ol' day of the week and twice on Sunday over 10 Batistas. Just because a guy has muscles, height, intimidation and all that doesn't equate to him being able to get inside the ring and cut great promos or put on good matches.

You would say that...you have a picture of Daniel Bryan as your avatar. You're wasting your time if you think you're going to convince me of anything. The reason I'm choosing not to not make a rebuttal is because unlike you I know I'd be wasting my time.

Just know that none of your vanilla midgets or indie darlings are going to be the man in WWE in the future because that spot will be going to Roman Reigns.
This is something I've wondered for a long time. There aren't that many guys who genuinely get a large chunk of the audience to hate them the way Triple H and Miz do. See Miz is at such a level of heel, he's in Triple H territory. I posted a thread about this a couple months ago, the "smart" audience will a lot of the time cheer the bad guys(not badmouthing them) yet certain guys get ragged on and use it for their character.

Triple H: he's only so successful because he married Stephanie. Or, he buries guys left and right. Whether it's true or not isn't the point, the point is the "smart" fans will boo him regardless, so the WWE turned him heel and addressed those things basically as who he is. Now most of the audience hates him in agreement.

Miz: he's only here because he's a TV star/movie star. His face is so awful for being in the WWE. He's not believable as a champion...yada yada yada. Then the WWE uses all of that for his character. His entire gimmick when he returned(to a lesser extent even now) was that he was a movie star. O you don't like his face internet? Now he calls it his money maker and doesn't allow anyone to hit it. You don't believe he could win a fight, lets team him up with people who could(Riley, Sandow, Big Show). And just like H, he gets booed almost universally.

I remember disliking him until he teamed with Morrison, and it just clicked. He is one of the best talkers in the WWE right now! And he's been in the top 10 for at least 7 years now. Miz is golden on the mic and at a time where most guys don't get promo time or storylines, Miz usually does.

Miz is the perfect mid card champ! When him and Ziggler fought over it, there was story about it. People seemed to care for a bit. Then Ziggler won it and defended it pretty randomly, he lost it and doesn't seem to care about the belt anymore. He puts his work in and truly believes in his character! He might not be a technical masterpiece in the ring but night in and night out he'll make you care about his match.

Saying all that, and I'm sure by now everyone knows I'm a Mizfit, he didn't deserve the Wrestlemania moment. At the time he was so over and truth is, he was the reason I watched Raw(remember when guest hosts were people you didn't care about every single week?). Cena was on top and Orton was getting stale as a babyface. The WWE was falling into this spiral, and the Miz in a way was supposed to stop it. He took the title off of Orton, defended it against Cena at Mania(first person to beat Cena at Mania if I recall correctly). But the match was a flop and then Miz lost it to Cena at the very next PPV, just to allow Cena to rule the WWE some more.

People complain about Reigns on here a lot and also hate on Miz. Miz, after 8 years in the company, has morphed into one of the best promo cutters, characters and a decent in ring worker. Yet people will hate him. :shrug: And that's far from a knock on Reigns, I believe he has potential but everything he needs to improve on, Miz is way better at. The only thing Reigns is better at is his physique, and in this day and age does that matter to the WWE fans?

At this point in his career, people shouldn't blink an eye if Miz is in a world title match, yet that never happens. Aside from his title run, he's stayed where most fans believe he belongs, the midcard. Former world champion, 4 time IC champ, 2 time US champ, 6 time tag champ, Mr Money In The Bank, and a 2 time most improved wrestler award(2008/2009). He's been duel champion multiple times in his career and in general makes you care about whoever he's fighting. I wonder how well he's sold merch though? Enough of my rambling, thanks for reading this far
You would say that...you have a picture of Daniel Bryan as your avatar. You're wasting your time if you think you're going to convince me of anything. The reason I'm choosing not to not make a rebuttal is because unlike you I know I'd be wasting my time.

Just know that none of your vanilla midgets or indie darlings are going to be the man in WWE in the future because that spot will be going to Roman Reigns.

I think 1970's and 80's Vince McMahon called and wants his ideology back. I mean for God's sake to simply think that a group of Vader, Sid Vicious, Batista, Mason Ryan, and Ken Shamrock would draw anything other than the most generic "Badass" Survivor Series team is just asinine. WWE tried this even as late as 2003 with Paul Heyman's team of "monsters" and it in the end caused 3 to get fired in Matt Morgan, A-Train, and Nathan Jones and the other two in Lesnar and Big Show to leave to MMA and fall into a comedy role respectively.

If guys like Punk, HBK, Jericho, and countless others have showed us, you don't need to be 6'6 and 320 lbs to be a superstar. Conversations like this are so few and far in between I thought people stopped thinking like this all together, sad to see that isn't the case.
Mmm. I don't really care for the guy, just because he seems to say the same old thing, or at least he used to. He doesn't have that much of "the look". His finisher is pretty terrible.

I don't hate him, I just don't really think much of him. He's meh. Like Fanai said earlier, putting the WWE Title on him was a terrible mistake, and his later feud with Cena (if im remembering correctly) was boring.

Now, his "movie star" gimmick is actually growing on me. However, some of that might be attributed to Sandow, pardon me, MIZdow, as his lackey.
Its not really hate, I just really dont like the guy.
I find him boring, I find his in ring work boring. WHile he can talk, I find him boring. He has a douche gimmick. Which is very very hard to like.
While he is not the best wrestler, there isnt anything to make him stand out.
He doesnt hae the size to really make anyone in the WWE fear him besides Evan Bourne..... Rey even looks more menacing then him.
He is just a generic wrestler, with a generic gimmick, while being a good talker is not going to get him over. I usually turn the channel or play with my phone when he is on. I respect all his hard work, and Ill be the first one to say I cant do 80% of what he does. I just think he is the least entertaining star in WWE.
I hated The Miz when he first debuted. He was some MTV nobody who got hired for some tiny amount of "mainstream" attention. But he worked his ass off and improved dramatically. By late 2009 I was a huge fan of his. I marked when he won Money in the Bank, I marked HUGE when he won the WWE Championship, and I was a fan of his title reign. I disagreed with his title match headlining WrestleMania, but it had nothing to do with him. Alberto Del Rio won the Royal Rumble, so his title match should have closed the show. That's it. With VERY rare exceptions like Shawn Michaels' retirement match at WrestleMania 26, the Royal Rumble winner's match should ALWAYS close WrestleMania.

Anyway, back to The Miz. I had no problem with him as a main eventer and never did. He's great in the ring, he's gold on the mic, and he oozes charisma. I'm not a fan of his "Hollywood" gimmick, it's been done to death and it's been done better by other people. He needs to go back to the leather trenchcoat and just wrestling. Eventually his team with Mizdow will end and they'll feud with Mizdow as the face, but I believe that when that time comes, The Miz should be the guy to win the feud and get another main event push. Miz is one of the best heels on the roster and he's better than WWE's next "chosen" heel, Seth Rollins, in every possible category.
I don't hate him either. As a matter of fact I don't hate any wrestler, I don't know any of them personally to say that I hate them.

His character is one that you're not supposed to like, he's a heel, and to tell the truth he does come off as being very obnoxious. Probably more so than anyone else on the roster. I have no idea if it's an act or not, but he does it well.

I saw him on an episode of Ghosthunters a couple of years ago, he and another wrestler went out with the team. He was fine on that show if I remember correctly. Seemed to get along well with everyone, and not the guy you see in the WWE ring. So don't really know how much of what he does is natural or an act. It might be a little from column A and a little from column B.
Bingo! You're not supposed to like him. He's the B-List Hollywood wanna-be of the show and he does that well. That's half the reason why Sandow (to me) is so over right now. There are probably a lot of factors to that (Sandow being over).

We (me) have been wanting something *for* Sandow for a long time.
We (me) needing a wrestler involved in a unique angle to really be able to get behind them.
We (me) accept The Miz to be a snakey tool loser and yet a successful villain.

I like that The Miz is on the roster. I do not hate The Miz.
Even moreso than Bam Bam Bigelow Vs a football player?
That was bad too. Until then, pro wrestling was always made to look superior to all other sports. Anytime an athlete from another sport completed in the ring he went down to the superior athletes that were pro wrestlers. Whether it was football players in the WrestleMania 2 battle royal or Gorilla Monsoon beating the crap out of Muhammad Ali wrest were always made to look superior. But starting in the 90s Vince made wrestler look as week as possible by having them jobbing left and right to non wrestlers. It made the entire sport look week. Probably the #1 reason I hate the WWF Attitude era.
But starting in the 90s Vince made wrestler look as week as possible by having them jobbing left and right to non wrestlers. It made the entire sport look week. Probably the #1 reason I hate the WWF Attitude era.

Don't blame it all on Vince, don't forget WCW put the title on David Arquette. You want to talk about a black spot on the sport? That wasn't a black spot, it was an entire freaking black hole.
Its not really hate, I just really dont like the guy.
I find him boring, I find his in ring work boring. WHile he can talk, I find him boring. He has a douche gimmick. Which is very very hard to like.
While he is not the best wrestler, there isnt anything to make him stand out.
He doesnt hae the size to really make anyone in the WWE fear him besides Evan Bourne..... Rey even looks more menacing then him.
He is just a generic wrestler, with a generic gimmick, while being a good talker is not going to get him over. I usually turn the channel or play with my phone when he is on. I respect all his hard work, and Ill be the first one to say I cant do 80% of what he does. I just think he is the least entertaining star in WWE.

I think "douche gimmick" sums it up nicely. It's cheap heat.
The Miz is hated because he's being himself. No volume turned all the way up or anything... what you see is The Miz 24/7... and he's a douchebag of the highest level.

I remember his goofy ass back in the days of The Real World when he'd become 'The Miz' when he would drink and become this obnoxious dick monger who wanted so much attention that he'd do anything or say anything to get it. And yes, he said his dream was to become a pro wrestler, but that doesn't make him less of a douche silo.

The Miz is someone who doesn't seem to take the wrestling business seriously, either. He didn't cut his teeth in the business in the traditional sense either. He was a product of Tough Enough, a competition that has shown constant ineptitude in developing long-lasting talent. Only Miz and Morrison were the only names from that show to make it to an elite level in the ring. And they're both universally hated by most fans and the wrestlers in the back.

It's known that JBL bullied the living daylights out of him backstage, and I'm not one for supporting bullying of any kind, but when I heard it was done to The Miz, I didn't seem to care so much, because it probably made him realize he was in the locker room of men that had went through hell to get to where they are, not a reality show.

And for those that say "The Miz is doing his job as a heel"... that would mean giving him credit to being multi-dimensional, which he is not. He can't work as a babyface, because no one wants to like him. And as a heel, he's getting the 'we don't want to see you' kind of heat as opposed to the 'I want to see him get his ass kicked' kind of heat you want as a bad guy.

And the fact that he not only won the WWE title and retained it at Wrestlemania, but actually won PWI's Wrestler of the Year makes that award moot as far as I'm concerned.

The Miz is not awesome... he's annoying and I wish he'd leave the WWE and start acting in B-Movies or return to the Real World/Road Rules challenge where he belongs.
The Miz sucks.

Average look, average in the ring, incapable of playing a Face persona and everything about him just pisses me off. He's just so unlikeable, but its not the kind of dislike that makes me want to see him get beaten up in the ring, it's the dislike that makes me want him off my TV for good.

Yes, he does love the wrestling business and has worked hard to achieve what he has in WWE, but nothing he does appeals to me. He doesn't look or wrestle like a top star, he's a mid-carder at best with an annoying gimmick to get cheap heat. I know he does alot of public appearances for WWE and is a lifelong fan of the business, but as a performer he irritates the hell out of me, and if I suddenly was given power in WWE, Miz would probably be the first or 2nd wrestler I'd fire.

The fact he main evented AND WON at WrestleMania offends me to this day. He shouldn't have been anywhere near the WWE Title, let along have a run with the belt. Roddy Piper, Scott Hall, Rick Rude, Curt Hennig, Owen Hart...all great wrestlers who never held the WWE title...and The Miz did. Just think about that...
I haven't looked through all the posts, but the reason I have always hated Miz is because he's goofy looking. Everytime I see the cover of Wrestlemania 27, it looks photo shopped. You have a group of wrestlers and some mark fan holding the WWE title, a belt that's bigger than he is. He always has a dopey look on his face. He isn't believable as a wrestler. Does anyone really believe that he could win in a real fight with anyone? Maybe next one of the douche bags from Jersey Shore could come in and make a run at the title. Do you remember how Miz first appeared on WWE TV? He hosted a smackdown party. Then we were expected to believe him as a wrestler. Lucky for him, this is the era where your look means very little. 25 years ago, Mix wouldn't have made a good jobber.
Why do so many people hate The Miz? Because he sucks. Plain and simple. He can talk on the mic but that's it. Good promos are all that he brings to the table. He's not believable in any role further up the card than US Champion. The reality TV past could bother some, but that could have been overcome if he was believable as any type of threat. The reality (see what I did there?) is that he will never, and I mean NEVER, be believable in a spot further up the card. His WWE Championship reign should never have happened. It was the single worst World Championship reign of the past decade. How he got pushed over Morrison is beyond me, let alone WWE making him RETAIN against CENA at WRESTLEMANIA. I give him credit for trying to improve and doing all of the publicity for the federation that he has.... but there's only so much you can do if you lack the legitimate skill in the ring and aren't believable. He sucked when he debuted, he sucked in 2009, he sucked during his awful WWE Championship reign, and he sucks now. The only time I ever liked him was when he tag teamed with Morrison. He should enter a role where he only speaks. That way WWE can use him in a role he fits better in. Have MizTV be kept as a talk show segment or maybe even make him an announcer. Just never let him win another World Championship, WWE. Never again.
His WWE Championship reign should never have happened. It was the single worst World Championship reign of the past decade. How he got pushed over Morrison is beyond me, let alone WWE making him RETAIN against CENA at WRESTLEMANIA. I give him credit for trying to improve and doing all of the publicity for the federation that he has.... but there's only so much you can do if you lack the legitimate skill in the ring and aren't believable. He sucked when he debuted, he sucked in 2009, he sucked during his awful WWE Championship reign, and he sucks now.

The Miz got pushed over John Morrison because he was much more charismatic than Morrison, and because Morrison stopped caring. Morrison was white-hot when he was ECW Champion, but as soon as they took the title off him, he just stopped putting effort into his matches. He phoned it in night after night and it was clear he just didn't care. Miz worked harder than anybody else to improve and in my book he did. If you think Miz doesn't have the in-ring skills, you're not watching his matches. Plain and simple. Miz is one of the best in-ring workers WWE has today. He's far more talented than guys currently in the spotlight, like Bray Wyatt, Dean Ambrose, Luke Harper, and Erick Rowan. As far as full-time guys go, I'd say Miz is easily in WWE's top 5 ring workers.

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