Why do people still long for the attitude era?

I think the Attitude Era provided us with the best roster the WWE had ever seen. Fans would pop for any match, and storylines took off like that. People sometimes miss the fact that is why the Attitude Era was so successful. It wasn't because of the profanity, idiocy and blood, it was for the talent.

To me, the current WWE roster has just as much potential as the roster back then. In the main event, guys like John Cena, CM Punk, Randy Orton, Sheamus and Daniel Bryan are really popular and over well. Rising stars such as Dolph Ziggler, Damien Sandow, Cody Rhodes, The Shield, The Miz, Curtis Axel and more are getting there and each have solid fan bases. Veterans like The Big Show, Kane, Chris Jericho, Rob Van Dam and Christian are still here to entertain and, again, are popular. The occasional appearances of The Rock, Brock Lesnar, Triple H keep things exciting and fresh, even the lesser known ones like William Regal and Goldust, they get a crowd going. The amazing names and talents could provide the same entertainment as the Attitude Era, without the blood, the sex and the profanity.

I agree with you, no need to revert back to that. At the end of day, the people that moan still watch on the majority, so something must be good.
The Attitude Era spontaneous, entertaining, and unpredictable. The current product is entertaining at times, but neither of the other two mentioned. With such a huge roster back then, there were so many choices. Now, the product is watered down with manufactured wrestlers from developmental wrestling the WWE style all of the time.
I want the attitude era back because of the unique storylines, good writers, and kayfabe.

The writers were top notch during the attitude era. Everyone loves to hate on Vince Russo but I believe Russo + McMahon= Success. Just because we have the internet today doesn't mean wrestlers need to break kayfabe either, the attitude era was cool because everyone had their own unique gimmick.

The divas division and the tag team division were better as well. The one minute matches between divas before Total Divas came out was sexist as hell. With a three hour product WWE does not have much of an excuse to not give the divas competing storylines and matches we want to see.
You ALMOST had me believing in the Attitude era........until you said that they "had to put out a better product" and "a lot of guys who could move in and out of the main event".

The Attitude era, throughout its whole run, STILL wasn't better than WCW before WCW decided to copy the AE. If that were the case, then they would have started consistently beating WCW BEFORE '99, which was two years before the Monday Night Wars ended (which essentially ended the Attitude era IMO). The WWE's Attitude era didn't beat WCW; WCW beat WCW.

Um, they did start beating them consistently before 1999.

Try April, 1998. About 6 months after the Montreal Screwjob which marked the beginning of the Attitude era. And if you really do your homework, you'll see that since Nov. 1997, Raw starts moving up in the ratings at a pretty steady pace.

So yeah...your theory. It stinks.

And this whole, "a lot of guys who could move in and out of the main event"? There was Stone Cold, The Rock, Undertaker, HBK, Triple H, and Mick Foley. A whopping SIX main-event guys. Granted, they had more powerful star quality than a lot of the main-event guys on the roster now (save John Cena), but compare that to Hulkamania or even '90s WCW (they had the guys who could main-event, they just never did it).

Yes, a WHOPPING SIX guys that the WWE built into stars and main event material. Six bonafide main eventers is more than what any of these companies had at any time, including the 80s WWF. What the hell did WCW do during that time? They had Hogan and a litany of retreads like Piper, Savage and Luger. Half of the main events during that 1997 were half-assed tag team matches, or Page and Savage -- a true poor man's main event if ever there was one. Kevin Greene? Dennis Rodman? WCW during that time was a PITIFUL main event scene.

As for the 90's WCW, you had a couple of guys at a time typically. Sting, Vader, Luger (while he was there), Rude, and Flair. Of course, you didn't exactly have ALL of them at the same time, now did you? Luger went to the WWE, as did Flair for a time. Rude left not long after Flair came back. Hogan came in, and then Flair dropped out for awhile. Vader eventually left.

Check that revolving door...you'll see at best you had 4 real main eventers guys at any one time.
Why do I long for the attitude era? Is it because of the violence? No. Is it because of the roster? Partly. Is it because of the storylines? Yup. The story telling during that era was much better imo. I feel like we're starting to get some better ones moving forward, but that's what it is to me, storylines have been a bit dull the past few years.
one thing I have noticed with PG era wwe product is the return of a more old school style of wrestling programs. Not everyone is jacked to the gills with muscles and abs. Instead we get guys who we could look like if we worked out (bryan, punk, ADR). Now of course we still get RYBACK!, Titus O'neill, and other remarkable physiques. WWE production values sometimes do not correlate with the actual product that is in the ring. We get an old school in ring product surrounded by large stages and crowds. So perhaps we get deceived sometimes in what we should expect.
Jerry Springer. The Jerry Springer Show brought home crash tv and what made it so amazing at the time- the insanity of it. Back when it had people who thought they were aliens and hate groups who loved chucking chairs at one another for the sake of controversial television.

Has anyone watched Springer lately? I may be the only one who tunes in now and then just to see what it's about, and let me tell you...it's recycled mooseshit. All Affairs and Closet stories. Even one of the greatest crash television programs became watered down abominations.

WWE is no exception. They had their run and if they would have kept it up, it would be complete and utter garbage. Why? Because trends come and go. Fads are fads and what once was hip and cool will become lame as fuck. It's just how life is. Even in 2002-2003, What was really left for the Attitude Era? Katie Vick and Dawn Marie fucks Torrie Wilson's dad to death? Come on.

PG is the greatest thing to happen for wrestling in this point of the game.
I honestly think it is nothing more than perception. When we think of the attitude era it is The Rock, Austin, DX and The Undertaker - legendary names of this business. When I think of the modern day, it is everything from John Cena to The Great Khali and EVERYTHING inbetween. We are watching 5 hours of WWE television and are exposed to a range of names and abilities. When I personally think of the attitude era, the first things to come to mind are the big names. Which is natural - remembering the good and forgetting the bad.

When comparing now and the attitude era: the main event stars were better; stronger tag/divas division and a more entertaining product. The only way I would say the WWE has improved is the mid-card has a lot more talent. During a lot of the Monday Night Wars there were only 2 hours of television each week meaning there was smaller roster and a greater focus on the big names. Now we have 5 hours plus a massive roster with probably worse writers. However, if they upped their standard they can win over people who are monomaniacal about the Attitude Era - see Summerslam.
Most of the people who long for the attitude era were very young and impressionable while it was going on, and don't realize how horrific most of the shows were. I mean, go back and watch them, they're generally unwatchable.

The storytelling was ADD riddled garbage.
There were way too many nonsensical, repetitive backstage segments.
Most of the matches had clusterfuck endings.
The midcard was awful. I don't care if they had storylines.
The announcing was moronic.
The elements of sexuality used were sophomoric at best.

If the WWE went back to that kind of programming, it would be off the air within six months.
I watched Wrestling back in the Attitude Era, I was in my teens. I look back at it now and alot of it is pretty much shameful and should stay in the 1990s.

Blood, swearing, sex - disgusting that this all had a place in professional wrestling. I am so glad that WWE has moved on to a family orientated show. I can watch it safely now with my 4 year old who loves Cena, Rey, Sheamus :)

Wanting blood makes you sick in my estimation, watch UFC. Swearing isnt cool, there are plenty of shows that have swearing in if thats what you want and as for sex - watch a porno or jump on your missus for your kicks.

I say those that long for it want to grow the fuck up and come join us in 2013.
I agree with the spirit of what you're saying but most of the best talent in the WWE from the Attitude Era developed elsewhere. Stone Cold cut his teeth in WCW and ECW. Shawn Michaels learned his skills in the AWA and other territories. Mick Foley developed in other territories like WCW and in Japan. It would be nice if the retired stars would start their own territories up to develop talent.
Well in my opinion the attitude era was much more entertaining than the current WWE product. A part of that is nostalgia I admit, as I was young during those days and some of my best childhood memories are staying up late at friends houses and watching PPV's. But even still I've re-watched most of the attitude era and still think it's better than the current product for several reasons.

1. Storylines had more depth and were unpredictable. For example, Stone Cold's shocking heel turn at WM 17 or Kane's debut where he tombstoned the Undertaker, The Rock joining the Corporation etc. These were all unpredictable storylines which led to great and long lasting rivalries.

2. The epic feuds. Austin vs The Rock, Triple H vs The Rock, Undertaker vs Kane. All of these guys were in their prime in the Attitude era and had some amazing matches with great stories behind them.

3. The roster was a lot stronger throughout. You had all of the star names like The Rock, Undertaker, Austin, Kane, Foley, HBK,. But also the midcard and tag divisions were strong too. Nearly every wrestler had some kind of gimmick that made you love or hate them or at least take an interest in them. Even mid carders like X-Pac and The Godfather were getting bigger crowd reactions than main eventers these days.

4. The overall show was better. The rabid crowd every week, great commentary from JR and the King back when they actually gave a shit, wrestlers theme songs always matched their persona, the arena always had a darker/edgier look to it. Just overall it was a better show in my opinion.

Not saying everything was great, there was a lot of nonsense story lines like Insane clown possie wrestling, The Oddities, Mark Henry Sexual Chocolate gimmick etc.. There was plenty of bums on the roster too like DOA, Los Boricuas, Midnight Express, Marc Mero etc.. But in my opinion all of the great moments more than made up for the this stuff.

But in reply to the OP I don't really long for the attitude era. It was a phenomenon that will never happen again. In those days everyone watched wrestling, Kids, Teenagers, Adults. Everyone wanted to see Stone Cold and DX's crazy antics and The Rock laying the Smackdown every week. I doubt there will ever be any wrestlers again with the star power Stone Cold and The Rock had. Also as someone already mentioned, the WWE nowadays would never get away with half of the crazy shit that happened in the attitude era.
So I enjoyed the Attitude era but I'm not bothered about a return to those days as it just wouldn't be the same. I'm happy enough re-watching 1997-2003 and reveling in a bit of nostalgia :)

People remember the exciting stuff from the Attitude Era but they don't remember all the bad that came with it. The endless Ministry vs. Corporation feud, the midcard being all over the place, angles so insulting to your intelligence that they belong in a bad movie, 90% of matches having either no finish and lasting about three minutes, Mae Young giving birth to a hand, the constant swerve reveals and I could go on and on.

People remember it as this great time where everything was awesome and fast paced, but they don't remember how low the quality was so much of the time. Go back and watch full episodes of Raw from back then and see how much you like it.
I honestly can see why people do indeed enjoy The Attitude Era. It's easily the time period that I watch the most. It was so well done in that time period, even though 1999 really was a terrible year for the Attitude Era.

However, I don't understand why everyone says the Attitude Era was the greatest era. Personally, I believe the 80's was the greatest time for superstars based on the grand stage that Wrestling was set on. It's called the Golden Era (or Hogan Era if you prefer) for a reason. But this isn't a thread on that time period, so I apologize if it comes across as spam.

The Attitude Era was a time of bliss and ignorance for fans of that age... I mean we got Foley falling off a cell for lord sake. But it was also the time of rebellion, and what better time than then. Shawn Michaels led it well in 1997-1998, until Stone Cold's personality caught hold of the world, and there it led to the rise of many a superstar. It was indeed a great time to be a fan, (Not speaking for Golden Era fans, I'm sure some of them have differing views.) Well, that's just my two cents.
Because it was entertaining. Sure, some angles were insane and unnecessary, but it was edge-of-your-seat stuff, something WWE today is not.

Outside of WrestleMania season, WWE is boring. For example - I just watched Daniel Bryan face off with Dean Ambrose.... for the 400th time. Honestly, I don't want to watch three or four thirty minute matches between the same guys inside of a month. Actually, I don't need thirty minute matches on Raw very often at all. That's what PPV's are for.

Zero variety = boring, which is exactly what WWE is right now.
Because they don't realize that it was mostly Jerry Springer style trash TV. It was garbage TV. People watched it for the same reason they watched Jersey Shore and that's not a long term plan.

There were some great moments sure. The wrestling itself wasn't as good and no the roster wasn't that deep. Boring ass talent was made watchable with sleazy gimmicks. Overrated era. I started watching wrestling in 1995. I predate the 'tude era. Believe it or not, MANY people disliked it as it was going on because "it's more trash tv than wrestling". A lot of people actually wanted it to go back to "something you could take the kids to".

I'd be interested in doing market research on this. Everyone go back and edit your post, give your age, when you started watching wrestling, and the highest level of education you've had

bachelors and associates degree
For me it's simple - it was less scripted and we got more of peoples personalities.

Now it's a scripted soap opera and you wouldn't have any 3:16 moments or ones where the Rock made a name for himself. Today they try and force feed guys down your throat and not let them be who they are
Okay let's be totally honest here, The Attitude era was so successful because they were in direct competition with WCW , the one title picture was always littered with 7 or 8 potential champions, the lesser titles always were full of up and coming wrestlers and sometimes a drop down from the main eventers.Tag teams had relevance and were an important part of the product for every great main event at PPV's there was an epic tag team match as well.
Raw and Smackdown would often finish with 6/8 tag team battles which had little effect on the titles but never the less created excitement.There was the anti authority idea. There were several wrestlers who could cut great promos.Although sometimes they pushed the boundaries of good taste the writing was better the stories were more creative and the build up was greater.PG has toned some of it down the swearing etc but its been dumbed down by the lack of writing and lack of story telling
Because they don't realize that it was mostly Jerry Springer style trash TV. It was garbage TV. People watched it for the same reason they watched Jersey Shore and that's not a long term plan.

There were some great moments sure. The wrestling itself wasn't as good and no the roster wasn't that deep. Boring ass talent was made watchable with sleazy gimmicks. Overrated era. I started watching wrestling in 1995. I predate the 'tude era. Believe it or not, MANY people disliked it as it was going on because "it's more trash tv than wrestling". A lot of people actually wanted it to go back to "something you could take the kids to".

I'd be interested in doing market research on this. Everyone go back and edit your post, give your age, when you started watching wrestling, and the highest level of education you've had

bachelors and associates degree


You can call it trash TV all you want, but the facts are the facts - it was a cash cow. Calling it Springer-style TV as if that makes it a lesser period of time as it relates to the business goes against your own basic philosophy - if it draws money, it's good. You should take some of your own medicine when it comes to the Attitude Era.

Oh, and the top star of today can't lace Steve Austin's boots. Just wanted to throw that immature jab in there.....
I enjoyed the fact they were willing to have more adult themes and was at times more brutal it drew you in more. Now they have to watch their step to keep their PG rating and what not its not too unlike the 80's and early 90's atm. I am hoping there is a pattern and the pendulum will swing back to a more attitude/ruthless aggression era.

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