The beginning of a NEW or PRE attitude era…


Pre-Show Stalwart
The beginning of a NEW or PRE attitude era…

I heard John Cena on our local sports talk radio station (I’m in DC, it was before capitol pushinment) and while hearing that he has an AWESOME grasp for the business he said something, about how wrestling (like any great form of entertainment) goes in cycles, in short all the hulk a maniacs grew up thus we had the attitude era, all the lil hulk a maniacs had kids thus we have the PG era and he said maybe one day we will have another attitude era its just the nature of the business.

Now seeing the recent event SINCE his interview we have all of this stuff with Punk, CENA, and now Monday VINCE’s firing and I ask the question, IS THIS THE START of a PREQUEL new altitude era. I say prequel because I don’t feel the WWE “target audience” that WWE are catering too are exactly (high school age) but maybe more of just leaving elementary school/middle school age, so do you think this is a PREQUEL to a NEW attitude era, or is this a isolated summer ratings push combined with good storylines by creative?
Wrestling has always gone in cycles. Ricky Steamboat used to say that, as well as Jim Cornette. The business has a hot period and cold periods. The difference right now though, is that you have the MMA juggernaut biting into WWEs PPV numbers and it is also taking potential wrestling fans away that other wise would have gotten into wrestling. No matter how much Vince tries to deny it, UFC is direct competition. You look at any middle schoolish age kid an its far more cool to like MMA than fake professional wrestling. I think Vince just needs to find his audience again. Wrestling has a unique ability to tell a compelling story, something MMA has trouble with being a real sport and all. This is one of the longer business down turns I can remember and I have been watching since the early 80s. It should come back around though, I think the key is your younger audience growing older and making sure you cater to them with more mature story lines and characters. That's what happened in the 98-01 period.
Seriously, someone does some version of this thread every week. Pro-wrestling may have "hot and cold periods," but that doesn't mean it makes sense to view history as merely the repetition of seasons, as the metaphor of hot and cold suggests. Can you point to any cycles before the Hogan era? No, because pro-wrestling has only been unified under the banner of national television for barely more than 30 years. So far, people can point to about three periods: Hogan era, Attitude era, PG era. How can you deduce cyclicality from a set of three data points?

This kind of extrapolation only makes sense if you view pro-wrestling from within some kind of internal vacuum in which all that matters is the age of the core fan base. How is pro-wrestling going to get back all the fans it has lost to MMA, as the above poster noted? And although pro-wrestling may possess a "unique ability to tell a story," so does Hollywood, and the UFC is doing a pretty damn good job at the moment of building narratives for their business. Pro-wrestling has been "mainstream" for all of about 10 years since it became a major sport in 1900 when New York state banned boxing, and there is little reason to believe, at the moment, that it will ever ascend above that niche status again.

So in short, no, we are not seeing the start of a new attitude era, because that is not how history works.
i respect you have taken the time to write this article and this comment isnt directed entirely at you but what is with all the talk about era's recently? im am getting sick to death of people hating on the 'PG era' on which things dont seem so different to be honest, with the exception of blood (which hasnt bothered me one bit, its probs for the best people arent bleeding all over the place, so 1999), no weapon head shots (theres no argument as to keeping chair head shots etc look at what it does, concussions etc, no need anymore) theres still swearing and sexual inuendos all over the place so its as least PG as possible in my opinion, im not unhappy with the PG at all. its not the new attitude era also, that was 10 years ago it ended so why take a step back to try and go forward? i dont want to define this era, its a transitional era so just try and enjoy it without labeling it as whatever, or at least rally together and call wade keller or something and make it offcial, otherwise can we stop with all this 'what will we call this era' stuff because you can call it what you like, WWE will ultimately be the ones to tell us what era we are in when they decide on what direction they are taking
Shit is definitely going down! They can't go back to the wholesome, family friendly show after what has happened in recent week it's just impossible. I think, in my opinion, they're going to take PG as far as it will go, not quite TV14 but not far off. The kids of today aren't like the kids of the 80's, kids these days are growing up faster than ever before in terms of attitude, looks etc. They're starting to acknowledge the large demographic of adult fans again which is great. Hell, even John Cena has become a little edgier since Rock's return and even more so in the last few weeks. I definitely think they're entering a new era but not it won't be as strong as the AE.
OMG when will the mods freakin disable these kinds of threads?

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This will be like the 15th time I have said this and I hope you people will see it and say "oh that makes sense".

YES, wrestling indeed does go in cycles and right now its back in the Hogan PG era. When us little Macho Madness kids or Hulkamaniacs grew up a little Vince shifted to a more edgier product because WE WERE GROWING UP.

Now Cena is the head of the PG product for the kids who are younger wrestling fans. When these younger wrestling fans begin to grow up, they will ALSO want something more edgier which will turn into what you people call the next attitude era or attitude era 2. Then after that they will AGAIN TARGET A YOUNGER AUDIENCE therefore going back to the PG type programming. And the cycle continues.

Why is this so hard for some of you to grasp? Its right in your face. PLEASE CAN WE PUT A STOP TO THESE THREADS?
ok heres what i think - i think the shows will still be mainly pg but they will push the boundaries a little more especially on ppvs - why because controversy sells and we are going to see it more with the cena, rock, triple h and vince all pushing the boundaries between now and wrestlemania - mark my words we will see the storylines being built up now
I look at it this way, you remember that time peroid between Hulk leaving for WCW and the Attitude Era, thats what we're in right now. We're just moving off the whole targeting kids thing and are slowly moving towards the more edgy content. Sure its going to take a while seeing as though WWE doesnt have a company breathing down its neck like WCW these days, but I think its only good for business if the company keeps evolving. Sure we're not gunna get a full blown Stone Cold/DX like era, but things wont stay the same.
I look at it this way, you remember that time peroid between Hulk leaving for WCW and the Attitude Era, thats what we're in right now. We're just moving off the whole targeting kids thing and are slowly moving towards the more edgy content. Sure its going to take a while seeing as though WWE doesnt have a company breathing down its neck like WCW these days, but I think its only good for business if the company keeps evolving. Sure we're not gunna get a full blown Stone Cold/DX like era, but things wont stay the same.

Yo Im not on here everyday so I have no idea that THIS thread gets ran thru the mudd but if ya feel that way I apologize, and to be honest I like the PG era, I for one dont miss blading and I can watch it with my kids and know they wont see anything they shouldnt HOWEVER, you have got to be an idiot to see that the stuff that gone down since wrestlemania, have NOT been ordinary PG type stuff, I look at it likt this WWE has build up b4 wrestlemania and sometime later in the year as football season come around to compete, but after wrestlemania to ocotber ppv is boring, this year not so much and I think its weird and THATS the point of this thread, and like I said I love the PG era and I dont wanna see a "replacement" attitude era however some more witty, sharp and culturally edgy characters is what I do see how do you explain, a conspiracy R truth, Cena almost being heel (in the way he speaks to vince) and CM antics I dont see them as attitude era clones but as edgy in there own right using word to shock instead of blood and gore.
All this talk about "eras" and catering to certain audiences is B.S.

One thing defines an era. Ratings and, namely, money.

Any change you see in the product is not a "cyclical event." It's not the some kind of divine nature.

It's business. Get ratings and make money.

If the WWE feels that the business demographic of the past several years (the "PG era") is not doing enough of either of those things, they'll change it.

That may or may not be what we are currently seeing. It's too early to tell.

Does that mean if things are changing that it'll go back to an "Attitude" paradigm? Not necessarily.

If what we're seeing is a change or the beginning of a "new era," only time will tell what that era would be.
Wrestling has always gone in cycles. Ricky Steamboat used to say that, as well as Jim Cornette. The business has a hot period and cold periods. The difference right now though, is that you have the MMA juggernaut biting into WWEs PPV numbers and it is also taking potential wrestling fans away that other wise would have gotten into wrestling. No matter how much Vince tries to deny it, UFC is direct competition. You look at any middle schoolish age kid an its far more cool to like MMA than fake professional wrestling. I think Vince just needs to find his audience again. Wrestling has a unique ability to tell a compelling story, something MMA has trouble with being a real sport and all. This is one of the longer business down turns I can remember and I have been watching since the early 80s. It should come back around though, I think the key is your younger audience growing older and making sure you cater to them with more mature story lines and characters. That's what happened in the 98-01 period.

I'm going to have to stop you right there... people have used the MMA vs. Wrestling shtick for far too long now. In the early days, WWE still had to compete with Boxing, Kick Boxing, and even Martial Arts tournaments which were composed of "real fighters" and in those days, WWE still out shined them by a long shot. UFC coming in is really nothing more than sheer luck and hype, once people get tired of seeing people just punching each other for no reason, they'll probably resort back to wrestling. Not to mention, WWE was still more popular when Eddie and Benoit were alive... so if anything the recent cluster of deaths is more to do with it than anything.


As for the topic at hand, I seriously hope that WWE or wrestling period never has to experience another attitude era. Every single match in that era was just about shock value that often times made little to no sense at all. Attitude era sucked and if it ever comes back, I'll instantly switch to some other promotion... much like I switched to WCW.
There's only been 2 golden eras (1). the Hogan era & 2. The Attitude era)... One had the wholesome image of Hogan & one had the opposite with Stone cold/The Rock... Wrestling is like a soap opera, there are only so many story lines that you can repeat, before the soap opera gets cancelled... People need to realize that wrestling will not be around forever... The reason that wrestling is on the decline is because we have seen everything... Every bump, every gimmick, every shock angle, every shock heel/face turn... EVERYTHING
Honestly, I'm done expecting another AE. Personally I think that the E right now is in great shape, there is no need for a more edgy product. I don't miss the blood or curse. Yet I'm not going to lie I would like some matches like HiaC to be more "violent".

I do think however we are in a transitional period of time but it ain't going to become the "next" AE. Either way this "prequel" or "new era" or whatever has as it biggest characteristics the creation of new stars and I like it alot.
I'm going to have to stop you right there... people have used the MMA vs. Wrestling shtick for far too long now. In the early days, WWE still had to compete with Boxing, Kick Boxing, and even Martial Arts tournaments which were composed of "real fighters" and in those days, WWE still out shined them by a long shot. UFC coming in is really nothing more than sheer luck and hype, once people get tired of seeing people just punching each other for no reason, they'll probably resort back to wrestling. Not to mention, WWE was still more popular when Eddie and Benoit were alive... so if anything the recent cluster of deaths is more to do with it than anything.

Yeah, UFC is a little bit more than a passing fad, all you need to do is look at the PPV buy rates, They do the numbers that WWE used to do during their hey day with the one exception of Wrestlemania which gets by on its name recognition. I think that if WWE wants to either get back their lost audience, or build a new fan base they need to go bit more serious in their programming. Also, history has shown that people never get tired of watching people punch and kick each other which is why boxing, MMA, wrestling, or any combat sport still exist today thousands of years after their invention Ancient Greek times. I don't buy into the "era" thing although it is a definable way of looking at different sections of history. I think ratings would still be in the tank had they never outlawed blading, and super violence. There are just periods when wrestling is "cool" the last 10 years has not been one of those times. I think after the changes we have seen the past couple weeks however, that WWE is ready to move into a new "era" so to speak which in my eyes is a new creative direction. I hope it leads to an up turn in business, but I won't be suprised if it does not. There are just too many alternatives out there grabbing their key demographic's attention.
Personally I believe WWE needs to target 16-34 age range if they want a spike in rating in a good way. They've given us old school RAW, King of the ring as well as other novelty RAW's that have done little to no good in ratings and this month WWE has been on such a role, yet the ratings haven't spiked, Why?

Because WWE only appeals to kids, wrestling isn't the cool thing to watch anymore. WWE needs to entertain this idea, having RAW's 3 hours period. First hour it's dedicated to the kids target ie Hornswoggle, the BS stuff, Cena (more weeks than not) with the last two hours being targeted towards the teens+ with more edgy storylines, I'm not saying Tits and Ass, and Mae Young giving birth to a hand, I mean more storylines like Nexus' debut and the beating they laid upon Cena, Punk & Ringside. The Hardcore style of book that appeals to older fans, I'm not saying go full throttle Attitude Era style but incorporate it into product and just see if the rating sky-rocket, if they do they're on to a winner, if not than revert back.

One thing WWE needs to look at, how Cena is being cheered by kids and booed by teens+ because they don't buy his "Hustle, Loyalty & Respect" plus WWE kind of shut out a certain age range in that respect and expect the Diva's two minute matches to subsidize for it.

And one last thing, anyone who says MMA is cutting into WWE's PPV's, that's horseshit! MMA if anything is cutting into Boxing's PPV's. The problem is WWE/Vince are too stubborn to admit that they've dicked around with 16-34 years old who enjoyed the sport and they've left wrestling to a degree and maybe just maybe bought the MMA hype wave, truth be known I've been an MMA fan since 2002, and believe I get more enjoyment out of their shows than I do out of the majority of WWE shows but I still watch WWE because I love wrestling to a degree but if fans were casual during the Attitude Era than moved on to MMA then WWE should be asking themselves why.
I think that WWE is already pushing the PG rating to the limit, As I might be kinda new, I don't know much about the attitude era, So I hope to see a new era and see if it brings more creative storylines. Been watching for about a year.
I think that WWE is already pushing the PG rating to the limit, As I might be kinda new, I don't know much about the attitude era, So I hope to see a new era and see if it brings more creative storylines. Been watching for about a year.

Check out Youtube, I'm sure if you type WWF Attitude Era you'll get an endless amount of content to watch and you'll realize how edgy wrestling can be. If you enjoy street fight bouts, check out the Hardcore title, from around 1998-1999 and 2001 you'll get some awesome hard hitting stuff.

The PG era is good for kids and merchadise deals but ratings are down because WWE in doing so shut out a lot of fans, Cena USED to be edgy (2002-2004) until WWE toned him down or muted him would be a better analogy.
There has not been ONE thing done in the past few weeks that breaks the guidelines of "PG" Do you people even know what PG means?? Here's a little education:

In Canada:
PG: Parental guidance. Again, similar to the movie rating of the same name. Moderate violence and moderate profanity is allowed, as is brief nudity and sexual references if important to a storyline
This rating signifies that the program may be unsuitable for younger children without the guidance of a parent. Many parents may want to watch it with their younger children.
The TV-PG rating may be accompanied by one or more of the following sub-ratings:

D for some suggestive dialogue
L for infrequent coarse language
S for some sexual situations
V for moderate violence

So tell me Oh-Wise-Ones who are calling for a new AE, What has happened in the past month or so that even comes CLOSE to breaking those? The WWE has been acting fully within PG guidelines. The only difference is they have been exploring it a bit. You CAN say "Ass" on a PG program. you can call someone a "Son of a Bitch" should you choose. There is no Prequel, nor should there be. It's fine just the way it is now.
coming from a little kid that was 7-8 years old when the AE was bringing in over 7.0 ratings. So when it comes back and its edgier and more shocking. GOOD RIDDANCE to the young idiot fans.

Yes if you are 19 years old and you talk mess about an ERA that MADE wrestling, you dont deserve to comment on it. PERIOD. You were playing with barbies during this time. Stop acting like you know something.

There's only been 2 golden eras (1). the Hogan era & 2. The Attitude era)... One had the wholesome image of Hogan & one had the opposite with Stone cold/The Rock... Wrestling is like a soap opera, there are only so many story lines that you can repeat, before the soap opera gets cancelled... People need to realize that wrestling will not be around forever... The reason that wrestling is on the decline is because we have seen everything... Every bump, every gimmick, every shock angle, every shock heel/face turn... EVERYTHING

Yeah WE HAVE. The ones that seen both of those ERAs. Hence why the hell they are targeting little kids? That have NOT seen those eras. They are trying to build a whole new generation of fans. Why is this so hard to comprehend? Wrestling will be around as long as little kids buy in. That simple.

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