Why Cena didn't screw Cena


The One.. The Only.. The Last...
Well for once this won't be a Cena trashing thread. No I do not like cena but everyone knows that so we won't get into it. This is something that I noticed on Raw.

I was watching the Raw 15th Anniversary DVD today and I got to the part where Vince was saying how Bret screwed Bret because he didn't honor the "Old Tradition". Now on Raw Cena had to face HHH for his maybe last match on Raw and he lost. So my question is this... Did Cena honor that tradition by going out on his back? Did Cena just give away that he will be losing at Bragging Rights on Sunday?

Coming full circle, we all bash Cena calling him Super Cena or what not but if Cena is leaving Raw, tonight Cena showed he loves the buisness and honors it by losing to HHH. This shows why he is the poster boy for the WWE and why Cena didn't screw Cena....

Thoughts on this..

If this needs to be moved please do so... I am kinda new at this.. sorry
sorry my dude that nothing to do with cena loving the buisness as u put it, thats triple h using his power as usual. now not to take away from your question but i got one of my own. why would the wwe put them two in a match right before the ppv and have cena lose cleanly???? now u guys know that just ruined the ppv because they are not gonna have there powerhouse in cena lose back to back matches, they pretty much killed the iron man match. wwe is sooooooooooooo predictable, and yes i know it's for the kids but hell even the 4 year olds can predict this shit.
sorry my dude that nothing to do with cena loving the buisness as u put it, thats triple h using his power as usual. now not to take away from your question but i got one of my own. why would the wwe put them two in a match right before the ppv and have cena lose cleanly???? now u guys know that just ruined the ppv because they are not gonna have there powerhouse in cena lose back to back matches, they pretty much killed the iron man match. wwe is sooooooooooooo predictable, and yes i know it's for the kids but hell even the 4 year olds can predict this shit.

You're right about it having nothing to do with Cena because it simply doesn't. However, I don't think the WWE is "sooooooooo" predictable. Did you really think that Orton was gonna win at HIAC? Did you really think Punk would job to Taker in 10 minutes? C'mon.
I think its pretty east to figure out where they're going:

1) Cena beats Orton for the title (maybe with help from Dibiase)

2) HHH is now the new contender since he just beat Cena

3) Orton will now feud with Dibiase (for Dibiase's next level push)
if the fans would hav booed cena it would hav been perfect for him to turn heel lose to randy at the ppv and go to smackdown and say the fans never respected which many ppl dont and run a fued with the undertaker
I respectfully disagree. John Cena, in my opinion, is the best WORKER in pro wrestling today. Not wrestler, but worker.

That's why Cena gets pushed. He draws more than anyone in the company, bar none, he sells ten times the merchandise, he brings higher ratings, he gets more out of anyone: Christian is a great wrestler, and he got some pretty damn good matches out of Jack Swagger, but look what Cena carried him to. Jack is still green, and John carried him to a 4 star match.

Cena also has unmatched charisma, he has the WWE look, and more than anything, he has enough in-ring prowess to put on a good match. As much as people hate to admit, John Cena is not the anti-Christ in the WWE, contrary to what many believe. There are worse wrestlers with more hype in the company: Kozlov, Zeke, Batista, etc.... So on, and so forth.

I don't know if Cena is leaving RAW, it will be a HUGE hit, and a rather unexpected swerve, but, also a wise business decision. WWE has been dwindling as of late, despite still being the far-superior product to any other promotion out there, because there isn't really any on the same level.

If Cena would lose, and go to SmackDown, he would take what is already the A show, and draw ratings. What better way to develop future superstars, than to take the show with the majority of the prospects, and put it on a wider global stage? John Cena could get some great matches out of people like John Morrison, Dolph Ziggler, CM Punk, Drew McIntyre, etc. And help solidify them as future superstars.

As for losing on RAW, I don't necessarily think that was Triple H's power... Triple H -does- have a rather overwhelming bit of backstage influence, but he alone cannot determine whether or not he'll win or lose a match. It was a great match, one of the best matches I've seen on television in a very long time. I think it was just wise booking.

It proves Cena is beatable, and keeps some steam underneath Triple H, who would be the brand's top face in the circumstance of John Cena's departure to another brand. It also makes Triple H look better if Cena regains the WWE Championship at... Whatever the new PPV is... Uh... Bragging Rights! That's it (Fuck you, whoever made the decision to drop No Mercy and Unforgiven)! Regardless...

John Cena is an amazing worker, he loves the business, watch his DVD. Triple H himself says "John Cena lives pro wrestling, the WWE is his wife, it's his kids, it's his everything." Or something along those lines. I've very briefly met Cena at a small autograph signing in San Francisco, and he doesn't seem like the type who would get in a political shuffle, which once again, plays into him being an amazing worker.

Cena, despite not having many awe-inspiring maneuvers in his repertoire, has more talent than a few other names out there in the promotion, and he doesn't play politics. John has shown time and time again he's willing to put someone over, and you'll never hear anything about backstage heat on Cena for refusing to go under.

John Cena said in a shoot interview back in 2008, when he was rehabbing from his pectoral tear that he wanted to put Randy Orton over, who, was anything but a stable main eventer at the time. He's lost to Khali, he's lost to Umaga I believe, he lost quite a bit heading into WrestleMania 25.. Took the pin at WrestleMania 24 and back-to-back PPV's this year (Despite the Whatthefuckery involved in SummerSlam and Night of Champions, if it's even named that anymore), and BLATANTLY put Orton over. There was no shadow of a doubt who went WAY over in that match. It was a clean and decisive victory.

So I'll quit ranting, which I tend to do quite a lot. I think John Cena knows what's right for business, and I doubt he had any problems losing to Triple H. If he leaves the brand, it lights a fire underneath the new #1 Face's ass, if he loses, it just propels another person into the mix *Pretends he's never seen John Cena/Triple H before*.
Cena loses cleanly to Triple H... Well, that pretty much guarantees to me that he is going to Smackdown... Think about it... if he now ends up staying on Raw, there's NO way he can be the top face because he just lost to Triple H. So what... they're going to put him in lower level feuds w/ the likes of Mark Henry, MVP, etc.? I doubt it... a program with HBK would be cool but they're both faces so scrap that.

On Smackdown on the other hand... Cena would still have the credibility to be a top face and he's the guy they need to start some fresh feuds on that show and help younger guys come up. This may require a heel turn or 2 (I dont watch SD! enough to know what the heel/face count is) but it would definitely be a wise business move. Smackdown is obviously the less popular show, but with Cena on it flocks of kids will tune in every Friday just to see him, and in the process, be exposed to alot of young guns that they may not have known about or appreciated before.

A Cena-less Raw has its pros too... a top face is already established (Triple H), esp. with his win over Cena... and Dibiase is making his way into the main event scene as well. 2 very worthy replacements for Cena. HBK is also due a fresh program, which could come against a lower level guy to help bring him up to the main event scene as well (e.g. swagger, MVP).

Right now, WWE has no interest in putting on blockbuster PPV's or any classic memorable feuds... It is trying to breed a fresh new fan base outta these little kiddies, and create a solid foundation of wrestlers w/ star power so that when TNA and ROH become legitimate threats, it already has the potential to blow them out of the water. As most of you already know, WWE is in its redefining phase... many wrestlers have yet to be embraced by the WWE universe, and Cena moving to Smackdown and working with these superstars-in-the-making is the perfect way to make this happen.

Thank You.
I literally just got done posting something like this over at the WWE PPV forum. I think all the WWE was doing was teasing Cena leaving RAW. I'm sure he'll come out on top on Sunday, probably as Mitch.. I'm sorry, is that Mitch Cumstein? What the hell? Anyway, I agree with what he said, they're setting up a Dibiase/Orton feud, and probably a Cena/Triple H feud, which I guess could be cool again? Maybe the whole thing is a swerve to keep us from expecting a Triple H heel turn, which I would love to see.
Think about what Cena and Orton agreed to a few weeks ago... NO REMATCHES!!! So my thinking is that Cena will win the Iron Man Match, become WWE Champion, and Orton will possibly move to Smackdown. That way, Cena can renew feuds with the likes of Triple H or even Shawn Michaels. We'll see what stuff creative has up their sleeves come Sunday
Dibiase/Orton ??feud there wont he could of kicked him out the group he gave em a choice as far as cena ...trade for edge turn edge face and hav em fued wit orton when he comes bac
I was shocked that Orton didnt run in during the match to begin with. The last thing I expected was for either HHH or Cena to lose a match cleanly. That being said, I see the result of this playing out in one of two ways. Either Cena is in fact going to Smackdown and this was his was of "going out properly", or it was to make Cena look weak going into the PPV as they like to make Cena look as weak and outmatched going into the PPV's as possible so when he goes all Super-Cena and wins it makes him look that much more impressive to the kiddies.
Although the more I think about it, him "going out properly" just if he is switching brands seems a little unnecessary, and just loosing a match clean to HHH I dont see how that makes Cena look weak as much as it makes HHH look even stronger so I dont really know. And with the whole no rematch stipulation, it either means Cena has to leave or Orton will have to go down the ladder a bit and a new #1 contender will have to take his place, but the only logically person for the #1 contender right now on Raw would be HHH since he just beat Cena, though D-X is still going strong right now and I dont see them stopping with that for a while, so I am leaning towards this meaning Cena is leaving Raw.
But then again I am trying to use logic in understanding the booking in WWE right now, and I am pretty sure logic went out the playbook a long time ago for Vince McMahon.
I want to address the thread title and where I think the original poster was trying to go. When the HHH/Cena match began tonight, it was a face/face match that I believed (and said to my buddy who I watch Raw with) was a lose/lose situation. See, faces don't screw faces so you were going to get a clean finish and a solid wrestling effort. For someone looking purely for entertainment, you got that. However, for the "trendy" posters in these type of forums, I knew that either result would bother this community. Cena wins and he's "Super Cena" finding a way to beat anyone even after taking a beating. Triple H wins and he's using his pull backstage and wouldn't lay down for Cena.

Remember that this is a Raw match between faces that basically means nothing. Also remember that these men have wrestled before and each has beaten the other on several occasions. Third, to look at this specific match, they each kicked out of the opponent's finisher, with Cena actually kicking out twice. After 3 pedigrees and a very solid outing, Cena lost but HHH's hand was extended in respect. What more could you ask for?

Obviously plenty more for those who see through the thinnest of lenses and can't accept a match to just be a match. It was the best match of the night by far and it took 3 pedigrees to take down a guy with a lot more on his mind than a Raw match. Take it for what you will, but Cena did a wonderful job of selling having a tough match but being a little distracted due to this possibly being his last night on Raw. I thought he played it well, and it kinda made sense for him to lose. Of course, I was right that people would be upset either way, and I think that's a shame. Matches like that don't happen every day and Raw. I suggest taking a step back, forgetting your internet programmed biases, and just enjoy a match for what it is sometimes.
The match was great IMO and the people who talk down about Cena and Triple H week in and week out just need a life and move on or something. Don't watch it if you don't like it! I don't think Cena HAD to lose, but it was kinda nice to see "Super" Cena lose one on live t.v. for a change. You don't see that often. It was a great match and it's not everyday we get to see that for free. I liked the finish and all the reversals at the end.
I can't see them having Cena lose at Bragging Rights.
Cena is too young in my opinion for him to be banned from one of the shows "for good". He's got too many wrestling years ahead of him to make it so he cannot be on a show.
I highly doubt Cena will lose at BR for a number of reasons:

The way the Dibiase/Orton match played out on Raw suggests a Dibiase face turn, and the fact that he isn't on the PPV card in any respect combined with the fact that this is a No DQ Iron Man Match, suggests even more that his turn will likely be at the PPV.

2. Whenever a stipulation states that a guy will never be allowed to do something again if they lose, it's 90% certain that that superstar will win.

For example:

In 1999 Austin and Taker had a First Blood Match at Fully Loaded where if Austin lost he'd never get another WWF title shot. Shock, horror, he won.

In the loser leaves Raw match between Kane and Umaga, all it said was Kane had to leave Raw, not leave Raw forever, and later Edge and Matt had the same match and again, they didn't say 'Matt has to leave Raw forever' just that he had to leave Raw, so both guys left and of course have been back since.

Last year when Taker lost to Edge in TLC they did in fact say that he had to leave the WWE, but if i recall they didn't say forever, hence Vickie bringing him back a month or two later.

Based on that idea then, suggests that Cena isn't going anywhere.

3. Smackdown just gained Batista out of the blue, so i highly doubt that they'd get Cena as well a month and a half later.

4. Orton's pinned Cena 1-on-1 a grand total of once since they both became ME talent so why would i believe that Orton is suddenly going to gain more pinfalls than Cena? I mean come on, all he's got to do is hit the AA, go for the pin, and then whether he gets the fall or not, he can quickly slap on the STF, and Orton is pretty much guaranteed to tap, whereas Orton's going to have to keep resorting to weapons just to slow Cena down, and even then he's still only beaten Cena once.

5. Orton has been in the WWE title match for the last 6 months, going on 7 now and still the main problem people have with Raw is the fact that it's the same 3 guys over and over. This would be the prime opportunity to get Orton out of the title picture and let either Rhodes or Dibiase replace him. If they go with Orton/Dibiase then Cena should be defending his title against Cody around the Rumble (Rumble title matches usually involve someone who's new to the title scene ie Hardcore Holly at RR'04 (wtf?) and Kennedy at RR'07.

... and that's why Cena will win at Bragging Rights imo.

Oh, and him losing to HHH last night doesn't mean anything really, just that Vince didn't want him to win that match. It probably went that way because they didn't want the score to be 3-1 to Cena when they could have it 2 a piece and hype a 'deciding' match later on between the two.
I dislike both HHH/Cena, but at the end of the day it was a decent 20minute match that wasn't ruined by interference, and it was clean the whole way through.

Haven't seen many matches of that quality on Raw in a few months so i was suprised for this to actually happen. :worship:

I'm thinking that diBiase will interfer at the PPV, costing Ortan the title they will fued, and i think with all this talk about that Drew guy that Vince signed will suddenly get a push for the title run against Cena.
WWE has entered that dangerous territory where a heel has held onto the belt way too long. Orton has had the belt for what, the better part of 13 months? And in most of those cases he's feuded with HHH or Cena. The logical next step is to take him out of title storyline and have him grow Legacy to feud with DX. I mean, the DX v Legacy storyline was probably the best the company's had going the last two months. If he keeps the belt, who is there for him to feud with? Mark henry? Edge? An Edge vs Orton match would be good, but could that draw a huge PPV buy rate as a main event.

for those reasons, i have to believe that last night's match, while feeling like a Raw sendoff, was simply a swerve and a show of respect to HHH. Raw is the most important show, and you cannot take your top "drawing" star off of it.
I was so happy when I saw Orton watching backstage I was thinking oh my god Orton might not interfere and then to add to the shock of it all........ HHH wins!!! this was clearly the best monday night raw in a long long time. As far as how the storyline plays out I see 1 of 2 things happening. 1. John Cena looses and moves to raw and feuds with batista or taker or punk (1 is my favorite) or 2. Cena wins gets the title feuds with HHH, DX splits and HBK goes on to other things and Orton feuds with Ted.

No matter what happens I am pumped for it to happen because its time for something different to happen.
Yeah I feel this was a much better Raw than we have gotten in a looooonngggg time. The storylines were pushed well and it didn't feel like a PG show that much to me (DX broke kayfabe many times.)

It set up the PPV well which needs to be done the top two Raw feuds going into survivor series are looking like Orton vs. Dibiase and Cena vs. HHH we shall see !
I think its pretty east to figure out where they're going:

1) Cena beats Orton for the title (maybe with help from Dibiase)

2) HHH is now the new contender since he just beat Cena

3) Orton will now feud with Dibiase (for Dibiase's next level push)

HHH won't contend for the title. He is still part of DX and they are not going to break them up. I would not be surprised if the gave the #1 contender to Dibiase because he is going to interfere in the match, and screw Orton out of the title. There is no way in hell, lets repeat it, NO WAY IN HELL, Cena is going to lose.
The winner of the PPV is always booked like crap the week of the PPV.

Don't you people know anything?

Remember when Orton got his ass stopped the whole week before HIAC, and then he beat Cena at HITC? He got FU'ed Monday on Raw on top of the cage, then he lost the match on Smackdown for his team, and was pinned cleanly by the Undertaker after the Tombstone, and if I remember correctly he then got a Sweet Chin Music, an FU, and a Pedigree as a parting gift for the live audience

Cena will go over on Sunday, hes the Poster Child for the WWE and needs to be on Raw.

As far as having to do the Job to Triple H, well thats a whole other can of worms

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