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Cena did the honors

OK, first things first. That match Monday night was PPV quality, and I am extremely happy I got to see it on free TV. I don't think either man comes out of a twenty-plus minute match looking weak because he lost. As many people have noted, it took 3 Pedigrees to put and keep Cena down, along with some time spent in the Sharpshooter. HHH took an Attitude Adjustment and spent some considerable time in the STF. No matter who won, both guys were going to come out looking good. This made a lot of sense in that this was a face vs. face match. Both guys are loved going in, both put on one hell of a show, and both come out looking stronger for what they accomplished during the match, regardless of winning or losing! Cena can still say. "I kicked out of 2 pedigrees, and made it to the ropes in the Sharpshooter!" That's a damn good night of work right there!

Now, as to what will happen Sunday? Who knows. While many feel that certain outcomes are more likely than others, none of us work for WWE in the Creative department. We're all just tossing "guarantees" around like candy at a parade. WE DO NOT KNOW WHAT'S GOING TO HAPPEN SUNDAY! It is likely that SOMEONE, SOMEWHERE in these forums has posted what will happen during the PPV, and afterward. After all, we're all intelligent enough to come up with several plausible story lines for Cena on RAW and SmackDown!, and we can come up with stories for Randy as WWE Champ and not. Heck, maybe they bring Booker T back in to be Cena's next opponent now that he's apparently done with TNA.

My point is this. Trips and Cena had a great match, PPV quality, and we got to see it for free. We don't have the slightest clue what WWE is going to do Sunday, so we're all more likely to shell out our hard earned cash (or chip in with friends, as the case may be) to see this Iron Man Match and its outcome.

One more thing...as to it ending in a draw? Something tells me that, kayfabe, Orton would have a clause in the contract stating that if Cena DOES NOT WIN, then he's gone. A tie is not winning. It isn't losing, but it isn't winning. Either that, or Vinnie Mac comes out and institutes Sudden Death.
Oh, how black and white the world is; Cena either wins and gets the WWE Championship, or loses and goes to SmackDown. Remember this is the WWE we're talking about. So, while watching RAW tonight I was hit with an epiphany - an idea so ludicrous, so crazy, it just had to work. And of course, it made perfect sense...

This is an Ironman Match and thus: does anybody else see this contest ending in a draw?

The WWE is just trying to garner PPV buys by making this seem like an all or nothing situation...when in reality, there is a very easy way out. They have no intention of having Orton drop the title OR having Cena move to SD...dun dun dun!

Lord Altan, I actually posted on another thread about this exact idea last week and it's an awesome idea. What if it does end in a draw... they can't have any more matches between those two. It's possible that WWE could then hold the belt up and have a tournament the next few weeks on Raw, culminating in a title match at Survivor Series.

And to the rest of the posts so far, we can't say that Cena losing is a sure sign he will win on Sunday. the flipside of that is true also... had Cena won vs. HHH there's no guarantee he would have lost against Orton.
yeah sure but it wasn't exactly a major thing was it, i'm talking about him being a top heel, not just some ass with a microphone and a few degrading raps about wherever he was that particular night. I'm talking about him completely turning on the fans, ala The Rock, Hogan etc etc. But point taken, he was a heel for a while...just not a realistic one

Cena's elevation to world champion and to the top heel on Smackdown came on because of his rapper gimmick. As a matter of fact, the WWE championship title belt was molded from Cena'a former gimmick. I'd say that made him a pretty big deal as a heel. To discard his accomplishments during the biggest push of his career isn't very smart. Cena was one of the greatest heels of the past decade, in my opinion. And I'm sure I'm not alone on this.
That was a damn good match. I enjoyed it. I never get tired of Cena vs HHH. They always have had such good chemistry and worked great together. No one knows for sure what's gonna happen at Bragging Rights, whatever happens will be cool regardless. It's turning out to be a good PPV and i'm looking forward to it. No way did Cena look weak btw, rough fight. ;)
Don't really see how he did the honors, he was booked to lose, okay? But I was pleasantly surprised with this bout, both guys did a pretty good job.
I honestly wasn't too surprised to see Cena lose; Orton not interfering was a bigger shock.

Cena losing made sense because story-wise, he's worried about Sunday and his head wasn't totally in that match and it cost him. Plus him losing builds more drama because it makes the fans question if Cena will be ready mentally on Sunday; now he's the underdog, and he should be in a career-threatening match.

And I don't know why people think he'll turn heel if he loses Sunday. Turn heel for what? For losing two matches and getting kicked off Raw? Cena's too big a face to turn heel for something as weak as that, it would need to be a MUCH better reason for him to go bad.

Do I think him losing Monday means he'll win Sunday? While I'm pretty sure Cena will win, it's not because he lost to HHH, but because Raw literally can't afford to lose him. If Cena wins, the only top faces left are HHH and HBK, and them fueding with Orton does nothing to move Raw forward, especially HHH. Unfortunately, WWE has NO ONE on Raw ready for the main event. The closest is Dibiase, and he's not ready to challenge Orton yet IMO. MVP could've been ready now if they booked him better, but they've wasted him. Smackdown doesn't need Cena and there's no way he's going to ECW. The guy's staying on Raw.

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