Return of the "American Badass" Undertaker?

It is interesting what happened with Lesnar / Taker as seeing him talk / dress the way he did I had not seen since the ABA gimmick.

In some ways, it would be ironic if he came back as the ABA due to Kane. It was Kane helping VInce McMahon in 2004 in a buried alive match of all things to bury the ABA which brought back the Deadman. I could see it being Kane who buries the Deadman only to bring back the ABA once again.

That all said, I doubt it will happen. The Deadman gimmick is the gimmick people remember Undertaker the most for and probably the way he (Taker) wants to go out as.
I really hope not. While the heel version was good, I'm hoping they find other means to refresh The Undertaker. I liked the American Badass and Big Evil, but I think it's too late to have a 45 year old running on a motorcycle and a bandanna. This isn't Wild Hog's. I think it would be more fitting for him to act as some sort of wise old wrestler looking for a student than for him to go back trying to be cool. It really wouldn't be too bad an idea for Taker to pick a young guy as his student and mentor him in a Ric Flair/AJ Styles sort of manner. it would help a new talent get over quickly and keep Taker on TV longer without wrestling so much.
He is not coming back. If he does he will be entering the pathetic stage. And Im talking pathetic like Hogan and Flair. Why should he return anyway? Kane has already destroyed his career beyond repair. Losing to Kane three times in a row, he is a bitch now. He couldnt beat anybody. If he returns it will just look sad. If he wasnt injured, Taker would be the jobber that Kane once was. And that is what Taker will be if he returns, a jobber to guys like Dolph Ziggler, Alberto del Rio, and Tyler Reks.
This will NEVER happen. Why would the WWE take their most valuable gimmick, and one of the most over characters of all time and repackage him right as he's about to retire? It makes no sense at all. Undertaker will return and possibly seek vegeance on Nexus, but he'll do it with mind games... In true Deadman fashion.

Like Ricky said, he'll retire the Deadman.
When the Taker returned in 2000 with this new, more realistic lookin gimmick, i was on board. as he admitted himself, i think in his 'this is my yard' dvd, that the deadman gimmick was gettin abit dated and he needed a new fresh boost in his career. Now its 2010, and the deadman gimmick is stronger than ever. Doesnt need to be impervious to pain like the original days which makes it more believable, but the whole gimmick IS him, it is Taker!, we all deep down try and forget about the year 2000-2001 persona he took on, think even he himself did, with the whole 'big evil' image he phased into after cutting his hair in late 2001.

He will be remembered as the deadman man imagine, right through to the HOF ceremony built around him when the time is right, not yet tho i hope.

I do think though when he comes back he should be used sparingly, as in for the big four ppv events only, the original ppvs, rumble, mania, slam and sseries. this would prolong his aching body also.

Big deal he was seen in 'normal attire' at a UFC event, big deal he 'challenged' Lesnar after his fight, it was merley a coincidence they crossed paths, i even bet they were on the phone the next day giggling over how everyone has over-reacted.peace
I'm not a huge Undertaker fan, yes his gimmick is the most succesful in, Wrestling history but it bores me now.

I loved the American Bad Ass gimmick. It took the shackles off Takers character and allowed him to express himself. He can cut a really good promo just being himself. I loved his programme with Ric Flair a few years ago. He played the heel brilliantly.

If the Bad Ass comes back, I am all for it. Infact, I will find myself tuning into Smackdown much more than I currently do.
NO WAY. Absolutely not. I hated American Badass. That character was part of why I nearly gave up on wrestling. There is no reason to bring that character back, ever. Taker is smart enough to know that he gets an infinitely better reaction as The Phenom, regardless of how similar to his real self the American Badass character was. Even if Taker was going to enter a feud with a main event heel, Taker should just be himself. He will get cheered no matter what he does if he remains The Phenom when he comes back. American Badass should never return because too many people disliked it and missed The Phenom.
Taker did say in an interview some 2-3 years ago that he would love to go the American Badass one more time b/c he gets to talk with fans and act like him self, not just stay in character whenever meeting someone and acting like a creepy figure

Plus like someone said before if he goes out as the ABA then when he gets into the HoF it will be easier to accept the award
I love The "Badass" Undertaker but The Undertaker is getting weaker and older and he's probably going to retire soon and if he retires he has to retire as the Deadman because that's how he started his career in the WWE I think. But the return of the American Badass would be epic.
Well how about this he comes back with the gimmick for awhile then when he about to retire, he could return to the deadman gimmick. I mean I love to see the ABA gimmick one fnal time.
I just watched the season finale of Sons of Anarchy and was thinking today that Undertaker should return as the American Badass and run a "biker gang" faction. SOA is a great show and that culture is still highly relevant. Guys like Beretta and Hawkins would make perfect additions to the group, Hawkins even looks a bit like SOA's lead character. Throw in a powerhouse rookie like a returning Sheffield and some "charter" rookies with Taker as the leader and it could be a great stable. Maybe a bit too gimmicky but if they didn't focus heavily on the Biker one dimension then it might work.
My god I hope this doesn't happen. ABA was an awful idea and was just weird. I mean when you think the undertaker, what do you think of? The Deadman (if you honestly think ABA, well your must be a teenager). ABA was a blip on the radar, and hopefully stays that way.
I've been following the WWE for 20 years so I've seen Taker's entire tenure and the only time I've been a fan is when he was the American Badass. I respect all he has done and the entrance and aura of the Deadman gimmick but I've always disliked the "magic powers" stuff that goes along with it, plus it robs us of a great promo cutter as seen when he was allowed to do his own thing as Biker-Taker.

However I think it's too late now for a change as his retirement is surely not far off, and he will go out as he came in, with the Deadman gimmick.

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