Why did Nexus attack Undertaker?

Its a nice angle idea. I suspect Triple H's first mission would be to have revenge on Shaemus. Personally, though, I think it would be interesting to see Triple H go through some form of mid-wrestling life Crisis, that has him incorporate his frustration around Shaun's retirement, and have him go through an angry period. An angry Triple H can be devastating.
Here's my take. If Triple H was really behind the Nexus while he is out, wouldn't Nexus be going after Sheamus and NOT be targeting John Cena? Sheamus has been mostly untouched by Nexus, even going so far as to make a deal that they would leave him alone.

Although I would like to see SOMEONE be the actual leader, Triple H just doesn't make sense. Now if Stephanie was or Shane came back and was the leader...THAT would make sense, even after the video we saw last week of McMahon waking out of the coma and Stephanie waking up scared that her father was back.

Here's a better idea...

Stephanie knows as long as her father is around, he will never give her control of the company or at least RAW. So MAYBE Triple H gets in her ear with this plan, she enlists the help of new young wrestlers to go and take over RAW and take out Vince and anyone that gets in their way. Barrett said there is a higher purpose many times and has lead to someone else being behind the group.

I personally want someone thats going to CHANGE RAW and WWE, I dont want something stupid like Vince being behind the Ministry. Same goes for the GM. I want shock, not TNA letdown.
I didn't know whether to put this in the RAW section or SmackDown! section, so I put it here.

There have been rumours (hope the spelling is right) that Triple H is the mastermind behind Nexus. Now, this is just a rumour because he is not. But, I have a feeling that he is linked to the Nexus. Now this is what happened:

1. Undertaker retired Shawn at WM 26
2. Triple H got injured
3. Nexus debuted
4. Kane looked to (and to an extent did) take out Taker
5. Cena joined Nexus
6. Nexus buried Taker alive

And remember, Hunter wanted to say something at Shawn's retirement RAW, but Sheamus attacked him and then he got injured. So, he didn't have time to actually say what he wanted to.

So here's what he might have wanted to say: "Shawn, my friend, you have been instrumental in me being one of the best there is today. But now, a guy called Undertaker retires you. I can't tolerate this. I knew you needed to go one day, but not like this. Laying your honour down for a valueless streak. I will take revenge!! I will!!"

Then, he got injured. But, Nexus debuted and Kane had a plan to put the Undertaker out. So, Triple H decided to unite Nexus and Kane when Nexus got stronger, that is, when Cena was added to it. So, he not only got rid of Undertaker, but also, no one would have a doubt on him. Plus, Kane also became the "Devil's favorite demon".

What say?? Is this Triple H's master plan or my rubbish and foolish idea? Guys, reply with whatever you've got. Curse me or bless me, I don't mind. So, your thoughts??

OHHHHH GOD NO NO NO NO NO!!!!! Revenge from wrestlemania 26, this goes back to wrestlemania 25 really than.. and like somebody said if HHH was behind nexus wouldnt he target shamus instead, the best way to go with this storyline is somehow have cena behind nexus attacking undertaker vince wants to make cena into the biggest HEEL in history well this is a start but the real question is how do they write this storyline to make sense??????
Theres obviously a reason, it wasnt some random attack. I like Wade Barret, he's green in the ring but his promos are great.

Having said that, I would be dissapointed to see him face Taker at next years WM. With all the hype surrounding Goldberg, Brock, Cena (I dont think any will happen apart from Cena) I would like to see him face a top star.

It just isn't believable Barret could actually beat him. We all know Taker wont be beat but its always nice to have that doubt in your mind. Maybe Taker will do the job and put someone over in his last match? Flair and HBK did...
Theres obviously a reason, it wasnt some random attack. I like Wade Barret, he's green in the ring but his promos are great.

Having said that, I would be dissapointed to see him face Taker at next years WM. With all the hype surrounding Goldberg, Brock, Cena (I dont think any will happen apart from Cena) I would like to see him face a top star.

It just isn't believable Barret could actually beat him. We all know Taker wont be beat but its always nice to have that doubt in your mind. Maybe Taker will do the job and put someone over in his last match? Flair and HBK did...

You're right, there is a reason for it.

you want to see him face a top star? look around, Barrett is a top star. WWE has put themselves in a corner with the Undertaker's streak, he can only fight people who have a legit shot at beating him.

i say rule out Cena, Cena I fully believe will be save for next year which I'm sure will be Taker's last, he will not face Cena until he is retiring.

I think the attack is because Wade is going to face Taker at Mania. Barrett eventually wins the title, than loses it to Cena at Elimination Chamber when Undertaker appears and causes the distraction. I don't know exactly WHY tye did it, but I definitely think Nexus is run solely by Wade Barrett. I also fear that WWE has dropped the whole "we're united ofr a common purpose" thing because you haven't hear any mention of that since around Summerslam. I think they attakced Taker because they wanted to show their dominance and it will come back to haunt them.

Barrett v. Taker at Mania could be really good and could make Barrett look like an absolute star. He won't win obviously which is fine, but I could see the build up to this being very well handled with Barrett's great mic work and arrogance.

So, Nexus attacked Taker, simply because they can. No HHH talk, certainly not HBK (come on, you guys are reaching on that one) and Stephanie would have nothing to do with Taker. So I think it was Barrett, on his own, doing this, and it'll lead to a feud in 2011.
Marky - Marc. Sorry but I disagree on your assumption Nexus attacked the Undertaker because they can. Wade Barret has already stood in the ring and said its none of our business why they attacked the Taker.

Otunga, later in the show then threatened to tell the world why they REALLY attacked Undertaker.

There has to be a reason. It would be ridicilous if Barret came out and admitted to the world they attacked Taker "because they can". I'm not buying it, it makes no sense. Barrett has justified attack and after attack saying they do it because they are the most dominant force in WWE history and because they can.

Theres a reason for attacking Taker. And I will come back to you when its announced :)
Honestly i think it was either because of triple h wanting to get revenge on him for retiring shawn michaels if he is revealed to be leader of nexus or that they were just trying to make a huge impact by burying the undertaker alive and causing controversy
Another possibility is that the WWE creative team has no idea why nexus attacked the undertaker, but they needed some sort of outside interference to end the buried alive match. Perhaps at some point they will come up with some hidden mysterious reason, or perhaps it will never be addressed, but it wouldn't surprise me if at this point there was no preconceived actual motivation.
Whats funny is this has been barely acknowledged since Taker got buried alive. Nexus is just focused on Cena at the moment and its like "guys you just buried the undertaker, that should be something to gloat about". Who knows though, something tells me we will find out when Triple H returns. But like the guy above me said, I wouldnt be surprised if creative didnt even know why nexus did it. It did seem rather random. Lots of scenarios to this, but it could be a good way to build up Barrett vs Taker at wrestlemania like recent "rumors" have been saying that they are thinking about it. Could be good, especially if its taker's last match he could give Barrett a huge rub, not by losing but by putting him over greatly
I think it is something to do with the World Heavyweight title.

1st off they take out the Undertaker during a WHC match

Now they are seemingly messing with Kane and Edge

Barratt is the number 1 contender to the WWE title so could it be that they have there eyes on the big gold belt as well? With all this unification talk it seems a possibility
Marky - Marc. Sorry but I disagree on your assumption Nexus attacked the Undertaker because they can. Wade Barret has already stood in the ring and said its none of our business why they attacked the Taker.

Otunga, later in the show then threatened to tell the world why they REALLY attacked Undertaker.

There has to be a reason. It would be ridicilous if Barret came out and admitted to the world they attacked Taker "because they can". I'm not buying it, it makes no sense. Barrett has justified attack and after attack saying they do it because they are the most dominant force in WWE history and because they can.

Theres a reason for attacking Taker. And I will come back to you when its announced :)

LOL, you make a lot of sense, especially with what Otunga said. I just look at all the candidates around don;t see any reason why that person would have had Nexus attaxk the Undertaker.

The only person I think it could be is HHH, and that to me is a stretch. Maybe he comes back, feuds with Sheamus, we all love him again, than when it seems like he is going to join in the struggle against Nexus, he is revealed as being with them.

But that whole thing just seems too distant. Also, it could be Cena. And I'm only saying that because anything is possible, but I don;t think so.

You could be right, I just believe that Nexus is on their own and doing things to show "the winds of change."
I think it's because WWE may want Wade Barrett to face The Undertaker at Westlemania. If they can't get Brock, don't go with Kane or Cena then it's possible they'll go with Barrett. So yeah, I think the reason Nexus attacked 'Taker was to set up another option for a possibile Wrestlemania confrontation.
Maybe we will see the entire Nexus group vs Undertaker? And when Taker wins (sorry Wrestlezone, is that a spoiler?), Nexus disbands.

They couldnt continue losing a handicap match of that magnitude.
It's an old idea - Triple H being behind Nexus - but presented in a new way. I wouldn't totally be shocked to see this unfold as you've described it. Remember, a while back Barrett stated on an episode of Raw that "the time hasn't come yet to reveal exactly why they were doing this." I think most people in the IWC fully expect HHH to return as a heel and the mastermind behind Nexus, though whenever this conversation comes up, the good 'ole anti-HHH smarks come out of the woodwork and say how weak it would make Barrett look if it was revealed he was taking orders from The Game all along.

If HHH does return and reveals himself as the Nexus mastermind, then it pretty much eliminates all chance of Cena turning heel. One of them has to, because as it stands right now, either a heel HHH or a heel Cena will face Taker at next year's Wrestlemania. There's much speculation that Cena will finally make a heel turn in the Survivor Series match, which is certainly a possibility. But what really isn't being talked about is HHH making a return at Survivor Series and screwing Orton out of the title. In that scenario, HHH ensures Barrett wins, and since a heel HHH has always been focused on keeping the title, he can force Barrett to hand over the title the following night on raw.

HHH as the World Champion for the gazillionth time and as a heel too, like we've never seen that before. But then again this sounds like true words spoken by an HHH fan boy all the way through. I will admit, I find The Game to be one of the greatest of all time and I am not saying that with sarcasm, anyone who has the threshold for pain and punishment to his body like Hunter has had deserves all the props in the world as a performer. Especially when you look at the nature of his quad tears, your normal guy just can't take that.

However, making Triple H the mastermind of Nexus will be in my opinion a less than entertaining reveal, such an idea sounds like the time Mr. McMahon revealed himself as the higher power. Triple H has already had his hand at conquering WWF/WWE so many times. The McMahon-Helmsley era had its entertaining moments and Hunter's run with Evolution was great, but when he comes back, I say just resume his enmity with Sheamus after all that's the guy that laid him out in the first place, it would only make storyline sense to resume a feud with him instead of aligning with the Nexus. As much as I am not a Cena fan, he's got a chance to really shine in his storyline predicament with being aligned with a group of sworn enemies, you add HHH into that mix and that just overshadows anything in this storyline that WWE wants to work with, even though I myself can't stand the Nexus, they deserve the opportunity to be something as a stable with Cena already in place and no involvement from another big star like HHH.

As great as the man is, get over your fanboy crush and move on Athena, the storyline logic says that Sheamus should be his only target of focus upon a return, and then we'll see where things go from there.

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