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Juan Cena

Holy crap! I finally now get it! Juan Cena is not gonna be John Cena at all, it won't be John in a mask or with a mustache. Juan Cena will be: (drumroll please) ................Darren Young! How didn't I see this before?
I am not the biggest Cena fan there is, but I have to admit, him coming out, dressed like a Luchador, or with the tache & mask would just make me wanna watch. I know we're never gonna see it on Raw, but it would be nice.
what they should have done is to reveal that john cena has a half brother who is darker skinned .... wait a minute, darker skin= the black cena himself in Darren Young....

heck if the young cena fans are so gulable, they would deffinately beleive that darren young is cena's brother, they would definately cheer for black cena big time. lol.
I think that settles it then. Jaun Cena Should be john cena all together. use cena but in a full body suit so no skin is showing until he loses a match where he loses the mask and have it be freakin darren young... that would be far too goddamn funny for its own good
No.......I hate what they have done with him. If they legitimately want the fans to believe he's fired, why in the world would they put him in a house show? And what's the point of showing a promo with John Cena in a Fatal-Four-Way Match for the WWE Championship.
Hopefully this will be just like Miz's Calgary Kid, and will result in Cena finally going back to "proper" ring gear, I'm sorry but I f**king hate Cena in his jean shorts!

I know he's a merch selling machine, but is the white rapper get-up still necessary.

Yeah, some regular wrestling trunks would be a big improvement. He hasn't been a rapper or even the Marine for years. Maybe if he changes up his attire and adds a couple more moves to his usual set (like he did with the dropkick), he would get rid of a lot of the boos.
As much as I want to see Cena back in the ring, This gimmick of him in a mask on TV wil just not work. Every one will know its Cena. Now many times before, the fans have watched a match knowing who a particular wrestler is even though he is masked or disguised and yet the opponents don't see the resemblance, or realise who they are actually wrestling. How fake does that look? Take Suicide in TNA. every one knew that it was Christopher Daniels in the costume when the original suicide, Frankie Kazarian was injured and yet all his opponents could not tell who he was. That is until Motor city machine guns and Jay leathal started the storyline of i Know its you and started accusing Daniels of being suicide which he denied and proved his innocence when Kazarian returned and took the role back and appeared alongside Daniels. Its not quite the same as whats going down on Raw atm but Cena is the most recognised wrestler and its going to be so easy to tell its him under a mask. For one, its too soon and secondly it will take away all credibility of Cenas leaving speech. Him doing it at at house show as people have bought ticket to see him and at least they can go home and know they have seen Cena in the flesh then fine but not on TV. i hope WWE realise that if they do allow this to go down on Raw and at PPVs that its gonna ruin the storyline and its not gonna be easy to get Cena back in the ring legitimately without a loss of respect for both him and the WWE
I've not read all the responses but I think that the majority of people are of the view that this is a bad idea. However I do not think that is the case. This is because John Cena is a very funny guy. He was hilarious as a rapper and while he has been okay for the past 5 or 6 years that might be because of the limitations of his character. But this 'Juan Cena' stuff could actually give Cena more of a leeway to show off his comedic skills.

I know that Hulk Hogan did not work as Mr America. I haven't seen Dusty Rhodes' "Midnight Rider" so I honestly cannot comment on it. But I do feel that Cena is actually funnier than Hulk Hogan so all I'm saying is that this stuff could work.

Also as some people are pointing out everyone will realize it is Cena. However that is not the point. The point of this idea is for everyone to realize that it is Cena and to show us that Cena who is interfering in Barrett's matches and screwing Barrett at every concievable opportunity and Barrett being able to do nothing about it as he has already "fired" John Cena and has no control over "Juan Cena".
I'd really like to see them (Cena) let Juan use different moves than John Cena proper. I know everyone has the "5 moves of doom" thing with John, so the WWE should let "Juan" use a few more moves.

He certainly had a few more moves when he started out, in fact he was a fairly good mat wrestler if I remember correctly. Only when he got the rapper gimmick did he drop everything else more or less.

I really don't see them putting Juan Cena on TV though. It wouldn't make any sense at all, considering you'd have to be a total moron not to know that Juan isn't John. I mean, I know with wrestling you are supposed to have the whole suspension of belief etc, but trying to pass a masked "Juan" Cena off when everybody KNOWS it's John Cena is moronic. But, I bet WWE puts Juan on RAW next week. Hell, maybe even tonight! :|
I just saw the pictures of "Juan Cena". WHAT THE FUCK? He's still wearing the same shirt, the same shorts, the same wristbands. If you want this to be a believable story, you might want to change your in-ring gear. This Mexican Cousin thing isn't working, at all.

I just read on my sisters twitter that John's gonna be at backstage at RAW tonight...one things for sure, I'm definetly going to be mad if they ruin the credibility of a HUGE storyline, by bringing in "Juan Cena" or John Cena himself. Cena needs to stay away from RAW.

As long as John stays AWAY from RAW, then I'm fine. House shows aren't really a big deal, RAW and SD! are the bigger ones.
HAHA Juan Cena, as much as this sucks it is still pretty funny.

The Juan Cena character, while debuted as a house show is not yet to appear on Raw, so hopefully they can give him a different outfit for this character, to at least make it not just boring same as ever John Cena.

A sombrero and false moustache would go down a treat in my book! I hope the commentators dont actually try to convinse us that it isnt Cena, I would much rather prefer them to talk about how it really is John Cena and "how is he getting away with this?" etc

The fans arent stupid and it will clearly be the real Cena, so why try to trick them otherwise?
I hope the commentators dont actually try to convinse us that it isnt Cena, I would much rather prefer them to talk about how it really is John Cena and "how is he getting away with this?" etc

The fans arent stupid and it will clearly be the real Cena, so why try to trick them otherwise?
Am I the only person here who has been watching wrestling long enough to know how this sort of thing almost invariably goes down?

The face announcers "go along with the gag" (especially in the presence of a heel announcer) and, while they know who is under the mask, they always say that it's not that wrestler; meanwhile, the heel announcers mention as many times as possible that it is that wrestler. Nobody "tries to convince you" that it's not who everybody thinks it is. Similarly, the face wrestlers will act as if they are two different people, while the heel wrestlers will act as if they're the same. (Occasionally, there will be a match where someone removes the mask, only for some faces in the masked wrestler's corner to cover his face with a towel - case in point: Brian Pillman/Yellow Dog.)

-- Don
I don't really get why people are complaining about Juan Cena not being believable. Obviously, it isn't. But until he pops up on my TV screen I don't see any reason to complain about him.

This is just WWE's way of allowing Cena to continue to be an attraction at house shows and make money for them. "John cena's mexican cousin" is obviously WWE having a little bit of fun with something that isn't part of the main story. As long as Juan stays away from live raws then I don't see the big deal with this character. And based on how Cena showed up as himself yesterday on Raw, I think Juan Cena will remain a house show exclusive persona.

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