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WWE Creative and the biggest mistake this year......John Cena and his new role

Cena is WWE's top dog and to them, having a show without Cena (or even the mention of Cena) would be totally crazy. This is why WWE is employing the 'Nexus take-down' scenario. Cena will never be out of WWE programming until he is permanently out. It would be much more believable if he did disappear for a few months. I would enjoy it, but it simply won't happen.
I'm not completely convinced by your idea. Truth winning the Rumble is very unrealistic. He is nowhere near main event status and he certainly isn't popular enough to get that far. Even so, remember everything Nexus did to Cena, Taker and countless other superstars? Cena overcame a lot of it but Truth? I seriously doubt Truth would be even a little bit of a threat to the most dominating stable in WWE.

I have a basic idea of what I'd like to see. I'd have a build up of friction between the member of Nexus:
- Otunga questions Barrett's leadership
- Slater and Gabriel lose tag titles and face-off in frustration
- McGillicutty and Harris demand more involvement within Nexus
Barrett cuts several promos about how he's going to win the Rumble and go onto Wrestlemania. It all builds up to the Rumble, where they all enter, working as a team to eliminate the superstars before turning on each other, then Cena returns and unloads on the Nexus. Cena eliminates the Nexus before being eliminated himself. After which there is a build up match for Wrestlemania between Cena and Barrett.
This angle has been as lame as all the other Cena's angles lately.. If they cant sell the 'Cena Fired' angle for a single week, then why the fuck did they fire him ?? The only nice way out of here is to have him hired back by Barett and reveal it later that he was re-hired to support him Nexus, thus turning him heel....
Your idea is far from being a bad one but the problem is that it means taking John Cena off of WWE TV for a long time and I am sure that the WWE are not going to go for that idea. However, last week, I was under the impression that he would be taking some time off. I was OK with that and if he needed a longer time than we had though, I could have lived with it.

That being said, I find it absolutely insane that you are already criticising the decisions of the WWE Creative team when you have literally no idea how all of this is going to play out in the future. Sure, Cena might not be out of the game at all or for however long we though he might be. Right now though, I am happy with that adjustment and I am looking forward to seeing how this one plays out. If I am straight with you, Monday's raw was probably one of the best I have seen in a while and a lot of it was to do with the intrigue and angle that John Cena finds himself in.

By all other accounts, John Cena's new role is one that is very intriguing to a lot of people. In the live discussions, people were actually getting into it and felt that his new free-role within the company, was something that could actually be expanded on and be successful. Yes, your angle may have been better but until has been played out, we will never know.

Just watch and try to enjoy.
What everyone has to keep in mind is that, yes mature/adults/smart people watch the show and may feel that their intellegnce has been insulted by the storyline with Cena getting fired.... Yeah some might feel that way. Its just that though,... a storyline. You knew from the begining he wasnt fired. Those of us who know wrestling and read dirt sheets or know its scripted, never once would have thought he was fired no matter what they did to make it "believeable". What difference does it make to you then? You know who does find it believeable the younger crowd. The children that make up most of his fan base. They are eating this shiz up right now. They are actually in belief that he is acting like a rebel here and showing up whenever he wants and causuing mayhem. They storyline thus far is just fine. Could it be more effective if he didnt show up, maybe... We would all still know the truth though and I dont think those of us who know the truth would drastically change our viewing habbits when it comes to the WWE based on whether he came back monday or 5 mondays from now... The kids or casual fans though that make up Cena's fan base might... If Cena was gone for a week or two and there was no sign of him coming back or showing up and he happened to be the only reason such a person watched, then they might stop watching. They might lose interest... With him being their biggest draw like many have said, they dont want to take that chance. With so many established guys being gone or hurt as well, it probally wouldnt be the smartest idea. Everyone here would love for the shows storylines, plots, matches, or whatever else have you to cater to their personal preference but thats not what makes money. Thats what the WWe is about.. Making money and putting on a product that entertains and appeals to the masses, not a select group... As for my personal opinion. I might not have had him back the very next week. Maybe waited a week atleast, but I would not keep him off for any extended period of time if I didnt have too whether I like him or not. For the record, Im indifferent on him. Hated him at one point and liked him at others....
I'm still on the fence about this angle.

I think by not having Cena wrestle every RAW would do WWE some good. It gives them a chance to see what the other guys have, makes the product slightly fresher, and WWE has the talent to survive it if done right. It just depends on who they push (Like the following: Daniel Bryan, John Morrison, R-Truth to an extent, and give the members of Nexus a shot)

Now this Juan Cena nonsense is what I don't necessarily agree with. I understand they need ways to keep Cena on TV since he "fired" but seriously? A Mexican Cousin? This would be like if they did this to Austin during the Austin/McMahon feud ("Muy Frio" Esteban Austin? Nah.)

I think they should re-evaluate this part and maybe have Cena go on more of a Nexus-esque type tirade. Not exactly like it as it would just be a history repeat.

Maybe even have other superstars get involved finally (sorta like last night but on a grander scale) and step up since Nexus has been a thorn in the side of the locker room since their inception and have put various people on the shelf.

Worse come to worse, maybe Cena forms an anti-Nexus group with ousted members (Cena, Sheffield, Tarver, Young, and Bryan). Since these guys got booted, they never really have had any relevance. This way, you keep Cena on TV and you give those guys a shot to prove something more.
Let's be honest here...look at the screen name of the original poster. It sounds as though this thread was started because this person was a cena hater and wanted to vent.

Let's also think about this from a booking standpoint...this nexus angle has been one of the biggest things raw has going for it for quite some time. If cena was "gone", even for a few months, yes it could make a bigger pop when he eventually returned (although the pop when people saw him going towards his seat seemed pretty high last week). But it would probably kill any momentum or interest in the nexus faction. Face it, nexus needs cena to exist. Sure, they could decide to target someone else for some reason, but no one else would put them in the spotlight. R-truth? whoop-dee-doo. The miz? I don't think a heel champion vs. a heel faction would work right now.

Let's face it, no matter what angle this whole Cena/Nexus fired or not angle took, some people (Cena haters most notably) would complain. I don't think there's anything wrong with the current storyline because if nothing else, it keeps the story going and gives nexus something to do.
U know I may be in the minority here but I love the JUAN CENA angle. I honestly think that they should have built that storyline up more... Have a fake trip to Mexico and hype up a new Luchidor coming to the WWE... Then the next week have JUAN CENA start blasting NEXUS... Oh and no I don't think they should even try 2 disguise him... That is what makes the whole thing funny... The wrestler getting suspended and comingback under a mask is a long honored tradition... Dusty Rhodes and the Midnight Rider... Andre and the GIANT MACHINE...U can name many such instances but honestly it just hasn't happened lately... John could keep smashing NEXUS and driving Wade crazy which would make the crowd go nuts and even allow JOHN to get some victories on NEXUS on occasion without them losing any credibility... Of course U can have JUAN lose a couple of matches to WADE and it wouldn't hurt either of them since it's not John per se... Plus U can have John be a little more aggressive when it comes to beating up Nexus because it won't hurt Johns squeaky clean image... Have him finally get under Wade's skin and win his reinstatement and of course go from there...
i think now after a week of cena attacking to make it interesting, wade should stay at raw one of these weeks and when cena comes on the tron to bad mouth wade who is in the ring wade interupts and they shoot the the nexus outside of cena's family house. and then cena begging wade no and wade saying he was driven to this. queue the beatdown on cena's family. and just to make it more interesting i think they need to get a jacked female in nexus. maybe one of the bella's as they were talking about turning one of them heel.
Let's also think about this from a booking standpoint...this nexus angle has been one of the biggest things raw has going for it for quite some time. If cena was "gone", even for a few months, yes it could make a bigger pop when he eventually returned (although the pop when people saw him going towards his seat seemed pretty high last week). But it would probably kill any momentum or interest in the nexus faction. Face it, nexus needs cena to exist. Sure, they could decide to target someone else for some reason, but no one else would put them in the spotlight. R-truth? whoop-dee-doo. The miz? I don't think a heel champion vs. a heel faction would work right now.

I don't think Nexus needs him to exist. The fact is I think it was just as important to the Nexus storyline when he left them as it was the whole time the 2 were connected. Cena was huge for years before there was a Nexus. If they can't survive a few months without a connection to him, better you find out now.

Let's face it, no matter what angle this whole Cena/Nexus fired or not angle took, some people (Cena haters most notably) would complain. I don't think there's anything wrong with the current storyline because if nothing else, it keeps the story going and gives nexus something to do.

It kept the story going... Not anymore. And (as I said above) they need to prove they have things to do that don't involve him.
Obviously, if Cena is not legitimatley hurt they won't keep him off TV for any length of time. His attacks on Nexus are what needs to happen. It makes sense. It is the exact same thing they did to Raw. They came in, not having jobs, and wreaked havoc.

Now, what should happen is Cena keeps with the ambushes (maybe taking our 1 on Monday) and then the Laptop GM makes a declaration that since Cena is like any other fan and can come to the shows he has to follow the same rules. I.e. no interference with the Superstars. He comes out later that night or the next week and attacks someone in Nexus but the cops are waiting and Cena is tackled and handcuffed at ring-side, dragged out back and thrown in a police car and driven away. The reaction to that would be INSANE, especially with Barrett coming out and saying "Not only did I get Cena fired, I also got him thrown in jail!" The heat he would receive would be scorching.

That would also open the door to finally pushing Cena over the edge and down the path to a potential heel turn.
What they should of done with Cena is just move him to smackdown. They are lacking starpower and Cena going to smackdown would of helped out. He could still take out Nexus on smackdown since Gabriel and Slater have the tag team belts
personally i believe WWE is missing out on a prime chance to bring up even more future stars. Cena isnt Stone Cold so why is it that he's never been the head of his own group? i believe that creative shouldve left Cena off tv for a few weeks and let him build a team to combat with Nexus. Call up Tyler Black and some of the others ready for the big time to form a group with Cena. This could give Nexus more to do and they could use Cena even more to build up new stars
Cena leaving for a sustained period of time would have given his character a breath of fresh air in my eyes. And overall in the long term would be beneficial for himself and the company.

However the only way Cena could legitimately leave the company for a period of time is to replace is star power....

Only person wwe has capable of stepping into Cena's role who is out of action at the minute is HHH.

So basicly , Cena leaves with respect, HHH returns to feud sheamus, Orton feuds Nexus, Miz feuds Morrison to give him a legite main event status
= Instantly the Cena angle seems like old news.

Obviously factors like HHH being ready for a return etc, would have to be looked into.

As for R truth, he hasn't done nearly enough to merit that sort of publicity or status in the company, Main eventing wrestlemania is way beyond him atm .

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