Why cant WWE book a good feud that doesnt involve the Shield


Championship Contender
As we build to Elimination Chamber the first match that comes to my mind on the card is Wyatt Family vs The Shield because they have done a great job of building the feud, starting back in London with their first clash and then teaming to take on the common enemy, to Wyatt family costing the Shield a title match and now the staredowns it has been the best built feud since Rhodes Family vs The Shield. The Rhodes Families feud with the Shield/Authority from Cody's defeat to Orton until the Title Win was one of the best written feuds apart from the stupid Big Show KO punch on Dusty. It was a great build to a feud that saw 2 great fan reactions to matches, the match at Battleground(the only good thing on that PPV) and the title match on Raw. Add to this the early days of the Authority storyline where it was Bryan vs HHH, Orton and The Shield and to me they are the only 3 good feuds that balanced a good story with great wrestling and no continuity errors. In my opinion they are the only 3 good feuds since Wrestlemania 29 and The Shield are now set to break up and will likely create just the 4th good story as they build to Mania 30. I think in general WWE have been terrible at creating watchable feuds with no continuity issues such as the Cena Orton feud where we haven't found out who drove Orton away from the RR go home show. WWE has shown an inability to create any good feuds not involving the Shield as a unit and with the break up may be in trouble to create anymore.

Your thoughts on the quality of feuds in general since WM29, your favourites and your opinions on the ones I mentioned above involving the Shield
This is full of holes. For one... what constitutes a "feud?" What is defined as good? What constitutes "involvement?" Direct involvement? Secondary involvement? Are we playing six degrees of Kevin Bacon here? The ability of breaking The Shield off into 2 separate "feuds" already takes away 25% of the WWE programming. Take the Tag Titles with Rollins and Reigns and Ambrose with the US Title, you're disqualifying two feuds off the bat. Plus they're so good they're near the top of the card and you're taking away anything away from them by association. So when you connect the dots, you could damn near take over half the programming away.

Since WM29, pretty much anything involved Daniel Bryan has been interesting. Hence his insane popularity right now. His mini-feud with Cena for the title was phenomenal capped off by a phenomenal match at Summerslam. His feud with Orton for the title was good. Or since the Shield worked for the Authority, is that DQ'd? This is full of holes since storylines branch off from other storylines.

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