Giving the Shield the credit they deserve


Championship Contender
As anyone who has seen my posts and threads since joining may have seen I am a big fan of the Shield and I think they are getting nowhere near the credit they deserve for their role in the Authority storyline.

In almost all articles I have read about this storyline they talk about Orton, Bryan, HHH, Steph, Rhodes Brothers and Big Show but rarely mention the Shield who play one of the most important roles in this feud. Of course the Authority figure, his guy and their opponent are the main guys in the feud but the Authority figures hitmen are the next most important guys.

The Shield being a major obstacle for Bryan and The Rhodes has made the feud more compelling to watch and that does take in to account the countless high level matches which consistently steal the show. They had a series of singles matches with Bryan which including Rollins and Reigns break out matches in there singles matches with him. They had great tag matches with the Rhodes and consistently put on top quality 6 man tag matches and they made a 11 vs 3 elimination handicap match very good viewing and have been used week in week out against top stars but don't get enough credit for there work.

I think the Shield have played their role brilliantly and have still flown under the radar. What is your opinion on the Shields work and whether they get the credit they deserve for their role.
Plenty of people are giving them credit. They are a fantastic trio with incredible potential. I don't think the attention needs to be on them. They are meant to be on the background and their time will eventually come. This storyline is about Orton, Bryan and Triple H. Not The Shield so people will naturally talk less about them.

They are standing out with their feud with the Rhodes family. Indeed, Rollins and Reigns have put on some very high quality matches in the last month or so. The three of them will be in the spotlight in the future but right now it is ok to be focused on the bigger picture whilst acknowledging the potential of Rollins, Reigns and Ambrose.
People's main criticism with the Shield's current role is that they went from a dominating force, beating super teams formed to try and take them down, to being hired goons for the Corporation. It's as simple as that.

Really it's just people being too nitpicky, like most of the IWC is. They're still booked strong, winning some matches and looking good in the ones they lose.

But I don't believe as many people as you're trying to make it sound like really believe that the Shield are getting less credit than they should.
I am not saying the people don't say the Shield have good matches its just that they don't get credit for there role in the Authority storyline
I think they've been getting plenty of credit. Why else are they still involved in a major angle?

The Shield have been on fire since day one. They're now part of the hugest thing going. The only black mark on them right now is really their loss to The Rhodes, which is fixable and doesn't lessen their hold as key proponents to The Regime.

I think they get deserved praise; here and otherwise. I like their bodyguard role more than their flimsy "justice" gimmick.

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