Why aren't they mentioning Jericho and Why isn't Jericho giving his 2 cents?

Kinda like they "forgot" Triple H and Undertaker had a match at WrestleMania 17?

They didn't forget, Vince just doesn't want us to remember things like that.

But i'm pretty sure i've heard them mention Jericho on numerous occasions.
Jericho posted this on twitter. I think this is a shot at WWE for taking a bit of time to acknowledge his undisputed win.

‏@IAmJericho 32m : Wow Im nominated for "Comeback of The Year" for the 2013 Slammy's! Nice to know I still exist...

I hope this furthers the arguing match between Triple H and Jericho, thus bringing Jericho back to tv :)
Is Jericho's accomplishment in any way relevant to this storyline? Is he currently active in the WWE? What will WWE acknowledging Jericho's win accomplish?

Every time Jericho is around, they mention how he was the first undisputed champion along with the other lists of his accomplishments. I don't need to be beaten over the head with this information and I would hope Jericho feels the same way. Jericho has no connection to the current unification storyline other than he did that back in the day. The WWE does not need to validate Jericho and Jericho doesn't need any validation from them.
If you don't see how Jericho is relevant to an undisputed wwe championship angle, do your history, watch the invasion angle, and read the rest of the posts in this thread because i'm not going to explain myself again. :)
Jericho is relevant but not required. There is a big difference, this is ironically the price he pays for his "free wheeling" lifestyle and attitude to wrestling. If he was full time, and had been for a while he would absolutely be involved here. But he chose to go off and do his other stuff so he isn't. The angle works fine without him.
If you don't see how Jericho is relevant to an undisputed wwe championship angle, do your history, watch the invasion angle, and read the rest of the posts in this thread because i'm not going to explain myself again. :)

I saw your posts; they were mediocre. You did nothing to convince people that Jericho is needed in this angle. Just rambled about how he was the first and it would be cool if he can come back and challenge the champion.

Jericho is relevant in wrestling circles but he is not needed for this unification angle. He adds nothing to the angle other than "I was the first" which will make for piss poor TV. His lack of comments on the subject suggest that he thinks so as well.
I am pretty sure he has been mentioned a couple of times since the unification angle began. However, mentioning his name repeatedly would only be wise if he is making a return for sure in the angle itself. If not, then limited mention of his name is welcome.
I saw your posts; they were mediocre. You did nothing to convince people that Jericho is needed in this angle. Just rambled about how he was the first and it would be cool if he can come back and challenge the champion.

Jericho is relevant in wrestling circles but he is not needed for this unification angle. He adds nothing to the angle other than "I was the first" which will make for piss poor TV. His lack of comments on the subject suggest that he thinks so as well.

You didn't read too well. i never said he was needed. I actually said in a previous post that I didn't say that he needed to be back.

Also didn't i try to convince anyone that he was needed back.

My original post was me asking why jericho wasn't mentioned during commentary or interviews about the unification match because I didn't know they already did mention them;)

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