Legacy Comparison: Eddie Guerrero vs Chris Jericho


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First off, all depending on the success of this thread, I might turn this into a series.

Chris Jericho and Eddie Guerrero are two decently big names in WWE, as well as the wrestling world in general. Both have traveled across the world to further their wrestling abilities, and have more or less wrestled in the same countries and later on the same promotions (ECW -> WCW -> WWE)

Both of them had held numerous championships across the world. Chris Jericho with an amazing 35 championships in various promotions, and Eddie Guerrero with 23 championships in various promotions. As well as the fact that they are two of the most decorated WWE only superstars in the history of WWE, with more than 10 championships each in WWE alone.

Also, both of them have had about the same amount of time in the business. Eddie Guerrero debuting in 89 and Chris in 92. Now, you would probably start arguing that Eddie was cut short 5 years ago, which can be countered with Chris Jericho's 2 years absence from WWE, making them both around 15-16 years in the business actively.

Both of them have accomplished something that nobody else can brag about. Eddie is the first Latino world champion, and Chris Jericho is the first undisputed champion, the first to hold both the undisputed world title and unified tag team championships, as well as a 9 time Intercontinental champion which is the record.

Both of them are generally loved by the crowd in terms of entertainment and in-ring ability. They both have what many would call the total package in terms of a decent look (Size being a minus), great microphone ability and in-ring ability.

Overall you could say that Chris Jericho and Eddie Guerrero are indeed very much alike in terms of their career, where as the other has something to brag about where the other does not.

So, quite simple. Who has the better legacy?
Well they're very different in terms of their gimmicks, I'm going to go with Eddie Guerrero strictly because he was more entertaining (his actions behind the refs back in the ring were fantastic). That is the only thing seperating these two legends. In everything else they are probably equal with ring skills, mic skills and being able to perform so well as heel and face.
Jericho's the EASY pick for me, and that's because I actually view him as a Main Eventer. I know Eddie had his moments in the spotlight, but I never felt like I was watching someone on the level of other headlining talent. Could you have bought Eddie being the Undisputed Champion during a time when Austin and Rock were still active? Could Eddie have debuted with the same flash and pop as Jericho did that first night on RAW? I know some of this was due to timing, but shouldn't you read something into the fact that Eddie was grouped up with Benoit, Malenko, and Saturn while Jericho was allowed to debut on his own, and with a segment featuring The Rock no less?

If the WWE legacy wasn't enough, I also think Jericho's WCW legacy trumps Eddie's. He was killing it weekly with the "Conspiracy Victim" angle. He carried Dean Malenko for months and made that feud worth watching. And who can forget Ralphus? I know Eddie also did great work in the Cruiserweight division and made plenty of memories of his own, but when I think back on the highlights of WCW I think of Jericho's classic moments way before Eddie's.
Eddie has got quite a hell of a legacy being from a wrestling wrestling family but eventually becoming the most successful of them beating lesnar when that seemed almost impossible, a real feat. He had one of the most entertaining, if not the most entertaining gimmicks before the end of his life and the way he went so suddenly ,as most people didnt know what his health was like, really kept him in peoples minds. He was naturally a born wrestler and entertainer foremost so he fitted so well into the WWE it was uncanny. He was one of the radicalz that jumped ship to WWF at a time when any move was massively significant and so got much attention around this time that he was there to stay from then. And nobody can doubt when you see the tears or people like rey mysterio and the big show and kurt angle that he was quite possibly (just like owen), one of the absolute best people to know, not just in wrestling but anywhere in life because he was a bright light to people that cheered them up adn was full of helpful advise and not judgements.

Now this said I thought I should get through with listing all of the compliments I can think of, off the bat for this guy before I come to state that I think the legacy of chris jericho will be richer and I will try to back this up. Chris jericho from the moment that he appeared in WCW had unique attributes that would mean that nobody for a second would forget him, he could steal the show with unique segments like man of 1004 holds and ones containing his bodyguard etc.. He continued this trend immediately when he arrived in WWF and confronted the rock and even then the recognition by the fans of a WCW guy really set him apart. I think it is fair to say that in 2000 behind the rock chris jericho truly embodied the late attitude era and that is saying something from a guy who was not a home grown talent and had been there for months. But it wasn't just that, is he had been a throw away his string would have been unravelled the first time he faced off against somebody top flight. Well we had the last man standing match between himself and HH and from then on everybody knew that RAW was jericho. He got his props becoming the first undisputed heavyweight chamop beating the companys two biggest faces of the last five years along the way not much more than TWO YEARS after he arrived! That is recognition.

You know some wrestlers trailed off and became irrelevant with the fans like undertaker who is sadly not the performer he once was (only recently mind) btu chris jericho after losing some of his passion for the business took a break. He left for around 2 years as we all know and could have stayed away like the Rock or others like batista will likely do. Instead the man re-invented himself and came back to be equally as successful and beloved as he once was but this time treasured for being one of the best heels WWE had seen in recent times. His HBK feud will live on for a good while and has had some of the funniest, smartest and most dispicablt things to say to an Eera of PG, and for that we love him. Therefore thankfully it would not be remiss to say that he indeed is the best at what he does, I would call him the best all round package for the last two or three years, he can talk and wrestle what more could you want for your flagship guy. he called himself recently the face of smackdown and this was no exaggereation, he made that show and indeed any show he is in it better for his being there.

Now we could argue that eddie could have had a rivalling or greater legacy had he still been alive today but what tells it for me is when i try to think of something particularily memorable that eddie guerrero did in WCW I have trouble similarly as when I think of his first years in WWE when he was with chyna, faintly memorable, and during 2001/02 he may as well have not been there. The only time he really showed his class and full potential was in his last couple of years, and excel he did.

But it remains that eddie guerrero had to work harder to be the standout guy whereas chris jericho ALWAYS has been and always will be a cut above the rest.

Better legacy, in the long run: CHRIS JERICHO
Oooh tough one! this should be a series but I would have to go with Eddie. Eddie could capture the crowd quicker and hold them at attention longer than Jericho. Eddie was more athletic, he had a better quick move set because of his luchador style which made him seem quicker than Jericho on a technical level.
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Without a doubt in my mind, Jericho. I think Eddie might have the in-ring edge but if he did that's only by a tiny margin. I'd give mic-skills undoubtedly to Jericho. He's the second best in the history of the business on the mic only behind the Rock, in my mind. What really does it for Jericho is the more titles, the more great matches, the FIRST undisputed champion (to beat the company's two MASSIVE stars Rock and Austin), and his career isn't even over yet.

Definitely, DEFINITELY, Jericho.
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Jericho, hands down. Jericho is the better entertainer, more decorated champion, drew more than Eddie ever could.

Jericho's accomplishments (according to Wikipedia):

* Pro Wrestling Illustrated
o PWI Comeback of the Year (2008)
o PWI Feud of the Year (2008) vs. Shawn Michaels
o PWI Most Hated Wrestler of the Year (2002, 2008)
o PWI ranked him #2 of the 500 best singles wrestlers in the PWI 500 in 2009

* World Championship Wrestling
o WCW Cruiserweight Championship (4 times)
o WCW World Television Championship (1 time)

* World Wrestling Federation / World Wrestling Entertainment
o WWF Undisputed Championship (1 time)
o World Heavyweight Championship (3 times)
o WCW Championship (2 times)
o WWF/E Intercontinental Championship (9 times)
o WWF/E World Tag Team Championship (4 times) – with Chris Benoit (1), The Rock (1), Christian (1), and Edge / The Big Show (1)
o WWE Tag Team Championship (1 time) – with Edge / The Big Show (1)
o WWF European Championship (1 time)
o WWF Hardcore Championship (1 time)
o Slammy Award for Superstar of the Year (2008)
o Slammy Award for Tag Team of the Year (2009) – with The Big Show
o Ninth Triple Crown Champion
o Fourth Grand Slam Champion

Eddie doesn't have the amount of accomplishments Jericho did. Eddie was a great performer, but he was not on the level of Chris Jericho.
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i think that if eddie didnt die so soon, he could be on the same level as jericho, but since he died, is legacy isnt even close to jericho's.

jericho has won 6 world titles, he was the first undisputed world title winner. he was the first wrestler of the year when the slammys came back. he won the first bragging rights for his team. his rookie was the first one to win nxt. he has the record for the most intercontinental title reigns. he main evented 2 wrestlemanias. the list goes on and on.

eddie will be remembered, and he was the first latino champion, but his accomplishments and his fueds are way below jerichos. im not saying eddie didnt have great fueds. but they were with people like angle, lesnar and jbl, not the rock scsa and hhh like jericho.

jericho wins hands down.
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Both wrestlers have a lot to be proud of. Eddie was a Guerrero after all and in the grand scheme of wrestling history, particularly in Mexico, the Guerrero family has been royalty. Eddie Guerrero was a small guy, comparatively speaking, playing a game filled with a lot of big boys and did extremely well for himself. American wrestling fans have been drawn more towards size coupled with athleticism and/or physical presence sometimes at the expense of in-ring ability. Guerrero was the first wrestler of hispanic decent to win a major World Championship in American wrestling since Pedro Morales. He won a highly respectable amount of championships, even if many of them were on the forgettable side, and worked some downright great matches. He was one of the guys in WCW during the mid to late 90s that could be counted on to produce a high quality match, it's just a shame he was held back so much there as it could have led to him being much bigger overall.

Chris Jericho has a lot of similarities with Guerrero. He's a smaller guy that made a name for himself all over the world, could be counted on to give high quality matches, worked his ass off and managed to become popular with fans despite being held back in WCW. Jericho is the first wrestler in history to hold both the WWE and WCW Championships simultaneously, multiple World Championship wins, a record 9 IC title wins, several tag title runs. One thing that's really made Jericho stand out for me is the fact that Jericho can lose match after match and still come out looking like gold. He can put other guys over without his stock dropping in the slightest and that is that pretty rare, but it also makes him a VERY valuable guy to have on the roster. Jericho made his transition from this young, energetic kind of rock star front man to the more reserved, dignified arrogant heel as he grew older with no friction at all.

In general, I think I have to go with Jericho. We could list all his and Guerrero's accomplishments, what they've meant to wrestling, debate on who was better in the ring or on promos and all that. One thing that will always kind of dog Eddie Guerrero were his problems with drugs. He wasn't a bad person, he just made some bad choices that ultimately contributed to him dying at such a young age. Part of Guerrero's legacy I think will have to involve his death as being kind of a trigger in a way for the numerous deaths of wrestlers this decade that died far too early. Jericho faced the same trials on the road as Guerrero, went through the same pace and wear and tear but never turned to drugs and I'm just rather impressed by that. I'm not saying he's never done any of that stuff, he may have for all I know. But, if he did, then he never allowed it to consume him and take control of his life. Jericho has managed to come out ahead physically, mentally and emotionally where wrestling is concerned and that's an accomplishment in and of itself when you look at how many drug problems there are, early deaths due to complications from drug usage, suicides & wrecked marriages that have marred wrestling.
Well even though I love them both... I gotta go with Jericho. To me, Chris' microphone skills are far more superior as both a heel and face. He's also more entertaining in the ring. When it comes to achievments, well Jericho wins that one too. He's the total package. He's a wrestling legend and he left a bigger mark in the world of wrestling. Let's not forget, that he is one of the most likely people that are still in the business today to be inducted into the HOF.

Unfortunately, Eddie Guerrerro's life was cut short but IMO either way, Jericho would still be my pick.
God. Both are some of my favorites of all time. Both are/were truely amazing on the mic. They're both able to put over younger talent and at the same time, look dominate. They both can play either role. Whether heel, face or even tweener. Both could do so much in the ring and have left their dents in wrestling's history. However, I'll say Eddie Guerrero. One reason and one reason only. "He could do it all" gets thrown around a little too much around here, but who really can/could? Eddie Guerrero. Look at his in ring ability and moveset. What couldn't Eddie do in the ring? Eddie could give us a show by flying around the ring using Missle Dropkicks, Cross Bodies, Huricaranas, Suicide dives and his amazing frog splash. Not only could Eddie fly around, but he could mat wrestle. Laso from Elpaso (sp?) Was a great submission move. Used a variation of locks aswell as arm bars and headlocks. If Eddie wanted you down, you would be put down. He had amazing suplexes, combination moves and overall just a great moveset. Eddie used these moves all throughout his career while Jerichio seemed to stop after coming to the WWE.

Eddie was also a lot more entertaining and fun to watch. He made the comedy thing work. Lie, Cheat, Steal was hilarious no matter how many times he did it. Eddie's overcame a lot of odds, like a life time of drug abuse, always being underrated, and hitting an all time low of almost losing his family and his life. Eddie was a kind hearted person and no one could ever say "I hate you Eddie". Eddie was truely amazing overall and his legacy is huge while Jericho's is aswell.

Eddie Guerrero but not by much. His in-ring ability wins him over. Jericho's career is not yet over. Maybe in 5-10 years my opinion will change. But Eddie's gone, Chris isn't. Jericho has time to get the better and bigger legacy before his career is over. Guerrero, sadly, can't add on to his legacy, which is terrible. Eddie still wins my vote right now anyways.

Great GREAT GREAT thread by the way Ferbs Mister Awesome. Start a series. I'm game.
I gotta go with Jericho on this one. No disrespect to Eddie, but like most wrestlers who die in their prime they get a bit overrated by the wrestling fans. There is no doubt Eddie was great, but soon after he passed his stock rose in terms of his ranking in wrestling history. However it seems as if it has died down and Eddie is rated right where he belongs. Another thing that crosses my mind with Eddie is how much would he have added to his legacy had he not passed. How many more accomplishments would he have acquired? He probably could have got another world title run and probably some mid card stuff before retiring. If it that would be the case I'd still go with Chris Jericho. Jericho was always more entertaining to me than Eddie and had better matches and could work with a different array of superstars than Eddie. Both played their roles exceptionally. Both could go heel or face at the drop of the hat and make it work. Both could work the stick and both could go in the ring. Like Ferbs said the two men are very similar. Its like comparing apples and oranges. You can't go wrong with either, but Jericho was always more enjoyable to me and I think he will be remembered more for his wrestling legacy, whereas Eddie will be remembered for his untimely death and his demons he had to fight off during his career. It's a shame, but that is just how I see it.
Oh my god, Ferbs... At least giive me partial credit for this thread, fool.

Anyways, The answer to this question is fairly complicated. To the naked eye, it would seem as if Jericho indeed has had the greater legacy. And that's actually understandable---Jericho has quite frankly had more accomplishes in the WWE than Eddie Guerrero has. Jericho was the first ever undisputed champion, he has held the IC title belt 9 times. Not to mention, he is a 3 time world heavyweight champion. However, what most fail to see is that, while Eddie may not have accomplished much in the WWE compared to Jericho, when you look at the much bigger picture (as in the whole world), you will see Eddie has indeed accomplished so much more than Chris Jericho has...

Thus, debating the two becomes rather difficult.

However, If you were to compare Eddie Guerrero and Chris Jericho from the time Eddie had died (2005) to how Chris Jericho at that time, the simple answer would be that Eddie had the greater legacy. Why? Because Jericho wasn't actually considered to be one of the best in the world until just recently. Most of Jericho’s greatest accomplishes (i.e. being proclaimed so and so by PWI, Wrestling Observer, etc.) weren’t achieved until after his return from his departure in 2005. It was during his return, that Jericho was proclaimed one of the best---not before. On the other hand, all of Eddie’s accomplishes came before hand (obviously since he was still alive).

This is what most fail to understand. You cannot compare the two from how things are right now. You have to compare the two from when we last saw Eddie---2005. Therefore, comparing the legacy between the two from the year 2005 and down, Eddie clearly had the greater legacy. Of course, as of this moment Chris Jericho has the bigger legacy simply because he is still alive. Now, had Eddie still been alive to this day, we would be talking a different story.

Needless to say, both are truly some of the best that we will ever see or have seen. Their mic skills, their personality, their in-ring ability, and more importantly, their dedication are all on a whole different level than most wrestlers we have been experienced to. And without a doubt... both their legacy will live for a long time to come…

This enough crying for you, huh? Haha.
Even though I consider Eddie Guerrero a better performer, I have to give this one to Chris Jericho.

At the end of the day, Jericho had less outside the ring problems and more in-ring time.

He was also given a microphone sooner in WWE, the only place that both had a decent chance at making it, so he also got a head start.

Jericho is a multiple time champion, not the mention the first Undisputed WWE champion. He's headlined more times and he also made a bit more noise in WCW. Their work in ECW is ABOUT equal. SO, I give the nod to Jericho.
In terms of what they both actually achieved, Jericho definatley deserves the nod. However, no-one knows how much more Eddie would have achieved, how much longer he planned to wrestle etc.

This is almost impossible to decide. People will always elevate the legacy left by Eddie because of his untimely death, saying he would/could have won many more titles. Personally, I don't see Jericho winning any more titles, he seems content enough putting people over nowadays. Eddie died when he was still main eventing.

Out of the two, I'm going to give the edge to Eddie. Not because he could have won more, no because he was better in any way. He's my pick simply because wrestlers who have died (especially while still actively wrestling) tend to leave bigger legacies than those who retire.

Don't believe me? compare Owen Hart/Matt Hardy. Or British Bulldog/Shelton Benjamin. Or Curt Hennig/Goldust. I have picked these people because they have achieved similar levels of success and had similar abilities, but the death always boosts their legacy.

This isn't just true in wrestling. John Lennon, Elvis Pressley, Curt Cobain etc all sold more records after their deaths than they did when they were alive.

Death, it seems, makes you immortal.......
Please don't put me on 4chan for this or anything. I don't want anybody finding me on Facebook and burning down my house. But I have always felt like the legacy of Eddie Guerrero has been blown slightly out of proportion due to his death. Now, that isn't to take ANYTHING away from his amazing career. He was always extremely entertaining to watch, and he could frustrate you to no end if he was playing the heel. And yeah, when he won his first WWE title and retained it at Wrestlemania it was a moment I'll never forget. Eddie Guerrero was amazing, and he deserves his spot in the Hall of Fame (as illegitimate as the Hall may be).

They were two of the last men to break into the business the hard way. They word the indys, played in halls, and traveled hundreds of hours every year for a minimal paycheck that barely covered gas, and a chance to perform for a few dozen fans every night. But they both made it to eventually main event Wrestlemania and dominate the WWE. But I think Chris Jericho has definitely had better feuds, more time in the main event, and was focused on by creative much more. Maybe that's not Eddie's fault, but it is what it is. I think Jericho's legacy is bigger, and that's without counting anything that may or may not happen in the future. If you ask me, he's not done yet.
Legacy is the wrong word for this...

Jericho in terms of being a wrestling legend is FAR ahead of Eddie... in terms of performance and innovation... Vince didn't give Jericho the honour of being 1st Undisputed on a whim... Eddie was someone who came up through the ranks and forced the fans to take notice... great in itself, but in reality his legacy was the Wellness Programme... nothing positive... If Y2J dropped tomorrow, his legacy would be much more....

Jericho has been the benchmark heel of the last 5 years, before that the template of a face that people follow... Eddie died suddenly, it's tragic, it sucked but he never got halfway to what Chris Jericho did befoe that point... and that Chris took it further in his name is the best legacy Eddie could ever have got...

You are using comparisons that don't match... it's not Lennon and Elvis... its more like Lennon and Freddie Mercury... Eddie was the better purist, musican, wrestler... Jericho could wrap it up in a package the world loved more...
im still still to facts..

Chris jericho...THE best in the world at what he does. PERIOD. Awsome on the mic and in the ring...both either as heel or face...

Eddie guerrero...Im not totally convinced he would have even made it to the HoF had his untimlet death not happened. As bad as it is i think his death is what gave him leverage to get in the Hall...he was an EXCELLENT, upper-midcarder...
For me, this is Eddie Guerrero, hands down.

1. As much as I love Jericho, the idea that he was this great face is hogwash. All he was as a face was a solid midcard guy. Jericho is a world class heel, and an entertaining face. Eddie Guerrero was capable of being both an amazing heel and face. And Eddie was able to be a main event face, and a very very solid heel. Jericho's career was generally in a standstill as a face, and only flourished when he was a heel.

2. In-ring, both were/are masters of their craft, elevating (in the US) from the WCW Cruiserweight division ultimately to the Worlds Championship. They were/are able to have great matches with pretty much anyone is a testament to their ability in-ring. Their mic-work was comparable too.

3. Outside of wrestling, Jericho wins hands down. Guerrero was a troubled soul, who appeared to finally have his life on track when he passed. Jericho is a well-standing citizen whom has branched out into multiple other forms of entertainment (music, books, acting, other TV).

4. For me, one of the biggest factor in my case for Guerrero is actually the Wellness Policy. The Wellness policy, which was started after Guerrero died, might be the biggest thing to happen to the WWE in the past 15 years. It is designed to help people avoid the similar downfalls that led to Guerrero's untimely death, and is moderately successful.

Overall, I think the fact that Eddie died so soon, and while a current Main Eventer is actually what gives him the edge here. With Eddie, everyone will remember how he was one of the all-time greats that could have been even more if his life wasn't cut tragically short, and with Jericho, everyone will remember him as an all time great, who likely got all he could out of his talent.
ill go with jericho in this comparison even though i like eddie more.i just think that had eddie been around today he would have as great a legacy as jericho.that plus the fact that eddie did have a few addiction problems when he was starting out with wwe.ive heard that the wwe was always high on eddie but they were a bit unsure to push him because of his problems.

jericho has won more titles and has put more people over.he has had better feuds and better matches as compared to eddie.that is what matters if you are considering a legacy.jericho has always been the ideal company man as well.not saying eddie wasnt but then again his addiction got in the way.

but ill give eddie this much.between 2004-2005 i think he was hotter than jericho has ever been at any stage of his career.eddie i also believe was a better babyface as compared to jericho but jericho is undoubtedly the better heel

i think jericho is the kind of guy who should really be idolised.perhaps not for his exploits in ring but for the kind of person he is.one of the greatest wrestlers of all time,lead singer of a rock band aand yet he has no history of drug abuse.he multitasks with such ease.man thats the kind of guy i wish i was.

eddie was a great wrestler and an entertainer but thats it.actually it isnt because he had drug problems as well.maybe without them it would have been a different story

but as the case stands ill go with chris jericho
I would have go with Chris Jericho on this one just for the simple fact that I think that some of Jericho's matches and feuds would be more memorable than some of Eddie's. Chris Jericho played a tremendous heel after he turned in his feud with HBK with the likes of something that I'd never seen before. He brought something completely new to the table. Of course, he played a tremendous face, but he will always be remembered for some his matches as well as his gimmick. Though Eddie Guerrero is charismatic, I believe that people will remember him more so for his matches rather than his gimmick. He did cut some decent promos as a heel, but some of what Jericho did was masterful.
For me, this is Eddie Guerrero, hands down.

1. As much as I love Jericho, the idea that he was this great face is hogwash. All he was as a face was a solid midcard guy. Jericho is a world class heel, and an entertaining face. Eddie Guerrero was capable of being both an amazing heel and face. And Eddie was able to be a main event face, and a very very solid heel. Jericho's career was generally in a standstill as a face, and only flourished when he was a heel.

2. In-ring, both were/are masters of their craft, elevating (in the US) from the WCW Cruiserweight division ultimately to the Worlds Championship. They were/are able to have great matches with pretty much anyone is a testament to their ability in-ring. Their mic-work was comparable too.

3. Outside of wrestling, Jericho wins hands down. Guerrero was a troubled soul, who appeared to finally have his life on track when he passed. Jericho is a well-standing citizen whom has branched out into multiple other forms of entertainment (music, books, acting, other TV).

4. For me, one of the biggest factor in my case for Guerrero is actually the Wellness Policy. The Wellness policy, which was started after Guerrero died, might be the biggest thing to happen to the WWE in the past 15 years. It is designed to help people avoid the similar downfalls that led to Guerrero's untimely death, and is moderately successful.

Overall, I think the fact that Eddie died so soon, and while a current Main Eventer is actually what gives him the edge here. With Eddie, everyone will remember how he was one of the all-time greats that could have been even more if his life wasn't cut tragically short, and with Jericho, everyone will remember him as an all time great, who likely got all he could out of his talent.

Wrong on point 1 completely... Jericho was so over in 99-2000 that they stopped his customised mic intro to each match... remember when he first came in to WWE? he would have a mic as he walked to the ring for EVERY match... those intros were funny and got Jericho far more over than most... Remember the night he won the title from Trips and the pop he got only for Trips to force the reversal?... The price of his push was they made him stop the talking, especially in the beginning against Rock cos he was clearly better live... He was forcing Rock heel... when business said that was bad...
Ill make it short and sweet as I have every reply thus far. Both are, or were fantastic entertainers. That said, I feel anyone giving the nod to Eddie over Jericho is due to the fact that Eddie is no longer with us. Jericho just has...it. He could be the first match on a card, or the main event. He's helped progress so many of the superstars of today. Eddie was great in every aspect, but this is no comparison, and anyone who tries to is a moron. Had Eddie not passed this may have been a different argument, but to honestly...HONESTLY compare these two there should be no doubt.
hmmm. this is a TOUGH one, ill have to go with Y2J, i dont want to write a lot on it. Y2J has been in the main event picture for a lot longer and he gas undoubtly better mic skills. The Rock and Him were the best on the mic in the business in the attitude era and i dont think thats a debateable subject. I love eddie especially me being hispanic but Y2j gets my vote on this one

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