Who's better #3: "Macho Man" Randy Savage or Chris Jericho?

Who's better?

  • "Macho Man" Randy Savage

  • Chris Jericho

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Savage and it's really not even close. Jericho was, is, and always will be a glorified mid-carder and arguing that his titles mean anything in comparison is to ignore how much they've been devalued.
Savage is the guy that had a year long title reign during Hulkamania. That should really tell you all you need to know.

That's not fair on Jericho though. He's always had huge potential and a great talent but politics really kept him down for so many years even in the WWE. If you saw his pops in 2000 and most of 2001 they were huge, unfortunatley some influential people backstage ( *cough* Triple H *cough*) never saw it that way.

If you want to see what Jericho is capable of look no further than 2008 with his feud with Shawn Michaels.
I think that use guys get way too caught up in a wrestlers position on the card. Every time a comparison thread comes up I see people talk about a guy playing second fiddle or being a mid carder BUT who really cares about that. Macho and Jericho imo are both in my top 5 greatest WWE wrestlers of all time list so I think its a fair comparison. Maybe HBK vs Savage would have been better but hbk was already used for Taker. As far as being both great in the ring and on the MIC, there isn't many guys you can put above these two. Top 5 as far as being a perfectly balanced wrestler are Savage, Flair, HBK, Jericho, and either Bret or Perfect. Now some people have different criteria for being the GOAT, so imo, Savage is the best EVER. Obviously I'm going with Savage here but I would say Savage over everyone so that doesn't discredit Jericho. Fair comparison imo, it just depends on how you evaluate talent.
Savage was just better imo, he's amazing in ring, Was on top for a year during the hogan years. All time great and without a doubt a great interview, a great wrestler and no one can argue his success
I am a Jericho fan but Jericho couldn't lace Randy Savage's boots. Savage is one of the most memorable wrestling personalities of all time. Never mind the fact that he was one of the best workers of his generation. His level of excellence lasted until the very end of his career. I never noticed any major slow down with him. Jericho may not be done yet, but he's already a part timer. Plus Jericho may have compiled an impressive list of accomplishments, but he did it in an era where championship reigns were far more frequent. If the title scene had been the way it is now back in the mid to late 80's Savage would be a six or seven time WWF champion.
Another very good comparison thread!

I think this is a whole lot closer than most people in this thread so far seem to suggest, but in the end, I'm going with the majority and picking Savage over Jericho. They are both phenomenal workers, Macho Man has a better look, Jericho has better mic work, they both put over their share of talent, they both traveled the world, they both accomplished every goal that any motivated wrestler has in the business, and you pretty much hear nothing but good things about them outside the ring.

The tipping factor in my opinion is how global the "Macho Man Randy Savage" name was over Jericho. As superficial as it might sound, Slim Jim basically nudges this in Macho Man's favor, and without that, I probably wouldn't vote, as I would think it's a tie.
They were both great in their times but Savage is clearly better.And I'm going to prove it with some points that were disscused here:
First of all Jericho won a lot of titles but he had short reigns with them but on the other hand Savage had much more impressive title runs - because even though he won only 3 titles in his career {2 time WWF Champion and 1 time IC Champion} - he had 2 title runs out of them who lasted over a year {!}.Jericho on the other hand didn't had long title runs and won a lot of mid card belts.
Also Savage has a lot more classic matches then Jericho with Savage/Steamboat & Hogan/Savage & Savage/Flair & Savage/Warrior are all classic matches.He also Main Evented a lot more PPV's then Jericho has ever did {I think he main evented barely 10 PPV's}.

So Savage is the better man and there is nothing anyone can do about it..
Savage has 76% of the vote right now so I think we can put this one to bed.

I think Jericho would have been a better option against one of the guys in the previous poll, Punk and Guerrero. Thats the level he is/was at. Not at Savage's.

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