Who's To Blame The Game Or The Parents

the parents are to blame, yes...but you also have to blame the media. they blow things totally out of proportion and start the blame game.

look at what happened when all these shootings started. colombine and everything. they blamed int on manson. they blamed it on the music which i find totally insane. the media are a bunch of morons who put this on tv and make it bigger than it should be.

parents need to start taking control over their kids period, or things like school shootings and accidental deaths wouldnt happen. parents, pull your kids aside and tell them what they watch on wrestling does hurt. it's not fake, it can hurt you or can kill you. put it in terms to where they'll understand or something.
My question? If no one saw him, then how the fuck did they know he was trying to do a swanton bomb?

I hope Jeff Hardy doesn't catch flak for this. How does the police speculate it was a swanton bomb. It doesn't require parachutes. Are they just assuming because his friend said he was acting like Jeff Hardy, or is it because the kid just liked Jeff Hardy as his favorite wrestler? No one saw what happened and the kid wasn't even found for a while. Did the cops look at the scene and used their supercop intellect and say "Looks like we have another swanton accident" as they take a bite into their donuts. It seems like Jeff really does have a real life black cloud over his head.

Anyway, back to the topic. The mother shouldn't have left him unattended if he was mentally handicapped. I'm just wondering if there were any hints or warnings that this was gonna happen. If not, you can't blame her too much. If so, then she should go to jail.
Additionally, given this is a game series that has lasted over a decade, of which Jeff Hardy has appeared in it numerous times, yet no other reports of a similiar incident of supposedly repeating a Swanton, a one time incident is now the big issue? The game is not to be blamed when nothing has occured for the 10 previous years, so that keeps them clear.

In short, it's the parents' fault. How they didn't supervise him and left him alone, in addition to him playing an over 16 rated game, honestly, some people are just stupid and an innocent kid suffers because of this.

Yet the irony is, when I think of jumping of buildings with parachutes in games, the first game I think of is GTA: San Andreas!

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