Who's To Blame For The Writing As Of Late?

Personally, i kinda like some of the stuff that's going on right now, The bound for glory series is a pretty good concept but yet, i'm still thinking why some of those guys are part of it. Like for instance, why is D-von in this and why does he have more points then Samoa Joe and The Pope?

1. All 12 participants were selected randomly like a lottery.

2. It would be WAY to obvious who wins if they let Pope and Joe win matches. Instead they put in a few unexpected guys who will get "over" and spice things up. D-Von has not shown any reason for fans not to like him in the ring as a singles wrestler.
Why is of all people Gunner in this when they could have put somebody like Abyss or even Angle or Jarrett instead.
Are you serious? Because Gunner is getting PUSHED.

The Sting stuff is pretty interesting but the sad part is that we all know it'S going to lead to Hogan vs Sting at bound for glory unless Hogan isn'T able to wrestle.
Sad for who? There are people who want to see it. We know it will end the entire Immortal storyline and usher in a new era and line of stories.
They actually are trying with the knockout division, too bad they just can'T let them wrestles like they use to do because they have a pretty talented rosters and they have too hide behind crappy storylines and they don'T give them enough time to really wrestle and tell a story.
I'm honestly convinced you do not even watch the show.
Same goes for the x-division, how about giving them more time on t.v. In fact instead of lenghty segments that take sometimes half an hour of the show away, why not scale down those segments so that you can get more time for some of the matches.
Because the X-Division DOES NOT draw.

That's why i was writing earlier about doing a spring cleaning of the roster. Somebody wrote the they release: Mick Foley, Orlando Jordan, Gen Me, Tommy dreamer. That'S not really what happened, outside of Orlando, all those guys ask for they're release, because either a) they weren'T happy with the direction of the company, or B) they weren'T use enough to actually make money.
No. Dreamer was fired, Jordan was fired, Foley was fired.
TNA never release anybody because of that Family mentality they have.
Okay. They should lose that mentality and fire Samoa Joe. Then that will make you happy?...Oh wait.
The problem is that they only have a 2 hour shows every week until Xplosion comes to Spike after the UFC leave the network. But in 2 hours they can't use everybody especially if a huge part of the show focusing on Non-performers every week.*They are trying to fill 4 hour of programming into 2-hour and that doesn'T work.
And firing people helps how?

Nobody is able to remember anything because they throw way too much stuff in your face every week for you to remember what'S going on.
Plenty of people know what's going on. You have to be an idiot or moron not to remember. Worst excuse ever.

Right now they are on they're way to becoming watchable again after a year and a half of crap, i'm able to get through watching between 30 minutes and a hour of IMPACT every week before changing channel which is a big improvement for me because since Hogan and Bischoff arrive, i wasn'T even able to watch 5 minutes before changing channel.
Who cares? They're not on TV to please you.

So they are doing some stuff right, they only thing missing is to drop that family mentality they have and get rid of the dead weight and have somebody that knows how to put a wrestling show that will actually focus on 1 or 2 angles instead of 6or 7.
EACH division has a storyline. There are FOUR major titles. Therefore, It's not 6 or 7.

Would you prefer them wrestle for no reason?

Find a way of instead of doing 8 three minutes matches, maybe have 4 ten minutes matches and the rest be segments to advance a major story. HAve Tazz and Tenay actually trying to sell those major storylines instead of brushing them off after they happenned.

Don't quit your day job.
That's probably my only complaint about the writing of TNA because for the most part is the pacing of the show that is the problem, if you slow it down a bit and do less angles at a time, maybe the show would be watchable because let'S remember not everybody in the company needs a storyline, some guys can just wrestles without having to have a storyline attach to them.

That makes no sense at all. Your wrestling with zero purpose then. The show is fine, It's the viewers who need to get a grip.

Their fantasy ideas of what they want is what they force on the company and then act like it's their fault.
2. It would be WAY to obvious who wins if they let Pope and Joe win matches. Instead they put in a few unexpected guys who will get "over" and spice things up. D-Von has not shown any reason for fans not to like him in the ring as a singles wrestler.

The funny things is that your writing like you really think that Joe or Pope will actually win this series. Joe and Pope got put there because they need name get other guys over. That'S all they are good for

Sad for who? There are people who want to see it. We know it will end the entire Immortal storyline and usher in a new era and line of stories.

Sad for everybody that watch TNA for a long time and saw the exact same finish to a storyline 2 years ago. Sad for people that use to love watching Hogan wrestles when he was still able too. Sad for everybody that want to see don'T want to see a 52 years old Sting wrestles a cripple over the Hill Hulk hogan. Sad for people that are going to pay 40$ to see this match.

I'm honestly convinced you do not even watch the show.

I'm honestly think that you didn'T even read my post before replying. I wrote that i watch between 30 minutes to a 1hour every week. So your comment really doesn't hold

Because the X-Division DOES NOT draw.

Did you see the buyrates for the destination X PPV or the ratings for the x-division matches on IMPACT? i don'T think so, so how can you write that they don'T draw.

No. Dreamer was fired, Jordan was fired, Foley was fired.

Dreamer & Foley weren'T fired, they're contract expire and they decided to not re sign because they had creative difference between them and the company. I already mention that Jordan was fired.

Okay. They should lose that mentality and fire Samoa Joe. Then that will make you happy?...Oh wait.

Yeah, if they don't use him properly. The guy is way to talented to be treated like a jobber everyweek. At this point even if he would get the awful samoan gimmick, he's would be better in the WWE.

And firing people helps how?

It help on a couple of difference front, first it give them a chance to really focus on the wrestlers they have. It also save them some money because you don't have to pay everybody or try to get everybody on tv.

Plenty of people know what's going on. You have to be an idiot or moron not to remember. Worst excuse ever.

So if plenty of people know what's going on, i'm going to ask 2 questions for you, First, without checking the results of the july 14th of IMPACT Wrestling. Can you tell me every thing that happenned on that show. Secondly, Can you name me 5 important thing that fans will remember from TNA 10 years from now?

Who cares? They're not on TV to please you.

Yeah, i know but there plently of fans like me they can't stand the product right now. The mentally of the're not on tv to please you is why TNA ratings have been the same for the last 3 or 4 years. If they really want to get peoples to watch, they need to stop trying to please the loyal fans and listen to the usual fan that would want to watch wrestling but they don'T have anything good wrestling to watch.

EACH division has a storyline. There are FOUR major titles. Therefore, It's not 6 or 7.

O.k. Yeah, how many storyline or sub storyline the heavyweight division have right now? How many storyline the knockout division have? 2 (Velvet vs odb/jackie & Mickie vs Angelina/winter) The x-division got at less 1 and The tag division got at less 1. So that at less 5 if not more. When i was talking about having to many storyline i wasn't talking only about Major storyline, i was talking about every stoyline on the show. To grab the attention of the casual fan you need 1 MAjor angle playing out and you fill the rest with 1 or 2 minor angle so that it won't overshadowed the major angle. They also need to have a commentary team that'S going to keep the interest of the fan in the major angle, which they don'T have right now.

Would you prefer them wrestle for no reason?

Some of them yes. The x-division doesn't need to have a reason to wrestles. The knockout don'T have to have a reason to wrestles. Not everybody on the roster really need a reason to wrestle. The casual fan already know that these guys are wrestling for someday become the champion of they're division. You could have some mini feud to spice up interest but they don'T need to be a focal point everyweek and take away from the MAJOR Angle.

That makes no sense at all. Your wrestling with zero purpose then. The show is fine, It's the viewers who need to get a grip.

Again, that why you would never get a succesful show. With comments like this. You crap on the viewers by saying stuff like ''It's the viewers who need to get a grip''. By saying that your pretty much saying that if people don'T like the show, then don'T watch, were not going to chance to please viewers and try to get new peoples to watch the show. We are satisfy with your loyal fans and screw everybody else that want to see are show. This is a stupid comment made by a TNA mark that doesn'T realise that at some point TNA need to grow.

Their fantasy ideas of what they want is what they force on the company and then act like it's their fault.

O.k. So if i'm getting this right. Fans force TNA in creating IMMORTALS (NWO 2.0). FANS forced TNA to turn Jeff HArdy heel. FANS forced TNA in having Mr.Anderson turn heel to face to heel again while being world champion twice. I've got a millions of them like this. This again is another stupid comment. Do you really believe that fans Force they're fantasy on TNA. If that was true, Hogan and Bischoff Wouldn't be in the company. Sting wouldn'T be champion AJ Styles or Samoa Joe would. The focus would be on the young talents instead of the over the hill legends. The x-divison would have more focus on the show. The knockout would return to what they use to be and the company would hired Woman wrestling based on how talented they are and not solely on were they have been or they're look. That's what would happenned if the fans forced they're ideas on the company but all this crap or rehash crap that they're doing right now, (The immortals storyline is really the same thing as the main event mafia from 2 years ago), is not what the casual fan want and won't be remember in 5 years. When TNA finally go out of business and someday they will, nobody will remember them because outside of the Asylum years and maybe a year or 2 after they left, nothing memorable happenned in TNA. If you look at most of the TNA top 10 feud listen that fans made, they all stop around 2006 or 2008. The youngest feud i found on those list was Gail Kim vs Awesome Kong, that's telling something. Nothing in the last 3 years stood out. Not the Main event Mafia, not Immortals, not any of the minor angle. Nothing. So you love TNA the way it is, fine i'm o.k with that, your part of the loyal fans that will defend the company until it die and i respect that. But you have to realise that they is more fans like me, that want to see something more out of TNA, that want to see more quality wrestling then storytelling. That wants to see an annouce team actually making the story feel important. That'S what's missing in TNA right now and that's actually the creative department job, to make interesting t.v. which they are not doing. They need to give some of the younger guys a chance to shine in MAJOR angle if they want to survive because you can't expect guys like Sting and Hogan and all the others old timers to stick around for five or six years and went all these big legends are gone, who's ready to replace them, AJ?, Samoa Joe? Gunner? Crimsom? I don'T think so since these guys are been buried in the mid card while guy like sting and Hogan take all the place on top.

Like i said before they are doing a pretty decent job right now but instead of having every segment been a different storyline, Maybe give to segment for an x-division match. Instead of having 2 bound for glory series match per show, just got it to 1. Have the major angle get more focus on the shows instead of getting buried by all the minor ones. They really need to stop being all over the place all the time. Just this week alone you had 2 matches that could have been great matches but turn down to just be decent match because of the time given to them (The x-division match & The Ladder Match). Did we really need to have a knockout tag team title match on the show, or the stupid eric Young segment. These segment could have been use to advance the major storyline or give more time to the Ladder match.

So sure TNA isn'T perfect, actually not one wrestling company is perfect. TNA have the good moment when they really want to. they just need to continue on tweeking they're product a little bit to be a little more like the slogan they've been promoting and less like an entertainment show and they would have a true alternative to WWE.
I personally think Russo needs to go. Not since his time in WWE has he produced anything that has worked. I'm not gonna say he's a shit writer, but like many writers there are x-factors that need to be present. For instance in WWE he had

A. a Filter
B. A roster capable of pulling off the storyline

TNA I would agree has a much better roster, but how is that they aren't featured. They are pushed strong, but its no different than the garbage on WWE where guys like Gunner and Crimson get pushes, don't deserve them, aren't that good RIGHT NOW, but you have guys who are ready and need to be pushed.

I do agree they have one of the best rosters...AJ, Joe, Pope, Morgan, Matt Hardy...but the morale is crushed just like in WCW. Scott Steiner vs RVD...really?! With THAT roster that's the best you can give us...Scott Steiner vs RVD with a small package win?!

I want to like TNA...I like alot of guys in TNA, but once again when you don't have anyone ABOVE Russo telling him yes or no then he's like a 12 year old with a pen. He thinks everything he does is gold...when really it's just garbage....JUST MY OPINION

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