The One Man To Blame For The Stale Main Event Scene

Ok, while I Agree with all the point presented here, I feel that the problem is that people that are currently in the Title picture just won't fucking leave it. Think about it, in the past how many PPV's have either HHH, Orton or Cena been in a World Title match? Or how about the amount of times that we've have to witness either, Cena/Orton,Cena/HHH, HHH/Orton (God, will this feud ever end?!) or even as we will witness this Sunday all them together. And did anyone notice how SmackDown's ME suddenly opened up and became exciting once Triple H and his monopoly over the WWE Championship went to Raw and gave the torch to someone who wasn't afraid to put talent over (Edge)? Raw has become boring and less interesting by the week, while SmackDown is clearly the place to be. C.M Punk and Jeff Hardy are having a great program that have the fans most motivated in then the Raw one.

So let's not look at the folk who's left the E for blame, blame the people who can't get over their boners for Cena/HHH/Orton/Batista/Big Show.
the guy that runied the main event scene was triple h. it is triple h. he controls wat goes on backstage as much as vince does. and, hye, think about diesel, and scott hall, and even bret!

but yes, brock too. but think about this, after brock left, vince still took a chance and pushed batista and cena. then for some random reason, rvd( who screwed up). then edge, but theres always been that one guy whispering in his ear, triple h. thats why that foo is in every main event still.
I dont blame it entirely on Lesnar, but I can understand what the person meant on this thread.

Take a guy like Lesnar who had only been with WWE for 16 freakin weeks and hand him the undisputed title????? Why dont you make him CEO while you're at it.

Even though I was a fan of Lesnar's work in WWE. At the end he turned out to be nothing more than an ungrateful bitch.

So Vince see's some potential in you, straps a backpack rocket booster on your back headed straight to the moon, and all of a sudden you become unhappy for whatever reason and get googoo face and give a piss poor performance at Wrestlemania 20?

Boy did Vince ever learn from this.

Thats the problem with people who are pushed to the moon overnight, they dont appreciate what they're given and end up screwing the company over.
Lashley left because of money, he felt his pay out from the WM Lashley/Trump vs Umaga/Vince match should of been a lot more and because his girlfriend was fire. Sure Lashley has a great look to him, but he didnt have that IT factor that you need as a super star to get over.

Lesner left because he wasnt really a fan of the business and missed the competition factor he was used to. I don't think it was any way Lesnars fault that the main event now, which has been 4 years since he left is stale. I think it has to do with someone whos been hogging the Main Event spot light for 9 years, and has 9 to many title runs over the past 9 years.
I've seen a lot of people complaining about of stale the main event scene is in WWE. I agree that Cena vs. Hunter vs. Orton has grown tiresome. The eventual returns of HBK and Batista won't do much to freshen things up either. So why aren't more people able to break through to the top tier? I think it's possible that there is one man to blame; and it's not Vince McMahon. It's Brock Lesnar.

Think about it. When Lesnar came to WWE in 2002 he was pushed to the moon right from the start. Only five months after his debut he was in the main event of the second biggest ppv of the year and winning the undisputed title. Look at the list of legends that put Brock over. Hulk Hogan. The Rock. The Undertaker. The Big Show. Kurt Angle. This was all within his first year! What happened one year later? He left suddenly and unexpectedly. After grooming this guy to be the next mega star he took off with almost no notice.

I know I said there is one man to blame, but a similar thing happened a couple years later with Lashley. Lashley wasn't pushed as hard as Lesnar, but it's obvious he was being groomed for the main event. That's twice Vince was burned by new guys he was pushing big. After these incidents I can see why Vince is hesitant to get behind another newcomer. Imagine Swagger getting a huge push now. He goes over HBK and maybe even Triple H eventually. Then he realizes life on the road is hard. It's not as glamouris as he thought and he bails too.

For the record I'm a big Swagger fan and think he has a great chance to be the next break out star. I am not saying I don't want fresh main eventers. I'm just saying I understand why Vince may be reluctant to push a new guy.

And who's fault was it to put all of his eggs in one basket?

Saying that Lesnar is at fault for leaving the company back in 2004 ... 5 years ago ... and is responsible for the stale main event scene today in 2009 is disingenuous.

There is one person and one person responsible alright. And his name isn't Brock Lesnar. His name is Vince McMahon.
How is it Brock Lesnar’s fault that the main event on Raw is stale like some of you think?

If there is one man to blame for the main event on Raw being stale like some of you say it is then that man to blame is Vince McMahon. Instead of building him up, Vince decided to push him to the moon the day Brock joined the company. Brock Lesnar wasn’t the one who decided he wanted to win the WWE Undisputed Champion a few months after he joined the company by defeating The Rock. Brock Lesnar is not the man who decided to defeat The Undertaker in a Hell in a Cell match. Brock Lesnar isn’t the man who decided to main-event Wrestlemania and once again win the WWE title. I could continue on saying Lesnar didn’t decide this or he didn’t decide that but I won’t continue. Why won’t I continue? Because it will all lead to the same answer. That answer is Vince McMahon.

Vince is the one who decided to push Lesnar to the moon. Vince is the man who made the decision of having The Rock lose his WWE Title to Brock Lesnar even though Lesnar had only been with the company a few months. He wasn’t even with them a year when he won the title. Vince was the one who decided to have Lesnar go over The Undertaker in a Hell in a Cell match. Vince was the one who decided to have Lesnar main-even Wrestlemania and win the WWE Title once again. I could continue on saying that Vince was the one who made this decision or that decision but I won’t continue. Why won’t I continue? Because all I will continue saying is that Vince made all of the decision.

Ultimately Vince decided to all of those things and more. He’s the owner of the company and he is the one who has the final say in everything. If there’s one man to blame for why some of you think the Raw main-event is stale then that man is Vince McMahon because he was the one who made all of the decisions on who to push and who not to push. So don’t blame Brock Lesnar, blame Vince McMahon.
Seriously folks, think about what makes you better at your job after you have been there a little while. When you have a new guy/kid come in with something to prove!! you have to get your game up and retuned. You all think WWE is in a rut of the same ole guys in the main event, then dont watch it. WATCH TNA!!!
Its business people. take away the numbers and vince will really know that you are tired of watching the same ole shit!!!
Why blame a man for looking to brighten his future? That is what you all are doing right now. I respect lesnar more than i respect the rock right now for this simple fact: The rock was introduced to the movie scene thanks to his fame in the WWE, once hollywood wanted him he left the WWE never to look back!!! Lesnar was pushed cause he got over with the fans, didnt like the gig as he has said on numerous occasions nowadays, looked for a new path and has become successfull!!!
I like the idea that a former Pro wrestler is dominating the the world of MMA, it brings up the idea that wrestlers arent just overdramatic-powerhouse-circus perfomers.
The rock- showed the world how good a WWE entertainer can be
lesnar- How real a WWE wrestler/entertainer can be!
^The thing I don't like about TNA is that they have a lot of former WWE superstars like Booker T, Kurt Angle, Scott Steiner, Kevin Nash, Rhino, Abdul Bashir/Davari, Bobby Lashely, Kip James/Billy Gun, Matt Morgan, Mick Foley, Tazz, and Team 3D/Dudley Boys. TNA almost has enough former WWE superstars to become a WWE brand. Booker T, and Kurt Angle were big name superstars in WWE but Abdul Bashir/Davari, Kip James/Billy Gun, and Matt Morgan were all releases from the WWE so TNA just stole their trash.
I agree Lesnar did mess it up for latter talent, but take Lashley for example, after a year and a few months in wwe, a us title run under his belt, he was then pushed into the ECW title picture, dominated that and had some good feuds then he had a match with Cena IMO I thought the match was top notch and I remember looking forward to it for some reason, but he lost and got injured in a match a night or week later, then he never returned, I know some backstage issues were around but come on 8 month top pushes gets injured and bails because of politics? come on, I can understand WWE being reluctant to push new guys, but come on you've got Morrison, Christian who've been with WWE for years (I know Christian left but over all) so they're proven to have stuck around so pass the torch to them, same with MVP and give Swagger two years and sure, build him up like Kurt Angle without the world title run (this is when KOTR was for to build up the next big stars) then move him onto higher feuds without titles before a world title run
Yeah, Lesnar and Lashley. Damn them for getting pushed, then leaving. They should have stuck it out in a business they didn't love. Fuck them.

The reason why no one is pushed quite like Lesnar or Lashley is because there is no one of that believability in the WWE. Cena probably is the last one to get a push quite like Lesnar's and stick it through. I mean, Cena had Angle on the ropes in his first match. Other than Cena, who else in the WWE could possibly be main event with a really short push? Swagger? Maybe? MVP/Miz/Morrison, they all need a solid amount of push behind them. They're just like every other main-event star that isn't named Lesnar.

I like to think Lesnar was pushed so quickly because they had a main-event to hold on to if Lesnar fell through. Rock, Show, the like. Nowadays we don't have that. If we push a man to the moon in 6 months, and he falls through, then we've lost a major piece of main-event realty that we could have used to put into men like Swagger, MVP, or the Miz.

I think this blame is just because people want new main-event stars now, and don't wanna wait for them. Patience, people. Mid-carders need pushes before they can main-event. Seriously.
How is it Brock Lesnar’s fault that the main event on Raw is stale like some of you think?

If there is one man to blame for the main event on Raw being stale like some of you say it is then that man to blame is Vince McMahon. Instead of building him up, Vince decided to push him to the moon the day Brock joined the company. Brock Lesnar wasn’t the one who decided he wanted to win the WWE Undisputed Champion a few months after he joined the company by defeating The Rock. Brock Lesnar is not the man who decided to defeat The Undertaker in a Hell in a Cell match. Brock Lesnar isn’t the man who decided to main-event Wrestlemania and once again win the WWE title. I could continue on saying Lesnar didn’t decide this or he didn’t decide that but I won’t continue. Why won’t I continue? Because it will all lead to the same answer. That answer is Vince McMahon.

Vince is the one who decided to push Lesnar to the moon. Vince is the man who made the decision of having The Rock lose his WWE Title to Brock Lesnar even though Lesnar had only been with the company a few months. He wasn’t even with them a year when he won the title. Vince was the one who decided to have Lesnar go over The Undertaker in a Hell in a Cell match. Vince was the one who decided to have Lesnar main-even Wrestlemania and win the WWE Title once again. I could continue on saying that Vince was the one who made this decision or that decision but I won’t continue. Why won’t I continue? Because all I will continue saying is that Vince made all of the decision.

Ultimately Vince decided to all of those things and more. He’s the owner of the company and he is the one who has the final say in everything. If there’s one man to blame for why some of you think the Raw main-event is stale then that man is Vince McMahon because he was the one who made all of the decisions on who to push and who not to push. So don’t blame Brock Lesnar, blame Vince McMahon.

OK I see a lot of people are not understanding my point. I am not blaming Brock for his early success. I am only suggesting that Vince's experience in pushing a new guy like Brock may make him hesitant to push other new guys so hard so fast. Because of this it may take longer to see new faces in the main event. As a result seeing the same old faces in the main event may seem stale to some.
OK I see a lot of people are not understanding my point. I am not blaming Brock for his early success.

I think it's possible that there is one man to blame; and it's not Vince McMahon. It's Brock Lesnar.

But you are blaming Brock Lesnar for the stale main eventer a lot of people seem to be talking about. Right?

I am only suggesting that Vince's experience in pushing a new guy like Brock may make him hesitant to push other new guys so hard so fast.

Meaning it's Vince's fault. He's the owner of the company and he is the one that makes all of the final decisions on who to push and who not to push. Therefore it's Vince's fault that people keep saying there's a stale main event scene, not Lesnar's.

Because of this it may take longer to see new faces in the main event. As a result seeing the same old faces in the main event may seem stale to some.

Of course it should take longer to see new faces in the main event. New wrestlers should never be pushed the way Brock Lesnar was pushed until they have been with the company for some time and have showed loyalty. Otherwise, Vince might end up in the same situation he was in when Lesnar left his company after being pushed so hard. Hopefully Vince has learned from his past mistakes and he won't do them again or else like I said he might end up with the same situation that he was in with Brock Lesnar.
How is it Brock Lesnar’s fault that the main event on Raw is stale like some of you think?

If there is one man to blame for the main event on Raw being stale like some of you say it is then that man to blame is Vince McMahon. Instead of building him up, Vince decided to push him to the moon the day Brock joined the company. Brock Lesnar wasn’t the one who decided he wanted to win the WWE Undisputed Champion a few months after he joined the company by defeating The Rock. Brock Lesnar is not the man who decided to defeat The Undertaker in a Hell in a Cell match. Brock Lesnar isn’t the man who decided to main-event Wrestlemania and once again win the WWE title. I could continue on saying Lesnar didn’t decide this or he didn’t decide that but I won’t continue. Why won’t I continue? Because it will all lead to the same answer. That answer is Vince McMahon.

Vince is the one who decided to push Lesnar to the moon. Vince is the man who made the decision of having The Rock lose his WWE Title to Brock Lesnar even though Lesnar had only been with the company a few months. He wasn’t even with them a year when he won the title. Vince was the one who decided to have Lesnar go over The Undertaker in a Hell in a Cell match. Vince was the one who decided to have Lesnar main-even Wrestlemania and win the WWE Title once again. I could continue on saying that Vince was the one who made this decision or that decision but I won’t continue. Why won’t I continue? Because all I will continue saying is that Vince made all of the decision.

Ultimately Vince decided to all of those things and more. He’s the owner of the company and he is the one who has the final say in everything. If there’s one man to blame for why some of you think the Raw main-event is stale then that man is Vince McMahon because he was the one who made all of the decisions on who to push and who not to push. So don’t blame Brock Lesnar, blame Vince McMahon.

I respect your post about this topic. Its very clear and understandable.

I dont think anyone disagree's with the fact that yes its Vince McMahon behind everything, the ones who pulls the strings, the one who has the final word on everything.

I think when people here mention Lesnar, its the fact that after a 2 year super successful run in WWE, he left the company high and dry. Maybe it was because he was at such a young age at the time (25,26) that he didnt truly acknowledge and appreciate what he was given, and the position he was in. And he wasnt a man about certain things.

If you feel its time for you to leave, the least you can do is leave with some dignity and put a couple of guys over.

When he left he didnt care if the company fell flat on its face, the same company that made him a megastar and put millions in his pocket.

I know Lashley may have similarities in this, but I focus more on Lesnar because I was into the product. When Lashley was coming up in WWE I wasnt watching as much at all.

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