What's your story


Totally Reeking of Awesomeness
Ok this is meant to be a lighthearted possibly nostalgic thread. Give it a chance and don't bash me for being corny. Just thought of this a minute ago and really want to hear comparable stories.
The event is Wrestlemania 6 in Toronto, I am 9 years old at the time and the scene is my parents living room where me and my two parents and my cousin and his two parents are gathered in front of the tv for the ultimate challenge. My cousin who is 10 years old at the time had made a whopping 2 dollar bet on the outcome. Now I was a rabid Hulkamanic, and everyone else in the room has turned to the warriors side so I was already feeling a bit tormented. Anticipation builds throughout the night and as warrior and hogan enter the ring i can't sit still. Every move is scrutinized as only a 9 year old can who still clings to the fact that wrestling is "real". I actually remember calling the match trying to pump myself back up every time hogan is on the receiving end of a warrior barrage of moves. The tension building between me and my cousin the whole time. Finally my heart pounding in my chest as warrior lifts hogan up for the gorilla press almost losing all hope as warrior hits the splash, but then in an instant i start laughing and cheering again when hogan kicks out at 2, and begins to hulk up. Verbally assaulting my cousin saying HA HA HA hogan can't lose now he is hulking up. Flash to hogan's finger in warriors face followed by blocked punch counter punch whip in the ropes the big boot (i am in my glory) and the leg......... holy shit the warrior moved, no no he hits the splash 1, 2 ,3 WARRIOR WINS! My heart sinks i burst into tears. My cousin heckles me YOU OWE ME 2 BUCKS! Then it happens i begin wildly swinging at him not hitting a single punch but landing a haymaker on my parents heater before being pulled away by my dad. As a souvenir the little dent is still in the heater lol. My parents then force me to pay him and shake his hand. Still in tears I do so, but man was it tough. I think of that often when I watch wrestling today and the purpose of this was to see if anyone else has similar stories. Even if no one replies I sure had fun typing that story for people to see. Lets hear them......
Well, let me tell ya, I'm 19 years old, same age as Undertaker's streak and I've been watching since I was 12 (weekly). Before then I always got a few glimpses of Royal Rumbles that my dad and brother watched. The first match I watched and remembered as the first for a weekly basis would be Undertaker vs. Mr. McMahon in a Buried Alive Match.

Not the best match to start your WWE watching on I admit, but still, I loved every second, especially Kane buring Taker and seeing him return and Mania XX, that was a big ol' mark out for me. This was before I was a smark so, yeah... I was much more of a purer wrestling fan, LOL.

My first WWE Champion was Brock Lesnar and Triple H was the man over on RAW with the World Heavyweight Championship. I loved Randy Orton when he won his first World Heavyweight Championship as a young fan without the whole analysing style of smarks like today. I was also quite a big JBL fan to be honest, LOL. I know right? Don't get me wrong, I loved Eddie, but I just liked the way the title would look around JBL's waist, it looked awesome. Even when he fueded with Taker I thought, there's no way JBL will beat Taker! He sure as hell did, loved the music, car, everything...

Nowadays I'm not that innocent and lot more sinical (If I spelt that right). Don't get me wrong, I'm not one of these guys who wants to see Cena's head on a spike, I still enjoy wrestling as much as I did back then.

See that's the thing about smarks, they were once young boys who grew up watching their favourite wrestlers, especially if they're from the Attitude Era, with glee and hope in their eyes. When they turn into smarks, they lose that innocence, which is sad... But there is one thing that can unite us all as wrestling fans, the pure, adrenaline filled, mark out moment. That's why I feel tomorrow when the 2nd of 2012 happens it'll be a great moment for the wrestling community whether you've just started watching, watching for years or a heartless smark! LOL.
I watched my first Smackdown with my dad, It was August 2002, Brock Lesnar had just defeated The Rock for the Undisputed title that past Sunday. The main event was Angle-Beniot. I was automaticly hooked. My 1st and only #1 favorite wrestler was Kane and stayed my favorite through today. I remember the divas were beautiful, and the action was great!

Thank you for letting me relive this moment!
It's 1989 and I'm 8 years old. My brother is watching wrestling on tv as I'm playing with my Transformers. I look up to see the Macho Man standing on the second rope pointing at Hulk Hogan as he is making his entrance to the ring. It's all colourful, the crowd are going bananas as I immediately hope Macho wins as he is the Decepticons to Hogan's lame Autobots.

Next day I get my dad to drive me to the video rental store and I search for any WWF video I can find, picking up 1989's Royal Rumble, Wrestlemania's 3 & 4 and 1988's Summerslam and Survivor Series and that's it for me, I'm hooked
I would watch the old British wrestling, so when WCW came on ITV in 1991 I was hooked. Around that time we also got Sky so started watching the old WWF. However, it was not really until 1993 I started watching WWE PPVs when I got a tape of King of the Ring 1993.

My first live show was in 2004 with the WWE when Benoit was champion and feuding with Kane, and HBK vs HHH feud. Been to 10 live shows now.
This is exactly what I was looking for, and you hit it on the head. Maybe we all need to go back to our innocent days of awe and just watch for fun and not analyze every nook and cranny of the thing we all love. It was larger than life for me back then. Its ok to debate, but not to trash everything the put out. Thanks for the story
I started watching wrestling in the early 80's my earliest and first memory of wrestling was turning on the TV one Saturday afternoon and this was before we ever had cable TV so it was just some local channel. I hear the Black Sabbath song "I Am Iron Man" start playing and being a huge comicbook geek already that got my attention. Next thing you know I turn around to see these two huge guys rushing into this ring with their faces painted and cool mohawks, and they just beat the crap out these to fat redneck looking guys! I was hooked instantly, wrestling has been in my blood ever since. I couldn't get any of the big shows from TBS or anything like that yet because we didn't have cable yet but once we moved and got a satellite and I mean a real satellite the big huge ones not the dinky little DirecTV or Dish size ones. Once we had that I could watch all the wrestling my little mind could handle. We got closed circuit feeds of MSG and the Omni in Atlanta so I was watching it all. Plus my parents got an illegal descrambler so I was able to watch all the PPVs for free which was amazing! My cousin would come over and we made "wrestling dummies" out of old blankets, clothes, and sleeping bags, and would wrestle them on my trampoline. Eventually we started wrestling against each other and other kids in the neighborhood. The worst accident we ever had was when we wrestled a match inside on a mattress in the living room floor while my mom was out shopping. I picked my cousin up to powerbomb him and through him head first right into the ceiling fan, completely destroying it, while putting a huge knot and cut into my cousin's head. Needless to say we were never allowed to wrestles in doors ever again.
Being almost 31 I've pretty much been watching since I was 2 (yes I know I don't really remember much from back then). I remember waiting up till my uncle got off work so we could watch Portland wrestling, I remember the excitement of being a kid and thinking that it was all real. I loved watching Portland wrestling, early WCW when the were still partly NWA. My first PPV was a few years ago but it wasn't that memorable so I don't remeber what it was called. My first live show was when TNA came to Salem, Oregon then I went to see WWE Raw in Portland last year.When Show and Kane lost the tag titles to nexus there was this kid a row in front of us all decked out in Cena gear flipped out on a guy wearing a nexus shirt blaming him for Show getting injured..
I've been to several live events, but the first one I was at was the July 11th, 2005 edition of RAW, when Matt Hardy made his return after his release. I remember sitting there and being absolutely shocked by what I was seeing.

My favorite event I attended was the 2007 SummerSlam, the first of two PPVs I attended (the second being the first Hell in a Cell, in 2009). It was a great experience to be at one of the Big Four. I only very rarely watch wrestling these days since I've hated pretty much everything they've done since late 2008, and I haven't been to a live event since Hell in a Cell, but I can't deny there's an electricity that comes from being at their events.
21 years old basically been watching my entire life. My first show was a local show where I met Bill Dundee. He beat Buff Bagwell in the main event.

My first live WWE event was a taping of Smackdown. This was during the time period of Too Cool wth Rikishi so I got a shirt because my mom wouldn't let me get a Big Show "Big Bastard" shirt, Stone Cold was out injured with yet another neck issue, and The Rock was the biggest thing ever. It was amazing to see the setup of the ring between matches, how they set up the entrance for Gangrel to come up from under the entrance ramp, how they taped matches for Velocity before the Smackdown taping. At the end The Rock finally came out and cleaned house and then went on a big speech that was cut from TV. This was post attitude era but when the Rock came out "Finally, The Rock has come back, to Evansville"(as if he had ever been there before) the crowd went ape shit. Then he continues "I heard that Evansville likes pie, The Rock hears you like a special kind of pie. The Rock hears Evansville likes poontang pie" To hear him say that, especially post Attitude Era was shocking

First time I ever got super excited over a match was the '95 Royal Rumble. I was and always have been a super huge Shawn Michaels fan. My dad and grandpa hated HBK. Well when he came out #1 my heart sank, no body wins as #1. Cut to roughly an hour later, Shawn and Davey Boy Smith are still in it. #1 and #2, unheard of. These two are exhausted and on top of that Lex Luger and Cursh, two super strong dudes are in. Michaels is able to get Luger out, down to three, Crush and Michaels decide to double team Smith but Cursh turns on Shawn, almost puts him out but Shawn counters and Smith eliminates Crush. Down to #1 and #2. I'm on edge, standing up, then heartache, over the top goes Shawn, my dad and papaw celebrate and rub it in. The theme music is playing, Smith is on the 2nd rope celebrating when Michaels run back in and throws Smith over. ONLY ONE FOOT HIT THE FLOOR, ONLY ONE FOOT HIT THE FLOOR!!!!! Michaels wins, Shawn Michaels the Royal Rumble as the #1 entrant. I was so excited and got caught up in mocking my dad I super kicked him when he sat back down
Started watching wrestling right after Summerslam 1991 at the age of 6. A friend had told me about wrestling and I remember knowing to watch for Hulk Hogan. I put on wrestling challenge. I was told Hogan was the champion and couldnt understand why Ric Flair claimed to be the champion. Freaked out when Macho got bit by the snake a few weeks into watching. Scared of Taker. Loved Bret Hart, the Rockers, Macho Man, LOD, Roddy Piper and most of all Hulk Hogan. What got me hooked was how well they built up the ppvs. I couldnt wait for them. Rumble 92, WM 8, Summerslam 92(best ppv ever). Also, Summerslam spectacular 92, SNME 2/92 and 11/92. The beginning of Raw. Great memories.
I don't remember what age i was when i starting watching but i remember watching smackdown alot more first(probably because i didn't spend mondays on spike tv). Then I believe there was like a raw rewind or something and I mus of been like(wow what's this "tunes in monday night" and instantly falls in love with it).
Forgot to mention some of the highlights of the live events I have been to as well. My first live events were NWA shows that were held outside on the football field of the local highschool. I remember seeing Steve Dr Death Williams and Jimmy Boogie Woogie Man Valiant fighting The Barbarian and Tejo Khan and Boogie Woogie Man smashed Khan's head into the goal post! My mom worked for the school district so we got to meet a lot of the wrestlers pre and post shows. I met Ric Flair several times the first time being when I was like 6 years old. I almost met the Rock N Roll Express, Ron Garvin, Jim Cornette, the Barbarian, Baron Von Rasche, and a few other old NWA guys. The first big live event I went to was the Unforgiven PPV where Kane and Undertaker had their first Inferno Match and Steve Austin defended his newly won World title against Dude Love. I was at the Monday Night Nitro when Bret Hart made his debut in WCW, that was pretty awesome. Got to meet Bret Hart, DDP and Kimberly, Raven, the Giant, and Hulk Hogan after that show. I was at Carowinds Amusement Park in NC the same weekend that WWF was doing a show in the area and met Jeff and Matt Hardy, Lita, Edge and Christian there while waiting in line for one of the roller coasters. They were all super nice especially Edge he was very cool. I went to a WWF house show where during the match between Kane and Mankind a fan reached over the barrier and hit Kane in the head with a bottle. Kane without ever breaking character turned grabbed the guy by the throat lifted him over the barrier and beat his ass! It was amazing! The last live event I went to was Wrestlemania 27 and I enjoyed the hell out of it! My son is 5 years old now so the next time WWE comes around my way we are gonna be taking him to his first live show so that they tradition lives on through him!
Forgot to mention some of the highlights of the live events I have been to as well. My first live events were NWA shows that were held outside on the football field of the local highschool. I remember seeing Steve Dr Death Williams and Jimmy Boogie Woogie Man Valiant fighting The Barbarian and Tejo Khan and Boogie Woogie Man smashed Khan's head into the goal post! My mom worked for the school district so we got to meet a lot of the wrestlers pre and post shows. I met Ric Flair several times the first time being when I was like 6 years old. I almost met the Rock N Roll Express, Ron Garvin, Jim Cornette, the Barbarian, Baron Von Rasche, and a few other old NWA guys. The first big live event I went to was the Unforgiven PPV where Kane and Undertaker had their first Inferno Match and Steve Austin defended his newly won World title against Dude Love. I was at the Monday Night Nitro when Bret Hart made his debut in WCW, that was pretty awesome. Got to meet Bret Hart, DDP and Kimberly, Raven, the Giant, and Hulk Hogan after that show. I was at Carowinds Amusement Park in NC the same weekend that WWF was doing a show in the area and met Jeff and Matt Hardy, Lita, Edge and Christian there while waiting in line for one of the roller coasters. They were all super nice especially Edge he was very cool. I went to a WWF house show where during the match between Kane and Mankind a fan reached over the barrier and hit Kane in the head with a bottle. Kane without ever breaking character turned grabbed the guy by the throat lifted him over the barrier and beat his ass! It was amazing! The last live event I went to was Wrestlemania 27 and I enjoyed the hell out of it! My son is 5 years old now so the next time WWE comes around my way we are gonna be taking him to his first live show so that they tradition lives on through him!

Wow, you have seen quite a variety of events. I saw an old ECW event in a local ice skating rink and it was the best. Small and very interactive. I have been to several Raw episodes, and several smackdows. I also went to bragging rights 2009 and at age 29 I marked out finally getting to see dx after being a fan of them since the beginning. I just had a daughter myself and so so look forward to the day i get to introduce her to this..
Wow, you have seen quite a variety of events. I saw an old ECW event in a local ice skating rink and it was the best. Small and very interactive. I have been to several Raw episodes, and several smackdows. I also went to bragging rights 2009 and at age 29 I marked out finally getting to see dx after being a fan of them since the beginning. I just had a daughter myself and so so look forward to the day i get to introduce her to this..

Yeah I was lucky enough to live in a few towns that were big enough to get the NWA shows when I was growing up. I loved WM27 just for the sheer spectacle of it but I enjoyed the atmosphere of those small "house" shows when I was kid. Like you said the wrestlers were so much more interactive with the crowds back then it was just amazing. I have been to episodes of RAW, Nitro, Thunder, and two PPVs (Unforgiven and WM27) but never been to a Smackdown show. My son Connor loves wrestling just as much as I do so I can't wait to take him to his first show.
Yeah I was lucky enough to live in a few towns that were big enough to get the NWA shows when I was growing up. I loved WM27 just for the sheer spectacle of it but I enjoyed the atmosphere of those small "house" shows when I was kid. Like you said the wrestlers were so much more interactive with the crowds back then it was just amazing. I have been to episodes of RAW, Nitro, Thunder, and two PPVs (Unforgiven and WM27) but never been to a Smackdown show. My son Connor loves wrestling just as much as I do so I can't wait to take him to his first show.

My sister in law went to a small tna "house" show, and she said it was very interactive as well. She brought me autographs of mick foley and jeff jarrett, and she had the same ones for herself to so they obviously don't mind spending time with the fans. The signatures were free to. I am shooting to go to WM 30, and a tna show is now definitely on my list
My sister in law went to a small tna "house" show, and she said it was very interactive as well. She brought me autographs of mick foley and jeff jarrett, and she had the same ones for herself to so they obviously don't mind spending time with the fans. The signatures were free to. I am shooting to go to WM 30, and a tna show is now definitely on my list

Yeah I have heard the TNA shows are great for their fan interactions but unfortunately only one has ever come near enough for me to go to but I couldn't get off work to go. The only way I think I will ever get to go to another WM is if they return to Atlanta again, which I hope they do because I sure as hell will go again! Monday Night RAW is supposed to becoming close enough this summer to me to go to so I think we are gonna take Connor then and that will be his first live event.
my first wrestling memories are of the british wrestling from when i was a kid growing up in the 80's. i remember watching it every saturday tea time (around 4pm for you guys in the US) ;). i remember when my mum and dad first got satalite around 1990- 91ish watching owen hart on a german wrestling company and fit finlay was on it aswell.

my first wwf memorie is survivor series 91 and i pretended to be sick and was allowed to stay up and watch it live because i wouldnt be in school the next day. The undertaker made is debut that night and scared the hell out of me. After that i remember watching tuesday night in texas when taker won the belt.

My first event was summerslam 92 which i went to with my cousin and uncle. i went to the uk rampage in manchester around 93-94 ish.

since then ive been to the rebbellion ppv plus i always go to house shows over hear. i went to the WCW nitro tour over hear and bret hart was the commisoner on the tour. and i was at the recent raw taping in liverpool when kevin nash was flown over for a ten minute promo which was shit.

my little girl is nearly 2 and she already watches wrestling with me so i cant wait to take her in a couple of years time :)
When I was growing up, World of Sport wrestling was a Saturday staple. Now the big names of the time were Big Daddy and Giant Haystacks (latterly Loch Ness in WCW, before being diagnosed with cancer) two larger than life characters whose offense revolved around their, more than ample, stomachs. Their matches sucked but WoS also featured guys like the Dynamite Kid, Fit Finlay, Steve Regal, Dave Taylor, Davey Boy Smith, Kendo Nagasaki and Mark 'Rollerball' Rocco. These guys put on clinics but the headliners paled in comparison once the images of Hulk Hogan and Ultimate Warrior came across the pond. WoS was axed and the WWF and then WCW Worldwide became the Saturday afternoon staple.

As time moved on, both promotions got more and more exposure (although for a while, the WCW coverage was on German Satellite stations) until RAW, Nitro, SmackDown, Thunder and most PPVs could be accessed.

Now, British TV shows more hours of the big two than American TV. TNA's PPVs are free (at a three day delay), as are some of WWe's (live) - the remaining WWe PPVs are PPV here too.

As a kid growing up, Wrestling was a way of life, everyone knew who Big Daddy was. I loved the characters, the noble good guys and the dastardly heels. When the American invasion occurred, I enjoyed the OTT WWF but really found my common ground when the, then, more realistic WCW appeared which had the body builder types but also had it's realistic looking guys like Bobby Eaton and Arn Anderson. Once I had satellite, I had both worlds so I've been an unashamed addict ever since.
my first wrestling memories are of the british wrestling from when i was a kid growing up in the 80's. i remember watching it every saturday tea time (around 4pm for you guys in the US) ;). i remember when my mum and dad first got satalite around 1990- 91ish watching owen hart on a german wrestling company and fit finlay was on it aswell.

my first wwf memorie is survivor series 91 and i pretended to be sick and was allowed to stay up and watch it live because i wouldnt be in school the next day. The undertaker made is debut that night and scared the hell out of me. After that i remember watching tuesday night in texas when taker won the belt.

My first event was summerslam 92 which i went to with my cousin and uncle. i went to the uk rampage in manchester around 93-94 ish.

since then ive been to the rebbellion ppv plus i always go to house shows over hear. i went to the WCW nitro tour over hear and bret hart was the commisoner on the tour. and i was at the recent raw taping in liverpool when kevin nash was flown over for a ten minute promo which was shit.

my little girl is nearly 2 and she already watches wrestling with me so i cant wait to take her in a couple of years time :)

Wow summerslam 92 I am very jealous. I remember staying up really late as a kid of 11 to see davey and bret wrestle the best match I had seen at that point in time. My daughter is 2 weeks old and i already sit her up to watch raw with me hahah.. Thanks for the story. Great stuff
Let's see, some of my first memories of professional wrestling.

I had an unusual avenue of getting into pro wrestling (at least compared to stories I've read and heard from other wrestling fans). I got into it thanks to the commercials for the Hasbro WWF action figures that were produced from 1990-1994. I remember seeing commercials with Jesse Ventura, Macho "King" Randy Savage and the Ultimate Warrior talking about the toys (which featured Akeem, Andre the Giant, the Big Boss Man, Brutus Beefcake, Demolition, Hulk Hogan, Jake Roberts, the Million Dollar Man, Macho Man Randy Savage, Rick Rude, and the Ultimate Warrior), and these guys were just larger than life and insane. Well that was obvious considering you had two of the most insane promo cutters in wrestling history.

Needless to say I knew I had to get the figures, and I got the Million Dollar Man first, then I got a Hulk Hogan and Ultimate Warrior action figure for my birthday.

After that, I started renting a few videos from the video store. The big one I rented all the time was Survivor Series 1990. I loved the 4 man elimination format, and Hogan, Warrior, and Tito Santana teaming at the end against the Million Dollar Man, Rick Martel, Power and Glory, and the Warlord. Not to mention Undertaker debuting.

Though I was renting the videos and already collecting the figures, I still wasn't watching it on TV. I think I didn't really know what channels they were on or if they were even on TV, believe it or not.

Finally after some family friends raved about Wrestlemania VII, I finally asked my parents to find wrestling on TV and once we found it on USA, and local channels that aired Wrestling Challenge and Superstars, we were off and running.

Upon doing research (accidentally over the years), I discovered that the first episode of WWE wrestilng I ever watched was the Superstars of Wrestling that aired shortly after Wrestlemania (I think it was taped like two days after Wrestlemania VII and my guess aired a week or two later), in which Earthquake and Jake Roberts were feuding and Earthquake tied up Jake in the ropes and did his "Earthquake splash on Damien and killed him. Nice event to start it off with lol. Shortly after that in mid April of 1991 WWF had another episode of Saturday Night's Main Event that featured rematches of Warrior and Sgt. Slaughter (from Royal Rumble 91), with Undertaker interfering, plus a rematch between Bret Hart and Ted Dibiase (with Roddy Piper getting involved), plus a Battle Royal that featured many top stars and with Mr. Perfect winning.

Over the Summer I witnessed memorable events on Superstars mainly such as the Ultimate Warrior being locked in a coffin by the Undertaker and Paul Bearer, Tugboat turning heel on the Bushwhackers and joining forces with Earthquake and Jimmy Hart, The Mountie and the Nasty Boys attacking the Big Boss Man and shocking him, Bret Hart working towards the I-C title against Mr. Perfect, the Legion of Doom fighting for a tag title shot against the Nasty Boys, Earthquake attacking Andre the Giant, Randy Savage "proposing" to Elizabeth and Jake Roberts trying to mentor the Ultimate Warrior only to turn on him and join forces with the Undertaker.

Unfortunately we would not get ppv ourselves at home until April of 1996 (my first ppv that we ordered ourselves was the Good Friends, Better Enemies In Your House event which was Diesel's last ppv match in the WWF before joining WCW a month later), so instead we would rely on my mom's friends for a few ppvs (including the first ppv we ordered ourselves and got taped, Summerslam 1991), and my cousin's grandparents (where we watched Wrestlemania X).

I went to my first house show in June of 1991. The main event was the Undertaker and the Ultimate Warrior in a bodybag match. Plus Bret Hart fought the Barbarian, and I believe the Mountie and the Big Boss Man fought as well.

And then 10 months later, my family was at Wrestlemania VIII at the Hoosier Dome rooting for Randy Savage to win the title, and for Bret Hart to win the I-C title (though we'd been fine with Piper retaining). I was rooting for Hulk Hogan to get revenge on Sid, while my sisters were rooting for Sid lol.

Good times, I miss them :(
I was 11 years old, and it was 1997. My brother had been watching wrestling here and there so I caught some. It wasn't until Summerslam 1997 that I truly got hooked. That night Bret Hart fought The Undertaker with Shawn Michaels at the special guest referee, and for the first time I actually got sucked into all of it. And, go figure, it was three of my favorites of all time.

I went to my first Raw in March of 1998 right before I turned 12, and it was so awesome. We waited all night for Austin to come out, and when he did...man, what a pop! We also got to see The Undertaker throw some lightning around and light a Kane dummy on fire, which I totally marked out for. I also saw Triple H fight Owen Hart, which was great. I'm glad I got to see Owen once live. Kane even chokeslammed the Suns' mascot. Haha.

I went to Summerslam a few year later and a few more Raws and even some WCW shows. My favorite show overall other than my first one was an ECW house show (when they first brought back the ECW brand) in a little venue downtown. It was so interactive. The wrestling was great, and the fans were just having a ton of fun. For a city that never got the original ECW, apparently enough of us followed it to make it a rather authentic show. We even got to talk to Rob Van Dam after the show and took pictures with CM Punk.
this is such a great topic i really enjoy reading peoples posts.
im 25 and have been watching since i was born.
i dont remember my first event but my parents told me that it was 1990/91 and it was taker vs warrior and i got scared by taker and started to cry lol. which is ironic b/c me and my family always liked him the most. when me and my dad (good father son time together) went to MW 20 and saw the "real" taker IMO come back it was great.

ive gone to a few big events WM20 was awesome. the atmosphere was great. and i went to WM last yr in atlanta and really didnt enjoy it.

Ive been to WWE/F, WCW in the nwo days, WWECW, and TNA. probably about 30 shows in my life and all have been unique and represent time in my life. im 25 and hopefully one day i will take my son to these events when he is old enough b/c thats what my dad did for me. i remember my dad bringing me to the video store and i would always pick up WM3 on VHS and it was to tapes and had this huge picture of hogan vs andre. i had all the toys and wrestling buddies ahhhh good memories.

i do wanna share my favorite personal wrestling memory. its 2002 wcw/ecw are out of business and the indy circut is filled with all past talent. im probably 15 yrs old and have a massive school boy crush on dawn marie. so i go to a indy show and shes supposed to b there with simon diamond. i go and find simon in the lobby bc you can pay $ and get an autograph and chat so i ask wheres dawn he says in alaska sry. so a month or two latter theres another show and she was there and alot of kids my age were there with friends and saying ur so hot etc u know dumb teenage kid stuff. im a nice guy i just politely say hi and that im a fan blah blah. i got my impact players ecw shirt on being a dork and she says well where are u sitting. i point it out and i yell for my cousin to wave b/c hes taller and she can see him b/c were in the front row. she goes ok ill be over by you during the match but i will be in character. so match time in the front row opposite where the talent come out. her and diamond walk all the way around the ring right in front of me and shes in her short skirt and as shes about to get in the ring she looks at me in character and says "dont you look up my skirt!" she gets outta the ring smiles and says "in character honey" through out the match whenever she would come to my side of the ring she stop and pose for a picture. a real nice woman and a class act. i was in heaven and thought it couldn't get any better. but it did

the next week there was another indy show and she was not advertised nor was simon diamond. suprise! here comes diamond but no dawn marie. so during intermission i go walk around b/c i know simon and dawn are a legit couple i wonder if shes here. so im in the lobby meeting other guys and i hear "LOU!" im like ok im with my cousin John why is there a womans voice calling me. i turn around and its dawn marie dressed normal and she actually remembered me and my name! i was shocked beyond belief she said hi and turns out that while i was in the lobby she was ringside just talking to fans and see's my older cousin who was at the first show and says hi and asks wheres lou, my cousin responds in the lobby looking for you. as a kid that was amazing i had posters of her in my room, watched her on tv, it was a teenage crush and to have her remember my name was amazing. i actually emailed her the photos of me and her and she posted them on her website. thats my favorite personal wrestling moment.
My story dates back to July or August of 93. Scott Hall(well he was Razor Ramon at the time) was signing autographs at a local suburban Detroit Mall for SummerSlam 93. Anyway my older brother took me to get his autograph. My older brother was 18 at the time and a State champion amateur wrestler. He was roughly 6'3 and 220lbs. Anyway this was shortly after Hall/Ramon lost to Waltman/123 Kid. I was only about 12 at the time but my brother kept telling me how when we got up to get Halls autograph he was going to punk him out for losing to the 123 Kid.

So we finally get up there and Hall was sitting down at the time and my Brother goes to talk smack and then Hall/Ramon stands up and totally punks my brother out. Now I remind you that my brother was a pretty big guy even if he was young and he was a legit tough guy and Hall completely dwarfed him. Then he took his toothpick and flicked it at him and I, it was so awesome. I had that toothpick until about 10 years ago than I lost it. Anyway it was really cool to see a wrestler like that, because like I said my brother was a big tough guy and somebody like Scott Hall made him look like a nobody. It was just another example of how big these guys really are.

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