I was at the Raw in Ft. Wayne, IN when Kurt Angle entered three times before complaining to Bischoff about getting booed and started getting "you suck" censored. It was also the same Raw Daivari returned and the only reason I was excited was that before the show I said he would come back (keep in mind I was like 12 at the time and didn't read online)
I was there too... I have an interesting backstory to that as well...
My wife doesn't like waiting in crowds, so before the doors opened to the arena, we were in the bar having a drink. We were then told by an usher (who was in the doorway connecting the bar to the arena) that they were opening the doors and we could go in.
Problem was, the doors weren't supposed to be opened yet.
We walked into the arena and, after taking mybe 5 steps in, we hear Angle's music blaring. Thinking we were missing something, we ran up the steps leaading to our seats. When we reached the top, we saw an empty arena, with Angle standing on the ramp, rehearsing his speech for that evening. He was literally reading it off of a notepad.
When WWE personnel saw us sitting in the seats, they told us to leave the arena. By the time we got back to the steps leading out of the arena, fans were pouring in.
Just a neat little thing that people don't get to see too often.
Other things that "I was there" for:
1: HHH wins the Intercontinental Title for the first time, beating Marc Mero.
2: Bret Hart returns to RAW, accepting Stone Cold Steve Austin's challenge for Survivor Series 1996.
3: Steve Austin throws Kurt Angle's medals into the river:
Finally, probably the one I'm asked about most... The Rockers beat the Hart Foundation for the Tag Titles: