I was there....

I was at the Smackdown back in October of 2010 (the immediate show after HIAC) right after Edge went crazy on RAW the night befor (taped on a tuesday) and destroyed the GM computer and then got traded to SD. He was the first one out to bat in the ring after Teddy Long made the announcement of the BIG TRADE. Everyone was screaming when he said "Rated R Superstar." Then out comes Jack Swagger with his bird, and Edge starts the "Flip The Bird" stuff. It was great since we were sitting 2nd row and Edge slid out of the ring to avoid a move Swagger/Eagle did and came over by us. Got some great pics and great to see Edge again live and in action, for one of the last live shows in Kansas, around my area. :)
Elimination Chamber 2011...my 2nd live event and it was epic.
There was a really cute kid behind me who kept saying something along the lines of what he'd do if he was in the match and that John Cena was gonna win.

Also i went to a Supershow 2010 in San Jose...3 hour drive and i loved it.
great thread i have 2 favorite moments that ive been in person for

1. Aj styles Samoa joe and christopher daniels at unbreakable 2005 they tore the roof off that place i was so into every aspect of that match that by the time it was over i had lost my voice

2.Taker and triple h at wrestlemania 27 all i can say is when those two stood across the ring and stared each other down i knew it was going to be worth my ticket
I've seen alot of cool things over the years.

Matt Sydel "AKA" Evan Bourn debut on the old WWECW.

Shawn Michaels attack Undertaker on the last SmackDown before Wrestlemania 26.

Bret Hart introduce the new WWE Tag Team Championship belts, John Cena vs "Black John Cena" Darren Young and Zack Ryder get his first WWE Championship match against Sheamus on RAW.

The D-Generation X Army Tank entrance, Jeff Hardy Swanton to Punk off of that HUGE latter through the announce table and the Undertaker return at SummerSlam 09'.

The Undertaker return only to get COMPLETELY DESTROYED by Kane, the return of Daniel Bryan and the 7 on 7 WWE vs Nexus match that also included Bret Hart at SummerSlam 10'.

Mark Henry crashing Sheamus through a wall, the BRUTAL No DQ World Title Match between Orton and Christan, Cena vs Punk II for the Undisputed WWE Championship with a Money in the Bank cash-in at the end by Del Rio. Plus the returns of Kevin Nash, Edge and Stephanie McMahon all at SummerSlam 11'.
mine isnt a PPV or TV Taping...it was a saturday night house show before a PPV

In Toronto Skydome (Now the Roger's Centre), on Saturday July 24th 1999, I watched Edge beat Jeff Jarrett for the IC Title for the first singles title of his WWE career. I still have the ticket stub
--Wrestlemania 2 in Chicago. I saw the Bulldogs win the Tag Titles for the first (and only?) time. From Valentine and Beefcake

--Much later I was there when Austin/Michaels won the Tag belts from Owen and Bulldog in one of the greatest Raw matches ever. This is an extra on the Monday Night Wars DVD.

--At (I think) the first thumbtack match held in North America with--of course--Ian Rotten.

--Speaking of Ian, one of my favorite more recent memories is from a few years ago when Ian did a spot show here in town and somehow booked a bunch of TNA and ROH talent that must have been traveling between major gigs. Punk, McGuiness, Candido, Styles, Daniels, Abyss were all there, as well as some I'm forgetting. And the crowd was MAYBE 75 people, many of whom had never heard of these guys. The wrestlers made a good time of it, though, hanging out in the crowd with the fans and cutting up with each other. I remember Candido wrestled half his match with his bare ass hanging out. Nigel McGuiness made fun of me for putting ketchup on a hot dog and I explained the health benefits of Lycopene to him. That's the kind of show this was. I wonder if anybody got paid that night.
Clash of the Champions XXXIV in Milwaukee. Dean Malenko won his third Cruiserweight championship. Chris Benoit beat Kevin Sullivan in a falls count anywhere match. Eddie Guerrero beat Scott Norton with a little help from DDP. Nick Patrick was the ref for that match as the nWo ref. I was a huge nWo fan at the time, and this was the last show before Souled Out.
Nice thread idea.

1. Monday Night Raw January 25th, 1993

This was the only Raw I ever attended at the Manhattan Center. A few of my buddies and I got tickets for back-to-back tapings of Raw (years before they went live, this was their normal format). During the first broadcast, Flair and Perfect had their infamous falling out and it was announced that they would have a Loser Leaves WWF match on Raw the following week. It was a good thing for me that I was able to see the match an hour later :D.

2. King of the Ring June 24, 2001

If you guys don't recall, this was the match where it took Kurt about 4 tries to suplex Shane through the glass window. The thunderous thumps of Shane's head hitting the ground were easily heard from my seats, which were the second tier, camera-side. The rest of the PPV was quite good, considering it was during the time of the WCW Invasion, and this is when Edge won the King of the Ring title.

3. WWF Smackdown October 5, 1999
D'Lo Brown vs. Droz

I kinda wish I hadn't been at this event. But thankfully, I was sitting in the nosebleed section of Nassau Colosseum so the ring looked like a tiny cigarette pack with two matches wrestling in it. Unfortunately, we were still able to notice the stopping of the match and commotion when D'Lo botched his running powerbomb, dropped Droz on his neck, and turned him into a quadriplegic. It was a very sad and morbid event.
I was at the Raw in Ft. Wayne, IN when Kurt Angle entered three times before complaining to Bischoff about getting booed and started getting "you suck" censored. It was also the same Raw Daivari returned and the only reason I was excited was that before the show I said he would come back (keep in mind I was like 12 at the time and didn't read online)

I was there too... I have an interesting backstory to that as well...

My wife doesn't like waiting in crowds, so before the doors opened to the arena, we were in the bar having a drink. We were then told by an usher (who was in the doorway connecting the bar to the arena) that they were opening the doors and we could go in.

Problem was, the doors weren't supposed to be opened yet.

We walked into the arena and, after taking mybe 5 steps in, we hear Angle's music blaring. Thinking we were missing something, we ran up the steps leaading to our seats. When we reached the top, we saw an empty arena, with Angle standing on the ramp, rehearsing his speech for that evening. He was literally reading it off of a notepad.

When WWE personnel saw us sitting in the seats, they told us to leave the arena. By the time we got back to the steps leading out of the arena, fans were pouring in.

Just a neat little thing that people don't get to see too often.

Other things that "I was there" for:

1: HHH wins the Intercontinental Title for the first time, beating Marc Mero.

2: Bret Hart returns to RAW, accepting Stone Cold Steve Austin's challenge for Survivor Series 1996.

3: Steve Austin throws Kurt Angle's medals into the river: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mJpYiMMSmDc

Finally, probably the one I'm asked about most... The Rockers beat the Hart Foundation for the Tag Titles: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VNckBELEBmo

I've only been to a handful of shows but 2 of them had some pretty big matches.

1. Backlash (2003)
This was at the Worcester Centrum in Worcester, MA. The first match was pretty awesome, it was Eddie and Chavo vs Team Angle (Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas), great match as was the norm when these teams met. The Big Show vs Mysterio match was sweet as Rey had to be put on the stretcher, then Show swung him against the ring post like a baseball bat, the bang was fucking loud. Lesnar vs Cena was pretty lackluster but if I'm not mistaken that was Cena's first time in a WWE Championship match. The main event was Golderg vs The Rock. Early on the whole crowd was cheering for Goldberg but mid-match we all switched to cheering for the Rock, not sure if it came out that way on T.V. but everyone around me was cheering for the Rock for the last half of the match. This was Rock's last match as a full time wrestler and he gave a little speech after the show was over. Loved the show and I actually met Rey Mysterio about 2 hours before the show at a restaurant and he was unmasked.

2. Backlash (2009)
This was at the Dunkin Donuts Center in Providence, RI. It was a good show overall Swagger vs Christian was really solid as was Kane vs Punk. Steamboat vs Jericho was awesome and the crowd was way into Steamboat. The first big match was Legacy vs HHH, Batista and Shane McMahon. This was after Orton punted Vince and was tormenting the McMahons and HHH. I think this was Shane's last match in WWE as well. The biggest match to me was John Cena vs Edge in a Last Man Standing match. The crowd around was so anti-Cena and pro-Edge my whole section had dueling chants for the entire match. When Cena AA'd Edge into the crowd everyone stood up and did the typical "Holy Shit" chants. Awesome, awesome match and I didn't get a good view of Cena getting chokeslammed into the light as I was kind of far away but it was still pretty crazy. This was probably my favorite show I've been to, the whole atmosphere was great, the crowd was int every match, and every match was solid.

That's really the only big ones I went to, but I met Mick Foley at a local wrestling show in Fall River, MA. That's one of my all-time favorite memories as he was so nice and actually talked to me while he signed a poster. It said "Foley Is God" he said "I feel bad about that" and drew in another "O" with a smiley face in it.

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