Look out Vinnie Mac!!

WWE,Manson,Eminem,50cent,SouthPark etc,are always used as a scapegoat for bad parenting.WWE has millions of viewers,why then dont they get kid deaths in the 1000s each year then?For goodness sake Fox News is more traumatic than a Hell in the Cell match!
tha420dgnr8 said:
So, why don't you just sit there and watch the fucking kangaroos hop by and imagine a perfect little world where everyone but the parents are supposed to watch their children..idiot

You know, I find the idiot in this equation you. All you are doing is shitting over other peoples opinions and then bringing their location into question. People like you who think all Australians have a pet kangaroo and fight people with boomerangs as they watch kangaroos walk down the street in some little country town are usually narrow-minded morons. The guy had an opinion that was different than yours - So what? If you are going to badmouth his opinion, use facts, not some stereotypical bullshit that makes no sense at all. I also had a different opinion but am able to accept all others. So what did him being an Australian have to do with his opinion...idiot?!
Yes it is a horrible thing to have happened but there Parents are responsible for there kids. In WWE and Mc Macmahon's defence at the start of the show it says "Some Storylines are not suitable for younger viewers".

Also like my parents did they should sit down and watch wrestling for the first time so they know what it entails.

R.I.P The 2 Children :icon_sad:
God, I feel sorry for the children, but were the parents sitting with their fingers in their asses while the "electronic babysitter" was running? The WWE is not to blame, for I've seen shocking shit on Ed, Edd, and Eddy, and on Dragonball Z. Of course, the media, and pieces of human scum like Brent Bosell III will most likely get on WWE's case.
I agree. I think it's stupid how the WWE praticlly has to babysit the younger people. If anything bad happens to anybody, it's the WWE's fault. I think that's old and now rediculous.
MadMetal said:
I agree. I think it's stupid how the WWE praticlly has to babysit the younger people. If anything bad happens to anybody, it's the WWE's fault. I think that's old and now rediculous.

agreed i mean there are things out there that are ten times worse than pro Wrestling. Just look at UFC.
It was rediculous when it started anyway...and yeah, what about UFC? I supposed if one kid killed another with a triangle choke that would be on WWE as well?
This is probably a reason why ECW is tamed down because if those kids copy anything from the old ECW Vince would have no money left. Also parents when they heard the word "wrestling" they probably automatically think of wwe or wwf. It's a damn shame what happened to those kids but parents can't blame it on tv show that gives you warnings.
Cracker5000 said:
This is probably a reason why ECW is tamed down because if those kids copy anything from the old ECW Vince would have no money left. Also parents when they heard the word "wrestling" they probably automatically think of wwe or wwf. It's a damn shame what happened to those kids but parents can't blame it on tv show that gives you warnings.

That the Thing WWE doesnt give Warnings they stop doing that back in 2001 so yeah parnets can blame WWE and if you ask me they have every right too mean does anyone remember the Tim white siuide videos.
Christ, most cartoon characters today have a tendency to light each other on fire and and other sick stuff but everyone seems to be thinking that some sort of fighting promotion is to blame. I still agree it's totally the parents fault, they should be supervising what their kids are watching. I still can't believe that 7 years olds would be able to find the things they needed to hand themselves, it sounds like something that would need to be "organized". Did the parents not think something was strange when little Timmy started chasing George with a length of rope?
Mr. Sam said:
Christ, most cartoon characters today have a tendency to light each other on fire and and other sick stuff but everyone seems to be thinking that some sort of fighting promotion is to blame. I still agree it's totally the parents fault, they should be supervising what their kids are watching. I still can't believe that 7 years olds would be able to find the things they needed to hand themselves, it sounds like something that would need to be "organized". Did the parents not think something was strange when little Timmy started chasing George with a length of rope?
It's like Mick Foley said in an ABC interview a few years back, about how elaborate kids are getting with their backyard imitations. They are building rings in their back yards and shit, how do the parents not notice the 20x20 structure with ropes and steel posts in their backyard, let alone little Timmy chasing Georgie with the rope and probably a light tube at some point as well? And seriously, watch any episode of the old Tom and Jerry show that is still VERY popular with younger kids. Does Hannah-Barbara or whoever get sued if Georgie was to take a mallet and break Timmy's foot with it?
And as far as the Tim white segments, if I remember correctly, he hung himself, josh Matthews didn't help him..where as these kids hung eachother apparently pulling on eachother's noose at the same time
Edge-number1 fan said:
That the Thing WWE doesnt give Warnings they stop doing that back in 2001 so yeah parnets can blame WWE and if you ask me they have every right too mean does anyone remember the Tim white siuide videos.

What do you mean they don't give warnings?! They show that Don't Try This At Home vid about twice every show.
Cracker5000 said:
What do you mean they don't give warnings?! They show that Don't Try This At Home vid about twice every show.

Not anymore they stop showing those back in 2003
No they didnt. They still show the Dont Try this at home videos, on raw and smackdown every episode. Atleast in the UK they do.
If any children's injury stems from something watched on television, in video games, or in movies, it means that a parent or parents dropped the damn ball. Violence comes from all over in multiple outlets from the news down to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. The deal is, though, most parents just place a kid in front of the box and don't actually communicate the consistencies of life and death to a child and the consequences of the child's actions. As a child I was able to watch any movie I wanted from the age of five on. One of my favorites happened to be Conan: The Barbarian. Not a very child friendly movie, but if I had questions or concerns, my parents were there for me. And I didn't run around slicing and dicing with a sword. The fact that there is a "Don't try this at home" video before or during wrestling says leagues about how stupid most parents around the world are. The worst thing a parent can teach a kid is that wrestling is all fake. When in fact it's more dangerous than nearly every legit sport out there.
Kasey said:
If any children's injury stems from something watched on television, in video games, or in movies, it means that a parent or parents dropped the damn ball. Violence comes from all over in multiple outlets from the news down to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. The deal is, though, most parents just place a kid in front of the box and don't actually communicate the consistencies of life and death to a child and the consequences of the child's actions. As a child I was able to watch any movie I wanted from the age of five on. One of my favorites happened to be Conan: The Barbarian. Not a very child friendly movie, but if I had questions or concerns, my parents were there for me. And I didn't run around slicing and dicing with a sword. The fact that there is a "Don't try this at home" video before or during wrestling says leagues about how stupid most parents around the world are. The worst thing a parent can teach a kid is that wrestling is all fake. When in fact it's more dangerous than nearly every legit sport out there.

I agree. Parents have to get their finger out of there arses and pay atttention to their kids. Loads of kids watch wrestling and they don't go hanging themselves. I'm not blaming the parents but they need to be careful of what they say.
charzhino said:
No they didnt. They still show the Dont Try this at home videos, on raw and smackdown every episode. Atleast in the UK they do.

ya, they only give those warnings in some countries, or in the US some states.
Cracker5000 said:
I agree. Parents have to get their finger out of there arses and pay atttention to their kids. Loads of kids watch wrestling and they don't go hanging themselves. I'm not blaming the parents but they need to be careful of what they say.
The parents have always and will always be the first line of defense in keeping their children safe. It's been this way since humans were sleeping in caves and flinging their own poo at each other. My parents were far from perfect, but they at least had the sense and decency to occasionally ask what the hell was going on in my life and to offer any guidance or a shoulder to cry on. I had friends that were on the other side of the coin, though. Flaky parents who were absentee landlords in the parenting department, and I watched some of my best friends do some really stupid shit during my gradeschool and even moreso in my teenage years. The one thing my parents never did was ignore certain things in life. Whether it be questions about substances, sex, violence or any other pertinent topic in life. I could always go to them with questions. Some kids never get that, and it shows with some of the absolutely retarted things that happen these days, America in particular.
The warnings are even on the DVDs and programmed as a trailer that you cannot fast forward through, so you must watch the warning. But, WWE doesn't HAVE to do this! Parents are supposed to do this. Anyone read Foley's "Foley is Good" book? He did a damn good job of addressing this. Plug for both Foley's biographies. Both rocked.
In Australia, We ALWAYS get the do not try this at home, these stunts are done by trained professionals. And they are rated M, which is recommended for People over 15+. And the DVD's now are restricted to 15+.

I am sorry for that families loss, but after my experiences I DO NOT tolerate parents that allow kids of a young age to be exposed to material, from wrestling to action movies. That are clearly warned/rated not to be seen by younger people.
I send my condolences to the family as well. I had a problem as a child where I would wrestle my dad all the time. He would be laying down watching TV and I would run off the couch and drop a flying elbow drop off the couch cuz I saw the Macho Man do it. At this point my parents didn't let me watch wrestling anymore, it all comes down to the parents, I began watching wrestling again 6-7 years later when I knew it was fake and still pretended to wrestle but I knew it was fake and we faked it all. The parents are to blame here and should always be in a situation like the one in Syracuse.
tha420dgnr8 said:
No, this isn't the 5,000,000th TNA will destroy WWE thread...this is about something that happened in the syracuse NY are over the weekend. Two children were found hanging from a doorknob, dead, in what their parents say was an imitation of something they saw on...yup, you guessed it, WWE Wrestling. Aside from Rey Rey hanging BY HIS KNEE, when was the last time there was a hanging angle in WWE? First off, yea, two kids are dead, it is very horrible, and my condolences go to the families...BUT, if this was seen recently, it was probably from the Hangman's Horror BS in TNA or something that happened at BFG, not in WWE. This is so bogus, WWE gets all this shit...because apparently VKM is still expected to babysit America's youth.
A. The TV14 rating is there for a reason..if it was in fact WWE.
B. The PARENTS have the responsibility of explaining, like my parents did to me, that these are trained professionals, and...for the most part, they know what they are doing, and their children should not be emulating the things they see.
C. Why weren't the parents watching what these two kids were doing? If I was a parent, and heard what was supposedly an impromptu bedroom match going on upstairs..I think I would go check...anyone else do that?
D. If my suspicions are right...and it was something seen in TNA...not WWE...why were these parents allowing the kids to be up until 12 AM on a friggin school night to watch wrestling?
So, two things need to happen...parents need to take responsibility for what their kids do..not expect the media and WWE/TNA w/e to babysit their kids...AND, they need to get their facts straight before they go blaming the wrong people...it'd be like my nephew choking to death on a BK Chicken Fry and me suing Arby's.
:shit: :shit: :shit:
Oh my goodness! How far can you go to hate TNA that you're actually blaming a death on them because you don't want WWE to be blamed for it?! The fact is, wrestling (doesn't matter which one) showed them this idea, but it's the parent's fault for not telling them it's fixed and not real. By the way, I doubt that kids watched a hangmans horror match in NY that took place at 11:35 PM. That's waaaaaay too late.
I think we are wasting our time even discussing this! UFC& the MMA are more violent in nature than the WWE,and the cops should be investigating the parents over possible negligence and/or abuse instead of hating on an art form that clearly warns people "NOT TO TRY THIS AT HOME!"
iamwrestling said:
Oh my goodness! How far can you go to hate TNA that you're actually blaming a death on them because you don't want WWE to be blamed for it?! The fact is, wrestling (doesn't matter which one) showed them this idea, but it's the parent's fault for not telling them it's fixed and not real. By the way, I doubt that kids watched a hangmans horror match in NY that took place at 11:35 PM. That's waaaaaay too late.
First off slapnuts, I don't hate TNA. I just think it's complete BS that this will get blamed on WWE when they haven't done anything of the sort since Mania 15. And FYI, I agree, 11:35 is to late for 7 year olds to be up, but if the parents allowed this to happen in the first place...I'm sure bedtime was not a huge issue.

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