Bringing Babies to a live WWE show. Do you agree with it?

Maybe the parents want to try and embed wrestling into them at an early age like mine did. Although, if they're under 2 then they have no right to be there. I attended my first event at 3, and I still remember the day Undertaker walked down that aisle, looked me in the eyes, and I literally shit my pants... The irony of it, Taker became one of my all time favorites.

Even after the event, my mom started taking me to Nashville to start watching NWA and I saw the Nasty Boys... my first favorites in professional wrestling as I saw them get trash and everything thrown at them. They shrugged it off and continued beating on the guy in the ring. As a kid, I didn't know what the hell was happening, all I knew was that the Nasty Boys were awesome.

Maybe that's what the parents of today are doing. Letting their kids get a grasp for the game at an early age so that they can respect it a lot more when they get older.

So maybe it's because I grew into liking it that has me on the edge of "fine with me" side. But like I said, if they're below 2 or sometimes even 2, then it's too early.... but then again, it's the parent's discretion...

Parents today have no common sense anyway, so why should this come as a shock to anybody?
The other night, I was watching, Raw and saw a baby/toddler right up in the front of the ring. I don’t understand why parents feel the need to bring there babies to a live event.

When I went to a smackdown event with my nephew who was 7 we were somewhat in the middle and the fireworks were so loud that I had to cover his ears. I don’t mind bringing kids but if a 7 year finds the fireworks loud, imagine what that poor baby went through and they were right in the front Row.

I just hope they brought ear plugs.

Why does WWE allow parents to bring there babies to a event?

Some people just shouldn’t be parents.

Also if they can afford to go to a live event, I think they can afford a babysitter.

You can’t stop people bringing their children and I am almost certain that the WWE get a small fee for parents bringing their kids to the event. Is it a bid shady morally? Yes, it could be seen as that. However, you can’t expect parents to leave their kids at home all the time and you cannot suggest that they are separated from their children. Think how badly the WWE would come off if they said that mothers were not allowed to bring their babies to their shows! It would be a backlash.

Now, whether I think they should be there or not is a different story entirely. I have not been to an event where I have had babies around me and I don’t think I spotted the baby in the front row of Raw this past Monday. However, let me just say that when I went to Smackdown, I was constantly caught by surprise when the pyros went off for people like Kane. I jumped out of my skin when I heard his pyro go off because I was right on the aisle right next to the ramp. With that being said, I am 20 years old and it was a little too much for me. Babies shouldn’t be exposed to that, I think.

However, at the end of the day, it is up to the parent. They hold responsibility for their child and as long as they are far enough away from the pyro then I really don’t see a major problem with it at all. It is an experience for both parties and I don’t think it does any harm.
Sure, it's catered toward them anyway. :p

Anyway, bringing your kids places isn't anything new. A lot of people don't want to leave their kids with babysitters. A lot of people can't afford babysitters, so if they're content to purchase a ticket and bring their kid then more power to them. It's no different to a loud adult being there.
The other night, I was watching, Raw and saw a baby/toddler right up in the front of the ring. I don’t understand why parents feel the need to bring there babies to a live event.

When I went to a smackdown event with my nephew who was 7 we were somewhat in the middle and the fireworks were so loud that I had to cover his ears. I don’t mind bringing kids but if a 7 year finds the fireworks loud, imagine what that poor baby went through and they were right in the front Row.

I just hope they brought ear plugs.

Why does WWE allow parents to bring there babies to a event?

Some people just shouldn’t be parents.

Also if they can afford to go to a live event, I think they can afford a babysitter.

This is what would be classified under: Bad Parenting. Of course you don't bring your baby to an extremely loud and intense environment. But I am certainly not surprised.

I'm really worried about the future of this country. People that shouldn't be having children are having them at a disgusting pace...and the people who should be having them (if they want them) are carefully thinking about their finances and taking their time with it. The movie Idiocracy kind of jokes about this in the plot. Years from now - there will be 20 poorly raised, undetermined and uneducated idiots to every 1 decent human being. And it will only get worse from there.

Bringing a baby to a place riddled with extremely loud music, fans screaming at the tops of their lungs and pyrotechnics going off and shooting out right next to a baby's ears should be considered child abuse and they should take the child away from the person forever.
Speaking as a mother I personally wouldnt have taken my kids to a live wrestling event when they were babies, infact Id say they were only just old enough now at 5 and 7 years old. They are old enough to know what the hell is going on around them for a start, that and they are now pestering me weekly to be taken the next time WWE or TNA are in the UK lol

I understand that different parents have different ideas about what is appropriate some obviously feel that subjecting a young child/baby to loud cheering and fireworks is appropriate...cant help wondering if they would take them to a rock concert too lol.

So anyway in my humble opinion no I dont think young children/babies should be taken to live wrestling events.
I don't agree with parents taking their babies to a live event, I don't think it's fair on the baby themself or the people around the baby. I don't think it's fair on the people around the baby because the experience of watching wrestling at a live event is supposed to be enjoyable and how are you supposed to enjoy it if a baby is crying all the way through the event. Even if the child is 3or 4 years old I think it'll effect their hearing and they won't be able to take the sound so how the hell is a baby supposed to be able to take the loud noises.
babies should not not be taken to wrestling as their ears and concentration is not up to it

Why bump this ancient thread? Jesus Christ!

Anyway, I have no problem with people brining their babies to WWE live events, why should I? Why should anyone? Is it actually ruining the product for you? No, probably not.

The only thing that is being ruined in this scenario, is the hearing of the baby in question. You take your child to a WWE event and you can pretty much assume that they are going to have hearing troubles in the future.

I went to Smackdown/ECW in April and just about shit my pants when Kane’s pyro went off unexpectedly. I shudder when I imagine how a young child would cope with something like that.

Outside of that though, I see no problem with people taking their babies to the event. At the end of the day, they are the legal guardians of the child and make the decisions. The WWE would probably encourage people to take their children also.

For the people who are saying that they shouldn’t be allowed to come because they ruin the experience for you… Shut the fuck up! At the end of the day, they have paid the exact same amount of money as you and have every right to do whatever the fuck they like. How selfish can you be?
well iv only atended a couple live shows BUT iv been watching wrestling for several several years. I dont have any kids but i am raising my 5 year old niece. Im a single 32 year old guy. Would i take her to a live event? Prolly not, but thats only my choice. Im not gonna bash others who do. I have the money to hire babysitter if i wanted, i just dont trust anyone around here. Hailey is a big wrestling fan, mainley because she watches when i do. You can play a WWE susperstars music and 8 times outta 10 she can tell you who it is. She knows Cena, Orton, DX, Shameaus, Undertaker, kane, The Miz..most of em..but i do think the loud noise would hurt the babies ears, if thier too young...
well iv only atended a couple live shows BUT iv been watching wrestling for several several years. I dont have any kids but i am raising my 5 year old niece. Im a single 32 year old guy. Would i take her to a live event? Prolly not, but thats only my choice. Im not gonna bash others who do. I have the money to hire babysitter if i wanted, i just dont trust anyone around here. Hailey is a big wrestling fan, mainley because she watches when i do. You can play a WWE susperstars music and 8 times outta 10 she can tell you who it is. She knows Cena, Orton, DX, Shameaus, Undertaker, kane, The Miz..most of em..but i do think the loud noise would hurt the babies ears, if thier too young...

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