Who's To Blame The Game Or The Parents


Dark Match Winner
So we all heard about the 9 year old who jumped to his death trying to imitate a move he seen in the raw vs smackdown video game...Enough of the blame on the game, you need to blame the parents, this 9 year old who was going under special education was able to climb on a roof and swanton off it, where was his parents where was the person keeping an eye on him..Who is to blame Wrestling? Please get over yourself, Wrestling games don't tell you to jump off your roof, if he would of paid close attention he would have seen the ring right..dumb ass.. i see little kids at the park wrestling eachother and i hear there parents say hey hey don't do that your going to get hurt, i walk over to the parents say i understand your concern with your kids, how old are they, 10 and 12 oh ok, so they know right from wrong. my statement is we can't keep saying wrestling is to blame or video games. I'm sick of it, we can't even blame movies, wwe says don't try this at home, they should not be responsible for this kid nor should we feel responsible as being wrestling fans.. It's stupidity...Id like to hear your views about this..
My suggestion of keeping spastics in cages is often frowned upon, but when I hear stuff like this I can't help but think I've got the right idea. You can't Swanton off anything in a cage.
It's obvious isn't it? At no point during any of the SvR games does Jeff Hardy wear a parachute. Also... he never jumps off a 10 story building. So to say that the game is to blame... rediculous. 'Nuff said.
The sad thing is, I thought this was going to be a thread about Triple H :smashfreakB:

This story is pathetic though i mean what kind of tard tries to do a swanton bomb off a roof?
And why on earth did he put a parachute on, he's 9 he surely knew what would happen.
And how did a kid end up at the top of a a 10 story buliding, that is bad parenting!! Cannot leave your kids to play, especially if they do have mental problems.
Yeah, this had nothing to do with wrestling or the game. Jeff Hardy never put a parachute on and jumped 10 stories off a building. This was parental negligence. The mother even said she went to the store and left him alone. That's just plain stupid.
The kid should have been under heavy supervision considering he is undertaking some kind of special education, I am assuming you are saying that he is ******ed by the way.

Put simply it is the parents fault for not watching him, I suggest they lay off the smack and take care of their next ****** child who attempts to swanton off a roof with a plastic bag parachute.

I hope they learned there lesson from this and won't neglect another Jeff hardy loving, plastic bag toting spastic again. Shame on those parents.
Ok, regardless of how defensive we all feel like getting towards the people that are gonna blame this incident on wrestling and on video games, it doesn't change the fact that a child is dead. A child that had some form of a learning disability, and we've got people calling him all sorts of names? Your words say blame the parents but I'm seeing more attention being placed on the kid. Fuck sake, yeah it's the parent's fault for goddamn sure. Who bought the game first of all? Second, why in the hell was the kid playing with a plastic bag? Third of all, he climbed to the top of a (10 story?) building without anyone stopping him. Chances are he was in an apartment complex, now tell me how possible is it that NOBODY saw him. All in all, bad parenting. Hell, yesterday I was at the Wal-Mart for whatever reason and there was a kid that looked to be 8 or 9 running around in full on Jeff Hardy attire, minus the facepaint of course. My point being his parents were watching him and his dad who was obviously a wrestling fan was scuffling with him playfully. Now when the kid started getting too rough, the father stopped and said something to the effect of "take it easy, this isn't like your video games. You're gonna hurt yourself." Parenting is to blame for this kid's death.
Ok, regardless of how defensive we all feel like getting towards the people that are gonna blame this incident on wrestling and on video games, it doesn't change the fact that a child is dead. A child that had some form of a learning disability, and we've got people calling him all sorts of names? Your words say blame the parents but I'm seeing more attention being placed on the kid. Fuck sake, yeah it's the parent's fault for goddamn sure. Who bought the game first of all? Second, why in the hell was the kid playing with a plastic bag? Third of all, he climbed to the top of a (10 story?) building without anyone stopping him. Chances are he was in an apartment complex, now tell me how possible is it that NOBODY saw him. All in all, bad parenting. Hell, yesterday I was at the Wal-Mart for whatever reason and there was a kid that looked to be 8 or 9 running around in full on Jeff Hardy attire, minus the facepaint of course. My point being his parents were watching him and his dad who was obviously a wrestling fan was scuffling with him playfully. Now when the kid started getting too rough, the father stopped and said something to the effect of "take it easy, this isn't like your video games. You're gonna hurt yourself." Parenting is to blame for this kid's death.

I am pretty sure if you have a look over the comments where he is called "names" you would realize the general consensus is that the parents are to blame, not the child or the video game.
I say the Mom is to blame. I live around the corner where this happend at and the kid had a mind state of a 3 year old. Really, no joke. He was ******ed and I don't mean that in a diss kind of sense. But look at his actions. His mother knew better than to leave him alone. We all at one time or another thought we could use a bag as a parachute when we were little. We watch the cartoons do it and thought we could...but not off no damn building. A bed maybe or even a sofa. The mother knew his mind state and yet went to the damn store. What if his favorite wrestler was Undertaker and not Jeff Hardy, he would of had a damn Inferno match and set the whole building on fire and killed everyone in the building. This is truely a sad story of when keeping it real goes wrong. The cops should lock the mother and throw away the damn key. And trust me when I say this...Octo mom kids are next.
My question? If no one saw him, then how the fuck did they know he was trying to do a swanton bomb?

Forensics, they can work out anything these days. They'll be able to tell my the indentation on the lawn, the blood splatters and the grimace on the childs face. Conclusion, Swanton Bomb.
I say the fucking parents are to blame for this one. Really! Who in the fucks name leaves a 9 year old home unsupervised or better yet a 9 year old who is under special education(I ain't dissin special education people). First off who bought his ass the game? The parents. Second how in the fuck can the kid get to the top of a 10 story building with a plastic fucking parachute. Third I think the one who was supposed to be watching him should either get locked for letting this unfortunate situation happen. Hell WWE even shows messages on do not try wrestling at home & leave it to the professionals. Bottom line is that the game should no way in hell get blamed for this, the one in charge of him should be blamed for all this. Nuff said.
the fact of the matter is, the game has an age rating of 16. why would parents buy a mentally challenged kid buy him a game that is aimed 7 years above his age... and then leave him alone. another thing, if he climbed out of the window (just thinking how he got onto the roof) then surely thats another problem. i live in a house, has 2 floors and my second floor room window was locked until i was 11. surely if he went out of the window then that window should have been locked. the other way would be going up the stairs to the roof... HELLO! how the fuck did he even get out of the apartment to climb the stairs, atleast if your going to leave your mentally challenged kid on his own, lock the f***ing front door! is it the games fault? no way in hell. my 8 year old cousin plays that game and the only thing he has tried is a DDT to me.
It's really unfortunate that that happened to a 9 year old kid but like most people on this thread it is definetely the parents fault. I've been watching wrestling all my life, and by 9 I knew it was an act and if the kid didn't know that then it was the parents fault for not educating the kid about wrestling (I know my parents did).

People got to stop looking for scapegoats every time a tragic event happens (Like blaming the wrestling industry because Benoit was a goosed up roid freak with serious mental issues) and look at the real problem.

I'm not sure if he was trying to be Jeff Hardy (he was wearing plastic bags imitating a parachute afterall), all I know is the parents need to stop pointing the finger at wrestling/video games and take a long look in the mirror.
The game is not responsible for a 9yr old special ed kid jumping off the roof off a building trying to imitate something that jeff hardy never does, jump off buildings. What is a 9 yr old doing home alone by himself in the 1st place? And I bet u any money it was his mom who bought him that game. It says on the cover "T" for teens so why would u buy it for a 9yr old kid? So why do parents bitch and complain when somethin happens and try to blame the game when they were the ones who bought it for their kids? So they better not try and go and blame Vince because its the parents fault. I mean it is messed up that the kid dyed but I mean, cmon. Its common sense.
I say the Mom is to blame. I live around the corner where this happend at and the kid had a mind state of a 3 year old. Really, no joke. He was ******ed and I don't mean that in a diss kind of sense. But look at his actions. His mother knew better than to leave him alone. We all at one time or another thought we could use a bag as a parachute when we were little. We watch the cartoons do it and thought we could...but not off no damn building. A bed maybe or even a sofa. The mother knew his mind state and yet went to the damn store. What if his favorite wrestler was Undertaker and not Jeff Hardy, he would of had a damn Inferno match and set the whole building on fire and killed everyone in the building. This is truely a sad story of when keeping it real goes wrong. The cops should lock the mother and throw away the damn key. And trust me when I say this...Octo mom kids are next.

Thanks for clearing that up his mental state. To say "special education" isn't really saying a lot. I have a 3 year old who is considered special education simply because his speech is behind. I had the same thing. To say the "state of a 3 year old" says a lot more.

I have been watching wrestling since I was 2. Didn't even act like I hit anyone with a chair until I was in college and that was because the guy insisted he knew how to take it (slapping the chair with his hands). Obviously I didn't really swing. My parents made sure I knew what was going on.

I know when my kids try to use TV as an excuse or allow TV to supercede other things, they lose TV. I try to eliminate the excuse.
The game is not responsible for a 9yr old special ed kid jumping off the roof off a building trying to imitate something that jeff hardy never does, jump off buildings. What is a 9 yr old doing home alone by himself in the 1st place? And I bet u any money it was his mom who bought him that game. It says on the cover "T" for teens so why would u buy it for a 9yr old kid? So why do parents bitch and complain when somethin happens and try to blame the game when they were the ones who bought it for their kids? So they better not try and go and blame Vince because its the parents fault. I mean it is messed up that the kid dyed but I mean, cmon. Its common sense.

People don't want to parent. They want to have kids, but they don't want to parent. Parenting is tough. Toughest thing I have ever done. But also the most important and rewarding.
The parents are to blame 100%...heres a 9yr old watching and playing something that's intended for 13+..this is how ratings come in! At the end of the day, the parents should know what their kids are watching and inform them of the reality of wrestling...

Yet another unfortunate incident regardless, just watch how the media will attack the WWE
''He tried to do a swan dive like Jeff Harding does in 'SmackDown.'' quoted from the 11 year old friend.

We all do stupid stuff when we are young, but the parents should be more aware of what the child is doing especially if he was disabled. How could a nine year old boy get on top of a building anyway? the parents now have this on their conscience for the rest of their lives. Rip little boy itsb unfortunate you wernt given your chance in life.
Parents fault all the way, no doubts about it.

but for a couple of you who say that the video game is aimed for 13+ or 16+ year old kids, that's a crock of shit, everyone and their moms know that WWE is targeting little 9 and 10 year old kids, that is why they went PG.

Anyway really Shitty parents, letting a little nine year mentally ******ed child roam freely around an apartment complex is just asking for bad things to happen.
I can't recall ever in wrestling a stunt being performed that involved a competitor doing a move from 10 stories up...zip lines are another story though...

Besides, the highest I can recall Jeff jumping is 20-25 feet (various ladders, RAW scaffold, production truck against YOUMANGA...but these were all done with crash mats or crash bodies...not straight to the fuckin' ground).

Besides...parachutes are for *****es.
I'm sorry I almost crapped my pants about the comment if no one saw him how the hell do we know he did a swanton bomb. But EVERYONE deserves some blame. #1 is the childs parents. No one argues that. However, WWE did glorify that damn Mick Foley video back in the day. If you all remember that is when crap like this started. His life story of how he risked it all to be a superstar. Kids dont hear the part about hard work and dedication. All they see is someone got famous for jumping off a roof. I'm not saying WWE is totally at fault. But kids want to be Payton Manning, Lebron James, Sidney Crosby, etc and they act like them and do what they do. Some kids want to be HHH, Cena, or a Mick Foley. So they act like they do. Putting a damn waiver on the show does not stop kids from idolizing their heroes. Its most certainly the parents fault, but each shoot interview or wwe 3 disc set has stars telling kids to try for their dreams. Some dream of falling off a steel cage or giving someone else a conchairito.
I do agree that the parents are to blame.
But why did the parents of this child with special needs buy him a game that is
clearly unsuitable for him. I mean my brother has played Grand Theft Auto games
since he was 11, brought by my parents but he can handle it. Some children can't.
You should probably assume that a child with special needs will not be able too.

I do think, though that WWE Games do need more warnings. I played WWE's
playstation games before I even started watching their programming.
I was just 8 or 9 when I started playing them. I don't remember any
warnings when playing the actual game, even at the title screen.
Nor do they have them now. As I still play them.

Clearly WWE will be criticized for this, perhaps this will mean
more warnings on the games.

But in what part of any WWE Game involves a plastic parachute.
Or jumping off a building.

The fact that the boy did a flip (if he even did) in mid-air, suggests that
it was a "Swan Dive" he was attempting. Jeff Hardy did not invent the
front flip. Children were front flipping long before Jeff Hardy was even
born I am sure of it. There is no way, that anyone could know the
boy was trying to immitate Jeff Hardy. He was home alone. A 9
year old child while his mother left her special needs child alone
to go to the store. The roof was accessble by a 9 year old
child. There are bigger issues here than the fact this childs
death can be very loosely related to a WWE Video Game.

Obviously this is a tragedy for anyone, I mean no disrespect.
R.I.P Damori Miles.
Sometimes I feel a bit pissed off when others blame video games for ridiculous things like maybe this, for example. But, how the fuck is this not the kid's parent/s' fault? The age rating for the game is obviously going to be at least 12 or 13 plus, which has usually always been 16 plus in the UK for almost the past decade every year it came out. So, why would they buy the kid a game that isn't meant for 9 year olds, let alone ones with mental health problems? And even leave him on his own while they go shopping, something sounds seriously wrong with them for letting any of that happen.
I don't remember any
warnings when playing the actual game, even at the title screen.
Nor do they have them now. As I still play them.

I never really post on here, I mostly just wander around reading threads.. But this is a topic I feel the need to pop in on for a second.

The "warning" on the games is the "T" Rating that the ESRB put on the game. I checked the back of one WWE game to see the content descriptors. "Violence, Blood, Language, Suggestive Themes".

Suggestive Themes. It says right on the box, that there are things some people might decide to try and do. If I'm going to sell a game rated T or above to a parent, I inform them of what they're buying.

If this kid's mother was too stupid and ignorant to see and consider a TEEN rating on a game she decided to buy for her 9 year old (with a 3 year old mind state, as it's been said), then there it is...

100% the parents fault.

The WWE itself may not have written "don't do this stuff" on the cover, but the ESRB stepped in, as they always do, and slapped the Teen rating and content descriptors on the packaging. Which happens to be the part you see BEFORE you buy the game.

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