Who's To Blame For The Writing As Of Late?


Lord And Master
Staff member
In the world of wrestling, in the land of TNA, it seems creative and the fan's are always at odds. To most it's because Vince "Swerve" Russo is involved. His history never gave much room for leniency. However as of late, TNA's format has seemingly undergone a successful overhaul. I call it successful due to the show's flow. It feels far more relaxed as opposed to it being crammed like it was around last year. You get major build-up's in just one episode. To me, given TNA's late history, it's a bit of an accomplishment.

But to get to the point, who's to blame for all of this? Who do we point to for bringing back the X Division stars even if it was for one month? Who do we point to for Fortune ruining Mr. Anderson's reign by dressing up as clowns? Who do we blame for Bully Ray? Is this Vince Russo's doing? Is someone finally "filtering" him? Is this Eric Bischoff's doing? Given the need to blame someone for every bad thing in TNA, I need a scapegoat to take the blame for booking things I like.
Thats a good question! Since Russo is the head writer it would be right to give him the blame/credit, but for some reason, and that reason being we all know how Russo has writen things over the years, I just cant do that. There has to be someone filtering his usual bs writing style. Whether it's Bishoff/HH, or JJ/Dixie someone has to be filtering him, and its turned out to be for the better in the last couple of months. So whatever is going on in the creative meetings they need to keep it up.
jarrett for hiring all the same old guys that caused wcw to fall apart. they keep promoting the wrong guys, why styles aint the top guy is beyond me
jarrett for hiring all the same old guys that caused wcw to fall apart. they keep promoting the wrong guys, why styles aint the top guy is beyond me

Haven't heard that one before. No, really. I haven't. I wasn't aware Austin Aries had even competed in WCW let alone worked for Time Warner during the AOL merged. I wasn't even aware AJ Styles wasn't really headlining the last PPV. It was all in my head. Hell, I wasn't even aware TNA was having issues lately. But hey, thanks being a beacon of knowledge. Thank you oh so much. You clearly know the topic here is about BS that is wrong, irrelevant and plain ol' ignorant. :rolleyes:
Why is it so hard for people to believe that Russo can and is a great booker? Have they followed the bitterness of Mark Madden for too long? Have they drank too much of the Hogan and Bischoff cool-aid?

Russo's responsible for some if not the greatest pieces of work in wrestling history. People keep bringing up this filtering crap... well incase people don't realize it, Vince McMahon filters EVERYONE'S writing in WWE. So if that's the case then you can go ahead and say that any writer you think is worth anything is worth jack shit because in the long run, it's Vince who's filtering and rewriting other peoples' work.

Russo's been doing a great job with TNA since he got on bored. Sure, there will be a few times when some of the booking doesn't mesh well. Oh well, that's ALL of pro-wrestling.
jarrett for hiring all the same old guys that caused wcw to fall apart. they keep promoting the wrong guys, why styles aint the top guy is beyond me

Dude really? Talk about over your head :banghead:
It was obvious sarcasm. I agree that TNA has been improving A TON ever since the re-modeling of Impact Wrestling.
I look at it this way. For as much as Bischoff and Hogan have their problems it seems like Vince Russo is protected by the only person that can over rule Hogan and Bischoff and that is Dixie Carter. It is impossible to know what goes on back there, but I can guarantee a lot of Russo's BS hits the TV because Dixie OK's it even if others would disagree with it.

I wish Eric Bischoff would want to write the show. He said publicly he doesn't, but that company just needs to change the head writer. Just some fresh blood.
if somebody was to ask Eric Bischoff if he is in charge of the creative team, he going to say no. If somebody ask Hogan if he in charge of the creative team, he probably going to say no also. We all know that Russo is writing most of the stuff that we see on television, but i can't blame him for everything that he writes.

I think the problem with Russo is that last year when Hogan and bischoff came into the company all he could come up with is power struggle storyline, i mean what else could he have come up with. Now we getting reports that hogan held a meeting with the wrestlers telling everybody they need to improve their in ring storytellings. And how many times he has to tell them that, which could mean he has something to do with the writing we see on tv, because they can point fingers at Russo, but why can't hogan come up with something new for TNA?? I don't think Hogan understands impact wrestling and why it use to be different from WWE.

I know fans like to criticizes WWE for bringing in scrip writers from hollywood, but it shows us a point to why TNA's creative team is lousy right now. they can't come up with something that is fresh and new and probably don't know how to put their talents on tv if they don't know how to put them in storylines
I'm not even going to pretend as though I fully comprehend the creative structure of TNA's backstage, but if I'm being asked to take a wild stab as to why TNA's creative isn't as structured as it should be, or why the writing seems sporadic, my guess is that there are too many chiefs and too few indians running the show. If Hogan, Bischoff, Prichard, Carter, Russo, etc. all have input on how to book the show, that's the problem right there— there should be one, two (tops) booker(s). Hell, even two is a stretch.
I may be wrong (I am frequently) but I'm off the understanding that Dixie has stepped/ was forced away from TNA and her mum has taken up the reigns. From what I can ascertain, Mummy Carter doesn't have her daughter's rose coloured glasses and is actually running it as a business.

As such, I would surmise that she has done some research and 'discovered' what the company's biggest criticisms were - illogical and continuity deficient creative and too much concentration on trying to ape the Attitude era. My guess is that an uncomfortable meeting was then held with the creative team and the current direction was hit upon... but, again, this is all supposition;)
I'm not even going to pretend as though I fully comprehend the creative structure of TNA's backstage, but if I'm being asked to take a wild stab as to why TNA's creative isn't as structured as it should be, or why the writing seems sporadic, my guess is that there are too many chiefs and too few indians running the show. If Hogan, Bischoff, Prichard, Carter, Russo, etc. all have input on how to book the show, that's the problem right there— there should be one, two (tops) booker(s). Hell, even two is a stretch.

I agree with you for once. I don't think it's all Russo's fault, as it is that TNA has way to many people putting their input into storyline's, when either they need to get somebody to filter Russo's storyline's, or hire somebody who knows how to book a cohesive storyline that'll make the fans want to watch and see what happens next.

Having guy's turn heel and face every 2 month's, a heel group of veterans that are gonna "take over," every few year's, or hell, storylines that go nowhere are some thing's that are going to make the fans not want to tune in.
I don't mean to be sexist or anything like that, even though I am, I'm blaming Dixie for the inconsistencies we see sometimes. Some things are blatant mistakes, others are not. However, as others have said, too many people have a say. Honestly at this point Dixie should just bend over, lift her skirt up, drop her panties to the floor and have the roster go to town.

To me, Dixie is not fit for that position. TNA needs someone with more experience and brains than her. And a penis. To me that guy is Eric Bischoff. Say whatever it is that you want to say about him, he knows his shit and can't possibly be worse at it than Dixie.
I may be wrong (I am frequently) but I'm off the understanding that Dixie has stepped/ was forced away from TNA and her mum has taken up the reigns. From what I can ascertain, Mummy Carter doesn't have her daughter's rose coloured glasses and is actually running it as a business.

As such, I would surmise that she has done some research and 'discovered' what the company's biggest criticisms were - illogical and continuity deficient creative and too much concentration on trying to ape the Attitude era. My guess is that an uncomfortable meeting was then held with the creative team and the current direction was hit upon... but, again, this is all supposition;)
To an extent. I don't think Janice is running TNA, but she handling the financial part of it I think. At least it seems like it. Look at all the fat TNA cut.

Dixie is too soft at times and it backfires. She needs to be more ruthless. Now I'm not saying fire Hogan fire Bischoff fire Russo. Like it or not, these three are doing their job well right now. I'm talking about real pains in the ass, like Ric Flair. Flair's bitching left and right and being a tumor. Fucking fire him. Drop him on his ass and show the entire roster that if someone's being a schoolgirl you'll chop their fucking heads off, to quote Paul Heyman, whether you're Flair or Amazing Red.
I "blame" Jeremy Borash, and the wrestlers actually having input into the show and even Hogan. Borash is on the creative team in some capacity, and I think he has taken what Hogan has said when he first entered the company, which was something like "wrestlers are given their storyline, but it's upto them to be creative and come up with their own promos."

And the wrestlers have taken it from there and Russo and Borash have refined it.

I'm loving Joker-Sting, Austin Aries, the X Div and the BFG series. The simplest things are always the best and that's exactly what TNA are doing right now, and it's all coming up Milhouse!!.
I think it is Russo who has occassional moments of inspiration and manages to create really entertaining TV by looking at what is happening with current affairs. I also get the feeling Hogan has been away from meetings and therefore not making himself be the main attraction, although after last week I fear we could be returning to the nightmare of the immortal storyline and Hogan opening every damn show.

Batman has been in the news lately with the release of the new trailer and I feel this is why Sting is going with the whole Joker storyline, perhaps this will garner more outside interest in TNA. Also with WWE always talking about being anti bullying and other such bullshit having Bully Ray portray a bully is a little jab from Russo. Finally the tournaments for the number 1 contender at Bound for Glory helps more people get involved in the main event scene, makes BFG feel bigger and better and helps TNA see who the fans get behind and who should be pushed. Having said all that I fear either Gunner or Crimson could be in the main event and that would be a nightmare, lets hope the fans get behind Roode soon so he establishes himself as a main eventer.

All credit to Russo, no credit to Hogan.
I think it is Russo who has occassional moments of inspiration and manages to create really entertaining TV by looking at what is happening with current affairs. I also get the feeling Hogan has been away from meetings and therefore not making himself be the main attraction, although after last week I fear we could be returning to the nightmare of the immortal storyline and Hogan opening every damn show.

Batman has been in the news lately with the release of the new trailer and I feel this is why Sting is going with the whole Joker storyline, perhaps this will garner more outside interest in TNA. Also with WWE always talking about being anti bullying and other such bullshit having Bully Ray portray a bully is a little jab from Russo. Finally the tournaments for the number 1 contender at Bound for Glory helps more people get involved in the main event scene, makes BFG feel bigger and better and helps TNA see who the fans get behind and who should be pushed. Having said all that I fear either Gunner or Crimson could be in the main event and that would be a nightmare, lets hope the fans get behind Roode soon so he establishes himself as a main eventer.

All credit to Russo, no credit to Hogan.

How the hell would Crimson or Gunner be a nightmare? You all want a star. TNA is creating a 26 year old star.

Roode? You all really need to let the fuck go of some of these "originals". I love Roode, I see him as the next Triple H but come on now. TNA is looking for younger and more potential.

Roode's ceiling as a single star is very low considering his "age" since the IWC loves to call anyone in their 30s old. He is getting up there but Crimson is 26 and a superstar in the making and everyone hates him? Like it or not, he will be the face of the company.

Crimson has 17 years of wrestling in his future providing no injures or situations. Roode does not.
Crimson has 17 years of wrestling in his future providing no injures or situations. Roode does not.

So Crimson will retire when he is 43. OK then, that means Roode (34) still has 9 years wrestling in his future and in my opinion that is long enough to be able to get pushed to the top.

I have no problem with Crimson being pushed to create a legit new star, I just do not want him Main Eventing TNA's biggest PPV in his first year. I like his look, especially when he first arrived with the black and red suit but I am not sure he is ready to put on an epic match with someone like Kurt Angle, while I think Robert Roode is ready and deserves his shot.

Maybe the word "nightmare" was a bit harsh but I do believe neither Gunner or Crimson are good enough (yet) to main event BFG or any PPV. Maybe next year after they have become more rounded wrestlers or at least over with the fans. While we are pushing young guys why not add Magnus to the fold? This guy has the look, can talk on the mic and has some nice moves to.

Maybe I am foolish but Kurt Angle Vs Jeff Hardy or AJ Styles or Robert Roode will get more buys than any match involving Crimson or Gunner and in my opinion would also be better.
i really don'T know who'S to blame for what going in TNA right now. I know that Russo is head of creative and that Bischoff and Hogan has some sort of power in the company. I Know that Dixie is the president of TNA and her father is the owner but outside of that.

So who's to blame? You could say that Russo is to blame because it'S the easy answer. After all, he is the head of creative but forget also he'S been with TNA almost since the beginning and before Hogan and Bischoff showed up, TNA had some really entertaining shows. So you could blame Hogan & Bischoff. The fact is that just like Vince McMAhon, hogan and Bischoff ideas about the wrestling business are old and un-realistic. They are not in touch with what wrestling fans wants in you can see it on TV every week. Nobody wants to see Hogan still in the spotlight every week. Just look at the build-up for Destination X, probably the best build-up they did in years for a PPV and for the first time made fans actually want to see that show.

But again it easy to blame Hogan & Bischoff for everything. The biggest problem and for me Dixie is the person to blame for everything. She's the one who hired Russo, Bischoff & Hogan. She the one who fired pretty much every good writers and booker that TNA had to replace them with second rates Hollywood writers. She'S the one who's doesn'T want to fired Russo even throught everybody in the company want him gone. She'S also the one who's decide to not release any wrestlers even through they would benefit from a really good spring cleaning. They have too many wrestlers right now. The writing suffers because of all these elements. Russo is pretty much doing what he can with what Dixie gave him. Bischoff and Hogan are stuck in the 90's and since they probably got some input in creative, it makes Russo jobs even harder.

Personally, i wouldn't want to be Russo right now because he'S getting all the blame for something he has probably no control over. I really hope that at one point Russo get up to Dixie and say that he quit because he can't work in these conditions.
i really don'T know who'S to blame for what going in TNA right now. I know that Russo is head of creative and that Bischoff and Hogan has some sort of power in the company. I Know that Dixie is the president of TNA and her father is the owner but outside of that.

So who's to blame? You could say that Russo is to blame because it'S the easy answer. After all, he is the head of creative but forget also he'S been with TNA almost since the beginning and before Hogan and Bischoff showed up, TNA had some really entertaining shows. So you could blame Hogan & Bischoff. The fact is that just like Vince McMAhon, hogan and Bischoff ideas about the wrestling business are old and un-realistic. They are not in touch with what wrestling fans wants in you can see it on TV every week. Nobody wants to see Hogan still in the spotlight every week. Just look at the build-up for Destination X, probably the best build-up they did in years for a PPV and for the first time made fans actually want to see that show.

But again it easy to blame Hogan & Bischoff for everything. The biggest problem and for me Dixie is the person to blame for everything. She's the one who hired Russo, Bischoff & Hogan. She the one who fired pretty much every good writers and booker that TNA had to replace them with second rates Hollywood writers. She'S the one who's doesn'T want to fired Russo even throught everybody in the company want him gone. She'S also the one who's decide to not release any wrestlers even through they would benefit from a really good spring cleaning. They have too many wrestlers right now. The writing suffers because of all these elements. Russo is pretty much doing what he can with what Dixie gave him. Bischoff and Hogan are stuck in the 90's and since they probably got some input in creative, it makes Russo jobs even harder.

Personally, i wouldn't want to be Russo right now because he'S getting all the blame for something he has probably no control over. I really hope that at one point Russo get up to Dixie and say that he quit because he can't work in these conditions.
You do realize he's being sarcastic and saying who's to blame for the GOOD product TNA/IW has produced?

Anyways, TNA WILL ALWAYS GET HATED. Dixie will get hated because she's not Vince McMahon, she's not Paul Heyman. She doesn't know the business but somehow she's managed to keep a company alive for 9 years? Yeah but of course the IWC knows it all.

Hogan, Russo and Bischoff will always get hated. While Bischoff continues to show he has ZERO effect creatively. His job is to maintain production and create other programs such as ReAction, Xplosion, etc. But again, somehow he is to blame for everything else.

You mentioned spring cleaning. TNA layed off Foley, Dreamer, Gen Me, Orlando Jordan but people will still find ways to say they need to cut this and that.

Russo will never quit unless he has a reason. People can hate him all they want, I respect the man because he has gotten hated his entire career in the business and he hasn't bad mouthed anyone yet.

I have no problem with Russo's booking with TNA the last 3 years besides the ref bumps. He simply needs to be working with a real creative mind. People are quick to hate Russo but does anyone realize Russo CREATED the X-Division? Russo CREATED Ultimate X, the same gimmick match wrestling marks crap their pants over.

Russo has created a ton of shit in TNA that people WANT them to do. But he gets zero respect or credit and It's not fair at all.
We have definitly seen some sort of change in the format.

But EB said this recently not long after the company changing their show and promotion to "Impact Wrestling". He said something like changes are coming but it won't happen overnight. I've like so far the more focus on wrestling. I think they should do what they did with RVD vs Angle every week, though. Promote your main event like it's the greatest thing over. Also the X division matchs before Destination X along with the BFG series has done a lot to refresh the landscape of TNA giving it a new face. They must continue doing X division matchs, though. It should not be just an experiment, it worked! Keep doing it!

On the other hand...all of these positive changes sort of go against the Joker Sting run. Bear in mind, people find it amusing and so forth and it was entertaining to me (for 2 minutes). But him becoming crazy and winning the title sort of clash with the controled nature of the way TNA has changed(for the better) recently. The rest is TNA finding a new way to do things and Joker Sting is typical Russo stuff. It may be entertaining for cheap humour but it doesn't do anything long-term and it doesn't add anything meaningful to the company. I hate how TNA squander opportunities by failing at the big picture. They did a lot of things right recently but as far as the World title and the main storyline they seem clueless and they do a shock title switch thinking it will draw interest. As if the writer(Russo?) is bored with Mr. Anderson have written about him for months and he jumps at the next idea that makes him excited: The Dark Knight. The mistake the other guys in the room are doing is just allow for the whole company to follow in line for these type of ideas and boom you have a title switch for no reasons.

I think the new format, name, having more wrestling might be Bischoff and Joker Sting would be Russo. Maybe i'm wrong but that's how I see it as it's like two sides clashing.
@New Hot Fed. Sting is not a comedy character, much as the actual Joker is not a comedy character. What is humorous about a guy who repeatedly hits a guy in the head with a barb wire glove? Or hires a bunch of thugs to assault his foes? Or assaults his victims before leaving them with a calling card? Don't equate funny facepaint with jokes, Pennywise from 'It' is a fun looking guy but I wouldn't hire him for any kiddie parties.

If it's the outlandish nature that doesn't appeal, we've had a Dead Man and his psychotic brother running rampant for a combined 35 years and I don't think the masses have tired of the Brothers of Destruction yet.
@New Hot Fed. Sting is not a comedy character, much as the actual Joker is not a comedy character. What is humorous about a guy who repeatedly hits a guy in the head with a barb wire glove? Or hires a bunch of thugs to assault his foes? Or assaults his victims before leaving them with a calling card? Don't equate funny facepaint with jokes, Pennywise from 'It' is a fun looking guy but I wouldn't hire him for any kiddie parties.

If it's the outlandish nature that doesn't appeal, we've had a Dead Man and his psychotic brother running rampant for a combined 35 years and I don't think the masses have tired of the Brothers of Destruction yet.

So far Sting's violence had been pretty muted. Sure his friends dressed as clowns with bats, but that wasn't him, that's them. I've seen two cases of him being interesting and crazy and that's when he was backstage when he first went nuts on Hogan and then when he beat Bischoff in the ring. But since then, a whole lot of nothing. He makes funny faces and he's not funny, he's embarassing. I WISH he was crazy and dangerous. But it seems to me like IW can't substain the character writing-wise. They have already dropped the ball several times. Tonight Sting was not interesting at all.
Personally, i kinda like some of the stuff that's going on right now, The bound for glory series is a pretty good concept but yet, i'm still thinking why some of those guys are part of it. Like for instance, why is D-von in this and why does he have more points then Samoa Joe and The Pope? Why is of all people Gunner in this when they could have put somebody like Abyss or even Angle or Jarrett instead. The Sting stuff is pretty interesting but the sad part is that we all know it'S going to lead to Hogan vs Sting at bound for glory unless Hogan isn'T able to wrestle.

They actually are trying with the knockout division, too bad they just can'T let them wrestles like they use to do because they have a pretty talented rosters and they have too hide behind crappy storylines and they don'T give them enough time to really wrestle and tell a story. Same goes for the x-division, how about giving them more time on t.v. In fact instead of lenghty segments that take sometimes half an hour of the show away, why not scale down those segments so that you can get more time for some of the matches. That's why i was writing earlier about doing a spring cleaning of the roster. Somebody wrote the they release: Mick Foley, Orlando Jordan, Gen Me, Tommy dreamer. That'S not really what happened, outside of Orlando, all those guys ask for they're release, because either a) they weren'T happy with the direction of the company, or B) they weren'T use enough to actually make money. TNA never release anybody because of that Family mentality they have. The problem is that they only have a 2 hour shows every week until Xplosion comes to Spike after the UFC leave the network. But in 2 hours they can't use everybody especially if a huge part of the show focusing on Non-performers every week.*They are trying to fill 4 hour of programming into 2-hour and that doesn'T work. Nobody is able to remember anything because they throw way too much stuff in your face every week for you to remember what'S going on.

Right now they are on they're way to becoming watchable again after a year and a half of crap, i'm able to get through watching between 30 minutes and a hour of IMPACT every week before changing channel which is a big improvement for me because since Hogan and Bischoff arrive, i wasn'T even able to watch 5 minutes before changing channel. So they are doing some stuff right, they only thing missing is to drop that family mentality they have and get rid of the dead weight and have somebody that knows how to put a wrestling show that will actually focus on 1 or 2 angles instead of 6or 7. Find a way of instead of doing 8 three minutes matches, maybe have 4 ten minutes matches and the rest be segments to advance a major story. HAve Tazz and Tenay actually trying to sell those major storylines instead of brushing them off after they happenned.

That's probably my only complaint about the writing of TNA because for the most part is the pacing of the show that is the problem, if you slow it down a bit and do less angles at a time, maybe the show would be watchable because let'S remember not everybody in the company needs a storyline, some guys can just wrestles without having to have a storyline attach to them.
Honestly at this point Dixie should just bend over, lift her skirt up, drop her panties to the floor and have the roster go to town.....TNA needs someone with more experience and...a penis.

Dude, seriously? This is how you think of women?

Screw them or fire them...that's it?

I assume that what you are trying to say (correct me if I am wrong) is...

Wrestling is usually aimed at the young male demographic, and to serve that demo well you have to be at least familiar with what it means to be/have been a young male yourself.

Or words to that effect?

But dude, seriously?
Dude, seriously? This is how you think of women?

Screw them or fire them...that's it?

I assume that what you are trying to say (correct me if I am wrong) is...

Wrestling is usually aimed at the young male demographic, and to serve that demo well you have to be at least familiar with what it means to be/have been a young male yourself.

Or words to that effect?

But dude, seriously?
What? Oh, sorry. You're one of THOSE pansy-ass, over sensitive, term hugging people. I swear to whoever made us, you can't breathe a word these days without someone gasping and pointing a finger at you, calling you sexist, racist or any other word ending with -st. Did you take a sarcasm vaccine?

Relax, twinkles, it's not how I think of women.

... it's how I think of women who are push overs. Same goes for guys. Don't like 'em.

And by the way, while the title of this thread sounds like someone has been writing pure doo-doo for the last five months, I would honestly like to know who's to blame for the writing so I can shake his swerve loving hand. I really would.

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