Who's The Greatest Tag Team Wrestler?


Lord And Master
Staff member
Some people say its Billy Gunn, this due to all of the successful tag teams he's been a part of. The Smoking Gunns, The New Age Outlaws, Billy & Chuck, etc. Others say its Edge. Won countless time the WWE tag team belts with just Christian. Later he won the belts with numerous others such as Rey Mysterio, Chris Jericho and Hulk Hogan. Of course we cant forget his part with Rated RKO. In my eye's the most successful tag team wrestler has to be the one that can work with anyone. Kane. Other than his teaming with The Undertaker as The Brothers Of Destruction. He has been a part of many makeshift championship tag teams along with the likes of: X-Pac, The Big Show, Mankind and even The Hurricane. But that's just my opinion. Whats yours?
The best tag team wrestler of all time.

Shawn Michaels.

The Rockers, D-Generation X, Multiple build up teams with John Cena and Chris Benoit. A "On again, off again" partnership with Kevin Nash.

Michaels has been in and lead two of the greatest tag teams of all time, and is now in DX - 2 with Triple H. He may not have held many titles as a tag competitor but, in my opinion he has been in some of the best tag teams, and worked well with his partners.
There's only one man who even needs to be mentioned in this conversation. His name is Double A... Arn Anderson! All this man has done is win Tag Team gold with FIVE different wrestlers. Tully Blanchard, Bobby Eaton, Paul Roma, Larry Zbysko, and Ole Anderson have all been tag team champions with Double A.

He's the consumate teammate. Specializing in weakening one body part and helping his partner finish off the other team, Anderson knew what tag wrestling was all about. He was a man who made it his specialty. ANYONE he partnered with was a better wrestler because of it. He made Paul Roma credible for God's sake. So no one needs to debate any other single wrestler. Because one man stand's alone as the greatest tag team wrestler in history. His name is Arn Anderson.
There's only one man who even needs to be mentioned in this conversation. His name is Double A... Arn Anderson! All this man has done is win Tag Team gold with FIVE different wrestlers. Tully Blanchard, Bobby Eaton, Paul Roma, Larry Zbysko, and Ole Anderson have all been tag team champions with Double A.

He's the consumate teammate. Specializing in weakening one body part and helping his partner finish off the other team, Anderson knew what tag wrestling was all about. He was a man who made it his specialty. ANYONE he partnered with was a better wrestler because of it. He made Paul Roma credible for God's sake. So no one needs to debate any other single wrestler. Because one man stand's alone as the greatest tag team wrestler in history. His name is Arn Anderson.

Amen brother. Arn was the first wrestler to come to mind when I saw the title of the thread. He and Ole, and Tully, personified the heel tag team concept. Their style lives on in the heel tag teams of today. He and his partners were like Ric Flair in the sense that they built their challengers up as credible opponents, while remaining a dominant tag team at the same time. His partners include some of the biggest names of the NWA era, and pro wrestling in general.

Plus, he had a badass spinebuster...
This is a hard one, lol. It would be a lot easier to say what's the greatest tag team. I mean, there are so many people that have been such great tag partners in the ring, and that's all they were good for. Sometimes, the belts didn't even have an effect on how great they were. The Rock N Roll Express never held WWE Tag gold, and both of them are some of the best. I mean the common phrase in a tag team is "Who's playing Ricky Morton?"

As for my personal favorite of all time, I'd have to say it's a 3-Way tie between Matt Hardy, Owen Hart, and Kane. Those three, when I stop to think, are always people that can be put with literally anybody and you'd buy them as a legit tag team. Especially when it comes to Matt and Owen as most of their career highlights are from tag teams.
I'd have to say its a toss up between Arn and Shawn Michaels. Both know how to wrestle and make their team look good all while boosting their opponents as well. Minnesota Wrecking Crew, Tully & Arn, The Rockers we're always fun to watch no matter who their opponents were.

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