Marty Jannety's Hall of the Fallen


halfnelsonfullnelsonwilli enelson
Yes this is an idea i had spawned from the infamous marty Jannety, the other half of the rockers. He lost out against HBK's mega-push, destined to spend all of eternity in jobber hell. This hall is for the other fallen, like Jannety, who have been unfortunate to become apart of this fate.

And the first inductee is:

The smoking Gunns: Bart Gunn


Yes bart gunn (on the right) was the lesser known half of the the smoking gunns, the other being the infam-ass (gettit?) billy gunn . These rootin, tootin cowboys won the tag titles on three separate occassions the WWF, over three years from 93-96.

After the break up, whilst billy rocketed into the stratosphere of the mid-card and tag team with roaddog as the new age outlaws, Bart gunn became bodacious bart with bombastic bob holly in the new midnight express.

After floating in the tag scene he went into, and won, the oh-so successful brawl for all tournament. However all the real fighting went in vain after an embarrassing departure from the company at wrestlemania 15 in a real fight against the boxer butterbean who knocked him out within 30 seconds.


So my question to you all out there is whether Bart Gunn deserves to be inducted into Jannety's hall of the fallen? Was he used improperly or did he lack skills? Did he rock your cowboy boots or was he just another snake in the grass?
Yes, he belongs here. He Got the Janetty Treatment twice and pretty much dissapeared from wrestling. I might even say Marty is a bigger draw.
Charlie Haas & Shelton Benjamin : After their debut as team angle they were the pride of the tag team division, winning multiple WWE tag team Championships, but after they split in the 2004 draft Benjamin Rose to upper-mid card matches and is now almost the most naturally talented superstar on ECW. Haas after winning and losing the tag titles with Rico then dissappeared into lower card matches only Rising on Raw a few years ago impersonating other superstars
I'd like to submit...

The Steiner Brothers

Rick fell off the face of the earth several times

Scott became Big Poppa Pump and the rest is history.
I'ma submit Matt Hardy of "The Hardy's". I wouldn't exactly say he got the full Janetty treatment, as he did go on to win the ECW championship, but Jeff surpassed him in every way. Jeff was a huge f*ck-up in comparison to Matt and he still won both the WWE & World Heavyweight Championship multiple times, got a DVD, got more screen-time, and then LEFT the WWE like it was nothing, as Matt continues to try to reach the same heights his younger brother did.
Tugboat, He was Hogan's buddy, than became a Tagteam Partners with Earthquake, and then he left the WWE and Became the Shock Master, tell me how it gets anymore low?
I nominate Joey Mercury of MNM!

John Morrison is a future world champion and just might possibly be the future of the industry as a whole!

Melina is next Trish Stratus and has a very bright future in the WWE

Joey Mercury fell off after a battle with drug addiction and his career has yet to recover...
Yeah, ol' Bart belongs here. He definitely got the "Jannety" treatment. I think sometimes it can go a few ways. On one hand, you have tag teams with two guys who are both best suited for tag competition, like The Nasty Boys (yes, they sucked hard), The Dudleys, and The Road Warriors. But then again, you have tag teams who have one guy who is clearly better than the other, such as The Hart Foundation (obviously Bret was better in every way, minus intensity) or The Steiners (Rick was too gimmicky). But there is a third category. Sometimes you have a tag team that has two awesome competitors, but one seems to outshine the other by just a little bit, like The Rockers. Marty Jannety was a damn good wrestler. He could put on matches, back in the day, close to Michaels. Michaels got the break,and became a huge star. Now, am I saying that Jannety HAD to go down in flames, and basically disappear? No. But he did, even though he was talented. I just believe at times they have to make a choice, because there is only so much room for big pushes. I also believe it is a mental thing with us fans. People love to choose, myself included. People love to pit on guy against another and compare and contrast, so in that sense, I don't think Jannety (especially after how well Michaels did right out of the gate in singles competition) had a chance in hell of making it big.
Stevie Ray of Harlem Heat/Ebony Express. Stevie Ray is the real life brother and former tag team partner of the 6 time world champion Booker T. but all he is remembered for is being in Harlem Heat, one of the greatest 90s tag teams
Stevie Ray of Harlem Heat/Ebony Express. Stevie Ray is the real life brother and former tag team partner of the 6 time world champion Booker T. but all he is remembered for is being in Harlem Heat, one of the greatest 90s tag teams

That and when Stevie ray brought Big-T into WCW and won the rights to the name 'Harlem Heat' and caused Booker T to be called...Booker. Awful stuff.

I agree with all the teams mentioned so far, but couldn't the new age outlaws be added? I mean billy gunn was a numerous time intercontinental champion, had a decent team with chuck palumbo and won king of the ring...The billy gunn'd it. Road dogg on the other hand. Teamed with K-kwik, got fat, ended up in TNA.

I'd also like to suggest a stable. The radicalz.
Eddie and Benoit both won a world title among numerous tag team and intercontinental/US title belts. Malenko won the cruiserweight before retiring and becoming a road agent. Saturn, on the other hand, did nothing. I suppose he was fodder in the hardcore divison for a while but apart from that, he didn't exactly do anything. Well, except for moppy of course.
I would like to nominate Curt Hawkins of Hawkins and Ryder. Zack Ryder gets a douchey (how do you spell douchey?) gimmick and is seemingly in the midst of a push on ECW, and where is Curt?

I'd also like to suggest Christian of Edge and Christian. Sure, Christian is the longest reigning and current ECW champion in WWE history, but look at Edge. He has so many titles more than Christian.

I'd also like to reference Al Gore of Gore and Clinton. Clinton was president, and still has many cultural references and Gore, well, he's trying to make people believe in a poster who used to dwell this site by the name of ManBearPig. He has gone under a new alias of a certain "Jonnie" who likes "Tekkno".

Honorable mentions:
The rest of D12 (excluding Eminem)
The rest of the George Lopez cast(kind of including George Lopez, but the rest of the cast as well.)
Everybody except Hogan and Nash in nWo(X-pac disappeared (then came back), Hall is a drunk guy beating up kids.)
Cleveland Brown of Family Guy (who watches his show?)
The Houston Oilers
Most of the Star Wars cast
other useless unfunny cultural references made by a certain "Jonnie" who likes "Tekkno"
I'd have to nominate the Dynamite kid. not that Davey boy Smith was a spectacular singles performer, but he was around for almost 2 decades after DK stopped wrestling due to injuries and substance abuse problems. i saw him in a short documentary a while back and was shocked to see what he had become. wheelchair-ridden and dirt poor living in the ghettos of london. I know that Davey passed away, but is dynamite kid better off even though hes alive?
i'd like to throw in the hart foundation (bret "the hitman" hart & jim "the anvil" neidhart) -after winning the tag titles twice the hart foundation broke up. bret hart went on to have great success in wwe winning the world title five times & the i.c. title twice then went to wcw & won the world title world title twice, the u.s. title four times & tag title (w/ goldberg) one time. where poor old jim neidhart floundered first being, breifly taking a break from active wrestling & became a play by play announcer for wwe, then he went back to wrestling in a mid card tag team with owen hart. then he left wwe for a short stint in japan & wcw in 1993. he came back to wwe in 1994 and his tenure remaind uneventful until 1996 - 1997 when bret, jim, owen, davey boy smith & brian pillman formed a new version of the hart foundation who were "anti american". the harts would remain there until the montreal screw job where everybody (except owen) would leave for wcw. other than indy feds & when wwe announcers mention who natalia neidharts dad is you don't hear of the anvil too often. how sad. he could have been a good singles wrestler - tough s.o.b. - should've been i.c. champ.
I'd also like to suggest a stable. The radicalz.
Eddie and Benoit both won a world title among numerous tag team and intercontinental/US title belts. Malenko won the cruiserweight before retiring and becoming a road agent. Saturn, on the other hand, did nothing. I suppose he was fodder in the hardcore divison for a while but apart from that, he didn't exactly do anything. Well, except for moppy of course.

I always viewed Perry Saturn as the weak link anyways but I do agree with u. I would like to add another stable. I will prolly get alot of heat for this but Tully Blanchard, Arn Anderson and Ole Anderson of the 4 horsemen. sure they are all legendary, but only because they teamed up with flair, I respect them and they were all talented but seriously, what are they remembered for other than being flairs buddies in the horsemen?

How about Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch. Cade turned on Murdoch, got a slight push, then pooooofff.... disappeared. Murdoch popped up on TNA.

yea, but neither did anything, this is for tag teams where one succeded and the other failed.
How about Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch. Cade turned on Murdoch, got a slight push, then pooooofff.... disappeared. Murdoch popped up on TNA.
Now Perry Saturn was mentioned as a failure of the Radicalz, which I agree with. But can you also view Perry Saturn the successful one from the Eliminators? After the team split, Perry eventually went to WCW and had a decent mid-card push there, and then he was good enough to get signed by the WWE. Whereas John Kronus formed "The Gangstanators" with New Jack and won the ECW tag titles when Saturn left the company, then Kronus left ECW for XPW and his career sizzled to his retirement in 2002. Then, unfortunately, he died in 2007.

Main point is, I believe Saturn is both a winner and a loser in this situation.
Here is official inductee numero 2!

The Hart foundation: Jim "the anvil" Neidhart


Yes the bearded man on the left is our next fallen hero. Neidhart was the powerhouse part of the hart foundation who were a very successful tag team who won the tag belts twice in WWF.

However once they split and Bret burst onto the singles competition, as I'm sure we are all aware of, this didn't really leave Neidhart with much to do until he joined up with Owen hart as the new foundation. But his glory days were way behind him, even when he was apart of the canadian sympathizers stable of the hart foundation.

All he has ever seemed to do, is be in a tag team, interestingly MchMahon orignally wanted to debut him as a singles wrestler with bret going for a cowboy gimmick, my how history could have changed.

So do we have "hart" to enter the anvil into the Jannety hall of the fallen?

Pleased to see so many posts! Please plenty more of suggestions for entries and comments on who is entered.
The Marty Jannety hall of the fallen is proud to induct another wrestler who has been brushed to the curb:

The Brood: Gangrel


There has been talk that Christian should be inducted into this prestigious hall, however obviously everyone has forgotten the true loser, who is Gangrel (the vampire in the middle).

Yes the vampire warrior who was fundamental in the formation of the brood a faction which consisted of our inductee, Edge and Christian. They joined and then feuded with the Ministry of Darkness followed by a feud with the Hardy boyz.

Gangrel may not be known for much more than a jobber in his four year tenure in WWF but he at least had one kick-ass entrance!


Whilst E&C shot into the tag scene followed by their world titles more recently, Gangrel floundered in the european title scene with very few shots at the lower-midcard title before his release, becoming mostly a jobber. Albeit a blood-spitting jobber, but a jobber none the less.

It seems gangrel has lost out on more than one occasion due to weight problems, first his release in 2001 and then not being able join Kevin thorn and ariel in a vampire faction in 2006.

Is it right to bite the neck and induct Gangrel? Or should we act like a bat and just fly away from it?

All comments and suggestions welcome!
Just a quick thought on the first inductee, Bart Gunn.

Yes, he did get the short end of the stick on that deal, but it was a very short stick. Almost a twig. Where Bart will be forever remembered for getting plastered by Butterbean, Billy Gunn will be enshrined in the annals of wrestling history as..."Mr. Ass." Not much of a leap there.

Sure, Billy gained more notoriety than his former partner. But he did it with the following gimmicks / monikers: "Mr. Ass," "The One" Billy Gunn, "The Outlaw" (beginning in TNA), "Kip James," "Cute Kip,", and finally, the unofficial "janitor" of TNA.

So perhaps Bart was the luckier one, for getting knocked the fuck out.
Inductee number four is:

The Headshrinkers: Samu


Yes here we have Samu (left) and Fatu, who would later go on to be the phat-assed rikishi. Yeah it's scary how much skinnier he used to be.

This tag team won the tag titles once, under the management of their father, Afa. Since then Samu left with injuries, to not really do anything major since, although he is still supposedly an active wrestler.

Since this has nto been suggested, this must surely be a great induction, he is so unknown that it's ridiculous. Sure Rikishi may not be huge (well career wise anyway) but he has held the tag titles numerous times and an intercontinental title, aswell as a disasterous run in the top flight in 2001.

Samu is your inductee number 4, do you remember him? Or is he actually extremely famous and I have just been living under a rock.

Inductee number 5, coming soon....
I know I haven't inducted anyone in a while, I have been quite busy, but fear not!!! for our next inductee is here, and a more modern one this time:

MNM: Joey Mercury


Yes Mr Mercury (left) came along with Johnny Nitro (now more commonly known as John Morrison) and Melina as a force to be reckoned with in the tag team division in 2005 on Smackdown. They won the tag team titles three times before in 2007 there was a split with Nitro and Melina going to Raw. A few months later Mercury was let go whilst both Melina and Nitro going on to greater successes.

These guys worked very well together as a team and had an image which Morrison has kept, albeit toned down slightly. Mercury has since retired from the ring, but was this too soon for our sooped up home boy?

Please thoughts and suggestions welcome!
Here's a good one for a tag-team that never(to my knowledge) won a tag title: Dave Taylor, just as rough and tough as William (steven) Regal but pretty much a chew toy without Regal around.

And mentioning Mercury brings me to one more: Paul London.

Let's see.... worked with Kidman then became fodder till he got paired with Kendrick (Spanky lol)... nice tag-title run, then Kendrick pretty much turned on Kendrick's with TNA and somewhere LOL
A team that should be mentioned: Rick & Robert Gibson ! Both good workers(I thought Rick was better) who worked around Florida, Alabama, and Memphis.

They break up and Robert joins up with Ricky Morton to form the Rock n Roll Express who go on to be one of the best tag teams ever ! Top 10 for sure. Rick becomes a journeyman who goes by the name of Ricky Lee Williams.

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