Who's a Shango gotta blow?!

In addition to that:

NorCal does a podcast with me as a semi-regular guest (hint hint chum)

I write about wrestling for a living

Sly is still smart but mellow now

I totally missed this post yesterday.

What's the name of the podcast? I'd love to check that shit out.

Links to your articles would be sweet too.

I'm glad to hear Sly is mellowed out a bit. We got into it once in awhile but I always respected and enjoyed his opinions.
Wow you guys have been doing this for awhile now!

Just be honest with me. Do the early ones suck? Lol I don't mean to sound like a dick but I assume there was a bit of a learning curve. I'm gonna do my best to listen regularly from here on out but if they're worth it I'll seriously go back and listen to every single one.
Well it seems like you guys manage to get one out once or twice a month. That seems like a pretty good pace for guys who are basically amateurs. My best friend Rory and I have wanted to start doing a podcast for ages, sort of pop culture podcast, and we haven't been able to get it off the ground, outside of a few "demo" recordings just for us Just the time and effort involved can be overwhelming, not to mention the fact that we really don't know what the fuck we're doing lol. So good for you guys that it's been over a year and you guys haven't thrown in the towel.
Oh ok cool I didn't know that. Any tips? Cuz we'd love to take another crack at it a couple months down the line when we have the time. He just moved and started a new job and I'm probably moving soon as well so we haven't really had the opportunity to take another stab at it.
Well it seems like you guys manage to get one out once or twice a month. That seems like a pretty good pace for guys who are basically amateurs. My best friend Rory and I have wanted to start doing a podcast for ages, sort of pop culture podcast, and we haven't been able to get it off the ground, outside of a few "demo" recordings just for us Just the time and effort involved can be overwhelming, not to mention the fact that we really don't know what the fuck we're doing lol. So good for you guys that it's been over a year and you guys haven't thrown in the towel.

No towel throwing.

Look at it as gaining "XP" so to speak. The more you do, you are bound to improve. You never know when one thing can lead to another and you want experience, confidence and a decent body of work to be able to present if the shot comes along.
You probably would enjoy the great Slyfox vs Slyfox debate in the Hogan/Cena WZT match.

A few of the prisoners have been absolute gems as well. Perfect candidates for psychological research.

Other than that, idk. Long lulls in action are studded with arguments and random hilarity around here. Mixed bag these days.
Like when envious lost his mind & championed Earthquake against the face that runs the place?

How do we know you two are not one? Kind of suspicious he leaves around when you arrived... :suspic:

Points for the long con. Now someone get a really bright lamp, a fat sweaty cop & his hard nosed partner so we can get to the bottom of this.
This thread is creating existential crisis as my Papa status is threatened. :burn:

Son I mean this with all due respect... You were only ever a placeholder.

Shango Heel Turn

Lol I'm just joking around love the name. At least you're not Poppa Pump. I'd have to reach over and #smackya. Ugh, Scott Steiner. His veins live in my nightmares.
You probably would enjoy the great Slyfox vs Slyfox debate in the Hogan/Cena WZT match.

A few of the prisoners have been absolute gems as well. Perfect candidates for psychological research.

Other than that, idk. Long lulls in action are studded with arguments and random hilarity around here. Mixed bag these days.

I'm sorely tempted to go in the Prison. But I can't get addicted again lol
How do we know you two are not one? Kind of suspicious he leaves around when you arrived... :suspic:

Points for the long con. Now someone get a really bright lamp, a fat sweaty cop & his hard nosed partner so we can get to the bottom of this.

The jig is up. I am also Keyser Soze, Banksy, and the second shooter on the grassy knoll.
No worries my friend. I'm still here. I realized benefit of posting from my smartphone is that I can just keep a window up on my web browser and just periodically check in. Like now

You've probably been asked this 50 times in this thread alone, but how's things, bud?

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