Who Would You Pick To Fight Rollins at Mania?

Rollins' Mania Opponent?

  • Dean Ambrose

  • John Cena

  • Roman Reigns

  • Randy Orton

  • Dolph Ziggler

  • Brock Lesnar

  • Other

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Championship Contender
Pretty simple question, who should Rollins fight at Mania and we have quite a few options.

Dean Ambrose: The feud just randomly ended with Bray's inclusion and that feud could end at the Rumble, reigniting Seth/Dean for Mania

John Cena: They teased this feud after Night Of Champions and aside from a stupidly placed match on Raw, nothing came from it. Cena still wants a piece of Seth for costing him his record

Randy Orton: This feud had been boiling under the surface for months and right as the feud finally started, Orton got "injured." This could easily be done to add a month or two to the feud to push it to Mania

Brock Lesnar: I know they're both "heels" right now but a simple change of perspective could mean a match between them at Mania. Plus he has unfinished business with Seth, last time Brock was on WWE he retained due to Seth cashing in on him.

Roman Reigns: Again, a feud they teased and then slaughtered on an episode of Raw when Reigns beat Rollins clean a few months back but he should be after Rollins sooner or later. If they wait to push Reigns this would be a logical match for him

Dolph Ziggler: Rollins cost Ziggler his beloved IC strap and aside from an almost complete match against Rollins, he hasn't gotten his hands on him yet. Granted, I think this might be a feud for TLC or building the Rumble, but who knows.

Other and if you pick other please explain your selection and who you think it'll be
I think it would depend on what WWE ultimately has planned for Rollins and what the landscape of WWE looks like within another 3 months. For instance, IF the idea is for Roman Reigns to face Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania XXXI and win the WWE World Heavyweight Championship, then it's entirely possible that Seth Rollins swoops in with his MITB briefcase in the middle of Reigns' celebration, whacks him with it, presents it to the referee, lets the bell ring and lands a Curb Stomp to "steal" the title from Reigns in his moment of glory.

IF that's what WWE ultimately has happen, then I think it's important to put Rollins in a marquee match at WrestleMania XXX and have him win. If it's not, he'll still be in one of the top matches but losing won't necessarily derail his momentum if he's not going to be cashing in MITB later in the night. If he's gonna cash in, I'd possibly consider putting him in a match against Orton or Cena and have him go over, capping it off by becoming the new WWE World Heavyweight Champion. If he's not gonna cash in, I could see him participating in a match against Dean Ambrose with their feud being restarted in which Ambrose finally gets some revenge.

Also, IF Daniel Bryan returns and is able to compete at WrestleMania XXXI, then putting him against Rollins could be something to consider. The reaction Bryan got last night in Indianapolis would suggest that he's still quite popular. Bryan losing to Rollins or vice versa, again depending on what plans they have for Rollins' MITB briefcase for WrestleMania, wouldn't necessarily hurt either guy and it's a match with potential show stealer written all over it.
It appears their going the Orton vs Rollins route as they should. I say have Ziggler vs Rollins at TLC in a Ladder match for the MITB briefcase. Ziggler goes for Zig Zag and is attacked by J&J security and Kane. Orton makes the save on a RKO fest. At RR you have Randy cost Rollins the RR match out of anger. At EC both are in the EC match and loses due to focusing on each other. Which would leads to Rollins vs Orton at Mania.
Roman Reigns: Again, a feud they teased and then slaughtered on an episode of Raw when Reigns beat Rollins clean a few months back but he should be after Rollins sooner or later. If they wait to push Reigns this would be a logical match for him.

Interestingly, the timing might now be right for Reigns vs. Rollins. Had Reigns not been out all this time, any feud between them might have run it's course and been over with well before WM31.

The thing is, a lot of drama would have to be dreamed up by the Creative people to add spice to this match.....since the natural animosity built up from the break-up of the Shield has been exhausted by the passage of time.

Still, of all the contests suggested for Rollins, I like this one the best.
Rollins is a light heavyweight at best,it should be someone in his lbs range like Ziggler or Jerricho for a Wrestlemania match.
Rollins is a light heavyweight at best,it should be someone in his lbs range like Ziggler or Jerricho for a Wrestlemania match.
He's at least the same size as a mid-90s Shawn Micheals. Put it to rest.

As for Rollins' opponent, I'll be cliche and say that I support a former Shield member triple threat. With the layoff I don't think that Reigns will be ready in time to be the guy that headlines the show, so I don't see any bigger match for the three than to all face each other.

Perhaps if all three former members are involved then it helps to be able to regain some heat from the Shield breakup. I could even see them being forced to team together on a pre-Mania Raw, which would be a mark out moment for the crowd.
Dean Ambrose. It makes the most sense. Long-term story line ending at WrestleMania like Bryan's quest for the WWE WHC, Rock vs. Cena, etc.

The feud been going on since June. Rollins got two wins over Ambrose but they weren't clean. What better show to end the feud at WrestleMania.

I'd love it if former members of The Shield get their WrestleMania moment. Ambrose finally beats Rollins. Reigns beats Lesnar but Rollins cashes in on Reigns to start the new season of WWE. Three new faces of the WWE.
Those hard ciders and shots of fireball I had earlier tonight must be kicking in. I read those options three times before I figured out it said Roman Reigns and not Razor Ramon. I was like WTF?!?

A lot of what happens with Rollins at WM depends on the list of part timers coming back. There are so many names being tossed around that it is nearly impossible to make a call this early. I will say I really like the idea of Bryan vs. Rollins. This could be an epic encounter. I'm not so big on the idea of a cash in over Reigns. I could get down with a cash in over a Brock or Rock type but feel it would screw over Reigns in the long run.
Unfortunately, despite being one of the best talents on the current roster, and working his ass off all year, the WM card is already stacking up without him.

The big 3 are likely: Reigns/Lesnar, HHH/Sting, and Cena/____ (my guess is Rusev)

Where does this leave the rest of the card?

The obvious choice at the moment would be Orton, but WM is still 4 months away, and in WWE booking time that's equivalent to about a century since they seem to pull everything out of their ass lately, which means Orton and Rollins will have probably already had a 3 PPV program by then. He's already worked a lengthy program with Amrbose.

I guess it really depends on the circumstances. Obviously, he won't be working for the WWE title, so I'd like to see him maybe going for the IC, and in that case I'd like it to be against someone who he could have a show stealing match with. In my opinion that narrows it down to a few guys, many of whom would need some great booking between now and WM to be ready, they are: Ziggler, Cesaro, Neville, Zayn, Kidd, Bryan. I think with any of those guys he could possibly put on the best match of the night, though no matter what he does or who it's with, it will be overshadowed by Sting, which will probably be akin to Hogan/Rock at 18, as WM is usually filled with the most hardcore/smarkiest crowd of the year.
Sadly I think Dolph Ziggler will wind up facing Seth Rollins. Ziggler should be headlining WrestleMania, but with the Powers That Be still set on Roman Reigns taking the title despite being nowhere near ready, Ziggler will almost certainly not get his rightful place at the top of the card. Instead, he'll be seen as the guy who took down The Authority and Rollins, now with no protection from the bosses, will go after him looking for revenge, leading to a match at WrestleMania 31.
I would think it's Ambrose... Their feud certainly hasn't finished giving the endings of their previous bouts. Wyatt and Ambrose won't last until WM, Orton v Rollins can finish at Rumble.

Why would they pass up on the chance to finally finish the Ambrose v Rollins feud on the biggest stage of them all?
I would think it's Ambrose... Their feud certainly hasn't finished giving the endings of their previous bouts. Wyatt and Ambrose won't last until WM, Orton v Rollins can finish at Rumble.

Why would they pass up on the chance to finally finish the Ambrose v Rollins feud on the biggest stage of them all?


Seth Rollins has been built up well enough, and having those 2 go at it again, with Ambrose finally winning would be a great ending to that feud(although we know it could be picked up again and again).

Also, if a Rollins cash-in happens at the end of the Mania Main Event;
it could see all three, Ambrose(with a win over Seth), Reigns(with a win over Brock) and Rollins(a successful cash-in on Reigns) getting Huge moments and set the stage for That SHIELD Triple threat many have always wanted with the WWE WHC on the line, perhaps at SummerSlam 2015.

All that said; the Ambrose-Rollins rivalry picking up again will depend on how Reigns-Rollins & Orton-Rollins plays out in the next couple of months leading into the Royal Rumble.
I'd like to see Chris Jericho return for Mania 31 & take on Seth Rollins for the MitB briefcase. Jericho has hinted several times that he won't be gone too long, he wasn't around for WM last year, he was supposed to feud with Rollins originally leading into NoC & on top of that I'd really like to see Jericho compete for the briefcase since he has never held it & created the MitB stipulation.

If Jericho doesn't return in time though, it will most likely be Randy Orton. Rollins' feud with Ambrose is done for now & even though Rollins proved he could have an absolutely amazing match with Ziggler at Survivor Series, it just doesn't really seem like a Mania status match for the two of them. Cena & Reigns are really the only other options & they both seem to already have matches penciled in for WM 31, not to mention Rollins will most likely feud with at least one of them at TLC prior to Mania.
I picked Ambrose, I would like to see a three way between all three Shield members. There is a lot of history there, and it doesn't matter who wins Ambrose or Reigns, but Rollins should get what's coming to him.

Reigns won't be ready for a title shot at Mania and this is a logical feud for all three of them. I don't think Rollins should cash in either. Wrestlemania is the biggest show of the year, and a cash in would just take away from whoever wins the title and that's not fair. He can cash in the next night on RAW.
I picked Ambrose, I would like to see a three way between all three Shield members. There is a lot of history there, and it doesn't matter who wins Ambrose or Reigns, but Rollins should get what's coming to him.

Reigns won't be ready for a title shot at Mania and this is a logical feud for all three of them. I don't think Rollins should cash in either. Wrestlemania is the biggest show of the year, and a cash in would just take away from whoever wins the title and that's not fair. He can cash in the next night on RAW.

Whilst I know most of us are clamouring to see a Shield 3-way...I feel that is one match that they need to hold off on until all 3 are firmly established as Major Players in the WWE.

They are all close, but require that one feud away from each other to truly establish their credentials.

Essentially, I have always said that Mania 30 ushered in a "new era" in terms of showing guys like the Shield, Bray and Cesaro in addition to Bryan in a good light.
However, Mania 31 should be the show that these guys of that "new era" are established with Huge Singles Performances vs established opposition.

Thus, I vouch for a Shield 3-way at either SummerSlam 2015 or WrestleMania 32 For the WWE WHC!

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