Who would you like to see cash in MITB and lose?

I wanna see a face win and cash in the MITB legitimately. Actually challenge an opponent in an upcoming pay per view and hype it. Like with RVD. The only real, legitimate win with the briefcase.

I like the aidea of a face cashing it in legitimately, except i'd have them as the topic goes, actually lose.

this person would be kofi kingston. he is tremendous and has great crwod response. he could get in the brief promo with a champion, lose his shot he chases in within a month, but lose via screwing, the promo can go along the lines of legitimate match from a legitimate cashing. and hence build up the rivalry with the champion some. gauge the crowd resonse to the fued and see if kofi is ready for the title (as i dont see him ready quite yet) then have him win the title at the end of the fued
I think it would work really well if they used it to turn someone. For instance, if they were to turn someone like Daniel Bryan (not saying they should, but this is just an example). Have him in contention for the title (with a face champ), come very close and somehow lose a few times. He can do the code of honor handshake/good match thing that faces do each time, but slowly make him angrier and angrier about his losses. He wins MitB, getting one more shot. He chooses to turn it in fairly, challenging the face champ one more time. You could have him lose again legit, or have a ref bump or something where he has the match won, but the ref doesn't see it, then he loses. After the match, he snaps, destroys the champ, cuts promo about being tired of being nice, etc etc. Again, just an example, I'm not saying I'd necessarily have that exact person (but I do think vicious heel Bryan Danielson would be great in the WWE at some point).
I'd like to see Cena win MITB, then try to cash it in opportunistically only to lose. Not that I want Cena to fail but I just want see him turn heel!!! If he lost his MITB title shot he could go absolutely nuts and start smashing everyone. After that he could have a "Fuck the World" mentality and be the best heel on the roster, if not, all time!!!! Just my opinion

You should submit that as a request into Make-A-Wish Foundation. That's the only way I can ever see that happening. But nice answer.

I would love to see Zack Ryder win the MITB(No I'm not high, I'm a boy with a dream!), then try and cash it in only to have whoever the Champ may be beat him in one move.

Just so Ryder could add the fact that he was MITB Briefcase holder for one night, adding to his success as WWE Championship number one contendor for 1 minute.

When Ryder hits the indies, he'll be everywhere.
I disagree that someone who has previously held the mitb should win it again. Even if they were to lose the tile Match. I like to see mitb pushing a mid card wrestler and testing whether they have enough about them to be main eventing, as talent tends to be found out when thrown into the main event picture ala, miz thrived and swagger sank. I wouldn't mind kofi been the first to lose the title match as mitb holder, he could get over it and it would add to his blank canvass of a character.
I agree with Tiedye, Kofi is the one I think should win it, and lose. Its just so expected that the superstar will win the title when the mitb is cashed in, and with kofi's character its hard for people not to get behind him. He could start carring it around, just hitting the line before ME like when he had that fued with Orton, Only to have him cash in fans get behind him and he loses.

I think it could do alot for him, its not like he'd be on superstars the next week. he'd have that jeff hardy feel behind him when he was in wwe, just so close, and i dont know about you guys but id feel bad for the guy, getting that close to your dream then its all gone. The fans would then get behind him and give him that ME push on his own rather then this stuck in limbo state he's been in, just an idea tho.
Daniel Bryan. Here's why.

He's the classic underdog. He's the guy that nobody believes in but everyone wishes they could (generalizing here, obviously.)

If they made this big deal about him getting the chance and he lost, it'd be great. Then, he has another chance for a shot with MITB, and he wins. Even better. Then.. CM Punk (or a champion as hated as he is) has the title and he barely wins a match and Bryan refuses to cash in. Wanting to be a good sport. Builds the character even more. THEN.. when he finally does cash in, he somehow gets cheated out of winning.

The first guy to lose is cheated out of the title when he tries to do the right thing. Shocking. Interesting. New. Fresh.

This could then build to a final match where he would be so over (hopefully) at this point as such a good guy, that he could put on a classic match with a good worker and maybe even win the thing.

Either way, it'd make for interesting television.

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