When will Punk cash in MITB?

Well there are 2 general ways that this could go. Either CM Punk cashed it in, or it is taken off of him some way.

If CM cashes it in, there are sub ways it could go:

He cashes it in for a fair and even fight. He fights, they have a good and over match, CM gets a boost in popularity no matter waht occurs. Then he either wins, and takes the title. Or he looses and gets a boosted ME spot. ither way CM is put over, he may be the first one to lose with the mitB.

He may turn heel and do an "edge", but not likely though because that is way over done.

Or he loses the MitB some way:

He gets in a fued with the person who was ment to take the case in the first place, Jeff Hardy. A short fued, a briefcase match and he wins it. He cashes it in, and we have a boost in the ratings.

He gets "injured" or injured for real lol, and Harrdy gets it, and we are all happy. (Well not smarks but.....)

I reckon he will lose it to Jeff.
I can see Punk cashing in MITB at either Summerslam or Survivor Series. This gives wwe time to build himup a bit. I dont think hardy will win the case from punk cause hardy doesnt need it. Punk will win the WHC off of Edge giving him credibillity for beating a top champ. Plus it would get a good reaction cause of someone finally getting the belt off of edge.
I don't see Punk cashing it in at all - probally run out a WrestleMania.

That would make absolutely no sense.

Secondly, everyone seems to think that because you win MiTB that you're naturally going to cash in the title shot and WIN. I think we'll see, and Punk's a good guess for this to happen, people cash it in and not win. You can't have everyone win the title when they win MiTB or it'll get too predictable.
That would make absolutely no sense.

Secondly, everyone seems to think that because you win MiTB that you're naturally going to cash in the title shot and WIN. I think we'll see, and Punk's a good guess for this to happen, people cash it in and not win. You can't have everyone win the title when they win MiTB or it'll get too predictable.

Gonna have to agree with this right here. Having Punk cash it in against the WHC or WWE title holder IF he had a good competitive match, no matter if he lost (and he most likely would) would still boost his popularity, and is what the WWE should do.

Having him lose it to Hardy seems like an unwise decision currently as Hardy is enough over as it is to legitimately earn a title shot himself. Ie. He doesn't need the briefcase, so why give it to him? Hardy would do much better, and be even more over, to win a title shot the normal way than to win the briefcase and cash in a shot.
I can see Hardy Vs. Punk at Summerslam in a ladder match for the briefcase after they both move to Smackdown in the draft. Hardy would win and then go on to take the title from Edge maybe at Survivor Series. Of course this all depends on Hardy not fucking up again and failing another drug test.
This is probably out from left field, but I was thinking the other day about Punk's MITB, yet how he can't seem to win a match anymore. That's kind of a dilemma, because unless he turns heel, how's he going to cash it and expect to come out on top?

One way out of that dilemma would be for him to be forced to lose it. Perhaps Vickie would force him to compete in a a "winner keeps the briefcase" match on smackdown. For that really to make sense though, edge would have to lose to batista at night of champions, and vickie does this in order to basically hand edge yet another title. So I could see this as a potential solution. Probably won't happen though. And with the draft coming up this possibility might get thrown out the window anyway.
Fucking not ever is most likely the answer. I still await a Hardy-Heel Punk "lovable fuck up Vs Straight edge douchenozzle" feud, but PUnk has been booked so wildly weak lately, that I cant even see him as a serious heel. He is most iLikely gonna drop it to someone, maybe on the Draft RAW, since all three brands will be there.
Punk has been booked like a moron lately and i highly doubt that when he cashes it in (which i think will be at the Edge/Guerrero wedding) Punk wont win. even tho the fans love this guy he just cant go over somebody like Edge with the way he has been booked. it would make Edge look weak and bring down the value of the World Heavyweight Title.
Let me begin by saying that I wasn’t surprised in the least that Punk won MITB. In fact, I predicted it what with him being the "anti-Hardy" in the wake of Hardy’s suspension. Now that is in no way saying I found him World Heavyweight Champion or WWE Champion material – far from it. Now for the past 2½ months I’ve been patient, reserving my judgment of Punk’s status as Mr. MITB and waiting to see what creative would do with him post-Mania. And what has he done? Nothing, just what he was doing before they saddled him with the briefcase. He hasn’t had a feud and has lost to everybody and their mama. He is less main-event ready now than he was as ECW Champion.

While they keep teasing Punk-Edge, I don’t see Punk ever cashing in on Edge (who’s keeping the WHC belt warm for Taker), and if he does then he’ll become the first holder to not win. Let's not forget that La Familia has Edge’s back. I also can’t see Punk cashing it for the ECW title. Not only has he held the title previously, he’s over enough to graduate from the third-rate show. We’re looking at Kane or Show (both faces) as the champ for the next good while, so I don’t see a face Punk cashing in on either man unless it would mean the beginning of a heel turn for Punk. I don’t see that happening either as he sells merchandise. Plus he’d be the underdog against Kane or Show, and I don’t see how Punk being a heel underdog would work.

The option I’m left with brings us back Punk winning MITB in the first place. Now I don’t think they’ll do a druggie/straight-edge storyline as WWE doesn’t need any kind of bad publicity. Fist, I see Punk being drafted to Raw. Second, they start building Punk back up with wins over mid-card heels. Then at some point he’ll begin a feud with Hardy. Yes, there’s the face-face argument, but recently Raw has given us some face-face matches and I think that both Hardy and Punk can both remain face and pull it off. Jeff returned a month ago saying he has things to do, things to get back, and he doesn’t need any building back up as he’s being pushed just like he was before. Like Kennedy said he would’ve won KOTR had he been invited, I think Jeff can play the same card. If he’d been in the ladder match, he’d have won MITB.

Summerslam would be a good time for a Punk-Hardy ladder match; that would give Hardy time to cash it in and get a 2-3 month reign in. My second PPV choice is Cyber Sunday. The fans could ‘pick’ the match stipulation, and I’d bank on the fans putting the case up for grabs. Cyber Sunday is the fans’ PPV and it would send them home happy. Jeff would still have time to cash in and get a 2-month run as champ.
Let me see if I got this right .. I do agree punk isn't ready but hardy is pure trash. He is a glorified stunt man. Barely connects his moves in the 1st place.I'll pass on the new age mic foley. Mathew is 100x better. If punk will lose the mitb i hope its to someone who can actually wrestle not another mic foley.

I hope you do realize punk has alot of enemies in the wwe who hold alot of weight. Why would he be forced to lose the ECW title to chavo? He can get victories on raw and SD but not ECW. Someone has it out for this man and wants to see him fail. Only 2 people loses like punk ...carlito and Benjamin and we all know their not liked to much . CM Punk is 100x better than that sloppy mic foley wanna be(Jeff im a drug addict hardy) .And no he wouldn't be the 1st to lose the mitb. Didn't kennedy lose to edge to lose his shot in the 1st place? if punk gotta lost the case i hope its someone on SD to take it .maybe umaga or mvp or morrison just not craptastic Jeff 'Imma do something to mess up my push' Hardy
Well, punk doesnt have to win the WHC on his first attempt. People rarely do in the grand scheme of things. Having him rack up a few key wins over the next few months over other guys at his level in matches that the fans see as being able to go either way (MVP, Hardy(s), Morrison, Jericho) and then cash in the briefcase, come out looking strong but on the losing end...that will still push him into the upper-mid card and get him back on track. The guy is tallented and although not as over as he once was, if he gets booked better, gets on a show that has time to give him a mic, and wins a match every once in a while he could go back to being something special on thier shows.
Punk has a world of potential, and like Cena, seems to be a safe guy to build around. I wouldnt be surprised to see him as a Jeff level quasi main eventer by this time next year if he gets off ECW.

Also, turn the man heel. The fans of the WWE are, generally, drunken rednecks and the wrestlers are, generally, not too much different. Seems like a natural fit.
I think Punk could be a legit contender for any belt because he puts on excellent matches when given the opportunity. But to my knowledge he has lost more matches since winning MITB than any other past MITB winner. He even lost cleanly to the Miz one Tuesday. I think he'll get screwed out of it eventually, probably to Edge or another member of La Familia at some point.
Hi, ive been a wrestling fan for many many years and reader of this forum for a long time and i think its time for my first post :D

I think Punk will be drafter to Raw and Cena to Smackdown, on Nights of Champions Cena will win the WWE title and Edge will retain it; this will leave Raw without a belt for a week. On the Edge/Vicky wedding Rey Mysterio will do his comeback by destroying the wedding and leaving Edge pretty messed up. In that moment Punk will walk out to cash in and win to bring the WHC to Raw, he will have it for about a month and then loose the champion to Triple H in the next PPV.

Yeah, I know its a longshot but it could happend.
If Punk stays the way he's going now, he'll never cash it in. He's lost his credibility.

However, though, they could jump on the opportunity in the next few months to have Punk use the case in a way that turns him heel. That's really holding him back, in my opinion, being stuck as a face that isn't allowed to gain a real personality. What's really weird is that it looks like certain things are very likely, but none of them involve Punk. For instance, Undertaker most likely will regain the title from Edge at Summerslam, correct? Cena supposedly is going over to Smackdown. Can we say Undertaker/Cena at WrestleMania? So Punk can't cash it in against Taker and actually win.

Raw's title scene though, that's more confusing. Triple H wants to turn heel, but he can't turn heel if Punk turns heel against him. Furthermore, who is going to defeat Triple H? The most likely candidates right now are either that Hardy or Kennedy will be built up to do that. This requires a little bit of time...Survivor Series at the earliest, most likely, for them to legitimately beat him for the title (but I'm hoping for sooner lol). Punk can't cash in the case at the Royal Rumble and win it, then have a match at WrestleMania against Kennedy/Hardy, as it won't be a big draw.

So really, either he cashes it in as a transitional champ and looks horrible in the process by losing the title within a month's period....or he cashes it in for the ECW title somewhere down the line (face or heel)....or he loses it to Hardy/Kennedy in order to have them use it as their major push towards defeating Triple H.

Now that I said all that, watch everything be totally different with the draft on Monday, haha. This time Monday night it'll be clear that Jimmy Wang Yang will win it or something hahaha.
Even if Punk cashes it in who said he'll win the title he challenges for?

Tradition? It's only been around for 4 years now?
What a better time than now to throw a spanner in the works and let someone lose.

It's been said in previous posts that Punk has people who hate him backstage, and from the matches he's been in lately indicates it could be the writing staff or bookers.

So I'm tipping the Great American Bash against HHH

I think HHH will beat Cena at NOC and to fill a PPV before Summer Slam, Punk cashes in MITB at the GAB. Let the case be gone until next year.

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