Who Would You Go Gay For?


Houston's Hometown Hero
Yes, this question has creeped out of Monkey's thread and has come to infect us all, both boy and girls. lol

But anywho, the question is this. Who is the one person that you would go gay for? It can have something to do with their manliness or how pretty of a man they look. Or it could be (for the ladies) that one women who is just too god damned hot to say no to.


For those of you wondering who Spawn would go gay for, I would have to say Clint Eastwood. This has to be the manliest man every created and I would be honored to go gay for the man. Shit, even Chuck Norris would lay down for him. lol

So what about YOU?
Dude, and that right there makes you gay. A confident, heterosexual, make or females, would be able to answer this and still go get some pussy without thinkin twice about it. Besides, it a respect thing. Clint Eastwood is just THAT manly. Fuck, even Sting would give him some. lol
Easy question.

Any man willing to show me true love and compassion, to care for me and support me, no matter what obstacles lie in our path. We would face those obstacles together.

So... NorCal.
It's incredibly sexy to see what he will do in order to make movies that entertain me. Wait until the movie is over...he'll be back in great shape.

Face it dude. Damon's pretty boy looks are gone. You might as well chase Dicaprio. lol

I think i got something more your speed.


How can you say no to THAT face. And you don't have to feel like you need to cuddle afterwards. You can leave and never call again. lol
I love the five-dollar bin at Wal-Mart. I've found 16 Blocks, The Italian Job, Road to Perdition, The Ninth Gate, and Wayne's World in there.
Ummm lets see. Maryse most definitely, Melina, Candice, Beth, Whitney Thompson, Ashley Greene, Charisma Carpenter, J.Kim, and Layla.

I have a long list.

Flames Out

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