Shhh...I'M GAY!!!

Well I'm from Maine and we just repealed the gay marriage law here 53% to 47%.

I really am mixed here I'm not homophobic but I'm just not ready to give them the right to marry maybe I'm wrong but 53% of people here agreed with me.

Not to mention it's been up to vote in 31 states and is 0-31 the country isn't ready to embrace gay marriage.

I suggest you read PEP3's post before yours, because it addresses what is so wrong with your thinking. Seriously, tell me what gives YOU the right to decide who can and can't get married? Saying 53% agree with you only tells me there are 53% of homophobic people in this country, shit you know how much support segregation used to have? They'd put it up to vote and everyone in the South would overwhelmingly vote to keep it. Doesn't make it right thought, does it?

I truly do not understand why anyone would even give a fuck whether two men or two women can get married. How does their marriage effect you in any way?

"Separate but equal" is a load of horseshit, and segregation showed us that. It's bigotry, plain and simple.
I'm a boarderline funamentalist and still think Homosexuals should have equal rights. Anyone who says otherwise is just an absurd stalwart that needs to get with the times.

Homosexuals ARE people too, the constitution clearly says all men are created equal, show me where it says homosexual aren't. It goes on to say that religion and politics are to be kept seperate, if these politicians were voting without their religions in mind, they wuold obviously be voting yes that homosexuals should be getting married. My apologies to anyone who says they shouldn't be getting married due to religous beliefs, but you people that say so are simply mentally ill.

Whats so wrong with what M_F, or any other homosexual wants to do in the bed room. So what if they wanna take in the bum, or deliever in the bum. That shouldn't be held agaisnt them in terms of marriage, politics, workplace, or anything else. Its just like prohibiting blacks to drink out of the same water fountain as whites in the 60's, thats just absurd.
I have absolutely no problem with homosexuals and I think that they should be allowed to marry and have as much rights as anyone else. They aren’t aliens or some weird creatures. They are normal human beings that just prefer having relationships with the same sex as themselves. Absolutely nothing is wrong with that in my book..

As far as gay marriage, who someone loves should not determine whether they be allowed to marry them or not. I don’t see gay people telling men or women that they shouldn’t marry their opposite sex just because they won’t do it. So why should those men and women tell the gays that they aren’t allowed to marry the same sexes? I just don’t get it and I yearn for the day that gay people are seen as equals to straight people.
Personally, I think strongly opinionated people have no life. Here's the deal.

I have too much going on in my life, too many interests, friends, work and private time to care who eats meat, who believes in God, who's gay, who's straight.

Why do people feel the need to express every opinion they have on a public forum. I just don't give a shit.

If two people love each other, fine. I don't care. I'm not gay. Unless a gay person tries to rape me, I have no problem with what they do or who they do it with. If you can find love, kindness and sexual pleasure from the same sex, go ahead. I also don't care if gay people get married. Marriage is mostly dead and rotting. People get married and divorced, and it's nothing but a piece of paper.

If gays want to have a document from a court that says they're committed, WHO CARES? Why, excuse my language, the FUCK does it bother people? Why are they writing their congressmen and newspapers blasting this?

HOW DOES IT AFFECT YOU??? People need to stop, just stop giving a shit about things that don't affect them.

I also hate, okay, hate, detest anyone who tries to PUSH THEIR OPINION ON ME! You think killing cows is murder? Fine. Don't eat meat. But don't you dare, DON'T YOU DARE call me a murderer because I don't feel that way.

You don't want to buy fur? Cool. Don't you dare protest in front of a business and call the customers murderer. Drop dead, rot in hell, and go home and live your damn life the way you freakin' want, but leave me out of it.

Don't hand me papers about God on the subway. You have no idea about how I feel about God, and I don't give a shit how YOU feel about him. Mind your own business.

This is why there are wars. This is why there are murders. Go home, lock your door, and STOP WORRYING ABOUT THE GUY NEXT DOOR! Unless he's doing something to put your home at risk, who cares if he's gay. Who cares if he's an atheist or a burger eater?

If you are gay, that's fine. I'd hang with you, talk to you, be friends with you, because your sexuality has nothing to do with me as a person. As long as you don't push it on me, as if, "Hey, you should really try banging a guy," then you're cool in my book.

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