Would You Have A Problem With Your Child Being Gay?

Homosexuality is a choice.

This is where so many people get it wrong. It is NOT a choice. Noone CHOSE to be gay...they just are, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. They cannot help who they are attracted to, just as you cannot help what color your skin is or where you were born? I'm not gay myself, in fact I'm happily married to a wonderful woman, but this just irks me when people say it's a choice. I think alot of the negativity that surrounds the gay community still today stems from this falsehood.
This is where so many people get it wrong. It is NOT a choice. Noone CHOSE to be gay...they just are, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. They cannot help who they are attracted to, just as you cannot help what color your skin is or where you were born? I'm not gay myself, in fact I'm happily married to a wonderful woman, but this just irks me when people say it's a choice. I think alot of the negativity that surrounds the gay community still today stems from this falsehood.

So what you are saying is homosexuality is genetic now. Because that's the only way I can fathom what you are trying to say. Influenced by hormones or not, it's still a choice. A lifestyle choice. Nobody is born a homosexual because it is not a genetic trait. You are not born into the gender of "homosexual". Life just steers you that way into adulthood. How about putting a little logic into it next time? I mean, you pointed it out yourself.
"They cannot help who they are attracted to, just as you cannot help what color your skin is or where you were born?"
You can't help where you are born because you aren't born yet. You can't help the color of your skin because it's in the genes. Homosexuality is not in the genes and your mother did not decide so either. Because that lies on you, your experience in life and how you wish to go through it.
I wouldn't give 2 bits of shit. I have 2 kids, a boy and a girl, and if either of them turned out to be gay I would not bat an eye. Sure, their lives would probably be easier as heteros and I want nothing but happiness for them. But I don't want them to conceal what they really are to appease me or anyone else. I won't judge them for the life choices they make, especially ones like these that won't adversely affect anyone else.

My girl is religious and shit and she has told me that she thinks it's a sin to be gay, but she also knows that she absolutely will not try to instill her shit on my kids. My children will grow up with the ability to think for themselves and if they want to go to Church, they will be more than welcomed to. If they decide that being Gay is a sin, that is their choice. But in won't be forced on them before they're able to form their own opinion.

I understand tdigle's perspective, but it's not one that I share. As a matter of fact, my family name should probably die out at some point anyway. None of us have amounted to shit as it is, no reason for us to keep taking up space.
No, I certainly wouldn't have a problem with my child being gay, but it would be one hell of an adjustment period. That's not something easy to swallow, especially since it's considered "out there" in our society, but at the end of the day, you have to love your child as a parent, regardless. If you bring a child into the world it is your responsibility to do whatever you can to give it a good life, if you don't then you're not considered a "good parent." Anyway, what difference can you make by causing problems over sexuality? You can't do anything, it's not something they can change.
I have two kids, I worry about there health and happiness. I look at them and hope they grow to have character and wisdom as adults. I support all gays and would support my children as well if that is who they happen to be.

This should not even be a question.
Absolutely not. It such a non-issue. It's like saying "would you have a problem if you're child was a female?" or "would you have a problem if you're child had ginger hair?". If anyone does have reservations about it, I can't help but feel they are somewhat homophobic.

Gay, straight, disabled, female, male, ginger - it doesn't matter. I will teach my children to be proud of who they are regardless of their genetic make-up and what wider society says about them.
I wouldn't have a problem with it. I don't see sexuality as an identity. If I love my son, he will be the same person he was before he told me about his sexuality. It would be hypocritical of me to not have a problem with other peoples' sexuality, but have a problem with my son's sexuality.
If i ever do have children which i never see myself having children but I wouldn't have ANY problems with my son being gay. Just because my son is different doesn't make him any better or worse then anyone else. If he had any questions i would gladly sit down and answer them and have a discussion about it for ever how long he would want to.
I think it would sort of freak me out at first, I was kind of raised in a pretty homophobic environment, but I would love my children no matter what. I'd try my best to accept him or her and his or her lifestyle and love him or her unconditionally. I would want my kid to feel comfortable enough to tell me though, I know if I were gay, I would never be able to tell my parents and I wouldn't want my kids to ever feel like that.
No, I wouldn't

And here's why: If my child is happy this way, then who am I to deny him?

I've listened to several interviews on "Gay Children" and the general concensus is that parents (especially the mothers) would disown their own child for "Choosing To Be That Way". (Yes because you fucking WAKE UP ONE MORNING AND DECIDE THAT YOU LIKE A GOOD THICK SLONG)

I have lesbian aunts and a gay cousin (and mind you, I live in the bible belt of all places) and I don't treat them any differently than I would someone who enjoyed the company of the opposite sex
No cause I will accept my child however and if somebody made fun of my son for being gay I would my temper.It doesn't matter and shouldn't prevent you from loving them.
So what you are saying is homosexuality is genetic now. Because that's the only way I can fathom what you are trying to say. Influenced by hormones or not, it's still a choice. A lifestyle choice. Nobody is born a homosexual because it is not a genetic trait. You are not born into the gender of "homosexual". Life just steers you that way into adulthood. How about putting a little logic into it next time? I mean, you pointed it out yourself.
You can't help where you are born because you aren't born yet. You can't help the color of your skin because it's in the genes. Homosexuality is not in the genes and your mother did not decide so either. Because that lies on you, your experience in life and how you wish to go through it.

How fucking ignorant are you?

Is being angry a lifestyle choice? Is being smart a lifestyle choice? Being kind natured or being spiteful and evil? Clumsy,cheerful,neat freak,pessimist? Do certain people choose to be crazy? No they don't they just are. Psychological and physical traits are not always hereditary nor do we get a choice or control over them.

You come out with some utter crap then ride down the other guy for talking sense. What logic do you follow? and how many gay people have told you they chose to be gay? The answer to both is none. You MAY not be a bigot but your ignorant and must not be friends with any gay people to come out with such nonsense.

Let me tell you about my youngest brother. We grew up on a fairly rough council estate in Manchester, England. My brother had the same upbringing, same friends, went the same school and the same influences on his life as Me and my other brother and sister. But he is gay,nothing nor nobody made him gay he just is. It's part of who he is he didn't choose.

He got called names and school and beaten up on our estate numerous times when the news trickled out. Do you honestly believe he wanted that and chose it for himself? He likes drinking beer, reading marvel comics and can more than hold his own in a physical altercation. As he's a normal fucking guy who happens to like other guys. Not his choice it's just him :)

There are men and women out there who take their own lives as they can't deal with being of a different sexual orientation than the norm. Because thick as pigshit bigots make them feel like they are not normal. My brother made it through school and living in Stretford in one piece and is now proud of who he is just as his family always have been.

I could tell you X wrestler is better than Y wrestler and you could tell me X can't hold a candle to Y and we would both be right as it's our opinion. But you should try getting to know a gay person, or if that's too much for you perhaps read up a bit on the subject as you try to sound clever but you really know dick all. Everyone can choose to act a certain way. But nobody can change who they are. Everyone should be proud to be different and the individual they are.
Many of the friends I've made in high school and college are openly gay. In fact, most of my friends only came out of the closet during senior year of high school. If my child was gay and became half the people they were, I would love him/her no matter what. Why the hell should it matter to me what my child's sexual orientation is? Some of the strongest people I've ever met in my life are homosexuals who had the guts to openly reveal that they were gay and edured and stood up to the people who ridiculed them. Not only would I be okay with my child should he/she be openly homosexual, I would be a damn proud father.
@Craigthe13th Yes. Those are EMOTIONS, which are things that we CONTROL.

Anyways, Being homosexual is a choice, and if my child chooses that way, so be it. Dance to your own beat.

EDIT: You actually mixed some emotions and some traits. Clumsy may be inherited. U choose to be a neat freak cause you don't LIKE to be dirty. You CHOOSE to be angry for whatever reason. Get the drift?

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