Who Would You Bring Back?


Getting Noticed By Management
After reading the "Greatest WZ Moments" Thread, I noticed folks fondly reminiscing on members of the past who are clearly not with us today. It appears that these epic meltdowns numerous people have had were very entertaining to people, and obviously led to the demise of these members past. Lots of folks have "meltdowns" of some kind from time to time, sometimes people say things they otherwise wouldn't in times of heated argument and get themselves in trouble, and some folks are even just misunderstood and rub people the wrong way making them social pariah's of sorts which leads to them acting out and doing things they regret leading to some of these epic meltdowns.

So my question that goes out to you is: Of all these former members, who would you most like to bring back?

Which one of them did you enjoy the most or least for that matter, to where you'd welcome their return even though they obviously got banned at some point?

Were any of them (outside of their meltdowns) great posters that any of you enjoyed or even valued, and would thus welcome back if they could keep their shit together?
I can't wait for you to get banned.
Is Angel still around? Not that I would bring him back but this thread made me think I haven't seen him in a while.

Super Hans would be fun to have back.
Once you realize, you'll be hitting yourself for not realizing how obvious it is.

Even though he didn't have a meltdown (as far as I can remember), and he certainly wasn't banned or anything like that, one guy who is gone that I would like to see return would be Tenta. Surely he isn't still present on these forums as well? I always thought he was a good poster.

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