Who would be a good choice as Assistant for Ted Dibiase Jr?

President Evil

Pre-Show Stalwart
So we have seen the last couple of weeks Ted Jr saying that he is looking for an Assistant, someone to carry his bags, a "Virgil"

Obviously he's starting to play the role of his father. Who, in your opinion, would make a good choice as an Assistant for him?

I say, one of those NXT rookies. One who doesnt make the cut. Even if they dont get hired as the next Breakout superstar, the E can still give a job to one of them as Dibiase's sidekick, this way the guy will still have a chance in the E to develop and at the same time he'll continue to pay his dues. Plus Ted Jr can mentor him behind the scenes and get him well developed to be on his own one day.

What do you guys think.
Well if we are looking for a new virgil. I think a perfect one would be Mark henrey he would have to turn heel but he could be good muscle for Ted new faction he is reported making. But other then henrey I think Tarver could be good as well.
The real question should be "who cares who the assistant will be?" Ted and Cody are both so bland and boring and the only reason they have jobs is because of their last names. Everyone knows that. Both have the Lance Storm Zero Charisma Problem.
Doesn't really have to be a black guy I am just saying though. If it were going to be a black guy Mark Henrey or maybe Micheal Tarver would be good choices. But most likely his assintence is going to be a lower level talent I wouldn't be suprise if it was Primo or Carlito.
i don't think it has to be a black guy by any means. it certainly does make the situation more edgy and thus can create some good heat, but WWE isn't as edgy as it once was. it's PG now. and we're also living in the world of "political correctness", so to have a black guy serving a white guy would be incredible fuel for the fire of hatred that WWE already has among the media today. plus, it's too much like his dad's gimmick and the gimmick can be remade, but it doesn't need to be a clone.

that said, i'm thinking that with the "fortunate sons" stable possibly forming soon, maybe he doesn't need a virgil character. i still think that there should be a huge stable of "next generation" talent. there are plenty to choose from:

sim snuka, manu, ted & brett dibiase, cody & dustin rhodes, joe hennig, chavo, carlito & primo, hart dynasty, and others just to name a few. of course orton. maybe make one huge stable to fight the guys that broke in without having a dad in the business to help pave the way with their mentoring and "name" to get their foot in the door?

now, seriously, back to the virgil character for dibiase, if this is in fact the plan for his gimmick right now, i think a good choice could be santino. hear me out. one, he only plays comedic relief right now and hardly wrestles. but virgil would get in the ring and fight for dibiase sometimes, even if he got beat terribly. but at least it would give santino some tv time that wasn't just for comedic effect, and if a feud ever broke out between santino and dibiase, perhaps santino could get a couple of wins in some "upset" victories and be taken seriously as a wrestler again. just a thought.
It's too bad Jay Lethal isn't in the WWE. He'd probably make a hilarious "Virgil" for Ted.

Hmm, well if it HAS to be a black guy, one option could be Big Zeke when he returns. Though that won't be for months and would be a step back for him.

I was thinking that since Michael Tarver will probably be eliminated from NXT first, maybe Ted could "hire" him and have him fill that role. Tarver has great intensity and would probably play the bodyguard role well. The only problem is that, kayfabe, Tarver doesn't like taking orders and is unstable, so they'd have to explain his alliance with Ted. I guess they could just say Ted is paying him a shitload of money or something. Money talks, after all.
i think theres a strong possibility of it being R-Truth......he'll swerve everyone by turnin on JoMo and siding with Ted....i mean lets face it hes old as it is and isnt gonna be main eventing any time soon.....another 2 options would be Mark Henry to turn heel....another would be Ezekiel, cuz he has a unique name like Virgil did....Big Zeke shouldnt be held down by being a manager anymore hes been there done that...unlike Ted he actually has a midcard title under his belt
Well first of all, you guys realise Virgil was Ted Sr.'s slave right? He owned Virgil. And I know someone here will argue that he wasn't his slave and stuff, but the fact of the matter is it cannot be done like that in today's era. If Ted Jr. got himself a black assistant like Virgil was, you can bet your ass the WWE would get flooded with bad publicity declaring them all racists and what not.

But anyways as far as Zeke and Carver go, they'd be bad choices because they both already have exposure to the audience. Virgil was an unknown before Dibiase bought him. And that's what Ted Jr. should get. A nobody who is big.

The main problem with this is Ted Jr. isn't half of what his dad is. His vignettes that he will pull will be lame. I mean if you youtube his father's vignettes, those are so hilarious and great, anything he does will be lame in comparison.

Besides, Ted Jr should be doing something different to what his father did. No sense in being in his shadow.
Who should be the "New Virgil"? Skip Sheffield. The guy only has size. He won't "win" NXT, he's not black (to appease all you PC people). All he has to do is stand there, look big and mean and act dumb (not far off from him right now). He's got the dumb animal look with the nostrils that Virgil had too. This gives him time to try and develop a personality to go with is size. Just my though.
If they really want to give Dibiase a Virgil then the best choice would be Michael Tarver. He is exactly like the old Virgil. He is a big black guy that has little entertainment value at all. Tarver like Virgil will never be a star in WWE or any other company. It would work because he is big and intimidating looking. He is pretty much Virgil already because he carries Carlito's apple for him.
Ya I agree that Ted is bland.. however I know once everyone on hear saw the million dollar belt they got excited. I think when his bro joins, he will get a bigger push . My problem is he is another heel on raw. And in heel ranks he is behind edge, orton, hhh sheamus ,batista, and the miz. So what could he feud for besides his own belt. I think he should be a face, but i understand how that ruins his gimmick. For virgil I think Big Zeke would have been perfect he did the same role with regal already and excelled. KKwik isnt big enough I think. It needs to be big black dude. Thats just how the role works.
... SES can implode, luke gallows can join him....but theyre on smackdown.
...the miz is a possibility but, not a likely 1.

it has to be some1 muscular.... mark henry and mvp are picks but are faces and mvp is on smackdown.
..theres ezekiel jackson but hes out for months, but he wouldve been my favourite

then again maybe he isnt even going to get an assistant. He needs to become more dominant is all i have to say(aside from the above).
He seems to weak to have any1 under his power, maybe till his bro joins theyll create a stable.
Ok, if it were to be Big Zeke or Henry, I would rather see it as them being a bodyguard to Ted than just a low servant. Fans wouldnt buy that, a tough dude twice the size of Ted being humbled? Carrying bags and cleaning his shoes? Nah

It would work better as Ted just looking for someone to watch his back, claiming to be extra important now that he has the Million dollar belt on him. Then fans more than ever would want to see Ted's ass kicked. It'll make for good tv. At least for a while.
I think that, if it was possible, The Great Khali could be Dibase Jr.'s Virgil, think about it, Khali gets more exposure, turns heel again so people start taking him seriously , helps Dibaise Jr. win matches by just distracting his opponents, both would draw lots of heat and it could put Dibiase Jr. on the map:suspic:
i see some people suggesting michael tarver
i dont think so, hes on nxt, and the most likely to get eliminated first.
also i would and wouldve suggest khozlov or Carlito
would: they arent reali going anywhere
wouldve: they are nowhere, jobbing....to the guest hosts.

edit: @darbare & Geordie74
he isnt coming back any time soon. but i see an intresting angle here
he may agree to be teds 'virgil' as he is to injured and he ...needs...the...money?(some thing along the lines, what ever)
They could start a feud between ted and Kahli and then has a match between then where rajin would be on the line. If ted win this Rajin would be his Virgil.
I think this would be a good feud to watch and would help both characters develop more.

Even if Ted would win this , Im sure they would still find a way to have Rajin Translate for Kahli some how or they could find him a replacement.
I thought it was funny as soon as someone metioned a black guy someobedy jumped straight in, Why does it have to be a black guy?"

I dont see the same person coming back and saying, Why does it have to be a Hispanic guy or white guy?"

But anyway, I dont want anyone to be a virgil or even assistant. I would rather see Teds brother and Curth Hennig's son come in and form a stable. I would rather Cody and Randy were still in it. Imagine Legacy with Randy Orton, Ted DiBiase, Cody Rhodes, Joe Hennig and Brett DiBiase. Legacy couldve been great.
The way I see it, there are only a few options:

1) Ezekiel Jackson - On his own, I don't think he'll last. He's not great on the mic, his character isn't anything we haven't seen a million times before, and though he's big and tough and whatnot, he's not 20x bigger than everyone else. Having him as the muscle works.

2) Michael Tarver - Every other NXT star has something else to them. Otunga wouldn't be in this position. Slater doesn't need it. Sheffield is too comedic for it. Barrett's too good for it. Gabriel and Bryan, no way. It wouldn't fit Young. So you're left with Tarver, a guy that really has nothing else to offer, so he might as well be the fall-guy for the Fortunate Sons.

3) Mark Henry - But I'm against it. I think Henry does well where he is now, and I think the only thing they're missing out on is a feud between MH and Sheamus to put Sheamus over (despite how I don't like him at all).

4) R-Truth - But, really, is it necessary? I don't think Killings has a decade ahead of him in the WWE, and if that's the case, you might as well keep him where he is now as he's at least over with the crowd and can be someone that gets his ass kicked by heels to put them over, similar to Matt Hardy.

5) Vance Archer - This is a real stretch, but I just can't see him being someone taken seriously. He's not big enough to be a dominant heel, he's not charismatic, he's not interesting, he's not particularly awesome in the ring. So if they aren't going to release him or tag team him, he's a possibility for this role.

Everyone else is too big for it, too inadequate for it, or it wouldn't benefit them (or fit their strengths and weaknesses). Those are the only options I could see them doing in the slightest bit.
To everyone saying they missed the boat with Ted - two words: Randy Orton.

When he came in and was bland and had nothign going on but just another son of a superstar everyone bagged on him. Now look. Ted Needs work on the character front, but he had a great match with JoMo last night. He has a lot of possibility.

As for possibly assistants its going to be something that can fit the stable. What stable? Fortunate Sons. Again, Ted was referred to as the 'Fortunate Son" last night. Its only obvious Henning and the other Dibiase who has been seen on WWE TV before come into play. So an assistant is going to play into the stable and fit the "Son" mantra. Any thoughts on a non-fortunate son?

I doubt it will be Truth. He's doing well as a face and deserves to have fun in his last ride in the E. He wont make for a good heel so I am putting money that he will lose a match to Dibiase at OTL when his assistant is revealed and costs truth the match.
Personally I'd like it to be someone we haven't seen before. Having a character we already know be forced into a bitch role wouldn't be as convincing as a guy we don't have a preconception of.
If this is how the character is introduced his is a lot more believable in the role. If Ted is going to get some legs underneath his character this has to be done right. Beside JBL and HBK already did the wrestler needing the money so I'm your bitch til the blow off match for life time servitude vs. free at last!
Ted needs someone that is solely his from the moment we see him. The other Dibase and Hennig can still be brought in. Who says there can't be a stable boy? 3 arrogant heels pissing on thier servant can only get more heat than the one.
Personally I'd like it to be someone we haven't seen before. Having a character we already know be forced into a bitch role wouldn't be as convincing as a guy we don't have a preconception of.
If this is how the character is introduced his is a lot more believable in the role. If Ted is going to get some legs underneath his character this has to be done right. Beside JBL and HBK already did the wrestler needing the money so I'm your bitch til the blow off match for life time servitude vs. free at last!
Ted needs someone that is solely his from the moment we see him. The other Dibase and Hennig can still be brought in. Who says there can't be a stable boy? 3 arrogant heels pissing on thier servant can only get more heat than the one.

Exactly what I just said. I see it being a new "non-fortunate" son. I would look through the FCW rotser to see who could work. Maybe Brisco's boy? Being he was Dibiase Sr's old tag partner it may make for a possibility.

Unfortunately, I have a feeling the E will use someone we already know. But we can hope for someone new.
I think they will bring in Brett Dibiase and Joe Henning and ofcourse Ted being the leader. This could be as if he has 2 doing his dirty work. you can tell it will be soon since he is now basically feuding with Morrison and Truth and needs a partner.
If it is someone else it may end up being and NXT rookie but The only one that fits the bill for me would be Skip Shefield. I think Darren Young will wind up with SES. The others will go on about there own, and I honestly don't see Michael Tarver going anywhere put the "future endeavor" line.
If someone on the lineup now, I'd have to say someone like Ezekiel Jackson with all the power he has. Or maybe even Yoshi Tatsu just to give him a spot on raw.
The thing about having a losing NXT rookie be the next Virgil would make the most sense. Back in the tough enough days it wasn't just the winner who got a contact. And if I'm not mistaken a few times one of the losers lasted longer than the actual winner. I'd say let one of the rookies carry his bags or Chavito. Hear me out, Virgil was a black guy serving the rich white man. To not be a clone, and to catch up with the times (slavery is way too old to be funny) get a MEXICAN to do it. That would also give Chavo a new moniker. Ready for this?

Ladies and gentlemen, making his way to the ring, from the front entrance of Home Depot.....CHAVOOOOOO!!!!
I have the perfect man for the role. Jimmy Wang Yang. All you would need is some simple repackaging. His attire would change to a suit of sorts, and there is a simple explanation for it too. Yang decided to finally acknowledge his roots and stop hiding them behind a redneck attittude. You could even go a few steps further by having him not even talking, just have him assisting Ted in every way possible.

Last night after seeing the match/segment with Morrison, it made me realize someone lower on the card should assist Ted, as the role isn't meant for Ted to get someone else over, it's meant to help him get over more, and as such, it should be someone on the card lower then him helping him, and Jimmy Wang Yang is essentially a glorified jobber I believe. It would work well on both ends, and I would love to see it happen.

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