CM Steel
A REAL American
It's just sad to see where Ted Dibiase's WWE career has gone, down the tubes. He went from being Cody Rhodes "Priceless" tag team partner to Cody Rhodes's Virgil. Starring in a straight to DVD movie to having less TV time. I think if the WWE creative team would just let Ted get away from his father "the Million Dollar Man" Ted Dibiase's gimmick he could do wonders in the WWE.
How do you go from being a spoiled rich kid to being "the new Virgil" to the son of Dusty Rhodes in a very short time is beyond me? And why are the WWE creative team so afraid of turning Ted Dibiase babyface? I thought that he was a face when he faced off against Cody Rhodes a couple of weeks ago on Smackdown at first.
Ted has to much talent to be wasted like this week in and week out. He's already paid his dues when he was in Legacy. So what's going on with Ted Dibiase's carrer right now??
How do you go from being a spoiled rich kid to being "the new Virgil" to the son of Dusty Rhodes in a very short time is beyond me? And why are the WWE creative team so afraid of turning Ted Dibiase babyface? I thought that he was a face when he faced off against Cody Rhodes a couple of weeks ago on Smackdown at first.
Ted has to much talent to be wasted like this week in and week out. He's already paid his dues when he was in Legacy. So what's going on with Ted Dibiase's carrer right now??