Ted Dibiase: the Virgil for 2011?

CM Steel

A REAL American
It's just sad to see where Ted Dibiase's WWE career has gone, down the tubes. He went from being Cody Rhodes "Priceless" tag team partner to Cody Rhodes's Virgil. Starring in a straight to DVD movie to having less TV time. I think if the WWE creative team would just let Ted get away from his father "the Million Dollar Man" Ted Dibiase's gimmick he could do wonders in the WWE.

How do you go from being a spoiled rich kid to being "the new Virgil" to the son of Dusty Rhodes in a very short time is beyond me? And why are the WWE creative team so afraid of turning Ted Dibiase babyface? I thought that he was a face when he faced off against Cody Rhodes a couple of weeks ago on Smackdown at first.

Ted has to much talent to be wasted like this week in and week out. He's already paid his dues when he was in Legacy. So what's going on with Ted Dibiase's carrer right now??
Ted DiBiase's character is stale as hell. Ted DiBiase Sr did it years ago and he did it to perfection. Ted Jr. is still learning and in my opinion he can't carry the gimmick well. If the creative team were to change his gimmick, at least he could have some victories and build some kind of momentum. But, if the creative sticks with this gimmick and waits for something to happen, the only thing that will happen is Ted will recieve a "good luck in your future endevours" letter. So, his gimmick needs to be changed in order to make him relevent again.
Ted DiBiase is not over. The WWE has tried just about everything to get Ted over but nothing seems to work. His role in The Marine two seemed like a little something. He started winning a few matches even pinning his then mentor and Legacy partner Randy Orton. Sadly, he was still unable to get himself over with the crowd. There is very little you can do with a boring talent like Ted DiBiase. I use the word talent as in superstar. He's the epitome of mediocrity.

However, DiBiase does have a pretty good look. Sometimes I wonder why the WWE chose to use the Dashing gimmick on Cody Rhodes rather than a much better looking Ted DiBiase. Last I heard Ted DiBiase teaming with Cody Rhodes is to help build him up (The Miz/Alex Riley style). I don't think we'll see Ted amount to much in the WWE unless he can get over with in the next couple of months. I do not see much in Ted but in NO way can I blame WWE creative for that. Just be patient and something may become of Ted DiBiase Jr.
Well the only thing that is holding Ted back is that he has the charisma of a fish. Other than his ability in the ring Ted is about as entertaining as a sack of corn. Nothing Ted seems to do is able to get him over with the crowd. Infact, Ted can show up on Monday Night Raw next week and start kicking babies and the fans would still yawn and fall asleep.

I am not sure if it is the fault of the creative or Ted himself but simply put it, Ted is not going anywhere until the fans can get behind him as a face or a heel. Personally the best way for any great face career to start they first need to be a very good heel. If Ted were to turn face now, it would just seem Ted gave up and is now kissing up to the fans.
He's more like Cody Rhodes' bitch rather than his Virgil.

Seriously, I think he was better off not being on TV at all rather than being shown as a loser looking to Rhodes(a character who isn't even mentally stable) for guidance every week after finishing up on his jobbing session.

I was so happy to see DiBiase face Rhodes as a face weeks ago and thought in my head that it could turn out to be a pretty good feud and that maybe DiBiase can start with a clean slate as a face, well I was wrong. Instead they've just pissed all over what little credibility he had and made him Rhodes' bitch. His only hope is to turn face and stay away from Rhodes for a while so then fans forget about his him being his bitch and he maybe, just maybe he can seem like a legitimate star.

The longer his alliance with "Grotesque" Cody Rhodes lasts, the more damaging it'll be on his legacy(if he's even remembered).
Ted had a big push rumored for him a couple of years ago. He starred in his own movie and stood up to his mentor Orton. Suddenly his face push stopped as soon as it began. I think that if they had just let him turn face when he stood up to Orton instead of trying the milion dollar belt angle then he might be doing better now. I also agree with the idea of using the dashing gimmick with Ted instead of Cody. Too late for that now. It sucks that he is stuck being his former partner's sidekick because people thought he would be the one to move up the card first. At least it's better than him not seeing time onscreen at all. He will hopefully turn on Cody and get a face run to help him get over more.
I'm hoping that Ted could get a push now.

Cody Rhodes is in the MITB match.

The IC Champion, Ezekiel Jackson has not been booked for the MITB PPV, and neither has Ted. Perhaps we shall see Cody Rhodes win the MiTB briefcase, and to kill some time, Zeke will defend the IC title against Dibiase. DiBiase can defeat Zeke for the IC title, which will be played up as, "thanks to Cody's guidance."

I personally would like to see Cody and Ted as the new JeriShow or the new Power Trip, a powerful duo who can dominate individually, but are nearly unstoppable when together.
Why the long face? I've never seen any reason why Ted should be any further along than he is in his career

Really , hes a solid technical wrestler but on the charisma/promos level its just terribly dull

The only way to get over big time on in ring skills alone , is usually to be a high flyer monkey boy , Teds a good technical wrestler in the grapple/submission/mat sense though. He doesn't fly.

So I mean yeah hes going a whole lot of nowhere but I'd honestly not expect it to be any other way.... When I see him cut a great promo or something then I'll be upset if hes going nowhere still.

Thats why Cody is ahead of him. Cody does fly , Cody does do ridiculous promos and gimmcks. These elements are EXACTLY what it takes to get over big time. This may be a good time for Dibiase to study what it takes to get ahead with Cody

Codys going places , Ted won't be hurt by trying to ride his coattails.... or rather , trying to ride on the back of his paper bag lol
There really is no reason for the WWE to make any further attempt to push the DiBiase character. Ted was given his chance and failed to connect with the audience.

Granted, he is a decent worker (as evidenced by his match with Bryan on Smackdown) but there's a good amount of decent workers in the WWE. What is it that sets DiBiase apart? He can't make any sort of connection with the audience.

His lack of charisma is kind of sad, given his pedigree and all.

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