Who Will Be The Second Inductee into the TNA HOF?

I do think Jarrett should, and will, go in at some point. However, I am not sure I understand this idea that there is no TNA without him. That may be true in its essence but the Jarrett variation of TNA almost ended as quickly as it began until Dixie did what she did. The biggest reason TNA is what it is today is Dixie Carter.
I think that it was disrespectful that it was not Jeff Jarrett the first time.

He clearly was the sweat and blood of this company at the beginning. He gave them a name. He gave them direction. And he gave all he had. Love him or hate him (and I have done both) he started this thing and it has turned into a solid product.

He should have been the first guy in ... and I am guessing he will be the second. The ONLY other possible person that TNA could induct would be AJ Styles.
Its got to be Jeff Jarrett, the reason i think they gave it too Sting is WWE are starting to use lots of old sting footage and maybe Vince was planning on inducting him into WWE's HoF for his WcW work but now he's TNA's first inductee that would make that difficult, although whats to stop Vince inducting Jeff into WWE's HoF to try and get one up on TNA
Jarrett not getting in first, although wrong, makes sense because they need to build some legitimacy and putting the 'son of the guy who founded the fed' seems alittle selfish.

My shortlist would involve people that helped put TNA on the map so :
Jeff Hardy
Kurt Angle
AJ Styles
Jerry Lynn
Chris Daniels
Samoa Joe

and when it comes to lesser additions
Team 3D
Don West
Mike Tenay

If I had to put a bet on who will be the 2nd inductee - I'd say Kurt Angle has a good shot for his contributions to TNA in bringing in ratings and bringing fans from one fed to the other

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