Who will be the next wrestler to win his first world championship?

Who will be the next performer to win a World Championship?

  • Austin Aries

  • Cody Rhodes

  • Bully Ray

  • Dolph Ziggler

  • The Field- any performer not listed

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Sally Section
I've been waiting to post this thread forever; however, every time I've wanted to, there's been a very obvious candidate waiting in the wings. For the first time in a while, the World Title pictures in both companies are filled by challengers who have already won the World Title. So this means- who do you think will be the next person to win the World Championship?

Dolph Ziggler is included in this as an edge case; I'm going to include him in this by calling it the next person to win a world title. (He was named champion as opposed to winning a match for it.)
Since I loathe answering my own questions in the same post:

I have to go with Cody Rhodes. Austin Aries is the hottest performer right now, but it's just too early for him to be TNA/IW champion. He'd flame out, and after a year fans would be sick of him. He's right where he needs to be for now. Bully Ray has had the single most unlikely career renaissance, but I don't think he'll ever be given a World Title run. He's doing an excellent job of supporting lower wrestlers; he just made Austin Aries look like a lot more than a guy beating up the X-Division. Dolph Ziggler.... just has no momentum. I'm wondering if you'd have to rebuild him with the crowd at that point.

Which leaves Cody. He just had a crazy successful Intercontinental title run, and I thought successful IC title runs were a thing of the past. Despite the fact that he looks about 180 lbs. soaking wet, he's actually a believable champion. I'll give him credit- I was amongst the crowd that thought after Legacy died out, he'd be bumming around on NXT-type shows.
My pick is Wade Barrett. I havn't been catching up on WWE but prior to his injury before Wrestlemania he looked good as a punching bag for the top faces. Or a jobber for the stars. Giving him a 1 month reign would solidify that role.

While Cody is a good wrestler, I think he is more suited for the IC scene than the top. Sure if there are more injuries and what not he would be a decent back up choice for a transition champion. But for me Barrett was always the one they were grooming to be the next new world champion until the injury.
It's really hard to say. If you'd have told me two years ago that Mark Henry would be a World Heavyweight Champion I'd have probably laughed my arse off. The way things are running right now I would love Rhodes and Aries to be champions but I think they still need more time to character build and challenge for a couple of years.

As Alastor said Wade Barrett is a hell of pick. I can see him on a really destructive heel run when he comes back from injury. Possibly winning gold at Summerslam or Survivor Series after being built up for a while. I'd like to see an Englishman with gold around their waist. So my pick is Wade Barrett.
I have to go with cody rhodes. If you were to put both of his i.c. title runs together they were very good. I believe he will be the next challanger to go up againsit cm punk. Cody is just one of the bright young talent that wwe has. I belive he will take the title from punk an become the face of raw an the wwe.

Just throwing this one out also i would not be shocked if bully ray got a run with the world title. Other than bobby rhoode he is the biggest an the hottest goin heel that tna has. As rayne said bulky has done amazing things on making other people look like gold. So i would not be shocked if he did getva short run with the title.
Probably cody,this guys has alot of talent and charisma as well. although i agree he didnt defend his title too much every time he did it was entertaining i liked his matches with booker t,beating a veteran clean THATS how u build a superstar,Although i REALLY like dolph zigglers performances and he cud be a top heel in wwe he just hasnt been given the chance, i really liked his matches with punk and many times i actually believed he was gunna win clean against punk and u heard it a million times and now a million and one he sells moves LIKE A BO$$ i mean he even sold hornswoggle lmao
This was a struggle between Cody Rhodes and Wade Barrett but I am going to go with Barrett on this one. I hope by the end of the year both get a world title run. But here's a possible problem. The World Title card is so stacked atm I think we might get a case of 1999 again. So many title changes took place that year (I think Mick Foley, The Rock, Stone Cold, Undertaker, Triple H, Big Show and McMahon all held the title at some point). I have a bad feeling their gonna give Del Rio the belt at NWO and then the rematch takes place at MITB. Sheamus will win it back, only to beat by new Mr Money in the Bank Wade Barrett! From there it will be a hot piece of coal!
Of the choices listed, I'd go with Cody Rhodes, if for no other reason than he's been the favorite son of mid-card WWE for a couple of years now and seems to have management and Creative so solidly invested in his success that I can't imagine them doing anything but vaulting him to the top.

On the other hand, it looked as if all this would happen last year, but his march to the title seemed to stall. Yes, he was still featured consistently on both brands and they wrote program after program for the guy, making you think there was nothing that could curtail his progress. Yet, the title win I figured he was scheduled for didn't happen. Does that mean it never will?

Personally, I think he'll get a major title eventually. I can't believe the company is putting him in front of us as much they as they are just to stop him short of the top.

Cody's next.
My answer would be Ryback. Vince is pushing him hard and I wouldn't be shocked if he won the Rumble next year and won the title at Mania. As for Rhodes, he probably won't win it until next year at the earliest. Ziggler too. I don't care about the rest of the names.
Bully, mainly because i see him as the only one that doesn't need more time.

Dolph Ziggler- He has all talent, but absolutely zero momentum. I don't see Dolph building up the momentum to be world champion in anything less than a year.unless he wins money in the bank.

Austin Aires- Aires has talent and momentum, but its to soon. He needs to work his way around TNA first. Have some meaningful feuds away from the X-Division and win other title. So around 6 months for A Double.

Cody Rhodes- he seems to be the popular choice, however, he is very preoccupied. He just started a feud with christian and if he comes out of it with the title, thentitle they will probably take the title off him first. Plus, I don't see Sheamus losing the World title that quick and when he dose, it not be to Cody. all of which will take at least a 8 months.

Bully Ray- Now i see why most people don't think he will, but bully can win the TNA Title at any point after Roode loses it. Bully is probably the go to guy for whatever spot they need filled and at some point he is going to be involved in a World title match. At any point after Bound for Glory(which is when Roode will loss the Title) the new champion will face bully ray and probably more people in a 3 way or 4 way match where Bully will pull out the win.
For me it is Dolph Ziggler. It just seems like he is on the cusp of winning another title. He is still losing matches, but it seems like that is about to change at any time. I am not sure why they haven't pulled the trigger on him yet, but I have a feeling he may get the spot left open by the injured Alberto Del Rio. I have not been a fan of Shemus's title run so I wouldn't mind Ziggler taking the title away from him.
I think most likely it will be Bully Ray. Next to Bobby Roode he is the top heel TNA has and I just don't see any of the other guys listed as World Championship worthy at this time.
Austin Aries - Aries is someone that's steadily and consistently shown that he's a potential main event level star since arriving in TNA nearly a year ago. Personally, I'd like to hear a good long promo from him, which I don't believe I've really heard him give, but I think he'd do just fine if given the chance. He's got the ability inside the ring. As of right now, however, I just see Aries firmly entrenched within the mid-card scene. Without him, the X Division has nothing & nobody else. The X Division hasn't been great as it takes more than one guy to do it, but Aries' presence alone has made the X Division above what it has been for many years now. As Aries has also shown during the past two TNA ppvs, he's someone that can be depended on to pull out quality matches with anyone of just about any size. He's a valuable commodity for TNA to have right now. TNA doesn't have anyone in the X Division anywhere close to being on Aries' level right now, so I'd say he'll be in the mid-card picture for at least the rest of this year.

Cody Rhodes - Cody Rhodes is someone that WWE has taken their time with over the past couple of years. They haven't rushed into pushing Rhodes to the moon and have given him time to develop himself as a character. His first run as IC champ is arguably the best IC title run of this past decade. He held the title for a long time, definitely raised its stock, had some high profile feuds that resulted in a couple of wins over main event talent like Randy Orton. Basically, Cody Rhodes is at a stage in his career in which a lot of people were predicting Ted DiBiase would be. I can see Cody stepping up to go after the WHC at some point, but not right now. It wouldn't bother me if he did but Cody Rhodes is still so very young. His youth is one reason why WWE has taken their time with him, at least I think so, because they haven't wanted to have him peak so soon. After all, look at Randy Orton. He's only 32 years old and he's a 9 time World Champion. I think Rhodes is only 27, 28 at the very most, so he potentially has a lot of years ahead of him. Taking their time with Rhodes has paid off for WWE thus far, so I don't see them messing with the formula. I expect him to stay within the mid-card scene for a while longer. I look for him to regain the IC title at some point and I've read some reports indicating that there's strong support among WWE officials to merge the IC & US titles sometime down the line, so I can see Cody being the one to merge the two titles, have another long mid-card run with the title before ultimately dropping it and then maybe moving onto the World Championship scene. Maybe by this time next year.

Bully Ray - I'm not really seeing Bully Ray as a World Champion in TNA anytime soon, if ever. Bully Ray is a lot of fun to listen to on the mic but, he's much better on the mic than inside the ring in my view. He's got the personality and his in-ring ability isn't bad. However, for a while, Ray hasn't been booked to be all that strong inside the ring. Over the past few months especially, Ray has been booked as someone with a big mouth but hasn't been able to back it up. It seems that whenever he challenges someone, he comes out on the short end of the stick. He challenged Devon for the TNA Television Championship not that long ago and Devon beat him clean in the center of the ring. He gets into a feud with Austin Aries, which culminates at a ppv, and, again, Ray is soundly beaten. Now, he's been feuding with a "lawyer" named Joseph Park and lost to him due to interference in an anything goes match this past Sunday. I don't know how long they're going to continue the Joseph Park character but, at some point, I look for Ray to begin feuding with Abyss once more, where he'll also probably lose as well. I think Ray has the least chance of being the next of these listed to be World Champion.

Dolph Ziggler - Dolph Ziggler is someone that WWE has seemed on the verge of pulling the trigger on for a while now. Over the past couple of years, Ziggler is someone that's also come a very long way. He can go in the ring, no question about that, and he's done a good job of developing himself on the mic & as a character for quite a while now. With some of the top main eventers out of action for a while or busy with other stuff: Mysterio probably won't be back until the 1,000th episode of Raw, Orton is suspended for 60 days & his overall future with the WWE is kind of in question at this point, Del Rio is out with a concussion & who knows how long he'll be out, Cena is feuding with Big Show right now & almost always goes for the WWE Championship, Jericho is out for a while, The Miz is off filming a movie & his stock has been the lowest its been in years anyhow. So, now might be the time when WWE has to pull the trigger on Ziggler simply because of a lack of main event depth right now. I don't expect Ziggler to win his match against Sheamus at No Way Out, but this could possibly start him down the road to being a solid upper mid-card/main event fixture and World Champion. I'm going with him as my choice because, as I said, the playing field isn't quite so full right now and WWE needs high quality talent in the World Championship scene right now.
I'm gonna go with Cody Rhodes. I think lately he's been doing very well and they might soon have him going up against Sheamus for the WHC. He's been a preformer in WWE for years now, he's a more than decent wrestler and he gets good pops when he comes out. I'm hoping he gets the shot tho. Knowng WWE, it might be a while before he actually gets match for the WHC, but I wouldn't bet on it. Either him or "Mr. Barrett", as he's now called on Twitter. Both can have a serious feud with Sheamus that people will actually watch. The question is whether they'll get chances or not
I went with the field because I truly believe that the next first time world champion will be Wade Barrett when he returns. He'll win MITB and imo cash it in that night to win the world title.
Dolph Ziggler is my first choice because for starters he is in the match a No Way Out against Sheamus for the WHC. Also, he is a natural at almost every aspect of wrestling and the fans know it. He has personality and ability and shows shades of Ric Flair. He is a good choice for future champ.

Austin Aries is another great choice for future world champ. He has just dominated the X-division and everyone knows that he is great. He just is one the most charismatic and skilled wrestlers to pass through TNA since AJ Styles. Everyone has just jumped on his bandwagon and he has ran with the oppritunity that TNA has given him. He burst onto the scene with every aspect of a well-rounded wrestler and has made himself into trancending-cruiserweight star. There is a definte TNA title coming up for him.:worship:
Had to go with the field here... honestly not sure if any of those specified are going to anytime soon.
Austin Aries- love him to death, and he deserves the main event, but if he leaves the X-Division now, it will fall to crap.
Cody Rhodes- Had a very, VERY hard time not choosing Cody. Let me be honest; I'm almost a CR mark. He has been doing great in the IC dept., but I want to see him carry out the feud with Christian first. He is also quite young, so he could probably take the belt from Christian for a final drive. (On a side note, many people say I look like Cody in the face.)
Bully Ray- He has everything, but TNA probably doesn't want to have him feud with Roode. No, let's have him feud with Joseph Freaking Park instead! This isn't Ray's fault, it's TNA's.
Dolph Ziggler- One thing real quick: I CAN'T STAND SHEAMUS. HIS RUN IS AWFUL, AND WHAT HE DID TO ALBERTO TICKS ME OFF. Now that I have said this, I have to say one thing- the majority of the fans love Sheamus, and since this was a shoo-in, Ziggles probably won't win at NWO, though he has all the potential to, though IMO he should get rid of Vickie, like, NOW.
So, who is next? I like the ideas above of Wade and Ryback.
Bully Ray- He has everything, but TNA probably doesn't want to have him feud with Roode. No, let's have him feud with Joseph Freaking Park instead! This isn't Ray's fault, it's TNA's.
I agree somewhat here but you can't exactly have your two top heels feuding especially when the company is low on heels as is. The Joseph Park's storyline is actually pretty entertaining as well. It sucked alot of people in, and considering how they're having everyone casing Roode, it's a good storyline to keep Bully Ray relevant while Roode dominates,

Dolph Ziggler- One thing real quick: I CAN'T STAND SHEAMUS. HIS RUN IS AWFUL, AND WHAT HE DID TO ALBERTO TICKS ME OFF. Now that I have said this, I have to say one thing- the majority of the fans love Sheamus, and since this was a shoo-in, Ziggles probably won't win at NWO, though he has all the potential to, though IMO he should get rid of Vickie, like, NOW.
So, who is next? I like the ideas above of Wade and Ryback.

I agree wholeheartedly, Sheamus' run has sucked for the most part. I don't always get what the big deal is with him and I think he's lackluster to be totally honest.
i agree with wade barrett getting the title for me he is one of the best stars they have. doing a angle with him and cm punk would be great. the other person i would like to see win a world title would be crimson you would have to turn him face though. would say zigler but needs to completely repackaged before that happens
Man what a toss up for me between Rhodes and Ziggler.

If I remember right Mcmamhon is high on Rhodes so it wouldnt surprise me if he beats Ziggler to the belt first. But theres something about him that doesnt make me believe that hes ready for the main event. So im going to have to go for Ziggler to get the belt first.

I just think Ziggler has that little extra drive and determination to make it in the business. Theres just something in his matches and to me he has what we use to call "Ruthless aggression". Im not saying his going to attitude era but what im trying to say is that he has just a little more intensity in his matches that Rhodes does. Not saying that Rhodes doesnt at all but I feel Ziggler just has a little more of an edge then he does.

So with a very close decision im going with Ziggler on it.

I would go with Brodus Clay to be the next whc but he's not on the list. :blush:
Tomaso Ciampa it won't be long before he breaks away from Nana and either beats Roderick Strong for the TV championship or Kevin Steen for the worlds championship.
There's another choice in my opinion; Christopher Daniels. I think he's an excellent heel character who's totally underrated and should've been main-eventing in TNA back when he had his Slammiversay 2006 match vs. Sting. TNA didn't pull the trigger on Daniels back then and he went on to do absolutely nothing up until this whole Claire/Dixie/AJ/Daniels & Kaz storyline. Daniels is great at getting heat and his in-ring work is simply amazing. Although I HATE that TNA made him drop the whole "Fallen Angel" gimmick, as I liked that.

As for WWE, I'd like to see Cody Rhodes win his first title pretty soon. He's been doing well and consistently performing in great matches. He's really great at getting his storylines over and his matches have been improving alot. I'd also like to see Ziggler repackaged with another gimmick and given the opportunity to go solo and win his first title. Either of those guys could do alot towards helping the World Title division[because we all know they won't win the WWE Title just yet]. I also wouldn't mind seeing Daniel Bryan winning his first WWE title @ Money In The Bank.

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