Who were some of the best rivals ever.

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i have many,ill only name three,1: sting vs vampiro,very similar(face paint, dark character,mysterious),vampiro did every freakish violent thing he could do to sting,cover him in red liquid/blood,threw him in a graveyard,burn his face,yet he never ever beat sting in a match except for one(human torch match),it also came as a shock as vampiro was starting to get over as a face and was quite popular at the time.

2:ddp vs macho man awesome feud, which lasted a year and had some awesome matches such as the lights out match,they just had that great chemistry,ddp was the anti-hero with the fiery aggressive temper, whereas savage was the mad man with the short schizophronic fuse.

3:triple h vs stone cold: i think was the best feud ever,they had such a history,triple h tried to cripple him, austin locked him in a room to get bitten by a poisonous snake, hhh had him run over,austin, had him lifted about thirty feet in the air in a limo and dropped to the ground full force,they attacked people close to them(hhh attacked jr austin's beat friend, austin attacked stephanie, triple h's wife, the no touch policy, where they weren't allowed to touch each so they thought of ways to verbally attack each other, before finally ending the near year and a half feud, with the three stsges of hell match one of the great matches of all time, with triple h winning, greatest feud ever

honorable mentions: sting vs nwo ,raven vs sandman, jericho vs michaels (2008 feud), kane vs undertaker(1st feud) ,and hart foundation vs austin,.
I feel that ECW was exploding in the mid to late 90s, the Taz/Sabu rivalry was HOT until Barely Legal '97. Former tag champs who started feuding without ever having a contest. The lights going out, the staredowns, the Taz promos. This was a very underrated rivalry because at this time ECW wasn't yet in the mainstream. Dreamer/Raven was a pretty damn good feud too.
Wow! There are so much to choose from: Here are my 2 cents of some of the greatest rivals to ever face each other:
Macho Man Randy Savage vs Ricky Steamboat- I've seen a few Savage-Steamboat matches prior to their classsic at Wrestlemania 3. And let me tell you. They always put on one helleva match weather it was 90,000 or 10,000 in attendance. Classic rivals!!

Bret Hart vs Mr. Perfect- I've seen Hart and Perfect have many matches at house shows wwhen I was a little kid. The same saying goes for this one: They never had a bad match and would always put on a helluve pay per view performance.

Rey Mysterio vs Eddie Guerrero- These 2 men were the King Of Their Craft. I've never seen a bad match from these 2 every time they wrestled. It was like watching magic unfold before your eyes. It was the later part of their lenghty WWE Fued that I enjoyed the most.

Chris Benoit vs Kurt Angle- Even though he's gone and did those terrible crimes,I have to give credit where it's due. This rivalry consisted on solid pure wrestling that probably willne never be duplicated again! A Classic Rivalry that never disappointed

The Rockers vs The Hart Foundation- Throughout late 1989 and certain times in 1990. These 2 teams had an on oand off rivalry. Their matches usually went beyond the 20 minute mark. Face paced, off the wall wrestling that we might never see again as far as the tag team division is concerned!

Undertaker vs Mankind- This was a long running rivalry that lasted about a full year in 1996 and then resumed at one point in mid 1998. I've always enjoyed their matches and seeing the risks that these 2 put their bodies through ever time they faced each other made you hurt by just seeing it!!

The Rock vs Stone Cold Steve Austin- What can I say that has not already been said about this rivalry! A Great one indeed! (Excuse the pun!!)
wow. though choice but I'll go with:

WcW vs nWo: Sure, it was silly to see half of the WcW roster fight the other half with predictable run-ins but around 97 it was the bomb. Cuz new people kept joining the nWo and created an atmosphere of intrigue. (The Giant, Randy Savage, Scott Steiner's turns). With countless wrestlers being attacked and painted this whole thing came to a head with the return of Sting. There was no other match as early anticipated as Sting vs Hogan at Starcade 97 during WcW's entire history in my opinion.

WWE vs Alliance: similar to the NWO feud after WcW and ECW went out of business. Brought in some awesome fantasy matches and introduced WWE fans to wrestlers they might not be familiar with (Lance Storm, Mike Awesome, DDP etc). The surprise turn of Stone Cold (despite being a heel always got a face reaction) really gave this feud an edge and helped establish Kurt Angle to superstar status.

Austin vs Angle: Already explained above, they put on some awesome matches. They were magic in the ring. And the milk bath.... (Milk-O-Mania is running wild)

Bret Hart vs Owen Hart: As a young kid I watched this feud begin and heat up. Owen was amazing at drawing fan heat. Quite possibly one of the best heels ever. The years-long feud produced some great matches and even better heat. Summerslam 94's cage match was incredible, Owen getting his mother to cost Bret the WWF title by throwing in the towl was icing on the cake (vs Bob Backlund in submission match). There was also one incident where Owen won the WWF title, but had the decision overturned.

Stone Cold vs Vince McMahon: This feud created several priceless TV moments (cement in car, monster truck, countless stunners, beer bath and cage match). Vince tried foiling Austin's title reign by re-packaging Mick Foley as Dude Love, Kane's one day title reign, handicap matches etc. And Austin always was the last to laugh. Their chemestry and promos were priceless "Vince, I can't hear you cuz you got 25,000 people calling you an a**hole".... nice.

And: Edge/Christian vs Dudleyz vs Hardyz: Wrestlemania 2000, TLC 1 and 2. Nuff said!
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