Who wears the pink?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Breast awareness month is comming up, and wwe last year let cena be the guy to wear the big pink shirt. it was good for business makes sense to let the top guy to wear the big shirt, but cena is gone this year and seems to state he wont be a voice in this storyline by saying im comming back to be a champion not a voice. so who will wear that shirt? 1st off you dont wanna give it to a heel. it doesnt seem right to let the shirt go on a heel.
so who do you think needs to wear it. i say d bryan and it could be a pink shirt saying "Say NO! to breastcancer"
Let Bryan do it, he could have two shirts for it.

"Say NO! to breastcancer."

"Say YES! to fighting breastcancer."

They'll eat it up and WWE will have easy money to donate. I think Cena's gonna come back to promote the movement though.
Let Bryan do it, he could have two shirts for it.

"Say NO! to breastcancer."

"Say YES! to fighting breastcancer."

They'll eat it up and WWE will have easy money to donate. I think Cena's gonna come back to promote the movement though.

Yeah those shirts ideas are actually really good and I could see them doing something like that.

Are they going to have the pink ropes and stuff again?
The clear answer to this question is Daniel Bryan. He is currently the top face in the company and is involved the main storyline. He is the logical choice to where the inspiring color of the month. Also this could be a bonus to putting off D. Bryan regaining the WWE Championship til' next months PPV, Battleground.
What the hell? Why are you guys treating the representation of Breast Cancer Awareness like it's some championship??

Everybody in their own way should do it. Have all of them cut a promo solely for Breast Cancer Month. Heels pay tribute to causes just as much as faces do. To say a heel can't wear pink is practically shameful. No matter how "bad" they are, they are still human beings.

Cena, Bryan, Ryback, Punk, Divas, etc should all don the pink to show support.
Nobody should.

Cena is truly the only one out there with freedom to discuss issues such as breast awareness, and how proud he is to be part of a company that has such strong awareness of breast cancer issues. Now let's look at Daniel Bryan, shall we?

For lack of a better word, he's been 'raging against the machine' since Summerslam. So how is he, or any other face, going to don the pink and speak about the company's great awareness for breast cancer, when it's the very same 'company', or at least it's leaders, that he's railing against? Further, all the faces in the locker room ran out in support of Daniel Bryan on Monday. How do any of them wear the pink yet still take part in the storyline? The only true option is CM Punk, but he's not exactly a corporate guy, is he? Let him wear it, but for him to speak up about it wouldn't fit his character.

It's great if WWE airs commercials showing their support. Those show the separation between the real people, and the storylines they are involved in. But to disrupt the biggest storyline they have going on with a its top face, or any face, showing 'company support' on any issue is contraindicative.

No matter how "bad" they are, they are still human beings.

Cena, Bryan, Ryback, Punk, Divas, etc should all don the pink to show support.
Only if they do it in the informercials they air as they do in support of Susan G. Coleman. As you said, they're human beings. And those are the times they're truly human beings, not characters. They can promote the cause as human beings, and carry out their storylines as performers. Unless it's Cena, you separate the two.
@ridingspider first off all you had'nt been paying any attention to wwe.
wwe seems heartless at time cm punk was making fun of a dead man ealier this year.
its not that heels shouldnt. its that wwe wont let them. you really think their gonna let the brutal randy orton wear a pink shirt? seriously? wwe made fun of king's heartache.
made fun of bearer. and even a injured edge. wwe wants their heels to be evil not nice guys.
Anyone with a personal story that is comfortable with the topic should do it first and foremost. Real stories have the biggest connection with the audience. Putting it on DB would be fine because of his popularity but if the goal is to really get to people the best way is with genuine life stories and emotion.

This is going to sound horrible but my next choice would The Prime Time Players. I guess that makes me sexist and homophobic but why not. Titus is an excellent speaker and he's not the type you'd expect pushing breast cancer awareness. Darren Young has reached a more mainstream audience with his coming out. It appears as if WWE wants to push these guys who don't have a lot going on right now, this may be a positive way to do it. Darren's sexuality doesn't have to be mentioned but in some ways it is still a wink-wink to the TMZ-loving audience.

Speaking of being sexist, it's bizarre but the last group I'd have promote breast cancer awareness are the Divas. It seems counter intuitive but I don't think they would reach the audience nearly as well as the men.
For lack of a better word, he's been 'raging against the machine' since Summerslam. So how is he, or any other face, going to don the pink and speak about the company's great awareness for breast cancer, when it's the very same 'company', or at least it's leaders, that he's railing against? Further, all the faces in the locker room ran out in support of Daniel Bryan on Monday. How do any of them wear the pink yet still take part in the storyline? The only true option is CM Punk, but he's not exactly a corporate guy, is he? Let him wear it, but for him to speak up about it wouldn't fit his character.

You can say they represent the cause on an individual level, not a corporate one.

@ridingspider first off all you had'nt been paying any attention to wwe.

haven't* and I have, but let's see where this goes.

wwe seems heartless at time cm punk was making fun of a dead man earlier this year.

You mean a man who worked for the company and helped make it what it is, and in reality would have probably been okay with the angle. It is not for us to say whether or not Moody would have been cool with it, since neither of us knew him as well as the people running WWE do.

Since WWE gave it the go ahead, I don't see the problem.

its not that heels shouldnt. its that wwe wont let them. you really think their gonna let the brutal randy orton wear a pink shirt? seriously?

I didn't say they should all go out wearing pink t shirts with matching wristbands, did I? I said they should cut a promo about Awareness. They've done it with Be A Star, an anti-bullying campaign for fucks sake. So why not have a heel or two showing some awareness?

And maybe a few stars, preferably faces, since heels love cancer, should go out wearing pink.

Just don't have it like a damn title, as your OP practically implied.

wwe made fun of king's heartache.

I don't recall a time Jerry Lawler aired his woes over past lady friends, but if WWE made fun of it, then it must have been hysterical.

made fun of bearer.

Even Bearer made fun of Bearer.

and even a injured edge.

Yeah, making fun of Edge is right up there with making fun of Bearer :rolleyes:

Diesel pulled "Mad Dog" Vachon's prosthetic leg off and attempted to use it as a weapon. If you think WWE should start being more sympathetic, then we would see hugs given out more than punches.

wwe wants their heels to be evil not nice guys.

-Rock The Vote
-Be A Star
-Make A Wish Foundation
-among other causes/public interests

Heels and Faces alike have been featured in promotional videos, and will be featured. So this one time for this one cause, they shouldn't?

Give me a break. You can be an asshole like Sandow, play a role in raising awareness, and still get booed.
Hate to be the voice of logic, but maybe, just maybe, with Cena away it could be, I dunno, someone with BREASTS. The reality is that whoever they have speak on the topic will be taken seriously because it is serious. Hell, it could be Hornswoggle, Khali and Zach Ryder, and people would listen, because they should. Yeah, the typical has been Cena, but it doesn't need to be a huge name because the huge name is really the cause.
I've seen some stuff about Cena possibly making some appearances promoting this so I wouldn't totally rule him out.

If I remember right Layla's mom died from cancer. I'm pretty sure she talked about it last year so I could see her talking about it again.
Punk and Bryan make no sense storyline wise as they are anti corporate.

The Miz is would be my option. He loves doing the rounds promoting things.
You can say they represent the cause on an individual level, not a corporate one.

Meh. I understand the logic, I just don't like the idea.

It's simply not Bryan's character, and I don't like wrestlers stepping out of character in order to plug a cause in an area in which doesn't involve them as a wrestler. It's why I like the commercial WWE airs in support, it shows them as human beings, outside the job.

The only real person for the job is John Cena, because he's so head-and-tails above the rest of the roster that his character can handle it, plus it's consistent with his character.

It's not with Daniel Bryan. CM Punk might work, but only in wearing something symbolic, but not doing the corporate shill.
Hate to be the voice of logic, but maybe, just maybe, with Cena away it could be, I dunno, someone with BREASTS.

Brodus Clay, maybe? :)

I don't think whether somebody is face or heel or involved in certain storylines is relevant really when it comes to something like promoting awareness of breast cancer. It's not like they're going to drop it in as a plot point into the Bryan/Corporation feud.

I agree that having a Diva help raise awareness would be good too. While breast cancer can affect men too these campaigns are usually aimed at women I sometimes think the message would be more salient if coming from a woman.
If I remember right Layla's mom died from cancer. I'm pretty sure she talked about it last year so I could see her talking about it again.

That sounds about right, I seem to recall her talking about it last year. With things like this it is acceptable to break the fourth wall. They should have one diva and one male wrestler speaking and/or making publicity appearances for this. I'd support the idea of having Layla speak again if she was willing to do it.

As for the male wrestler, it honestly should be Cena. It fits with his "never give up" attitude. They could perhaps bring back his pink merchandise that he used last year and bring back the pink ring ropes. It's a good cause and I'm glad WWE has offered support. I hope they do it again. I do like the Danien Bryan idea that was suggested. While not as good as Cena, it's worth looking into. The fans are very much into the YES/NO chants so it's a good way to incorporate that into a real world issue that needs support. When it comes to making the appearances though, Cena remains the best candidate. He's always great for things like that.
Cut a promo for breast cancer from all the wrestlers and give them an armband or something for the month to wear in the ring. No crazy pink outfits that can take away from the message. Nothing fancy just create awareness
The only real person for the job is John Cena, because he's so head-and-tails above the rest of the roster that his character can handle it.

This isn't the John Cena show anymore. The answer to any question should never be "No one, Cena only". Let Daniel Bryan do it. He doesn't need to beat people over the head with it the way Cena does. He'll do it his own way. And Daniel Bryan has been more over than John Cena for months now. So the "head-and-tails above the rest" is inaccurate.

The same thing with main eventing WrestleMania for example.

It's the only way any other star will become the next John Cena. Not just breast-cancer awareness, but everything else that goes with being the top guy. And maybe even do it better! It's the only way any other star will rise above the rest of the roster.
Let Bryan do it, he could have two shirts for it.

"Say NO! to breastcancer."

"Say YES! to fighting breastcancer."

They'll eat it up and WWE will have easy money to donate. I think Cena's gonna come back to promote the movement though.

Definitely. I think a less wordy/repetitive slogan for the "Yes" part would be if they had a pink shirt

Front: Say NO! To Breast Cancer

Back: Say YES! To a Cure

Every shirt sold donates X amount of dollars to breast cancer research. Simple formula, shirt would sell like crazy for a good cause.
It doesn't HAVE to be a top guy doing the Breast Cancer stuff. I know that Breast Cancer Awareness is a serious cause, but why not use the month of October as a way to get someone else over and give them a temporary push.

Why not have Brodus, Tensai, and the Funkadactyls coming out in pink attire?

Or just start putting someone like Zack Ryder or Alex Riley in a pair of pink trunks and let them start wrestling on TV more often and winning.

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