Who was the best novelty character in the WWE?

CM Steel

A REAL American
Over the years in the WWE in every era there would be a character that would somewhat play the comic relief of that show. Santino is a good example of that day in the WWE. But in your own opinion. Who was the best novelty character in the WWE?

My personal answer would have to be...the Godfather. During the infamous attitude era, the Godfather would play the "happy wrestler" role. And he would have a bond and connection with the WWF/E fans (mainly with the men & boys). Apart of his success led him to win the WWF/E IC title. Because the Godfather had been doing a good job at that point. So to me that's my choice.

To in your opinion. Who was the best novelty character in the WWE?
Today? I'd have to say Fandango. Y2J put him over and he's had some pretty good matches. They added Summer Rae to his schtick, yet despite not being involved in a major storyline all year he has been able to remain relevant. I believe he got a shot at the IC title, but other than that hasn't really gotten a push. His feud with Santino has been entertaining, but I was hoping Santino would take on a more serious side upon his return. I'm hoping he's in the 30 man battle royal and has a strong showing. WWE should also be pushing to get him Dancing w/the stars if he continues to be featured in the lower-card because at least he'd give the company some publicity and if he won could be written into a storyline for him to push him up the card.
It depends how you define Novelty... Fandango to me is not a novelty, he just has a gimmick, likewise a Papa Shango, Godfather or even a Santino or Eugene.

a Novelty wrestler is someone who is brought in who wouldn't fit normally either cos of size, appearance or their use is purely to be a comedy talent. El Torito is a classic example of a Novelty as is Hornswoggle and the Gobbldeygooker. These are guys who rarely wrestle, although they could, are used as entertainment for the younger kids rather... a more extreme version would be Big Dick Johnson or even Michael Cole when he wrestled.

Doink is a good example in his latter tenures of a serious gimmick becoming a novelty, more recently even guys like R-Truth seem to do more "skits for the crowd" than wrestle...his "Pretty Ricky" stuff for example or skits with the kinds on live shows.

Santino is a VERY serious worker given a comedy gimmick... doesn't really make him a novelty act because he is pushed relatively seriously to that gimmick. A novelty is never given anything approaching a major push.

To me I think the best was probably Gillberg... in that it was a great spoof on a famous name of the time, done in a semi serious style but was never intended to show Duane Gill as a serious member of the roster. That it served to mock the competiton at such a crucial time in the Monday Night Wars... even if you were a Goldberg fan it was funny and even if you got mad like Bill clearly did, eventually you'd see the funny side of it.

The closest they have right now is Adam Rose in NXT, if they stick with the gimmick as is then he could either go serious and be a great character or quickly end up in novelty territory. The scary thing is how much the guy actually LOOKS like the Genius as well as acting like him. Did Lanny have a stopover in South Africa at some point lol?
I didn't think I would, but I ended up liking The Boogeyman. Everything about him worked. He had the clock in his mouth, the scary music and of course the worms. He was an older dude, but had an awesome physique. Very limited in the ring, but they were able work around it. I don't recall him ever having a major feud, but he was always fun to watch.
I mean this in the best way possible, Kane in 1999. He was taken seriously, and at the same time he came off as a fired up Jason Voorhees. I thought that would be the best example of an amazing "novelty" gimmick.
Of if you are Santino funny to watch...enough to get a slap from Cornette lol

Boogeyman is another pure novelty, not really there to do much but be odd... the eating of Gillian's mole is still one of the most disturbing things WWE has ever put out.

One group that have come to mind are the Oddities. They had the Insane Clown Posse who were certainly novelty wrestlers, they had Hank the Angry Dwarf who though he never wrestled was a personality for a few weeks and they had Giant Silva who definitely was a novelty wrestler - he had no talent, no real ability but on sheer size he was a scary dude dwarfing even Kurgann.

You could also probably add David Arquette, Seth Green, Hugh Jackman and just about any celebrity who ever got involved in a match to the novelty train.

It's also made the think of one group that will create a LOT of debate - The McMahons themselves...All bar Linda have held some form of title... Vince as WWE champion, Shane as Euro and Steph as Womens... They are kind of the ultimate novelty acts as except for Shane they have never really been "pushed" as wrestlers but the management getting involved in matches.

Shane was a bit different as he had clearly got the skills to actually be a legit main eventer but his name was never gonna let that happen. He'd had the benefit of two decades of growing up and "training" with some of the best ever... his childhood and teens would probably have been a wrestling fans dream... he also learned the ropes as a ref and backstage so I'd class him more in the serious competitor class but Vince winning the Rumble or the title - pure novelty.

For me the runners up are The Bushwhackers... pure novelty, opposite of what they were known for and used more often in skits than serious feuds.
In recent years, Ron Simmons and his "DAMN!" always brought a smile to my face. It was also unexpected: Ron Simmons as a comedy novelty act? But it worked well.

More of a comedy angle than novelty was Heath Slater getting beat up each week by a different returning "legend". Maybe not a novelty, but again, the angle worked, and I enjoyed it for what it was.

One of my favorite older novelty acts had to George The Animal Steele, circa mid-80s. By that point, he was wrestling occasionally, he had his feud with Savage, but moreover he was doing some really funny backstage comedy skits and of course...eating the turnbuckle.
My all time favorite novelty act was Gillberg. Even when I was 6, I knew exactly who he was pretending to be, and it made me both angry and laugh at the same time. And the fact that he had a championship was even better. He's probably not the greatest of all time. But that's just fond childhood memories.

I think Santino has gone farther up the ladder than any novelty act ever has. Hell, people wanted him to win the Royal Rumble for christ's sake. So pushing my nostalgia aside, I'll go with Santino. (Just because he was pushed doesn't mean he isn't a novelty, he was never going to be a major player with that gimmick, no matter how hard fans cheered)
Im gonna have to go with paul pearer not an actual wrestler but as far as characters go hes one of the most bizarre and memorable the actual idea of that character was just plain ridiculous but it worked brilliantly for whatever reason lol.
I'd go with Doink. Even though Matt Osborne was an actually decent wrestler he never really got to show it with the Doink persona.

I liked both heel/evil Doink and the fun face Doink.

I was the right age at the time to really enjoy it and I think adding Dink to the mix just made it that much better.

I liked to see him bother wrestlers in both roles and I thought it was funny when he would give a kid balloon and then pop it.

I know multiple people played Doink and I like that they can put pretty much anyone in the costume and still have it be funny.

So for comedic reasons Doink takes it for me.
This is easy...UNDERTAKER!!! An evil grave digger beholden to his Morturary owning manager, without a doubt the best novelty gimmick ever considering how long it has lasted and how popular it has been.
I'd have to say Daniel Bryan is a good novelty act, a way to tell fans "Hey, you're small and you don't matter, but you can still try to make it!"
The Hurricane for mine, I hated Shane Helms in WCW, but I loved The Hurricane gimmick, and when he went over The Rock on Raw in 2001, I lost my shit big time. One of the greatest moments in raw history, often forgotten
The Hurricane for mine, I hated Shane Helms in WCW, but I loved The Hurricane gimmick, and when he went over The Rock on Raw in 2001, I lost my shit big time. One of the greatest moments in raw history, often forgotten

I think that moment was in 2003 my friend. When a heel Rock was feuding with Stone Cold Steve Austin heading into Wrestlemania 19 in Seattle. The Rock lost nothing jobbing to the Hurricane. But I agree with you, a great moment in RAW history and something that is often forgotten.
If we are going for comedy value, then I would have to go with Crash Holly. His entire 22 runs as Hardcore Champion were awsome to watch and could very well be discribed as the Attitude Eras version of Santino.
I always found Zach Gowen to be the definition of a novelty wrestler. For a one legged guy, he had some good moves, but let's be honest, it was never believable when he won. Other novelty figures....well Oddities were mentioned, how about Bull Nakano? Japenese women's wrestler brought in to feud with Alundra Blaze(aka Maduse) during early nineties. Large women with decent moves. Another women from around the time was .. can't remember her name but she dressed like an over large baby or a doll of some kind.
Duke the Dumpster drowsi was always fun to watch, and of course Darren 'Puke' Drozdov and his grooming into a 3rd/replacement member of LOD/ LOD 2000 prior to his accident.
I remember around late 97-early 98 they'd have midget wrestlers I believe they would be an example of novelty wrestlers. It just never really connected anymore despite Vince trying to push it.
For me it's gotta be The Boogeyman, as a kid he scared the living hell out of me. He had a great look for sure, everything that went into his appearances like the music the lighting and the worms came together to make this guy legitimately terrifying for the kiddies. If he'd been better in the ring and a little younger he could've been pretty successful but considering what he brought to the table I liked the way he was used.

Honorable mention to Gillberg :icon_razz:
Danny Davis. Started off as a referee, became a crooked referee, then joined up with the Hart Foundation in 3 man tag matches. He was the first novelty wrestler that I can remember, so in my mind he was the original.

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