Who Wants To Join One More Fantasy B-Ball League?

Cena's Little Helper

Mid-Card Championship Winner
This ESPN one's fucking weird (but sweet looking), so post in here if you're interested, and I'll handle your email addy and Team Name through PM (apparently, I have to invite you through email to join this one, so...).
[YOUTUBE]kffacxfA7G4&ob=av2e[/YOUTUBE] i love the Bieber boy :L:L:L:L:L:L:L
Go to "My Team" and then "Team Settings." This shit's much more complicated than yahoo's fantasy league interface, but jmt225 tells me that it's about ten times as better (he better be right :suspic:).
Well fuck, I'm not seeing it and neither is my dad. If you could change it to "Team Pimp", that'd be wondaful darling.
I've always wanted to do a fantasy football thing, but I always forget until too late. I'm only just getting into basketball myself, but......well, fuck it. Count me in.
Jose, Buffalo, jmt, Marquis, and I are good to go. Norm and Angel still have outstanding invitations. So, five more people...jmt, get in here and wrangle some people. Better yet, if you can find them, get Cookie, Asshole Becker, and Gi to join.

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