Who Should WWE Really Fear, TNA Or WSX?


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Okay, alot of people enjoy both TNA and WSX more then WWE. WWE is so far the most popular professional wrestling industry. However, TNA comes in at second while WSX comes in at third. TNA first picked a war when they made a promo of a fake Vince McMahon and a fake Triple H entering the Impact Zone. They continued after they reached prime time. WSX went straight ahead trying to feud with WWE's ECW. So who do you think WWE should be concerned about more?
ya buddy, WSX has been canceled due 2 low ratings, so WWE feels like their goal is complete. Get ready 4 ECW 2 get 10x worse again! WWE has been the more developed fed. for generations. TNA just started 5 years ago, but is still competition. As 4 ROH, if it had a TV deal & TNA still allowed its stars like Joe 2 appear, it would be up there 2.
As of right now I don't see anyone competing with the WWE. Even though they have their problems, they're top notch when compared to TNA and ROH.
They shouldn't fear any rival wrestling promotion currently. TNA, ROH and WSX put together don't have the fanbase neccesary to legitimately take on WWE. I do have to disagree with the statement that that WWE is "top notch" compared to TNA and ROH, in my opinion at least. I've watched WWE for 13 years but after watching just one show of iMPACT! I realised what a piss poor excuse for a wrestling company it has become.

Nice to see this hasn't imploded in another WWE vs. Whoever thread. lol.
WWE has no one to fear IMO. The night TNA and WWE went head to head proved that. WSX has been cancelled and ROH doesn't really appeal to the main audience of WWE.
WWE doesn't need to fear anything at this point unless Ted Turner gets a hankering to get back into the wrestling race...which is beyond doubtful at present. TNA is at least five years away from doing anything significant in terms of opposing the WWE. Their main goal at this time is surviving enough to turn a profit and stay alive, while taking their show on the road in a profitable manner. WSX is dead and discussion of them doing anything is completely moot. WWE should fear themselves, if they're going to be afraid of anything. They have all of the resources necessary, but keep tripping over their own damn feet in terms of productivity and good decision-making with regards to booking and talent. The only way TNA or ANY other wrestling company is legitimately going to oppose the WWE, is if WWE mismanages themself into a position like they were in back in the early/mid 1990's when they helped the business cool itself into a fat depression. This would open the door for another company to pull a WCW-styled coup and make things intersting.
unless ted turner comes in and buys another wrestling company or another guy who is a multi-billionaire buys a company wwe has nothing to fear really at all unless we see roh and tna combined they will be a bigger threat to smackdown and maybe raw a little
I don't think that the WWE really has to fear anyone at the moment, because companies like TNA have been in the market for years, but still haven't caught up to the WWE, but this doesn't mean that they don't have every chance to do it in the future. The WWE can keep riding along on this wave of security and comfort in the wrestling world, but companies like TNA and ROH are on the rise, and the WWE's number 1 spot could definitely be under siege in the future.

It is a shame that because of the WWE's current status, the viewers aren't turning to another company like TNA, but instead, the wrestling interest has dropped. Sure, every company has a long way to go to reach the popularity of the WWE, but I think they should be wary of these companies, because they can take it to them in the future.

WSX has a few problems, what with the talk of cancellation and the like, but they did achieve solid numbers in their opening shows, which is a good sign for little companies like them.

WWE is probably not fearful at the moment, but they should be wary that there are companies out there that have the tools to overtake them. Maybe not now, but anything like TNA going to two hours, could be the turning point for them. They better keep an eye out on TNA, because it is a company that is leading the race in competition to the WWE, and don't be surprised if we see TNA getting the numbers that the WWE has now in a few years.
WWE should'nt fear anybody at the moment. When TNA get's two hour's and get's rid of wrestler's that have had there day. Then maybe they should start to worry a little. Personally I think TNA are a good 5 year's away from being anywhere near WWE's league.
The only thing WWE has to fear at this point is UFC. UFC doesn't get anywhere near the ratings Raw and Smackdown get, yet their PPV Buys are skyrocking right past WWE's. UFC 66 did 1 million buys, it has a shot to beat WM 23 in buys. So at this point it's UFC that Vince should be worried about.
I don't see any reason why WWE needs to fear WSX because it looks like it's going to be canceled. I think WWE should have maybe 1/100th of an ounce of fear in TNA. TNA could become big if the big name superstars didn't want so much money like Goldberg and Hulk Hogan do. I love TNA's X Division and they've thought of some great types of matches. After seeing TNA go head to head with WWE during the dog show week, I think WWE can breathe easy. I did like the VKM angle on TNA though. If Triple H didn't hate them so much (not sure how HBK feels about them), I think they would of joined DX (I read somewhere that after the VKM/WWE storyline lost steam that VKM wanted out of TNA and wanted to join up with Triple H and HBK) and X-Pac would of joined too and left WSX. VKM could get the tag titles, X-Pac gets the cruser, HBK gets the intercontinental and Triple H gets the WWE title. Honestly I'd rather see HHH and HBK flipped but I doubt HHH would go for that.
maybe in a few years TNA might be in posistion to strike a litte bit of fear into WWE but that won't be happening for awhile as TNA has a lot of growing to do
So what's so great about TNA, roh, and wsx? Why are they so great? Because they focus on "wrestling?" Euuuwww....dun duhn dunnn. Big deal, "wreslting," one thing. That's it? Just wrestling? One thing? WWE has a lot of things going for it in feuds, storylines, characters, promotional events, comedy etc. etc. etc...... to keep the fan happy.

All roh is, is just teenagers doing little amateur stunts that are tantamount to the stunts done on the show jack*** to get an "aLLLLLL" reaction from the crowd. I do not watch wrestling for "aLLLLs" I watch wrestling for feuds and competition.
Just like I don't watch skateboarding or motocross because I am not a fan of aLLLLs. Maybe for those things allll reactions are necessary but they do not belong in wrestling. Especially as the main catalyst of a wrestling show.

If you like roh than your probably a fan of "aLLLLs" and not wrestling. You are indeed an "aLLLL" fan. Enjoy your mindless viewing. :thumbsup:
^TNA, ROH, and to a much lesser extent WSX actually have in-ring action that is worth a damn on occasion. Why do you think that wrestling is in a recession at present? Maybe because the one dominant company doing it sucks at the most important aspect of a wrestling show? Dare I say it? WRESTLING. All the other trimmings can keep the average "fan" happy. I'm a fan of wrestling. I like the matches. If the match sucks, then the rest of the show hold no water and is just horribly scripted reality TV with ZERO payoff because the nucleus of the show sucks major ass. You really sound like you've spent loads of time watching ROH to formulate such a well-rounded opinion of it, considering their top talent is probably the best technical wrestler in America right now (and he actually runs their school). Save the mindless viewing comment for yourself. Have fun with the Donald Trump segments and epic Batista/Cena encounters. At least TNA, ROH, and WSX don't have to pre-tape their Friday show just so they can insert crowd reactions to matches that lull the goddamn crowd to sleep.
I'd say WWE would have to worry about TNA (not now of course). I mean, TNA has a bit of people that came from the WWE (Team 3D, Kurt Angle, Christian Cage, Rhino). I do agree with the person that said the WWE should fear itself. I mean, the stuff is just getting more predictable and the finishers are getting even worse. I have been watching TNA for about a month now, and all I can say is they have better finishers and more creative matches. What the WWE needs to do is step up their game like the good ol' days with the Monday Night War and the Attitude Era.
Well well, if it isn't the great smark hope himself. The fact that you talk so much about how great wrestling is and yet never once mention anybody you were happy to see win a match indicates that your probably a fan of "moves" and not "wrestling." And I will continue to enjoy the Donald trump segments. I'm a huge fan of the Apprentice and a huge fan of Vincent Kennedy Mcmahon and I am enjoying this feud. Thank you.
Well well, if it isn't the great smark hope himself. The fact that you talk so much about how great wrestling is and yet never once mention anybody you were happy to see win a match indicates that your probably a fan of "moves" and not "wrestling." And I will continue to enjoy the Donald trump segments. I'm a huge fan of the Apprentice and a huge fan of Vincent Kennedy Mcmahon and I am enjoying this feud. Thank you.
Why would I comment on being happy about someone winning a match when the match blows goats? I fail to see the logic in doing so. Are there times when I've marked out and reverted to my pre-internet days of yelling at my TV and jumping around my living room like a lunatic? Hell yes. Recently? Sparsely. My problem is that those moments are further and fewer between these days because the quality of what happens in the ring is damned pathetic. I can't even count how many times I've had to rewatch a taped edition of Smackdown in the last few years because I actually fell asleep upon the first viewing. McMahon is a moron and this angle (amongst others) is further proof that he has completely lost touch with reality in regards to his product. If I was just a fan of "moves" then I'd be pissing my pants in ecstasy every time Raw or Smackdown aired. But that is pretty much the polar opposite of how those shows make me feel most times.
That's very articulate of you. Why don't you try explaining how a match was bad. At least give me something to work with here.:blink:
Okay. Let's try the recent "main event" of Batista vs. Kane from Smackdown. Laughable execution from two guys in the ring who embarrassed themselves, their company (if that's even possible at this point), and the title they were fighting over by delivering a piss-poor executed yawnfest. It had so much weak and disjointed movement, that I swore I was watching two snails get freaky in the ring. How about Benoit sleeping through his matches and barely getting crowds to wake up? If you want I can give you whole summaries on everything that pisses me off about the shows.
Ratings and attendance numbers don't lie.

I think you mean to say, "One or two people" or, "a handful of smarks."

Vince does not fear either of them, nor should he.
There wouldn't be such fierce debate on boards like this if people were just ultra-happy and completely satisfied with WWE product. Ratings and attendance numbers would be expected to be larger for a company that's been around for decades and sufficiently destroyed mismanaged competition less than a decade earlier. They are the dominant warlords entrenched in the hillside holding all the guns. Why wouldn't they have the highest gates and TV ratings? Redundancy at its utmost.

You are right in that the ratings and attendance numbers don't lie. WWE programming average two complete points higher at the turn of the millenium (sometimes higher). The new ECW had roughly half of its ratings vanish like a fart in the wind inside of one year. Plus, WWF/E held posession of the primary competitor WCW (and couldn't even hold onto the meager two points WCW was raking in at the time they tanked). Obviously everything isn't firing on all cylinders or the WWE wouldn't be reconfiguring its PPV strategy and McMahon wouldn't be turning ECW into his pet project. He also wouldn't have cancelled all of his press conferences due to TNA interference.

I do agree that Vince isn't "afraid" of them...but he damn sure knows they exist.
Vince shouldnt be scared really, i mean i depise alot of WWE's product and WSX is a bit shit, if you ask me you can tell its MTV produced from the get go. i like TNA and i like the style they work with and i can relate better to there talent and i prefer to watch there matches. but WWE has a different set of fans that want something different from a wrestling product WWE and TNA are two completley different companys with different styles of execution.

So no vince shouldnt be scared he has a 30 year head start on TNA, and people need to remember that.

Ratings and attendance numbers don't lie.

yes they do, its called Consumer Complacency. There has been no large scale alternative product to WWE in a while and if you want to watch wrestling what else do you watch WWE. Then there is the fact that there is still the young ones out there (8-13 year olds) that can relate better with WWE's over the top characters and story arcs, and believe that "undertaker really did kill kane and bury him in the a casket" or that Orton hurt Cena because he really doesnt like him and wants to injure him badly...Different keys audiences and you have to choose which league to follow.
world wrestling of donald trump =]
idk .. corny maybe.. but hes in the wrestling scene now... not as a wrestler... but he seems god dam interested... why doesn the do that? then here comes the reincarnation of the good old wcw

HAHA "Trump Championship Wrestling" !!
Maybe not as stupid as it originally sounds. WE all know Trump's an egomaniac that will put his name on anything he can. No doubt he's gaining some knowledge from Vinnie Mac behind the scenes.

:twocents: and he's got the cash to stack his roster.:twocents:

Don't see it happenin anytime soon, but wouldn't be shocked if it did.
So what's so great about TNA, roh, and wsx? Why are they so great? Because they focus on "wrestling?" Euuuwww....dun duhn dunnn. Big deal, "wreslting," one thing. That's it? Just wrestling? One thing? WWE has a lot of things going for it in feuds, storylines, characters, promotional events, comedy etc. etc. etc...... to keep the fan happy.

All roh is, is just teenagers doing little amateur stunts that are tantamount to the stunts done on the show jack*** to get an "aLLLLLL" reaction from the crowd. I do not watch wrestling for "aLLLLs" I watch wrestling for feuds and competition.
Just like I don't watch skateboarding or motocross because I am not a fan of aLLLLs. Maybe for those things allll reactions are necessary but they do not belong in wrestling. Especially as the main catalyst of a wrestling show.

If you like roh than your probably a fan of "aLLLLs" and not wrestling. You are indeed an "aLLLL" fan. Enjoy your mindless viewing. :thumbsup:

do you go to wrestling events with your spinner belt? you obviously don't know what the fuck you are talking about buddy. ROH is 10x the wrestling WWE is these days. WWE just has more money and a TV deal on ROH. also the WWE has been around alot longer. i think ROH started in 2002 and how many 5 star matches have they had? how many have WWE had since 1997?
I would say that TNA, but then again I don't know WSX (sounds like something from the Stock Exchange). WHile TNA is in second they are a distant second. WWE has alot of people watching since they gobbled up WCW and ECW. But only time will tell.
To me, right now WWE stinks worse than WCW right before Turner pulled the plug. At least WCW had some cool cruiserweights.

All TNA needs to do is rethink their booking a little bit, fire russo, continue developing young stars and supporting a positive and progressive lockerroom. Like Y2Jake said, in 5 years, IF they keep their eye on the prize they can easily have developed the star power and financial stability to compete with WWE. It will only take one "Rock" or "Stone Cold" -popular gimmick to give them the exposure they need.

All WWE has to fear is themselves.

And anyone who says ROH is all about bump wrestling should really take a closer look. ROH is easily the best WRESTLING company in the world. Bumps, storylines, matches, talent, booking, and all the peripherals attached. ROH respects their fans. If you'd rather watch a guy who married the boss's daughter to get where he's at have sex with a dead corpse on live television, watch WWE.

I'll stick with TNA and ROH.
Okay. Let's try the recent "main event" of Batista vs. Kane from Smackdown. Laughable execution from two guys in the ring who embarrassed themselves, their company (if that's even possible at this point), and the title they were fighting over by delivering a piss-poor executed yawnfest. It had so much weak and disjointed movement, that I swore I was watching two snails get freaky in the ring. How about Benoit sleeping through his matches and barely getting crowds to wake up? If you want I can give you whole summaries on everything that pisses me off about the shows.

From what I'm getting you seem to be watching wrestling from the point of view of someone who does not even watch wrestling and thinks wrestling is just a joke. You seem to be viewing wrestling how most people view it as stupid and fake and then coming on here and telling us about it just like a non wrestling fan would.

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