Who Should TNA Sign?

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Uncle Sam

Rear Naked Bloke
Anybody's eligible, although it's probably best if you keep it realistic. Aging legends that have said they ache to get back in the ring, WWE midcarders up for the chop, foreign wrestlers, promising indy guys, that sort of thing.

Austin Aries:
I see so much potential in Aries, I really do. The 450 splash he uses as a finisher makes him seem much spottier than he is, yet he still avoids being one of those "Oh my! Another rest hold! What honour!" guys simultaneously. He doesn't seem too shit on the mic either, and his image was cool. He was pretty over, even as Austin Starr.

The Briscoe Brothers:
I've grown out of this team, I really have. Still, I think if TNA reigned them in a little they could be a promising team. At least an extra storyline for the tag division for a little while.

I could think of others. You might as well though. Go nuts.
I do agree with you, Austin Aries as Aries not as Starr would be a good signing for TNA. But I do believe they need someone else from the indy scenes and someone with experience, I would say Kash and Noble, 'cause, we all know that Noble will end up fired before the end of the year.

I don't think that Briscoes would make an impact, the Pitbulls would more because of Noble, than Kash, but they would be a great signing.

They need to get back Senshi, as he is a TNA Original, and would be great on this feud, he could even become main-event status after this, two more names that would be great for X-Division would be "Azucar" Romero and Delirious.

Of course I would prefer japanese guys like KENTA, Marufuji or even Morishima, but I don't think that TNA has the ability to sign with this guys right now, the same apllies with Danielson and McGuinness.
Popular, but underpushed wrestlers in WWE. TNA should throw money at them. You've got to spend it to make it. The jury is still probably out on Kennedy. But he's popular enough, and underpushed in a lot of peoples eyes. TNA should offer him more than he get's in WWE, I'm sure they could get him.

Same with Carlito. He doesn't like working for WWE, so I read. Give him some money and get him. Instead of trying to get somebody like Aries again, they're better off with some bigger stars. They might do fuck all for buisness. Or TNA might make them into huge stars. They've got to make somebody a star at some point. After 6 years with Styles, and 3 with Joe, I'm guessing it's neither of them.
if there is anyone TNA should sign it's rob van dam he would be able to put on great matches with everyone on the roster from any lowly x division wrestler to sting and kurt angle. RVD was my favorite "entertainer" when i first started watching wwe again. so i'm going to go out on a lim and say that there are others like me who would deff tune into TNA regularly to see him wrestle.
if there is anyone TNA should sign it's rob van dam he would be able to put on great matches with everyone on the roster from any lowly x division wrestler to sting and kurt angle. RVD was my favorite "entertainer" when i first started watching wwe again. so i'm going to go out on a lim and say that there are others like me who would deff tune into TNA regularly to see him wrestle.

I agree TNA should go for the ECW originals like Tommy Deamer I mean come on he's an upper mid carder on ECW jobber everywhere else. Sabu has already wrestled for TNA (barbwire massacare) ring a bell,
Sandman's style would blend in well with the rest of the roster, and last but not least Stevie Richards he is a great performer and could do tna well.
Like others who posted in this thread i say ECW originals. TNA could use some more people who are willing to put on violent, crazy matches. Tommy Dreamer, Balls Mahoney, and Sabu would be great in TNA. I'd pay much more attention to the show if they signed these people. I also agree with Sam that Austin Aries would be a great fit considering he has so much talent.

Two others i'd love to see in TNA is Bobby Lashley, and Goldberg. I know Goldberg is a long shot, but I don't think it's impossible. He would draw like a monster if he got in there, and personally i'm a hugh fucking Goldberg mark and it would interest me so much if they signed him. Bobby Lashley may be doing UFC but he never said he wouldn't come back to wrestling one day, and I think TNA would be a great place for him. I think he should go to TNA instead of WWE because he would get a push he truly deserves, and be a World Champion.

Those are the people that I think TNA would benifit most from signing, and who I would love to see in there.
Absolutely RVD would be the best fit. He has a personal relationship with Joe (RVDTV) and he would fit in perfectly with this whole legends vs young guns feud. I think a stable with Joe, RVD and Sabu would be amazing. Also, RVD probably wants Vince to jump out a window when you consider how he was treated after getting pulled over by the pigs.
I would love to see TNA sign Nigel McGuinness. I think he could be a potential TNA champion 2 to 3 years down the line. He has great wrestling skills and plays a great heel. He's also British. The American wrestling scene realy needs some more wrestlers of foriegn desent. If Nigel debuted on TNA as a British heel he would have instant heat. He could lead even be in a tag team to start out with Doug Williams. (He's rumored to have signed with TNA) Theirs multiple ways that TNA could utilize McGuinness's talents and turn him into a superstar.
I think TNA should hire some more indy women for their kockouts division. Sarah Stock, MsCheif, and Alison Danger would all make awesome knockouts and up the women's division in TNA. All 3 are talented and could work well with the likes of Kong & Roxxi.

Also although he may be a screw up I think Teddy Hart would make an interesting addition to TNA. I think they could have a good storyline for him since of the Hart connection(maybe a Bret appearance)and Teddy is talented and could fit in well with the other X-Divisioners. I think the WWE has finally given up on him but I think TNA could use him to their advantage.
do you guys realize that tna can't sign van dam because his contract will be too big and wwe dosnt want him because his contract is overvalued.

My choice for the person they should sign is justice smith, he was a contestant on tough enough and he is on american gladiators so he will be perfect to be brought in as a matt morgan ally.

Vampiro since he has this TNA like outragious character thing that will work nicely
Personally i tink tna shud sign roderick strong,austin aries, nigel mcguiness and carlito.Roderick and austin were brilliant wen i watched dem in roh on the fight network here in ireland.Nigel wud b great in tna and theyd make him into a star,think of the "new joe".Carlito was entertaining in wwe nd id lyk 2 see him in tna.But for me they need senshi back,hes an original nd is a great performer.also id luv to see sandman or sabu in a feud wit abyss.it wud be epic
Sabu has feuded with Abyss, have you not seen any of TNA, Sabu was in it for a while. Sabu and Abyss feuded, and they had a Barbed Wire Massacre match. Or did you mean you want Sabu to come back to TNA?
Elijah Burke,Lance Cade,Trevor Murdoch,Snitsky,anyone that WWE underused or couldn't find a good angle for.I can see TNA stealing some major stars in a year or 2 as well.Constantly putting the World Title on your son-in-law doesn't go over well with most people.
Who should TNA sign?

No more fucking ex-WWE hacks thats for damn sure. Bring in soem amazing indy wrestlers and push them, build your own names. Its pretty straightforward. The fact that TNA is relying on old guys is ridiculous. They are making the same mistakes as WCW, except with even less popular hacks then WCW had. Rejuvinate the X-division and bring in some athletic indy workers with actual personality and character. TNA really needs to clean out there roster and get rid of all of the garbage and replace them with cheaper, new guys who can be pushed and who can actually work.
I'm gonna go with Tyler Black. Who did TNA build around but AJ, now Tyler is 22 or 23, puts on sick matches has some decent mic skills and is able to get good crowd reactions. With a skill set like the phoenix splash and that small cradle supplex he will make a quick name for himself. Give him the X title quickly and let him showcase his skills with matches against Homicide, Shelley, Sabin, Williams, Lethal, and Dutt. Basically rebuild your cornerstone around a fresh face who the crowd will easily be able to rally around
I would originally have said someone like Carlito, but since he has settled in, and is not working with his brother in a younger WWE, I say keep him. Since I see the future of the WWE being brighter, I don't want to see TNA sign any young stars, they will do better in the WWE. Let TNA go ahead and sign Rob Van Dam. He is aged, but still a great worker. He got Hogan great numbers for his show, so obviously he has a ton of fans. TNA would be wonderful for Rob Van Dam, and vice versa.
Before signing anyone new I think TNA needs to get rid of some of their fat. They already have a full roster, probably in excess really, so why not get rid of some of the talent whose not being used, or not needed, and then make room for new talent that have potential and can take the spots of others. Does TNA need Lance Hoyte (or whatever his name is)? Jimmy Rave? Certainly not. Get rid of Kazarian (whose had his chances and dropped the ball) and bring back Michael Shane, push him in the X division.

What I think TNA needs to do is rework their X division and put some really good effort and emphasis on it and make it stand out. Re-define the division and add some fresh stars with some character and with some potential to it. Doug Williams is someone I would've liked to have seen signed and a bigger part of TNA. I would like to see Paul London get a chance, too, because he could be a good asset to the X division. But honestly, of they do so with the X division they really need to make it as diverse as possible and really bring in people with some character and flavor, not more talent that have no charisma or gimmicks like so many of the bland X division stars of the past. If they developed the X division more with guys like Petey Williams, Davari, Homicide, Alex Shelley, I think it would be far more an asset then it is now. It has a rather nonexistent feel to me now, really.

One name I would like to see in TNA, personally, is Elijah Burke. I think WWE totally wasted his talent and he has a lot of potential if given a shot, and he certainly could get a shot in TNA. He's not some long standing, older WWE reject.. in fact, they didn't even really bring out the star in Burke. So why not take the opportunity in TNA to delve into that untapped potential and make him a star, certainly better then bringing in some older star whose past his prime.
A not so popular guy. A random Wrestler. thats who TNA should sign. I have said it once I have said it Twice. TNA needs to stop hiring WWE Wrestlers. its like KFC employing Ronald Mcdonald. They are already known for what they do in the other brand. TNA needs to build somebody up that has been soley known for work with TNA. Sting don't count.

But seeing it can be anyone.... I agree with RVD, I think it is just what TNA needs, somebody who knows what he is doing and can lead the Company to new levels. but the main reason is i would love to see a Sting vs RVD fued that would own.
I personally think TNA is about 30 seconds from being up shit's creek with talent. I am sorry but I don't really care for much of anybody in TNA that came from TNA. I like Petey Williams solely for his finisher and I have a friend on the indy circuit who does it every bit as well, I like Consequences Creed because he reminds me of Apollo Creed from the Rocky movies and I liked Apollo more than Rocky, and I like Jay Lethal only because of his Macho Man gimmick, that's it. I think A.J. Styles is over rated and over hyped, I think the same and a million times worse of Samoa Joe, and other than that who do you have that is any good in TNA??? Kurt Angle, he's from WWE, who else.... Beer Money Inc.? Both guys suck, MCMG, waaaaaaaay over rated. I can watch a handful of guys in WWE do things every bit as impressive and then some. That's the problem with TNA for me, they have nothing I can't get from WWE ten times better on a grander scale. TNA always hypes everything like it's going to be some big deal then it's always a let down, WWE let's the hype build itself for the most part, they put the plan into action and it just builds. Is it their womens division??? Not to me, I don't understand the big deal about their womens division. Ok you got a girl from WWE who couldn't hack it there, and a bunch of other rejects who couldn't make it there either, so what's the big deal??? I haven't seen anything there either that is as or more impressive than anything in WWE so what's the big deal??? I'll take Mickey James, Melina, and Beth Phoenix over all of the so called "Knockouts". Awesome Kong doesn't count either, anyone who is 4 times the size of the competition isn't very impressive to me. It's like if I went and beat up a bunch of midgets.

TNA needs a complete overhaul. Get rid of all your old used up guys like team 3-D, I hate to say it but Kevin Nash, and Sting, get rid of the waste that isn't going anywhere or doing the company any good like the Rock N Rave Infection, the only thing I haven't figured out about them is which one gave the infection to who. How about Rhino too, get him the fuck out of there, he sucks and always has and always will. Let's get rid of suicide too, what a joke. Ok Kaz everyone knows it's you now just get it over with and get the fuck out, no one cares about a bad Antonio Banderas look-a-like ok. You can drop Abyss into an abyss too, he's the dumbest character I have ever seen and another TNA rip off of a WWE character, actually 2, Kane and Mankind. Eric Young isn't anything special you can shit-can him, Homicide and Hernandez are good in the ring but horrible walking stereotypes, I don't get it, why does any wrestler of Latin decent have to be like that, and their characters all have to act like the worst stereotypes you could think up? Just go out there and wrestle, your not a gangbanger, nor are you tough in real life, let's just do the damn match without acting like a bad cartoon and get it over with. Speaking of bad stereotypes how about Daivari? Or excuse me, Sheik Abdul Bashir. Ok, I know this guys brother, he works with the same group I do, they both have that shitty Muslim terrorist, anti American gimmick that has already been done a million times. It's reinforcing stereotypes and it makes them and their race look bad, so throw him out the window too. I can't really think of much good to say about any of them in TNA, I could think of 3 for insignificant reasons, that's it. Like I said COMPLETE OVERHAUL!!!
I'm gonna go with: no one. I really think TNA's roster is too large right now. There is not enough TV to develop an interesting and meaningful storyline for their current wrestlers. TNA has one hell of a talented roster right now. Just the way it is. They need to center their focus on the development of these guys. They have a fair mix of both young guys and established stars, most of which aren't getting any attention other than a filler match for Impact once a month.
Sid Vicious... If WWE won't sign him, they could bring him in. Plus, he'd be a great suprise as a new member of the MEM. Wouldn't it be cool? Yes it would!

And Paul Heyman as creative director. Now.... I don't think he's the best but doable for TNA... Paul would like to try to sock it to Vince... Bischoff would be a long shot.... I think Heyman would be a good investment.
I would cut a few stars like Rock N Rave Infection, Scott Steiner, Kevin Nash, Sting, Shark Boy & B.G. & Kip James cause all of them are a waste of space & money. I would sign Elijah Burke cause he was underutilized in WWE & his full potential hasn't been discovered yet. I could also see them signing a couple of INDY stars just so they can build their own names from the bottom up.
First, fire Jeff Jarrett, Cute Kip, Eric Young, Jimmy Rave, Lance Rock, Shark Boy, Samoa Joe, Booker T, Kevin Nash, Scott Steiner, and I hate to say it, but Sting. Drop the whole Knockout division too

They can be replaced by A-Train, Big Daddy V, Elijah Burke, D-Lo Brown, Juventud Guerrera, Kanyon, Kidman, O'Haire, Raven, Richards, Saturn, Sean Waltman, Tajiri, Test

Cornette and Heyman would be on creative, and would be assisted by Lance Storm, who would be an outside consultant so he wouldn't have to travel

The money from the big contracts of Booker, Nash, Steiner, Joe, and Sting can easily be used to bring in a couple WWE guys like Shelton Benjamin and William Regal to take over at the main event level. Then TNA can spend more money on advertising, putting commericals on every major network during major prime time shows such as Lost or American Idol
You're saying Shelton, Big Daddy V and X-Pac are bigger draws than Joe, Sting or Booker? I'd like some of whatever you're on.
You're saying Shelton, Big Daddy V and X-Pac are bigger draws than Joe, Sting or Booker? I'd like some of whatever you're on.

Joe, Sting and Booker don't draw anything anymore(well, Joe never did). Shelton Benjamin would definitely be an improvement over them. Big Daddy V wouldn't be expected to draw as a main eventer, but could be put in a manageable program with someone like Abyss or Matt Morgan. X-Pac would at the very least be someone to lead the X-Division, although he could also have a strong main event program with AJ to test the waters for another main event run.
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