Who could TNA sign to Improve its Roster

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X-Pac? LOL! Why in the fuck would they sign that washed up has been? lol. And fuck those shitty ass indy guys, they really suck. All they do is jump around tea-bag each other.
Or they could sign SCOTTY GOLDMAN and have him win the TNA TITLE IN HIS DEBUT!!!! LOL!

Actually I think picking up Colt Cabana aka Scotty Goldman would be a great signing. If they let him work unlike WWE he could be surprising.

Sean Waltman/X-Pac would be about the most stupid signing. He's nothing at this point and really only works when he's in a past stable. He has a terrible look, is past his prime and is a risk with his personal choices.

Pretty much no one they sign outright will help them all that much. I'd love to see them sign Nigel McGuinnes as I think he's a good worker and has a great look. I think Lashely would be interesting even though I'm not the biggest fan, but his price is probably too high. I'd love to see them bring back Austin Aries and not try to change him.

I think a Briscoe Bros. vs. LAX would be a money feud that fans would but into and enjoy.
i would say bring in amy dumas for the knockout division. big time name regonition, of course she couldnt be lita anymore since the name is trademarked hmm then again i dont know. when she left the wwe she wasnt on the top of her wrestling game. since she broke her neck she hadnt been the same when it came to competeting...i'd aslo say try to bring in trish stratus.

for booking, i'd say bring in Paul Heyman. the guy is a genius.
Id like see Goldberg in the six sided ring. I know he is not a favorite on these forums, but you cant deny he is a big name and draw. I could see him feuding with the Mafia. He has a history with Nash and Steiner. He has not had a high profile match with Sting, Booker, or Angle. Id like to see him squash a few of the the X division losers that will never amount to anything, I wont use any names.
I have said it once, I will say it again. the person they should hire is _____ _____. Some body we have never heard before. Nobody famous from the WWE, would improve it. Kurt angle has slightly. but Foley? what has he done to improve TNA?

thats right, Nothing.
Three names come to mind: Ken Shamrock, Chris Hero, & Teddy Hart.

A Ken Shamrock/Kurt Angle feud screams $$$, first of all. We've all wanted to see this go down since Kurt Angle first debuted in the late nineties. Also, a feud with Samoa Joe would go over well, too, since Joe is very good friends with Tito Ortiz and he could even perhaps get Ortiz to make an appearance or two for the company. But the bottom line why I want Shamrock there is because I always thought that the guy was a very good and entertaining professional wrestler. I much prefer him in a pro wrestling ring then an octagon.

Chris Hero is just great. He's one of the very best promo cutters on the independent wrestling scene (doesn't matter if he's being funny or serious... the guy is always gold on the mic), and he knows how to work in that ring. He gets heat as well as anyone, and he's very, very athletic for his height, but doesn't overkill with high spots at the same time. Why this guy is not signed with TNA or WWE.... I'll never understand.

And lastly, I just think Teddy Hart would be a phenomenal addition to the X Division. Yeah they tried it once before and it didn't work out, but what's the harm in trying it again? The talent is there, so the risk is more then worth it, in my opinion. The guy is too talented to not be in the one the big two, and there's no way his attitude is as bad as some of the other names in TNA. No fucking way.
one man could drive the rating up for tna. he's a former world and amatuer champ. a fued with angle would be great in tna. at least i would watch it. BROCK LEASNAR. i would love to him in tna and i think since he has a ufc title tna could grab some ufc fans as well as casuals.
I dont think its a matter of who can TNA sign to improve their roster... TNA are still a very very young company. They need to push the X-Division into the spotlight a little more as it is one thing that stands out and something that WWE doesnt have!
RVD, Rob Van Dam. He is one of the most popular guys in pro wrestling, if not the most popular guy. All they would need to do is let him do whatever he wants to do off the ring and not suspend him for it. I believe he is 39, and if he is like Sting or any other TNA wrestler, that means he has at least 5-10 more years. He would also be the mega face they need and if he were to come they could turn Joe heel.
The problem I see with RVD is that he has no purpose. He's just RVD. Who's he supposed to feud with? There's no natural in for him.

With someone like Lesnar or Lashley the immediate feud is Kurt Angle. It makes total sense.
Why don't TNA try and sign some of the indy wrestlers that would be great additions to the X division or even heavyweight division.Some names that spring to mind:

PAC:From what I have seen from him,this guy is fucking incredible.The spots he hits are insane and would be an incredible addition to the struggling X division.He can hit so many moves that defy belief.i would love for him to come.he can hit standing shooting stars among others.

Jack Evans:^^^See PAC^^^.Oh yeah,don't forget the 630!

Johnny Storm:They don't call him the wonderkid for nothing.He is very talented and I have seen him put on incredible matches with Jody Fleisch and Aj Styles.A great addition.

Jody Fleisch:A great high flyer who deserves a place in the Impact zone.Storm v Fleisch anyone.

And my favourite...
Tyler Black:How he hasn't been signed yet is beyond me.This guy would totally kick ass in the X division.He is excellent.I love his moveset,his flying abilities,everything.A valuable asset who I hope enters the hexagon pretty soon.
The problem I see with RVD is that he has no purpose. He's just RVD. Who's he supposed to feud with? There's no natural in for him.

With someone like Lesnar or Lashley the immediate feud is Kurt Angle. It makes total sense.

I disagree with this. I think there are plenty of possible feudings for RVD to come into. The first one that comes to mind is Booker T, playing on the former tag partners angle.

And the athleticism and buzz that matches like RVD/Styles RVD/Samoa Joe or RVD/Daniels would draw would overshadow the need for any real intense storylines. Give one of them the title and bring RVD in as a challenger, and that's all you need.

Rob Van Dam is probably the biggest drawing free agent right now (barring the legends who can't wrestle regularly or spectacularly.) He would help draw a lot of attention to TNA.
And my favourite...
Tyler Black:How he hasn't been signed yet is beyond me.This guy would totally kick ass in the X division.He is excellent.I love his moveset,his flying abilities,everything.A valuable asset who I hope enters the hexagon pretty soon.

I couldn't agree more.

He reminds me so much of a fusion between someone like Billy Kidman and CM Punk.

TNA's X-Divison has significantly weakened since Joe, AJ, and Daniels were pushed to the top card.

Kaz is out injured and they've essentially been circulating around Bashir, Shelly, Sabin, and "Suicide". Pretty long drop off from names like Jerry Lynn, Low Ki, Daniels, Styles, Samoa Joe, etc.

Tyler Black would be incredible for the X-Division.

And although I'm unaware of his contractual status within the WWE – Gregory Helms would be another target of mine to push the X-Division back into a realm of respectability.
Tyler Black is an excellent choice but here is the beauty of him...he's only 22 years old. Let him marinate in ROH for a bit...he's going to be a superstar so why not let him take in more advice from Danielson, Nigel, Aries etc.? He moves on to TNA (he would tank in WWE) and becomes a megastar...
I used to think Jack Evans had skills but once I watched a few of his matches I realized that he does the exact same thing every match. His no high flying skills are below average and their are a ton of young independent talent that have both abilities.

Bryan will most likely not resign with ROH and go into mma but if TNA could snag him up it would bring new life into the x-division.
i would say bring in amy dumas for the knockout division. big time name regonition, of course she couldnt be lita anymore since the name is trademarked hmm then again i dont know. when she left the wwe she wasnt on the top of her wrestling game. since she broke her neck she hadnt been the same when it came to competeting...i'd aslo say try to bring in trish stratus.

for booking, i'd say bring in Paul Heyman. the guy is a genius.

I agree, bringing in Heyman would be the best thing TNA could do in their current situation. Remember the ECW under Heyman had a cult like following, that is exactly what TNA needs. Pull them out of Universal Studios, get away from the PG rated product that WWE is forcing down our throat, and give the fans another option.

Bring in Heyman for the booking, just keep him away from the checkbook.
I agree, bringing in Heyman would be the best thing TNA could do in their current situation. Remember the ECW under Heyman had a cult like following, that is exactly what TNA needs. Pull them out of Universal Studios, get away from the PG rated product that WWE is forcing down our throat, and give the fans another option.

Bring in Heyman for the booking, just keep him away from the checkbook.

TNA doesn't follow the PG model that WWE does, which I think in the long term is a better move for them. Eventually the real wrestling fans (not the 9 year olds who buy the merchandise then grow out of it) are going to get sick of the failed commercial product and will want to see actual wrestling, and that's when TNA will start growing more.
I would argue TNA doesn't need TOO many outside wrestlers. TNA has all of the weapons in hand to make a compelling, fresh, and innovative product. They just need to learn to utilize them.

Shelley, Sabin, Daniels, Styles, Abyss, Lethal, Storm, Roode, Angle, Joe, Kazarian, Basir, Foley, Creed, LAX, and even a couple of their WWE castaways like Booker T, Rhino, etc.

These guys need to get more focus/ they need to focus on bringing in more guys like this and capitalize on what WWE was lacking, like TNA was doing in their early years (when they were really good.) Have the most athletic wrestlers, the most innovative matches, best brawls, have wrestlers do moves instead of the kick-punch combos that have become the mainstay of WWE repertoires, Value your undercard with focus on the X Division and Tag Division, have the better and more expansive tag division, lose the ridiculousness 20-30 minute talking segments, quit pushing crappy guys (like Steiner and Nash), etc.

TNA was once my favorite product by far, during the weekly PPV era, and even a little into the Impact era. They definitely have the talent, and the "hardcore smark" fans they once targeted and need to retarget will buy into them and make them. 9 out of 10 people on the TNA roster are great wrestlers, they're just undervalued and buried beneath the few stars at the top.

TNA has the tools in hand, it just needs to utilize them all.
I agree with you there Mr. Riptide, but those young guys need to be utilized AFTER people hear about and tune into TNA. I started watching TNA because I heard about Sting. Then Kurt Angle jumped. But every PPV there after, the X-Division gimmick matches stole the show and made me convinced that TNA was something special. For right now, TNA is on the up and up, and they should focus on getting bigger NOW before focusing on long term product. It isn't like the MEM vs Frontline storyline is awful, it's a way for the old guys to give a rub to the young guys. It'll eventually lead to a Frontline victory and hopefully by then TNA will have a respectable fanbase and can focus more on the developmental side, rather than worrying about ratings and whether or not they'll be able to re-new their contract with Spike (although from what I've read Spike is more than pleased with what they're doing now, which is pretty much the same as ECW)
I dont think its a matter of who TnA should sign its a matter of using and promoting their on talent as stars. i love TnA im a huge fan and the main event mafia angles isnt bad but having mick foley as your champ is... its time to rely on guys who started the company with the (aJ, Daneils,Samoa Joe etc..) but if i had to chose someone mentions Paul heyman for backstage purpose booking and what not and that would be very smart hes very knowledgeable about the business and know wat hes doing i think he could help TNA very much in a good way
David Flair- To reunite with Daffney of course.

Paul Heyman- To be a booker and possibly an on air role as a manager or something.

Victoria- A solid female wrestler that would fit right in with the TNA Knockouts division.

Joey Styles- To replace Mike Tenay (the absolute worst play by play guy in this business.) Furthermore I'd move the Road Dogg/B.G. James (whatever you want to call him) to color commentary. It's a strange pairing I know, but I think it'd work out.

As far as the careers of Mike Tenay and Don West are concerned, I'd fire Mike Tenay, but I might possibly keep Don West. I wouldn't use him as a color commentator, but I think he has enough charisma to possibly be a decent manager or interviewer or something like that.
God I'd love to see David Flair and Daffney back together. When Russo and Ferrara went to WCW along with Norman Smiley and 3 count he was one of the guys they booked best. They might not have got the main eventers over in that few months but they definitely got the lower card guys up in popularity.

Heyman will never happen, he criticises TNA too much. Plus I think his brand of wrestling is kinda stuck in the past. It's more nostalgic than anything. Think if he started a wrestling company tomorrow it'd fall flat on it's ass.
Kenny Dykstra
other people were bashing him in another feud, but i think he never got over the Spirit Squad.
Put him in the X-Division, he can carry that division on his back for a few years and then become a solid main eventer.

I like this idea. Kenny is talented, and pretty good at drawing heel heat when he gets the chance. I think he would work well in the midcard.

I would like to see them make a run at RVD. Make the Frontline AJ, Joe, Eric Young, 3D, Daniels and RVD. Then, have Angle and Sting kiss and make up so the MEM can be a bit more filled out.
how about bringing in a free agent otherwise known as dlo brown or sean waltmen or bringing back in babg or rd otherwise known as cute kip and blow job james. Bring in some mid card vets that are x tna ppv only guys. Even lance storm will be a nice additin. Someone with name value that can end up carying on the tna origional name, they need a cople more solid mid carders with nice tna legacy to bring in
how about bringing in a free agent otherwise known as dlo brown or sean waltmen or bringing back in babg or rd otherwise known as cute kip and blow job james. Bring in some mid card vets that are x tna ppv only guys. Even lance storm will be a nice additin. Someone with name value that can end up carying on the tna origional name, they need a cople more solid mid carders with nice tna legacy to bring in

B.G. & Kip still work for TNA. They're Backstage Agents now. Kip mostly works with the Knockouts.
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