Who should be fired from TNA?

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I don't know that I would say fire him, but come on all, they need to do something else with Petey Williams. I like "The Canadian Destroyer", and he is a damn fine wrestler. He has athletic ability oozing out of his ears, but this was the best they could come up with for him? To be a lckey to Scott Steiner? Steiner's Mini-me? I actually like Steiner, I think he is a great heel that really can get under peoples skin, but this with the "Maple Leaf Muscle" crap has to go. This is as bad as the Shark Boy Stone Cold gimmick that just irritated the Hell out of me and I'd really hate Jay Leathal, but at least he is good with the Macho Man gimmick. It's the WWE junior thing that's getting old. Back to Petey Williams, the man is awesome in that ring and really needs to go back to what he was before because this Steiner Jr. crap is killing him. I hate him, and it's not perse his fault, but the gimmick sucks. It's not funny, it's not entertaining, it's just garbage, plain and simple.
1.) Kip James
2.) BG James
3.) Raisha Saeed
4.) Rhaka Kahn
5.) Kevin Nash

I would NOT let Samoa Joe go...nor Sting (Are you people wasted?) Just because Sting's not the "new generation of wrestling", doesn't mean he doesn't draw. Sting's still got some gas left in the tank and he's working with the younger guys, getting the next genreation ready (He's put over Abyss, Samoa Joe, James Storm, Chrsitian Cage, and others).

Scott Steiner's in the same boat as Sting, though he really can't go anymore. But he's still working with younger guys (Petey Williams in particular...I hate the Petey Pump gimmick, but at least its putting him on television again).
Scott Steiner. Why?

Cause now we have Petey Williams,the same man but improved.No Roids,more charisma,more skills,more fun in his matches,no jackass's attitudes.


Little Petey Pump >>>>> Scott Steiner

Of course...fire Rhaka Khan too.total waste of money
Kevin Nash, Scott Steiner, Sting and Jeff Jarrett are all guys who can't work a good match or feud anymore. As far as their use to TNA, it's not really much. I know Double J owns the company and all, but if he were a regular member of the roster, he should be sent packing right now. TNA needs to stop focusing on all these guys who haven't been entertaining since the dying days of WCW.
#1. THE ANOUNCERS: I would agree with a change in the announce team is needed. I am voting for replacing Tenay and West. I would definitely never bring back Hermie Sadler. Waste of time and money....and yes, he has a contract from what I have read. Out of boredom and nothing better to watch late night on a Saturday, I tuned into Impoact for a short time. I heard Hermie Sadler rambling on and still can't tell you what he said. I would not want to be the closed captioning person on that assignment...decipher this! He is not that big of a Nascar celebrity so, I don't see him bringing new Nascar fans to TNA. However, the following segment, I saw Cornette at the desk for a small piece and liked him there. He would be someone that I would not mind seeing on the regular announce team as the "commissioner" and announcer. He was kinder to my ears than West and his wrestling experience and knowledge would give some credibility to what is being said and done. I have tons of ideas and comments for the announcer's desk that do not include West and Tenay. They are boring and not selling me anything.

#2. LAUREN: I liked Crystal better than Lauren as back stage interviewer (and I am not her relative). From a female viewer stand-point, Crystal is more likeable than Lauren. Lauren comes off as trying to hard and fake....just my opinion. If Crystal is not available to return, I would get a new female backstage interviewer.

#3. Johnny Devine - In my opinion, he does not bring anything to the roster. When Team 3D can't help sell you as a legitimate heel to fans, you have a problem! This statement applies to his resignation reasoning more than any other person on the roster...he does not fit in with creative direction. He is stuck with the kendo stick and his look. I gave him the benefit of the doubt as a member of Serontonin but, he is just not worth keeping. He is awful with the fans. I will spare you details about meeting him in person at an Impact signing after the show. He would be the first to go and has overstayed his welcome. Hotel 6 will even shut their lights off for him.

#4. Kip & BG - they are pretty much toasted when it comes to fans giving a rat's hairy ass about them. I would let them go...friends or not. Business and friendship mix like water and oil when it comes to making decisions like this. They are not bringing anything beneficiary to the roster. The fans are not buying what they are doing.

#5. Rhaka Khan - definitely. I never understood why she was there in the first place. Does Steiner need a woman to protect him? I thought he was the tough, booty daddy? She offers nothing to the show or wrestlers that she valets. She doesn't even talk on the mic to promote her wrestlers. She is not that much of a distraction to cause outside interference. She is not involved with the current knockout storylines so, why keep her on the roster?

I would not fire Rock N Rave. I like how they interact and respond to a live crowd. Hoyt is a nice guy when it comes to fan interaction. However, he is a natural heel that people like to hate. He gets heckled and plays it up well. I have seen him wake-up a dead, hot and tired Impact Zone crowd that was not responding with some silly gestures and comments. They are natural heels that people like to hate so, I would keep them the way that they are. They are naturals for promoting the upcoming video game since they are guitar heroes. They could feud over who is better at the demo game in the backstage with Machine Guns. Then carry that feud from the backstage to the ring. The video game wars could last for a few weeks. If any of the creative team spent anytime at all on the Xbox 360 online just listening, they would have an instant storyline for those teams arguing over cheat codes, glitches and other general cheating like the gamers. I have four gamers in my house and hear it without touching a video game. It would sell perfect with their characters.

I would keep Steiner as an attraction. He is one of the few wrestlers that are in shape and exotic to the eye. He sells as a face or heel so, he can fit into a storyline anyplace. He is fragile when it comes to injury but that is par the course when you have a build like Steiner. He is larger than the average bear. Sorry, I have been watching Boomerang on Thursdays. Regardless of injury, he is a good attraction to the fans visually.

I would re-package Kevin Nash. I would not put him on the roster as a wrestler. You can feel his pain when he is in the ring. I would put him on the announcer's table or use him backstage to promote upcoming guys and storylines. He is another attraction that people like to see but, I agree his actual wrestling skills are limited due to his health conditions and prior injuries. Keep him but, not as an active wrestler. Interference once in awhile or meddling is ok.

AS for the gimmick guys, I would keep them for awhile longer. I saw the skit where Curry Man and Shark Boy were looking for So Cal Val's ring. I liked Curry Man's interaction with the Beautiful People. I thought he was funny and that part was decently put together. They have a fan base - believe it or not. However, I would consider using Daniel's in a double mode. I would use him as Curry Man and Fallen Angel. He is in good enough shape to wrestle more than one match a night. I wouldn't do it every week. I would even consider puttinig someone else (seriously) - Jeff Jarrett or maybe Eric Young- into the Curry man costume for a Chris Daniel's vs Curry Man match. That would be something to watch and talk about.

As for gimmick characters, I like the dark gothic, heel characters and miss seeing them - Raven. Mesias, Serontonin, James Mitchell, etc. I am not a goth person but like that style of character. It offers another dimension to the storyline. Comic books, romance novels and movies all have dark characters and they sell. The dark characters offer something different than the typical heel. I used to see "goth-looking" fans waiting in line to see Raven / Serontonin when I first came to the arena that are no longer there. There is a market for the darker characters so, Fallen Angel should come back to the TNA roster- along with a few other darker characters... it would help.

I do think that TNA should encourage the wrestlers to get in shape. As for Joe, round is a shape - but, does not apply. I am not talking about steroid filled and over the top looking but, toned and healthier. These guys should be in better shape. I have seen puffing and panting. As a female viewer, these guys should look more polished and exotic than a guy that I pass in Publix while grocery shopping. Some carry the bigger frame better than others. Bubba is one who can get away with being over the normal BMI. However, Joe needs some intervention. He is getting too big for his britches - horizontally. I don't want to see a real heart attack during a match!
I stumbled across this board by accident, but the premise intrigued me. As someone who hasn't watched TNA since 2005, its kind of shocking to hear some of these complaints! Not that I am a stupid smark and jsut dont like TNA because i like ROH and WWE, but its really not on at convinient times for me to watch. So, where did all this Joe hating begin? it seems as though when i last was a regular wathcer of TNA, people were pissing and moaning because he dint have the belt? hes a fantastic worker from what i remember, but i mainly saw him live at roh shows. I don't know, it jsut seems like there is a lot of hate and complaining going on with TNA right now, makes me wonder why all of you guys watch it in the first place! even at the last ROH show i went to, people were chanting "fuck TNA" at the Motor City Machine Guns. When did tna become the new fed to hate? long live pro wrestling, let's try not to forget that we watch it because we like it, and if we dont like it, we can watch something else....
I'd say firstly, and I doubt this will be popular but Sting, he's over-rated in the ring, over-rated on the mic, his character is far too soft and mild to bring and realistic drive or intensity to a story line.

Scott Stiner, slightly better than sting on the mic and character wise, but these days is the bad side of horrible in the ring. And his drawing power I think is questionable.

All of the announcers need to either be fired or the dynamic shook up greatly. It's been said that announcers aren't important to viewers but they are the glue that holds a tv show together and can greatly shape the feel of a show. Bad or annoying announcers can make casual viewers turn over very quickly, they flow over and around every aspect and moment of a show. They are the one continuetly throughout any and every show. If a narrator on a documentary talked annoying pointless crap throughout, it would ruin the entire thing and loose a shed load of viewers.

I can't believe they released James Mitchell. He's a talent like no-one else in TNA or WWE. To say they have "nothing for him" or whatever shows an obvious narrow mindedness of creativity.

Nash I don't think should be released, he can add a lot to a show without ever going near the ring and is worth keeping around for that.
Easy KAZ - The guy is as bland as a really bland man eating bland pie while driving his bland-mobile on his way to Blandstown for a work conference.
He doesnt have the look, seriously he doesnt and I havent seen the skill that people say he has. I saw the KOTM match on iMPACT and I dont think he delivered at all but more importantly than that I just dont care about him. I dont like him and I dont hate him, I am indifferent which to me is worse than hate, cause if I hate someone I want to see them get their arse handed to them but I dont.

I really dont care about Samoa Joe either, but he was in the match that made me interested about TNA, the triple threat with him, AJ and Daniels. Other than those two, I either like or hate everyone else, which is a good thing I guess.
imma come out and agree with a few people here, i do think firing samoa joe would be idiotic, but i will say he is useless right now. he is bland, his matches arent entertaining, and im not impressed with him anymore. we can go through the last few ppvs, has he put on any good match...... king of the mountain was whack, the last few ppvs vs booker t were whack, the triple threat with steiner and kaz was whatever, honestly here is the list of people that joe can put on a good match with, AJ, Angle (Even though im tired of seeing them fight, and wasnt impressed by the lockdown match), Christian, and Christopher Daniels. Other then those guys, you will get a joe who is a shell of himself, he isnt a monster like he used to be, and his promos, althoug they seem passionate, they seems so fake and it seems like he tries too hard and it makes them suck. Overall dont fire joe but get the title of him and repack him to how he was in ROH, TNA isnt WWE, they can put on ROH style matches.

Sting - get him the fuck out. he drinks up all of TNAs money, rarely ever shows up, he has been a has been for 10 years, he was already going down hill at the end of wcw, a match with sting and AJ would not even be entertaining and the fact that that is true should really tell you something. get rid of sting.

Nash - put him in the back, he belons nowhere near the ring, give him a general manager role or something, get him away from joe, he makes joe look like a tool.

Sharkboy, Super Eric, and other dumb gimicks - get rid of super eric, and jus have eric young, sharkboy make him how he was before without the stonecold rip off, if TNA had a legit x divison, they could use him in those matches only , it would be fine and he could be entertaining, same with curryman, i would prefer christopher daniels though.

Matt Morgan - people will think im crazy but ill say it, WHAT THE FUCK is Matt Morgan doing in TNA, maybe the last month and a half after his rough cut segments, what has he done, SMASH JOBBERS, who cares. what does this guy do to elevate the product, absolutely nothing. He is talented but booked incorrectly and i dont think they can save him, he is too far gone.

Finally, Abyss - wtf has this guy been doing, either hurry up and move forward with this new storyline of his or get him the fuck off tv. Im tired of seeing him save the day, who cares, get him in a match. But then again, his matches suck, he is a mankind rip off and im tired of seeing his hardcore matches, they are boring now.

I think im just a bit selfish, i think a lot of people should be fired in TNA and i think the x division should be brought back to the spotlight, that is the only reason why i ever watched tna. i just think of the days when it was jerry lynn vs aj vs low-ki in a triple threat ladder match for the x division title. sigh... those days are too far gone
People who should be fired:
1. Vince Russo - Sorry Russo, you are not the man TNA needs to build a company around creatively.
2. Dutch Mantel - Puerto Rico called, they want you back.
3. Scott Steiner - I like Scott, but he just can't be productive like he needs to be for TNA.
4. Sting - Again, I like Sting, nothing but respect for him. Now is the time for TNA to free up some cash in the budget and give more time to developing young talent. It's time for Sting to go to the WWE so that we can enjoy one last productive dream run, get into the WWE Hall of Fame and do his career DVD.
5. Abyss - TNA isn't going to do anything good with him. Let him go to the WWE and sharpen his skills as far as character and being an entertainer, then TNA can steal him back and give him a great run.
6. Curry Man - Fire Curry Man and Hire Christopher Daniels ;)
7. and 8. BG James and Kip James - TNA doesn't know how to use them. Let them go back to the WWE and feud with Cryme Tyme.
9. and 10. Jimmy Rave and Lance Rock - Fire them because no one cares about them anyway. Rave will go back to ROH and Lance will join his long lost twin brother Test as a personal trainer in Tampa.
11. Jacqueline - Time has passed her by, Time to join Ivory, Terri and Tori in the Diva retirement home.
12. Karen Angle - Useless.
13. Don West - Useless.
14. SoCal Val - Also Useless.

Use the money you save on these 14 fired "talents" and hire some up-and-coming new talent and hire Paul Heyman to actually book the show the way it should be.
Scott Steiner. Steiner hasn't been able to be anything but a disturbing freak since WCW and a useless jobber although slightly entertaining tag team guy in WWF. And I hate his goddamn attitude, blasting Hunter and Flair. I just do not like the guy at all. If the Wellness Policy was in effect when he wasted our time with his WWE tenure, he'd receive 15 violations on his first day. Or at least be gone for 30, then 60 days and never seen again.

Don West. C'mon, he's the worst announcer I've ever heard, and I've had to watch ECW while Mike Adamle was play-by-play guy. His voice is more annoying than that of Candice, and THAT sirs, is an acknowledgement.
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